Home Gambling Poker Strategy – Essential Poker Tips To Help You Ace Your Game
Johanna Gullberg
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Poker strategy can be a complicated beast. With all the different types of poker, player styles, and additional rules, mastering the game is difficult. Despite this, developing a good poker strategy is entirely possible; you only have to learn more about the game.

This guide will explain the best poker strategies. You will learn the skills you need at any level, from your first game of poker to taking on seasoned professionals. As you read, keep in mind that the strategies I discuss below take time to master, so don’t rush through them.

Poker Face

Poker Strategy Fundamentals

If you want to succeed at poker, you need to start with the basics of how to play poker, just like a pianist needs to learn scales before playing Mozart. This includes knowledge about the game and some elements of basic strategy.

Basic Poker Strategy Tips

While many elements go into developing the ultimate poker strategy, it all starts with the basics. By following along with the best poker tips, you can achieve some early success even if you haven’t fully mastered the game.

  1. Consistency is key: Choosing and following a strategy will serve you well in the long run. Making a big bet or going in on a lackluster hand just because you’re feeling lucky will turn out poorly more times than it will pay out.
  2. Don’t play every hand: If you get poor cards right off the bat, you are generally better off not playing them. Playing every weak hand just to see how it goes will siphon off money each time you call a blind.
  3. Be aggressive when necessary: If you start with a good hand or have good cards, don’t be afraid to be aggressive. You may scare away other players now and then, but the pots they stick around for will be larger as a result.
  4. Recognize that even a good hand can lose: A good hand may seem like something you should hold on to for dear life. However, even a good hand can lose, and sinking all your money into it could be disastrous.
  5. Keep your emotions in check: Getting angry, upset, or even happy can negatively affect your game. Doing so will cause you to make unorthodox or dangerous moves.

Adapt Your Strategies to Your Chosen Poker Games

One of the most important things to understand about poker strategies is that they are all very different. Your strategy for a game of Texas Hold ’em will be entirely different than for a game of Omaha. This is essential to know in order to enjoy a good poker game.

Texas Hold ’em Poker Strategy

Perhaps the most important element of Texas Hold ’em poker strategy is identifying how strong your starting hand is. Your odds of winning can vary dramatically depending on what you are dealt at the very beginning. This can help you determine whether it is worth staying in the game or just folding and moving on.

This logic trend continues as the game progresses. Understanding your statistical likelihood to win based on what you have will guide your decisions from that point onward.

Three-Card Poker Strategy

The optimal three-card poker strategy is only to play hands that beat the game’s average hand: queen-6-4. This hand is beaten by half of all three-card poker hands and beats half of all other hands. So, if you have a hand better than queen-6-4, you are on the winning half of all possible three-card poker hands.

Using this strategy, you should play any hands that are better than queen-6-4, no matter what they are. The inverse is true if your hand is worse than queen-6-4, as you should fold in these instances.

Omaha Poker Strategy

Omaha is similar to Texas Hold ’em in that you are dealt a starting hand and use that hand alongside community cards to build your final hand. However, you are dealt cards differently and assemble your final hand differently.

Because of this, one of the key elements of Omaha poker strategy is fully understanding the game. This means knowing what kind of hand does well and what kind doesn’t. Fully memorizing this information will seriously increase your chances in any Omaha game.

This is especially true if you come to Omaha from another type of poker game. A starting hand of two aces is fantastic in Texas Hold ’em but may not develop well in Omaha. Similarly, a flush is very strong in Hold ’em but only strong in Omaha if it is a particularly high flush.

Position and Starting Hands

Two things immediately impact any game of poker: your position and starting hand. These two factors dramatically influence your chances of winning before anything else happens.

Poker Table Position Is Key

Your position in the deal order matters more than most beginner players think it does. This is mostly because later players will have access to more information by the time play reaches them than earlier players will. They can then fine-tune their strategy based on what everyone else is doing.

In general, an earlier player will have to play more conservatively. They should generally only continue to play with the best hands and should give up on moderate or weak hands.

The further a player is in the order, the more daring they can be. A later player may have more success with a riskier hand. Plus, a more aggressive play style often suits a later player better.

Learn Which Hands Are Worth Playing – And Which Ones Are Not

You can see your starting hand in most poker games before anything happens. Some starting hands give you a good chance of winning, while others do not.

