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Key Color Psychology Facts And Statistics in 2023

Susan Laborde Tech Writer Author expertise
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It is strange to people that color can affect our moods as humans. Many think it is superstitious to think colors have anything to do with what we feel Sand doesn’t at some point in our lives. Also, colors could influence how people respond to situations. The data shows up to 90% of an initial impression can be attributed to colors alone.

However, you must know that it is not superstition; it is psychological, and many people worldwide have been affected by this reality. You need to know many things about color psychology; this article has most of them. We have listed and explained statistics of color psychology that you need to know, so read on to learn more. 

Color Psychology

Introduction of Color Psychology 

Color psychology is the study of how humans react to certain colors. Some colors represent love, hate, happiness, friendliness, etcetera. They also affect human behaviors in many ways. Some stains can mar or make your day because they have different notations, meanings, and psychological effects.

It is worth noting that how color affects your mood depends on age, culture, school of thought, and upbringing. Although color psychology comes on a personal note, some colors have a general response. This means nearly everyone in the world reacts similarly to the paint.

Some colors make you feel good about a financial deal and trust it enough to give your money. Some banks know how this works, so they use such colors on their walls. Some colors instill fear in you, and many organizations with such intentions have picked it up. 

Color Psychology in Marketing

Color in Marketing

Color psychology is effective in marketing. Blending the right color for your promo and advert pages is a great first step to attracting and keeping a customer. Such colors draw in people; some make it hard for viewers to skip a post and not read through.

Many brands, strategists, and marketers know this and how it works. Most have harnessed it already, but only a few haven’t. They harness this marketing strategy by adding the right colors to their logos, ad design, and other things requiring colors. They have to put the colors according to their services to stimulate people to want them.

An example is the red color, which represents hunger. It makes people want to eat more, and McDonald’s has it on their logo. Many other food brands use this color for the same purpose as McDonalds. 

Key Statistics

Key Statistics

  • The most overlooked color in the world is white. 
  • About 39% of people in the world believe the most important element of a website is its colors.
  • About 29% of people believe purple is a brave color.
  • About 43% of people believe that black is a color that represents high quality
  • About 26% of people think yellow symbolizes happiness and fun.
  • About 76% of people think red is for danger and speed.
  • Young people like brighter colors more.
  • More views go to colorful ads than black-and-white.
  • Of all popular colors, orange is the least.
  • About 60% of people will decline products because of the colors they come in.
  • Color makes up about 80% of brand recognition. 
  • People perceive colors differently depending on their gender, age, and culture.
  • Most men say blue is their favorite color.
  • About 93% of people in the world will decide to buy a product because of its color.
  • About 90% of first impressions are made with color
  • White mostly symbolizes peace, purity, and positivity.
  • Black and white mean honesty, and grey is usually complicated.

Top Facts and Statistics About Color Psychology

Top Facts and Statistics About Color

1. The Most Overlooked Color in the World is White.

It is not a myth that people overlook white more than other colors. Many don’t think of white as a color, even in their outfits or brands. Research has shown that only about 8% of people worldwide notice the color white on logos, even if it is popular. People usually don’t feel the need to add white significantly on their logos, ads, or outfits, even if it is a classy color with great representation. If you ask 100 people to count the colors on a company with yellow, blue, red, pink, and white, they will mostly count four colors. Only about 2% or less will count will count five, including white. 

2. About 39% of People in the World Believe the Most Important Element of a Website is Its Colors.

Color is an important element in website design; everyone believes this. It makes people feel comfortable while surfing the internet. As much as every internet-inclined person knows this to be true, about 39% think colors are even more. They believe color is not just one of the important elements of a website, but it is the most important. They think that regardless of what your website does or the hosting platform it has if it has the right color combination, it is the best. Colors appeal to these people more. 

3. About 29% of People Believe Purple is a Brave Color.

Over the years, people’s general perception of purple is that it represents royalty and luxury. It also talks about ambition, rarity, and other solid things. Although some brands have used this color to show luxury and class, they are rare. Also, a certain shade of purple represents LGBTQ resistance, called lavender. People wear purple to show their societal activism. They do it through protests and a few other movements related to activism. About 17% of people think of the color as a happy and fun color. However, about 29% of people believe it stands for bravery. These people are not wrong, as bravery connects with royalty, ambitions, and luxury. 

