Home Business Software How to Manage a Remote Team in 2023: Smart & Effective Remote Management
Emmanuella Oluwafemi
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Remote work presents unique challenges that aren’t present in traditional offices, which is why many are looking to understand how to manage a remote team. If you’re a manager looking for some tips and practical advice for remote team management, you’ve come to the right place.

The best project management software not only make your job easier, but help you be better at what you do. Whether it’s communication, task management, monitoring team performance, or handling payroll, having the right tools is half the job.

We scoured expert resources for the best tips for managing remote teams in 2024. We also offer advice on how to use collaborative tools to establish a solid global workforce management framework for yourself, so you can focus on your purpose and overdeliver on those KPIs.

In This Guide

What is Remote Project Management?

Remote project management means running a team where everyone works from different locations. It involves communicating with team members, organizing tasks, and supervising operations with digital tools.

Unlike traditional offices, remote work environments rely on software to manage remote employees and contributors. As a remote project manager, you’ll hold virtual meetings and facilitate online social interaction within your team to promote collaboration.

Some of the most popular tools for remote management are Monday.com and ClickUp, as they make it easy to assign tasks, collaborate on real-time projects, and monitor remote workers’ progress.
Monday.com project overview

The Benefits and Challenges of Managing Remote Teams

Remote work provides many opportunities, like being able to hire people from anywhere and save a great deal of money on office space. But it also presents challenges, like communication hurdles and significant time zone differences. Let’s explore some of these challenges and benefits below.

Benefits of Managing Remote Teams

While there are hurdles to managing a remote team, there are also many advantages for the company and the people. Here are some benefits to managing a remote team:

1. Efficient Task Delegation

Remote team management tools make planning, assigning, and tracking tasks easy. For example, tools like Monday.com provide a simple user interface for remote managers to create different projects, each with their own task boards, and delegate tasks seamlessly.

The best project management tools have turnkey templates to help you create a solid management framework.

2. Save Costs

Businesses can save a lot of much money by switching to remote, as remote management removes (or, at the very least, lessens) the need and cost of office spaces for the entire team.

Employees can save precious time and money that would otherwise be spent on commuting and logistics. As you can imagine, eliminating these expenses amounts to substantial monthly savings.

3. Enhance Transparency in Reporting and Feedback

Remote project management relies heavily on clear reporting and feedback. With the right project planning tool, managers can foster seamless communication. This allows teams to provide feedback that can lead to process improvements.

Plus, seeing what everyone is up to and the status of each project down to the task level offers numerous benefits. Effective project management achieves the following:

  • Bolsters transparency
  • Strengthens collaboration
  • Supports better decision-making

It’s crucial to ensure that, in a remote environment, everyone relevant has a complete view of project performance. That said, transparency is incredibly hard without a reliable project management tool on your side.

4. Supports Business Continuity

Remote project management tools can help businesses continue operations during disruptive events (think COVID-19) by enabling contributors to continue to work, but from home.

Remote workers can continue to manage their tasks effectively and deliver on time regardless of location. Continuity greatly contributes to a positive work environment and enhances productivity.

5. Improved Work-Life Balance

Remote work arrangements offer employees a healthier work-life balance. For example, commute time is eliminated altogether, which allows for more family and personal time. Research shows that 38% of Americans testified to better work-life balance by working from home.

Challenges of Managing Remote Teams

While the benefits of remote team management are appealing, it’s important to know the issues that can arise from this business model.

Suboptimal task allocation

1. Hampered Productivity

Distractions like housework or family calls can happen when you’re working from home, which can make employees less productive and lead to less work.

This is a challenge that both employees and managers can experience when working from home.

2. Less Employee Development

Employee development often thrives through in-person experiences. Observing how experienced team members handle challenging situations or interact with clients is harder to manage remotely.

Remote managers may struggle to provide thorough employee growth and learning in remote teams due to the varied methodologies required to help people grow and improve.

3. Maintaining Accountability and Engagement

Ensuring team members remain accountable and engaged when working remotely can be challenging. Some struggle to stay motivated and can feel isolated without physical interactions.

It takes extra work for managers to effectively track progress, encourage productivity, and maintain a sense of responsibility among team members.

4. Problem-Solving Complexity

Addressing certain issues can be more complicated in remote project management. In an office setting, you could simply walk to another colleague’s desk to ask for an opinion or resolve problems.

However, finding solutions in a remote or hybrid environment is not always straightforward, especially for contributors and project managers accustomed to face-to-face interactions.

