Home VPN Personal Cybersecurity Planning – A Complete Guide, Updated in 2023
William Baxter Junior Tech Editor Author expertise
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Personal cybersecurity planning is more important than ever for businesses and individuals. With the increasing risk of hacks, scams, and online threats, it is important to have strong security measures to protect your digital presence.

However, even starting your cybersecurity journey can be an overwhelming step, especially if you are not tech-savvy.

This comprehensive guide is here to help you through the basic steps to enhance your online safety and security. When it comes to choosing the right tools for your cybersecurity plan, a VPN is right up there at the top of the list with strong passwords and two-factor authentication, and two reliable options stand out: NordVPN and ExpressVPN.

In this article, we’ll take you through the process of creating your own personal cybersecurity plan to ensure that your online presence remains secure.

By the end of this guide, you will have not only the knowledge but also the tools you need to strengthen your online security. NordVPN and ExpressVPN will play an important role in your digital security strategy, protecting your online world.

What Does Personal Cybersecurity Mean?

Personal cybersecurity is the process of protecting our sensitive data, online activities, and digital identities from various threats and vulnerabilities.

We are constantly exposed to a variety of online threats, from cyberattacks and data breaches to identity theft and breaches of our privacy. It’s important to understand that personal cybersecurity is not a solution that suits everyone: it’s an intentional approach that you can leverage to protect your digital presence.

One effective way to develop a personal computer security strategy is to get some guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST has developed comprehensive policies and procedures that provide a reliable foundation for cybersecurity best practices.

These policy charts and policies provide a structured approach to addressing cybersecurity concerns, whether you are an individual, a small business owner, or part of a global enterprise.

NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework is an invaluable resource for personal cybersecurity planning. Built around the basic principles of detection, protection, detection, response, and recovery, it offers a comprehensive approach to managing cybersecurity risks.

This framework allows you to:

  • Identify all your digital assets.
  • Assess your vulnerabilities.
  • Implement protective measures.
  • Detect anomalies or threats.
  • Respond effectively to incidents.
  • Recover swiftly from any potential breaches or losses

By using NIST’s policy templates and framework in your own cybersecurity plan, you can build strong defenses against ever-changing cyber threats. It enables you to systematically manage risks and vulnerabilities and drastically increases the security of your online life.

Should You Take Cybersecurity Seriously?

Yes – you should take cybersecurity very seriously. Failing to prioritize cybersecurity can have huge consequences that, in some extreme cases, can severely affect your personal life and financial well-being. In some instances, personal breaches can even lead to national security concerns.

Let’s find out why you should make cybersafety one of your top priorities.

Think about how much personal information you share online – from your credit reports, medical records, emails, and social media activity, all of these are vulnerable to cyber threats. In 2017, the Equifax data breach exposed the personal data of 147 million people, which highlights the risk of your sensitive information being compromised.

Cyber ​​attacks can cost businesses or individuals significant financial losses. Ransomware attacks, where hackers encrypt your data and demand a ransom in order to release it, have become alarmingly common.

Baltimore experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that cost the city more than $18 million in restoration and mitigation costs.

Plus, cybersecurity is not just a personal or professional issue but also a national security risk. In 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) suffered a massive data breach that exposed sensitive information about federal employees.

Such breaches can compromise the safety and security of a nation, necessitating taking cybersecurity seriously at the societal level.

While these are large-scale examples, even the everyday user is not completely safe. Frauds and hacks have reached an all-time high, what with cybercriminals constantly finding new ways to profit from their crimes. So it’s important that you take cybersecurity seriously, too.

How to Protect Yourself Against Cyberattacks

Protecting yourself against cyber threats is not just a matter of personal safety and personal data: your online identity is tied into your social connectivity, finances, and overall well-being.

The threat of cyberattacks looms larger than ever, making it crucial to prioritize your online security. Here are some of the key steps to consider when it comes to protecting yourself against cyberattacks.

How to Protect Your Devices From Cyberattacks

Because of our dependence on electronic devices, they have become essential parts of our lives. Devices like computers, tablets, smartphones, and even small smart devices can store large amounts of your personal information, making them an attractive target for cyber attacks.

1. Update Your Operating System and Software

One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your devices safe from possible cyberattacks is to make sure your operating system and software are up to date, so double-check your iOS, Android, MacOS, and Windows versions are the latest.