It is up to you to memorize this information. Memorizing a chart of the best starting hands can help you know which ones to play and which to avoid.

Poker Betting Strategies

Everyone approaching the game should be aware of basic poker betting tactics. These include poker strategies for beginners and tips that are generally helpful for any player. This section will explain some general poker strategies and specific Texas Hold ’em poker tips concerning betting.

Play Solid Poker Early

Winning poker techniques all start at the very beginning. Playing solid poker means playing solid poker from the very start.

This begins with fully understanding all the rules and limits of the game you are playing. It also means fully understanding the elements of the basic poker strategy that you and your opponents will be using. Coming to the table without this knowledge puts you at a disadvantage.

Understanding Pot Odds

Pot odds are calculated by comparing the current size of the pot against the size of the current bet. If there is $60 in the pot and the bet is $20, the pot odds are 3:1. This means that if you call, you are essentially making a $20 bet with a chance of winning $60.

You can then use pot odds to help you determine whether to call a bet. If the pot odds are better than the odds your hand has of winning, you should generally make the bet.

For example, imagine you have a hand with around a 50% chance of winning. Your opponent makes a $20 bet to bring the size of the pot up to $60, which means the pot odds are 3:1. Since the pot odds (3:1) are better than your odds of winning (2:1), it is advisable to make a bet.

Bet Sizing

Bet sizing can be hard for many players to figure out. However, knowing when to make big bets and when to make small ones plays a role in all of the best strategies for poker. This is where the very enticing pot odds can come into play again.

For example, if you make a bet that is a quarter the size of the pot, you are offering the next player 5:1 odds. These are pretty nice odds, so there is a good chance the player will take the bet, assuming they have decent cards. However, if you make a bet that is half the size of the pot, you offer 2:1 odds, making it slightly less attractive.

You can use this knowledge to help influence other players’ actions. You can tailor your bets depending on whether you want them to stay or fold.

Value Betting

Value betting is when you believe you have better cards than your opponent and make a bet that reflects this. In some ways, it is the opposite of bluffing, where you don’t believe you have good cards and are hoping your bet scares away other players.

Because of this, value betting is one of the biggest poker skills to master. It is what allows you to have a big pot with a winning hand. Otherwise, those good cards will go to waste on a pot that barely makes you anything.

When To Check-Raise

Many lists of poker tips and tricks include when to use a check-raise. This is when you check in a round of betting, only to raise when the bet comes back to you.

A check-raise is a good value bet when you have the best hand. By checking earlier, you may encourage another player to make a bet they wouldn’t have made earlier. So, by the time you raise, there is more money in the pot than there would have been otherwise.

As a bluff, a check-raise helps you get more value from your bluff. It lets players throw in more money before you pull out the bluff, which may cause them to fold.

Solid PreFlop Poker Strategy

If you have strong preflop cards, you can make a bet. Strategic poker play generally advises a bet of around three or four times the big blind.

At this time, you want to avoid limping, which is when you simply call the big blind. This shows a lack of confidence. The only time it is acceptable to limp in is if one or more players have already done so.

Playing Post-Flop

The flop gives you a picture of the range of hands that are currently possible and, thus, also your opponent’s range. Specifically, you’ll want to determine whether there are any straight or flush possibilities.

From here, proceed based on how favorable your statistics are. If your hand improves on the flop, you can place bets. If it doesn’t, you may want to fold rather than continue.

One final thing to consider is whether your hand has any potential. If there is a chance you will make a serious play with just one more card, weigh your chances against the current bet. This is another time where considering pot odds is helpful.

Playing on the Turn

The first thing to do at the turn is look for weaknesses. If your opponent is weak and you are strong, you can be as aggressive as you want. If your opponent is weak and you are also weak, you may be able to force them out with a bluff, though this is much riskier.

If you still don’t have the hand you want, you’ll need to do some calculations again. Take your chances and the pot odds into account when deciding whether to call to see the river.

If your opponent shows strength at the turn, it may be time to fold. Sticking around just to see the final card often isn’t worth it if you don’t believe you have the cards to win.

Playing the River

If you are confident that you have the best hand or that your hand is at least better than your opponent’s, you can feel free to bet as much as you want. If winning is a sure thing, this simply increases the amount you walk away with.