5. Team-Building Across Distances

Forming a team is one thing, but nurturing trust and cooperation among team members can be challenging, especially when geographically dispersed.

Building a cohesive team takes effort, even in physical office settings. With a remote workforce, team-building efforts may require additional time and creativity.

Pros of Managing Remote Teams

  • Save costs on office space and utilities
  • Improved work-life balance for employees
  • Access to a global talent pool
  • Greater flexibility with working hours
  • Employees can work from anywhere
  • PM tools offer enhanced transparency with clear reporting
  • Increased happiness and productivity by up to 77%

Cons of Managing Remote Teams

  • Increased distractions affect productivity
  • Difficult to build strong team bonds
  • Problem-solving can be harder
  • Need for alternative approaches to employee development
  • Higher risk of misunderstandings and miscommunication
  • Sometimes difficult to manage accountability and engagement

How to Manage a Remote Project Team: A Full Guide

Remote work is rising, with 12.7% of full-time employees embracing this trend. The future of remote work appears promising, as Upwork predicts an estimated 36.2 million Americans are expected to work remotely by 2025.

With this growth, remote managers will be in high demand in the near future. In this section, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on managing remote teams effectively with the help of collaborative and project management tools.

We’ll take you through from establishing a robust global workforce to overcoming challenges, as well as monitoring and evaluating the performance of remote teams.

Step 1 — Build a Strong Global Workforce

Building a solid foundation for your remote workforce depends on your ability to coordinate and communicate effectively with the team. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Clearly define project goals and objectives

Defining clear project goals and objectives is the cornerstone of successful remote project management. With tools like Monday.com, this process becomes straightforward.

Here’s how you can create a dedicated project board outlining the project’s goals, break them down into specific objectives, and assign responsibilities:

  1. Create a new project on your Monday.com dashboard and give it a clear and descriptive title that reflects the project’s purpose.
  2. Outline the goals you want to achieve within the project and use detailed descriptions and due dates to clarify what needs to be accomplished.
  3. Assign owners to each goal or objective to designate responsibility and ensure accountability.
  4. Visualize the project’s progress with Monday.com’s visual tracking features, like progress bars and timeline views, to monitor goal completion and project advancement.

Establish Effective Communication Channels

Effective communication is essential for remote teams. Project management tools offer communication capabilities that streamline interactions among team members.

As it’s easily one of the best tool for this as well, let’s use Monday.com to illustrate how you can achieve this:

  • Integrated messaging within Monday.com lets you message team members using the @mention feature to discuss project updates, ask questions, or provide feedback.
  • Set up notifications within Monday.com to receive alerts when there are updates or changes to tasks, ensuring you stay informed and can respond promptly.
  • Integration with other tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, so you can centralize communication and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Use the file-sharing capabilities to upload and share important project documents and resources to ensure they’re easily accessible.

Step 2 — Use a Collaboration Tool to Manage a Global Team

You’ll undoubtedly need the right collaboration tools in your arsenal to effectively manage a global team.

Investing in collaboration software can help you centralize communication, streamline project workflows, and enhance overall efficiency. Here are the best remote collaboration tools you can use to manage your team:

Overview of Popular Remote Collaboration Tools

  • Monday.com: Offers robust project management capabilities like intuitive visual boards, powerful automation, time-tracking features, 50+ inbuilt apps, and customizable widgets.
  • ClickUp: Boasts one of the best free PM solutions, is known for having the most versatile project views, and offers free time tracking.
  • Wrike: Best for automating management tasks using AI by intelligently assigning tasks, optimizing workflows, and providing predictive insights to streamline project management processes.
  • Smartsheet: Combines the familiarity of spreadsheets with robust automation, making it a powerful tool for data-driven organizations.
  • Teamwork: A top choice for communication and collaboration, as Teamwork’s chat feature provides you with an instant messaging service.
  • Quire: The leading option for simplicity, as it focuses on task hierarchy, making it the go-to for many small to mid-sized teams.
  • Awork: Best for tracking online collaborations with easy-to-use PM tools and task-tracking features, such as shared calendars, to-do lists, and file-sharing capabilities.

Choosing the Right Tools for Your Team’s Needs

Selecting the right collaboration tools for your team requires careful consideration of various factors, including team size, project complexity, integration needs, budget, and ease of use.

First off, some tools are better suited for small teams, while others scale effectively for larger organizations. If you require advanced features to track and monitor your tasks, don’t settle for simpler meant for straightforward projects as this will severely limit your productivity.