Now, this may sound simple, but security patches are known to fix common vulnerabilities, and updates a regularly released to help keep your devices safe from these.

Update Your Device

Cybercriminals often use these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your device or steal your data. With regular updates, you ensure that your device is equipped with the latest security patches, making it more difficult for attackers to breach your security

2. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Passwords are your first line of defense against unauthorized access to your devices and accounts. It’s important to create a strong, unique password for each account. Strong passwords generally consist of a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.

Avoid using easy-to-find information like your date of birth, family or pet names, and common words for your passwords. You should also consider using a popular password manager to manage more complex passwords – more on those later.

3. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is another form of security that requires you to provide two separate methods to access your accounts or devices. This usually includes something you know (your password) and something you have (a unique code sent to your mobile device or email account).

Enabling 2FA on your account adds a huge deterrent to potential attackers, even if they manage to steal your password, the chances of them being able to intercept a unique code are slim. Many major online services and apps offer 2FA as a way to increase security, including Gmail, Facebook, and many others.

4. Install Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

Antivirus and anti-malware software are necessary to detect and remove malicious software such as viruses, Trojans, and spyware. When you install reliable security software, you create an additional layer of security that helps keep yourself and your devices protected at all times.

It’s important to update your security software regularly to ensure it can detect and neutralize the latest threats in real-time.

In fact, the best antivirus software can even protect companies from costly ransomware attacks, potentially saving them small fortunes. Whether you are a business or an individual, they are an essential component to ensuring the safety of your device.

5. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and send it through a secure server. This approach makes it very difficult for cybercriminals to intercept or monitor your data, increasing your online privacy and security. VPNs are especially useful when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, which are generally insecure and vulnerable to theft.

The top VPNs on the market, such as NordVPN, are well known for their strong encryption, strict no-logs policy, and extensive server networks. Most people seem to use them for unlocking content via their huge array of servers, but they’re so much more than that and offer a good blanket of security on your network and devices.

6. Start Using a Password Manager

Password managers are another great way to ensure your online accounts are secure.

While we’re human, we all have limitations when it comes to memorizing complex and unique passwords for the growing number of online accounts we have. As a result, many individuals can easily rely on guesswork passwords or reuse the same password on multiple websites, which is a dangerous practice

Cybercriminals often target reused or weak passwords to gain unauthorized access to your account, often resulting in identity theft, loss of income, and breach of privacy. However, with one of the top password managers, you use just your master password, biometrics, and 2FA to ensure safety across all of your devices.

How to Protect Your Network From Cyberattacks

As with device security, the importance of network security cannot be overstated. Any breach can have major consequences for all the businesses and/or individuals connected to the network.

While businesses are bigger targets, the threat of cyberattacks is just as significant for private individuals. It’s crucial to secure your network, but don’t panic if you don’t know what steps to take to do so. We’ve created a useful list for you below, which explains some of the basic ways you can improve your network security.

Why Protect Your Network?

Networks enable data to flow and facilitate communication, data exchange, and internet access – they are fundamentally important in everyday life. However, they are also prime targets for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities, which can lead to data breaches, financial loss, and damage to your reputation. Protecting your network is important for several reasons:

  • Data Protection – Networks house a wealth of sensitive and confidential information, and a breach can lead to the exposure of personal, financial, or proprietary data.
  • Business Continuity – For businesses, network security is essential for uninterrupted operations. A successful cyberattack can disrupt time-sensitive processes, lead to downtime, and result in significant financial losses.
  • Privacy Protection – Network security safeguards the privacy of individuals and organizations. Unauthorized access to network data can lead to privacy violations, personal information exposure, and potential identity theft.
  • Preventing Malware Spread – A secure network is less vulnerable to malware infections, minimizing the risk of malware spreading to connected devices and causing data loss or financial damage.

Strategies to Protect Your Network

Below are some of the key ways you can keep your network safe, including updating any old login details, enabling firewalls on your network, and much more.

1. Secure Your Router

Change Default WiFi Name
Routers come with preset WiFi names and random passwords, and sometimes the portal where you control your network has default passwords which can be found online via a quick Google search.

To avoid any unwanted intrusions, it’s best to update your WiFi name and password, as well as the login details to your router.
Turn on Network Encryption
The vast majority of wireless routers have some form of encryption capability built in. However, it’s usually turned off by default on routers. Encryption on your wireless router can help keep your network safe.