If you aren’t confident, your only real options are to fold or bluff. Even if you have already put a lot of money down, don’t be afraid to fold if you don’t have the cards to win, as this would just play into the sunk-cost fallacy. In addition, bluffing can be very dicey at this stage and is generally only recommended for advanced players.

Reading Your Opponents – How To Play Poker Using Psychology to Your Advantage

Poker is, at its core, a game of numbers and statistics. However, it has an undeniable human element that plays into basic strategy.

Poker Betting Patterns and Physical Tells

Betting patterns tell you how to play in the presence of others. You should watch the size and frequency of their bets, how often they call, and any other details you notice. This proactive strategy keeps your mind focused on any details that could give you a slight edge.

You can put all of this together in actionable ways. For example, if you notice that one player tends to make small bets and is scared off by large raises, you can use this to force them out. Meanwhile, if you notice another player makes reckless bets, you can drive up the value of the pot even further when you have a winning hand.

Some common physical tells include:

  • Change in eye contact
  • Fidgeting
  • Talking

These are all signs of nervousness. Even the amount of time it takes for a player to make their move matters, as a quick bet or raise may indicate they are very confident with what they have.

Keep in mind, though, that these tells are not universal and may present differently in different people. One person may talk more when they are nervous about their cards, but another may talk more when they feel confident in their cards. Pay attention to the level of success each player has when they exhibit a tell to get a better idea of what you are dealing with.

Bluffing Techniques

Bluffing Techniques in Poker

Bluffing forms a big part of playing poker. A well-timed bluff can allow you to win a hand you would otherwise lose. Meanwhile, recognizing a bluff can allow you to claim an easy victory.

When and How To Bluff in Poker

The general rule of bluffing is to bluff when you believe your opponents have weak hands. This may be indicated by their current approach to betting and the range of hands that potentially exist. In these cases, you are trying to indicate that your hand is better and that they have no reason to stick around.

You generally want to avoid bluffing when you think your opponents have strong hands. In these situations, they have the confidence to call your bets. This can cost you a lot in a short amount of time.

Different Types of Bluffs

Some common poker bluffs include:

  • Button raise: This is when the player last in the order, the player who has the button, raises before the flop. This is a common tactic to scare off the other players and make some quick money.
  • Continuation bet: A continuation bet, or c-bet, is one you make after the flop, even if the flop didn’t improve your hand. This is one of the most common plays, as it scares away other players who didn’t connect with anything in the flop.
  • Semi-bluff: The semi-bluff is when you bluff with cards that have potential but aren’t good yet. The hope with this bet is that it scares off other players, but if it doesn’t, there is still a chance your hand will turn into something good later on.
  • Opportunistic bluff: On a hand where everyone is checking or placing small bets, you may see an opportunistic bluff. This is a bluff made by a player who notices that the opponent folds or other players don’t seem enthusiastic about the current cards and takes advantage of their doubts by placing a big bluff.
  • Straightforward bluff: The last type of common bluff is just a plain bluff, pure and simple. It happens when you don’t have anything good, and you are just hoping to throw down enough money to cause everyone else to fold.

Strategies for Pro Poker Players

While some of the poker beginner tips listed above are helpful, they may be old hat to pro poker players. However, there is always room for improvement. By following a few advanced poker strategies, even pro players can get better.


Professional poker players may want to consider multi-tabling. This means playing multiple games at the same time, something only really possible with online poker.

When multi-tabling, you can use a few video poker tips to maintain your edge. These give you your best chance of winning all of the games you have going.

If you are just starting with multi-tabling, slow playing is the way to go to see whether this is for you. Add a game or two, and make sure you keep winning before adding more.

Next, stay focused. Don’t distract yourself with anything else while playing. In addition, you may want to stick to one type of poker variation so that you don’t mix up the rules between games.

When it comes to actual strategy, it is generally better to keep things basic. Making moves that follow the basic poker strategy will ensure some consistency from game to game. Trying something ambitious in one game may result in forgetting what you were doing by the time you make your way back to that game, which could result in losses.

Advanced Hand Analysis

Master chess players spend hours and hours analyzing boards to see what went right and wrong. Since poker is a game of both skill and luck, master poker players should do something similar with poker.

You can analyze your own hands by collecting data yourself. Write down noteworthy hands and how they went. Then, look over your notes later to discover trends.