Second, evaluate which tools you can integrate to connect your existing software stack, ensuring smooth workflow continuity. The more user-friendly a service is the easier it will be for your team to work with it, so choosing tools that match your team’s technical proficiency is important.

Finally, don’t forget to factor in your budget constraints, as different tools have varying pricing structures. You can check out our review of the best project management software to easily compare the market’s leading remote working tools and what they have to offer.

Step 3 — Establish a Remote Project Management Framework

Project management frameworks specify what must be done but leave the method of execution up to the individual carrying it out. Using project management tools like Monday.com helps to provide the essential structure and resources for managing remote teams effectively.

Here, we’ll explore the key components of this tool and how you can use it to establish a reliable framework.

Selecting a Project Management Methodology

A methodology is a detailed method that shows steps to be taken along with the when, where, who, and why. Choosing the right project management methodology is essential for successful remote project management. Here are some options available on Monday.com, each suited to different project types and team dynamics:

Project Management Methodology

Best Use

Agile Project Management

Ideal for projects with evolving requirements, as it works in an iterative fashion, which means tasks are accomplished in stages with increasing clarity about the result after each stage.

Waterfall Project Management

Best suited for well-defined, sequential projects. It emphasizes thorough planning, where you establish clear timelines and milestones to adhere to.

Kanban Project Management

Focuses on visualizing work in progress, making it ideal for teams seeking transparency on task progress and continuous improvement.

Scrum Project Management

Work is partitioned into clear goals that have to be completed by certain dates, called sprints. Monday.com supports Scrum’s sprint planning and review sessions.

Setting Up Project Management Software

Once you’ve decided what method best suits your project, you should choose the project management software that best fits your approach. We recommend Monday.com, but the process for getting started is similar for all the market’s top PM tools.

  • Begin by creating a project board for a central hub and overview of all project-related activities.
  • Now, set up task boards to track your projects — here, you can add tasks and sub-tasks and add details on due dates and similar.
  • Next, you want to connect both boards using the Connect Boards column on the “Tasks Board.”
  • Tailor the workflow to match your project’s specific needs with the templates and custom columns. Use the color-coded groups to organize your tasks’ timelines.
  • Add team members to the workspace and assign them tasks and responsibilities. You can even automate assigning and tracking work.
  • Leverage Monday.com’s automation features to streamline repetitive tasks, notifications, and updates to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  • Use the battery widget to visualize label distribution in status columns, the numbers widget to calculate and display project costs, and the calendar widget to consolidate tasks and activities from multiple boards.

Creating a Project Schedule and Milestones

A clear project schedule with defined milestones is essential for remote project management success. Monday.com and other popular project planning tools simplify this process while highlighting its significance.

Within Monday.com, create a visual timeline outlining key milestones and deadlines to provide a comprehensive view of the project’s progress. Use the Gantt chart view to establish the order tasks should be completed, ensuring that one task’s completion triggers the start of the next. Create milestones to act as progress markers and help keep the project on track while enabling stakeholders to assess whether it meets its objectives within set timeframes.

Step 4 — How to Develop Effective Leadership in a Remote Environment

Effective leadership is paramount in remote work; therefore, this section explores three crucial aspects of leadership in a remote environment.

Let’s go over how to build trust and rapport, provide regular feedback and performance evaluations, and motivate and engage remote team members.

Building Trust and Rapport with Remote Team Members

Establishing trust and fostering rapport among remote team members is essential for effective leadership. To achieve this, consider maintaining open and frequent communication with team members through virtual meetings, chats, and emails. Listen to their concerns and provide guidance when needed.

Be transparent about project goals, expectations, and challenges. Share information about your company culture, vision, and progress to keep team members informed and encourage employee engagement. Also, show empathy and understanding towards team members’ personal and professional situations. Recognize their achievements and provide support during difficult times.

Maintaining a consistent leadership style and approach to building trust over time is also key. Be reliable and predictable in your interactions and decisions.

Providing Regular Feedback and Performance Evaluations

Regular feedback and performance evaluations are crucial for remote team members’ growth and motivation. Remote management tools like Deel can significantly enhance this process:

  • Objective Assessment: Use a structured framework for evaluating team members’ performance based on objective criteria. This ensures fair and unbiased evaluations.
  • Automated Reviews: Make the process a breeze for everyone involved by using Deel’s review automation. Managers can schedule and conduct reviews seamlessly.
  • Payroll Integration: Integrates payroll management with performance evaluations for a comprehensive solution for managing remote teams’ compensation and performance.
  • Clear Communication: Communicate performance expectations and provide feedback on strengths and areas for improvement, setting the stage for continuous growth.