Make sure you switch this feature on as soon as your internet provider installs the router. The most widely used encryption method currently in use is WPA2.
Update your Router
Like any software, router firmware occasionally has bugs that, if left unchecked by their creators, might develop into serious security holes.

Download and install the most recent security updates as soon as possible, and always use the most recent software for your router. This will decrease the odds that your Wi-Fi network will be compromised by hackers.
Use a VPN
You can use a VPN to secure your router and any devices it’s connected to, but you have to make sure your router is compatible before doing so.

Alternatively, you could opt for an Aircove router from ExpressVPN – the finest router with built-in VPN protection.

2. Implement Access Control

Implement Strong Passwords
Strong, unique passwords are crucial for network access control. Update these passwords once in a while to minimize the risk of unauthorized access
Use Two-Factor Authentication
Use 2FA wherever possible for added security. 2FA requires you to provide two forms of identification, making it much trickier for attackers to breach your network
Limit Access
Only grant network access to specific devices or people based on their role and needs, reducing potential vulnerabilities further down the line.

3. Activate Firewalls

Use firewalls
Use firewalls at network entry points to filter and block any potentially harmful traffic. Firewalls act as a barrier between your network and the outside world, preventing malicious traffic from entering.

4. Use a VPN

Use a VPN
VPNs like NordVPN and ExpressVPN provide secure and encrypted connections, especially useful when accessing sensitive data over public networks. VPNs add an extra layer of protection for your network traffic.

5. Security Policies and Employee Training

Develop and Enforce Security Policies
Establish robust security policies outlining what is acceptable network usage and best practices for all network users – this helps staff stay on track and avoids potential breaches due to negligence.
Train Employees
It’s wise to provide cybersecurity awareness and best practices training to your employees and any users of a network to prevent insider threats and enhance overall network security.

Can You Protect Your Personal Information When You Go Online?

You can always protect your personal information online if you follow the right steps, but it’s becoming trickier than ever due to the advanced nature of hacks, scams, and other cyber threats. If you’re wondering how they do this, we’ve listed some of the more common ways scammers get hold of your personal information.

Common Scam Method Explanation
Cookies Marketers use cookies to track and monitor your online activity.

These snippets of data can include information on the websites you visit, the products you’re looking at, and your online preferences or habits. This allows them to create a profile based on this data, allowing them to use target advertising.

Social Media All of your social media profiles are full of information about you, your likes, interests, and much more.

They can view your interactions, what you like, share, and any comments – these provide valuable insight into your interest, which allows advertisers to tailor ads based on your online behavior.

Emails If you subscribe to any newsletters, content, or promotions, these may inadvertently expose your email address to tons of marketers.

This can lead to a bombardment of targeted marketing emails and even your data being shared amongst various third-party advertisers.

As much as the above are bothersome, they aren’t exactly illegal, and it’s commonplace in marketing and advertising to use this data to promote products to you. However, there are some more dangerous cyber threats out there that you need to be wary of, and we’ve listed some of the most common ones below.

  • Phishing Attacks – Perhaps the most common of all cyberattacks comes in the form of phishing, which is essentially cybercriminals using deceptive emails or messages that seem to be genuine, but their purpose is to trick you into sharing your personal data. They’re often made to look like legit websites like Facebook or your bank, and as a result, sharing any information can lead to serious financial loss or even identity theft.
  • Data Breaches – These are often more serious and involve targeting large businesses that store a wealth of customer data, like the Equifax issue we discussed earlier. Once cybercriminals infiltrate the databases of companies or organizations, they can steal vast amounts of customer data like usernames, passwords, card details, and much more.
  • Malware – This can be a little harder to spot, especially if you’re not using any form of antivirus software. Cybercriminals will try to disguise malware as a seemingly unharmful link, but when you click it, malicious software will infect your computer. Businesses often suffer ransomware attacks like this, where files can be locked and a fee demanded for their safe return. This can end up costing thousands of dollars and endless stress.

Now, all of this might sound a little scary, and it is. But that doesn’t mean you can defend yourself against these cyberthreats and keep your personal data safe. To help you, we’ve listed some basic steps you can take to keep yourself safe.

Step 1 – Use Strong Passwords

As simple as it may seem, having a strong and unique password can prevent many unnecessary cyberattacks, as brute-forcing your password becomes nearly impossible, even for the most advanced hacking tool, the more complex it is.