If you are playing online, there are computer programs that will do this for you. Some even run the analyses themselves and give recommendations. This makes advanced hand analysis one of the essential tips for video poker.

Finally, you can watch hand analyses online. YouTube has many hours of hand analysis content. Watching these videos will give you an in-depth look at games and prepare you for similar encounters in the future.

Playing Against Different Types of Opponents

If you tend to play poker against the same people each time, you are doing yourself a disservice. As soon as you step away from that group, you will expose a variety of biases and unhealthy trends that you have ingrained within yourself. You will also likely find your new opponents far more difficult to read.

The best way to fix this is to change things up. Try playing against different opponents in different settings. This will prepare you for anything and everything in the future.

Adjusting Your Poker Game Strategy in Poker Tournaments vs. Cash Games

Strategy in a regular cash game and poker tournament strategy differ because tournaments are about survival. Folding has more value in a tournament because it means you survive another hand. Meanwhile, an opponent who plays might get knocked out by that hand.

Tournament poker strategy also heavily focuses on the potential for players to make riskier decisions. In cash games, chip losses directly equal monetary losses, but in tournament games, you have to lose all of your chips to lose fully, leading to riskier play. So, in a tournament, you need to be aware of the stack sizes of the players around you.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Playing Poker

The first step in avoiding poker mistakes is to understand them. By doing so, you’ll minimize the number of times you make mistakes in future games.

Common mistakes include:

  • Not understanding the game: Fully understanding the strengths of each starting hand, the range of possible hands, and various elements of strategy are critical parts of the game.
  • Not having a plan: You should never call just to see the next card. You should always have a plan for where you are heading, play tighter, and only stick around if it fits the plan.
  • Not being aggressive: Many beginner poker players have a tendency to simply check or call bets to progress. However, when you have the strategy to back it up, you must play solid and aggressive poker early to make the most of your hand.
  • Reading too much into luck: Some players will bet more when on a “hot streak” or won’t play if they feel unlucky. This can lead to improper play. Generally, play fewer speculative hands.
  • Using excessive aggressive bluffing strategy: Bluffing is a difficult skill to master and can be costly if you don’t get it right. It is generally something to avoid doing too often unless you know what you are doing.

Poker Tools and Resources

Tools and resources mean you don’t have to enter the world of poker alone and unprepared. There’s a wide variety of guides and books to help.

If you are playing online poker, you can download software to assist you. Tracking software can inform your video poker strategy by showing the mistakes you are making or even highlighting your opponent’s mistakes. Meanwhile, some software will display a HUD overlay with vital information. There are many advantages to playing poker online, and we have listed the best online casinos based on category:

Check out more categories in the gambling menu at the top of this page.

Besides this, one of the best poker tools out there is free online poker games. In these games, you don’t bet anything but have a chance to refine your skills. Some will even teach you the game and dish out poker tips for beginners.

Bankroll Management

Managing your bankroll helps you approach poker in a financially sound manner. The top bankroll management tips are as follows:

  • Set limits: When going into poker games, set a limit for the amount of money you are prepared to lose and win. This lets you leave the game before you lose too much or before you have a chance to gamble away your winnings.
  • Only bet what you can afford to lose: The golden rule in gambling, whether playing poker or any other casino game, is not to bet what you can’t afford. Your poker fund should be extra money, not money you need to pay bills.
  • Have enough money to weather some bad hands: In poker, you may deal with a series of bad hands before you get one that you can play with. You must come in with enough money to weather these unlucky periods, or you may bust before you get a chance.
  • Start out small: Stick to lower-limit tables when you start playing poker. This will help you avoid losing money before you clearly know what you are doing.
  • Decide how long you want to play: Before you start playing, have an idea of how long you want to play. This could be a time limit or a limit on the number of hands. This will help you avoid spending hours and hours of your day on poker.


A solid poker strategy is necessary if you want to start mastering poker games. This starts with learning the basics and continues with training and practice. Eventually, this will lead to the best poker strategy for you and your play style.


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Johanna Gullberg

Johanna Gullberg

With over a decade of experience in the online casino industry, Johanna is a seasoned expert and passionate advocate in this field. Her role as Casino Editor at Tech Report is enriched by years of writing specialized iGaming content for several different markets. Johanna is an authoritative source for everything related to online casino gaming, providing insights on where and how to play. Her expertise ensures players have a comprehensive and well-informed gaming experience.