Motivating and Engaging Remote Team Members

Motivating and engaging remote team members requires a proactive approach to leadership. Some tips for managing remote teams include publicly acknowledging and celebrating team members’ achievements and milestones. Recognition boosts morale and encourages continued excellence.

Offer opportunities for skill development and career growth, as it’s important for remote contributors to keep sharpening their skills. Ensure individual and team goals align with the organization’s mission and vision.

You’ll also want to establish a feedback loop where team members can provide input and suggestions. Act on their feedback to show that their voices are valued. In addition, create opportunities for remote team members to connect socially. Virtual team-building activities, informal chats, and collaborative projects can foster a sense of belonging.

Step 5 — Overcoming Common Challenges in Managing Remote Teams

As we’ve covered earlier, managing a remote team has unique challenges. Here’s how you can overcome some of the most common challenges:

Time Zone Differences and Scheduling Conflicts

Navigating time zone differences and scheduling conflicts in a remote team can be challenging. Still, you can mitigate these issues effectively with global-friendly project management tools.

One way to mitigate these issues is by creating shared calendars that display team members’ time zones, ensuring everyone schedules meetings and tasks at mutually convenient times.

Monday.com automations

For example, with Monday.com, you can set automated reminders based on individual time zones to reduce scheduling conflicts.

Furthermore, you can promote efficient task management by assigning tasks with clear deadlines and priorities, where team members can view these in their time zones on their dashboards.

Ensuring Accountability and Productivity

Ensuring accountability and productivity can indeed pose challenges in the workplace. However, with the help of a versatile project management tool, these hurdles become more manageable. For example, the platform offers real-time visibility into task progress, allowing team members to update task statuses effortlessly.

Automated reminders to ensure that deadlines are met are really useful. Some tools often go a step further and provide performance analytics features that allow you to assess productivity trends and identify areas for improvement.

The above is available with Monday.com, which also offers customizable dashboards and reporting for data-driven insights.

Dealing with Communication Barriers and Misalignment

Maintaining accountability and productivity can be challenging, especially since no physical contact with team members exists. One way you can deal with this issue is by using collaboration features to help keep communication centralized. Conversations, updates, and file sharing should take place within your project management software, reducing the risk of misalignment.

Furthermore, you can leverage real-time features like chat and comments for discussions and enable team members to ask questions to provide real-time clarifications. Also, encourage team members to use features that enable easy document sharing and version control. This way, you ensure team members work with the most up-to-date information.

Dealing with Isolation and Maintaining Employee Morale

Working remotely can be lonely because no co-workers are around to talk to. As a remote manager, you must provide opportunities to deal with isolation and boost employee morale. One way to do this is by organizing virtual team-building activities like collaborative games and social interactions.

You can create boards on Monday.com to publicly recognize workers’ achievements and milestones to boost morale and foster a sense of community. Also, schedule regular team check-ins and one-on-one meetings. These interactions can help combat isolation and provide opportunities for meaningful connections.

Step 6 — Strategies for Fostering Team Cohesion and Collaboration

Here are some tips to help you build a strong team that comfortably works together:

Virtual Team-Building Activities and Exercises

Fostering team cohesion and collaboration in remote teams often starts with engaging in virtual team-building activities and exercises. Here are some common activities:

  • Online Games: Popular choices include virtual trivia, escape room challenges, and multiplayer video games. These encourage team members to work together and have fun.
  • Virtual Happy Hours: Organize virtual happy hours where team members can relax, chat, and bond over drinks or snacks, even from different locations.
  • Collaborative Challenges: Set up challenges that require team members to collaborate, solve problems, or create something together, fostering teamwork and creativity.

Encouraging Knowledge Sharing and Cross-Team Collaboration

Knowledge sharing and cross-team collaboration are crucial for innovation and productivity. You can share knowledge bases with a tool like Monday, where team members can access information, documents, and best practices.

The tools above also let you leverage collaboration boards to encourage cross-team interactions, discussions, and sharing of insights and expertise. They also encourage team members to provide regular updates on their projects, challenges, and successes to promote knowledge-sharing and cross-team learning.

Promoting a Positive Team Culture in a Remote Setting

Maintaining a positive team culture in a remote environment is vital for cohesion. Consider strategies like defining and communicating the team’s core values, ensuring everyone understands and embraces them. Implement a system for recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements, reinforcing a culture of appreciation.