Hackers will use brute-force tools that test hundreds of thousands of passwords in a matter of minutes, so having a 12- to 16-character phrase that’s a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols is crucial, as it will take millions of years to crack.

NordPass Dashboard

As we touched upon earlier, using a password manager is an excellent and safe way to ensure all your passwords are secure. You can use a master password or your biometric data with the best password managers, so they’re near-impossible to crack.

Reputable solutions like NordPass can even suggest unique passwords, mass update any old ones, and detect if yours has been leaked in a data breach.

Step 2 – Be Cautious with Emails

This is another simple step but a vital one to avoid any potential phishing scams. Usually, your email account will flag suspicious messages and links, but this isn’t always 100% accurate, and some may slip through the cracks.

If there are ever links in your email, check the sender’s address before clicking them, as phishing links often come from emails that aren’t quite right.

It could be as simple as a missing letter in the company name or perhaps more hyphens or symbols than an official email address from a verified source.

If you’re in any doubt, just don’t click the link, and reach out or report the link the an official source. The same goes for any attachments, don’t automatically click them and download them, as they may contain malware that could infect your computer.

Instead, use an antivirus software to scan the link to ensure it’s safe or, better yet, ask your local IT support for help – they’ll appreciate you doing so.

Step 3 – Review Your Privacy Settings

Your social media accounts can be an easy place for hackers, marketers, and others to source valuable personal information about you, so it’s vital to check your privacy settings to prevent this.

Popular social media platforms like Facebook allow you to choose your audience, so it’s advisable to have it on friends only, as this stops strangers from viewing your information.

Facebook Privacy Settings

Of course, you can always be cautious about what you post online, but don’t let it get in the way of you enjoying social media.

Just make sure you’re happy with your privacy settings and what people can see, and don’t share anything too personal that a cybercriminal could use to exploit you in some way, like your full address, contact number, and so on.

Step 4 – Get a Reliable VPN

A VPN is one of the best tools you can use to keep yourself safe online, along with a good password manager and antivirus software – all apps we’d recommend installing.

With a VPN, you can safely use public Wi-Fi, something that hackers might usually target, as they often offer little in terms of network security.

NordVPN Review

ExpressVPN and NordVPN are two trusted sources we’d recommend, as they boast large server networks and have excellent security protocols. By using one of these providers, you can browse the internet more securely, with your personal data kept clear of any potential cybercrooks or snoopers.

Step 5  – Stay in the Know

Another great way to avoid any potential hacks or scams is to stay up to date with the world of cyberattacks. This can range from a simple Google search for common scams, or if you’re very serious about it, there are websites like Investopedia, where you can read about the most popular internet scams.

However you choose to do, it’s up to you. The simple step of starting to get info on cybersecurity planning will equip you with the knowledge of these scams and methods on how to avoid them. It may seem like a pain, but it can potentially save you a lot of hassle further down the line.

Personal Cybersecurity Planning – Is It Worth It?

Cybersecurity planning is 100% worthwhile. Your personal data should be yours and yours alone, and if it falls into the wrong hands, it could be a costly and stressful experience for you.

Thankfully, there are multiple ways to stay safe, as we’ve touched upon in this article, with one of the key ways to do so being VPNs. A top provider like NordVPN encrypts your data, meaning you can browse the internet from anywhere (even public Wi-Fi) with the safety of knowing your personal details are secure.

If you follow the instructions listed in this article, you’ll be well on your way to having your own dedicated cybersecurity plan. Be sure to stay informed on any of the latest hacks and scams going around online to further enhance your security. Stay safe!


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How can I achieve personal cybersecurity?

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What are the cybersecurity best practices for individuals?


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William Baxter Junior Tech Editor

William Baxter Junior Tech Editor

William is a tech writer based in the United Kingdom who has been working in the industry since 2020. He started his career as a journalist, working for a large UK national paper, before moving aboard to Lithuania to work for various Fintech organisations. Additionally, William previously worked for the reputable cybernews website.

With a strong interest in technology, he is well-versed in areas such as cybersecurity, spy apps, CRM, VoIP, and EOR. His knowledge in this sector continues to grow as he consistently crafts reviews, guides, and top tech tips and tricks for his audience.

Trust his reliable insights to stay informed in the ever-evolving world of technology.