Actively involve team members in decision-making and team activities to ensure remote team members feel included. Finally, foster a culture of open and constructive feedback where team members can provide input and suggestions freely.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins and Meetings

Regular check-ins and meetings are essential for keeping remote teams connected. Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and goals. Encourage open and honest communication during these sessions. Conduct one-on-one check-ins with team members to address individual concerns, provide feedback, and offer support.

Establish feedback loops where team members can share their thoughts and ideas about team dynamics, processes, and improvements. This will create opportunities for informal discussions and social interactions like water cooler conversations.

Step 7 — Monitoring and Evaluating Remote Team Performance

This step ensures you keep track of the progress of the project. Here’s how you can go about it:

Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Setting clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential for effectively monitoring and evaluating remote team performance. Consider the following steps:

  • Define Measurable Objectives: Identify specific, measurable objectives that align with your project and team goals.
  • Select Relevant Metrics: Choose KPIs that provide insights into the most critical aspects of your project’s success. These may include productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and more.
  • Use Data-Driven Targets: Establish target values for each KPI based on historical data or industry benchmarks.

Tracking and Measuring Progress Toward Project Goals with PM Software

Project management software, such as Monday.com, is pivotal in tracking and measuring progress toward project goals. For example, with it, you can get real-time updates on tasks and project progress. Team members can update task statuses, and managers can view these updates instantly.

Use customizable dashboards within the PM tool to visualize project data, including KPIs, in a clear and understandable format. Schedule automated reports to track KPIs regularly, and then you can rely on these reports for insights into performance trends and any areas that might require your attention.

Conducting Regular Performance Reviews and Adjustments

Regular performance reviews are critical for optimizing remote team performance. Due to their specific features, Deel and Monday.com are top choices for these tasks.

Deel offers automated performance evaluation tools that streamline the review process. Managers can easily conduct reviews and provide feedback to remote team members. On the other hand, Monday.com utilizes reporting and analytics capabilities to assess team and project performance. Identify areas for improvement and adjust project strategies accordingly.

Employee Monitoring Software in Remote Environments

In remote workplaces, employee monitoring software is rising. This is because it provides valuable insights into remote team productivity, time management, and overall performance.

Suppose you’re interested in incorporating employee monitoring software. In that case, you can explore the following resources:

Employee Tracking Software: This article overviews popular employee tracking software solutions and their benefits. You can also learn about the advantages of implementing employee time-tracking software for remote teams in this article.

Bonus: Need Help Hiring Remote Employees?


Building a global remote workforce can significantly benefit your organization, providing access to a diverse talent pool and expanding your reach. However, hiring employees abroad has challenges, including navigating complex regulations, payroll processes, and compliance requirements.

To streamline this process and ensure compliance, we recommend Deel. It’s a comprehensive platform that simplifies international hiring, payroll management, and compliance, making building a remote team across borders more straightforward than ever.

Why You Can Trust Us

At TechReport, we take pride in providing trustworthy and well-researched advice and recommendations. Our team of experts has extensively tested and evaluated popular tools for remote team management, including monitoring software, CRMs, project management software, and Employer of Record (EOR) services.

As a global team, we have firsthand experience with the challenges of remote work and are consumers of the tools we review and compare. Additionally, our recommendations are based on our experiences and insights from other user reviews from reputable platforms like Trustpilot.

Other Software Designed for Managing Remote Teams

In addition to the tools discussed in this guide, various software solutions are designed to enhance remote team management. Explore these topics to discover valuable resources:

Is Effective Remote Management Possible?

Yes, absolutely! Managing remote project teams effectively requires a strategic approach, the right tools, and a commitment to positive work environment.

We’ve covered essential strategies, tools, and tips to help you succeed in remote project management. Remember to implement these strategies and consider starting with Monday.com or ClickUp, both of which are versatile platforms for remote project planning and management.


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Emmanuella Oluwafemi

Emmanuella Oluwafemi

Emmanuella Oluwafemi is a tech and iGaming writer based in Kenya who has been working in both industries since 2015. She started her career as a freelance online slot reviewer before proceeding to focus on tech and iGaming content for affiliates. With a passion for gaming and technology, she is well-versed in areas such as VR, AR, RNG technology, and cybersecurity. She continues to grow these skills as she consistently learns while creating guides, reviews, and other helpful content for her audience. You're guaranteed up-to-date information in the world of gaming and tech with her detailed insight.