4. About 43% of People Believe that Black is a Color that Represents High Quality.

Black has always had a bold look. People often wear this color to confront challenges and their fears, and they wear it to be feared. It is one of the most popular colors in the world. Nearly every outfit has a touch of black, which is the same for logos. There are only a few logos without the color black on them. However, a research survey shows that about 43% of people attribute black to things with high-quality things. The color looks strong, making people think products that have it will have the same attributes. 

5. About 26% of People Think Yellow Symbolizes Happiness and Fun.

Yellow is a bright color, and it can symbolize happiness. It is contagious because people get happy at the sight of yellow, even if they usually don’t admit it. About 26% of the people in the world agree with the psychological trait of color. Although it is a happy color, some serious companies like Shell, DHL, and others use yellow as their major color.

6. About 76% Think Red is For Danger and Speed.

It is a general phenomenon that red stands for danger. Every sign that has the word ‘Danger’ on it usually has it written in red or on a red background. It is agreeable to the extent that most people don’t even use the word; they use the color, and everyone who sees it understands it. About 76% of people agree with this. Red also represents speed. Some cars have indicators that show how fast they are going, and the top speed is always in red. Many people agree with this representation because the color doesn’t scatter like the others; it gathers and tends to shoot far in the form of light. Many people will recognize red, even under rain or fog

7. Young People Like Brighter Colors More.

Pink, yellow, bright blue, and a few other bright colors are more enticing to younger citizens. A survey of young people between the ages of 1 and 35 has shown that many like bright colors like red, orange, and others. This is because bright colors are fun and energetic. However, orange is the least favorite for people aged 35 to 50, and for people over 70, it doesn’t make it to the list of favorites. People over 70 dislike bright colors but prefer dark and bolder colors like blue, olive green, black, and more—many like white, too. 

8. More Views Go to Colorful Ads Than Black-and-White.

Black and white make a great color combination, but it is not great for ads or any business promotion. If your brand wants more views on its ads or more people to notice, it should use a colorful ad or logo. People get attracted to bright colors more than black and white. However, it is important to combine the colors properly.

There are colors you have yet to hear of in your lifetime, but orange is not one of them. Orange is one of the most popular colors in the world. However, it is the least popular compared to other colors. Few people have used the color lately, not in decorations, outfits, business, or other sectors.

10. About 60% of People Will Decline Products Because of the Colors They Come In.

The issue of favorite colors or color psychology is getting bigger. It is not only about attraction to many people now. Regardless of how great a product is, about 60% of people will only accept it if the color fits well with them. The other 40% will look for other product qualities, even if some of them still consider the color.

11. Color Makes Up About 80% of Brand Recognition.

The color of a brand logo or product is the first thing most people analyze before the functionalities. Many people recognize brands by their colors even more than their names sometimes. Many people call Facebook ‘The blue app,’ and they call WhatsApp ‘The green app.’ This shows how people recognize things by their color. Also, your company can attract many clients with the right color combination. 

12. People Perceive Colors Differently Based on Gender, Age, and Culture.

The perception of colors is only sometimes general. Many people derive different meanings from color based on their religions and culture. People with brown as a pure color in their cultures will think brown represents purity wherever they go. An example is that blue represents death in Asia and something else in other countries. Also, people derive meaning from color because of their genders. Statistics have shown about 80% of women chose pink as their favorite color. So, ladies will most likely select products with pink hues. It is different for boys, so pink is feminine. Another factor is age; children prefer brighter colors over bold ones. This makes people stereotype some colors and call them mature and others childish.

13. Most Men Say Blue is Their Favorite Color.

Just as most young and older women prefer pink as their favorite color, about 57% of men say blue is their favorite color. Only 35% of women choose blue as their favorite color, and less than 10% of men choose pinkAlso, 14% of men choose green as their favorite color, and 9% choose black. This is because men mostly want dark and bold colors. 

14. About 93% of People Worldwide Will Buy a Product Because of the Color.

For some people, the product’s color is the first thing they consider when buying it. For others, it is the last thing they feel. However, about 93% of people think of product color, leaving the other 7% not caring about the colors.

15. About 90% of First Impressions Are Made With Color.

More than people will admit, the colors make the first impression to them about many things. A funny color combination can make someone dislike a space or product even before discovering what it offers.

16. White Mostly Symbolizes Peace, Purity, and Positivity.

For many people, white connects with peace, purity, and positivity. This notion has spread far and wide through different ages, genders, cultures, and many other factors that determine the meaning of colors

17. Black and White Mean Honesty, and Grey is Usually Complicated.

People mostly use black and white to describe truth; now, it has become a figure of speech. They also use grey to explain complicated things that are not entirely true or false.

Introducing Colors

must know stats

Here are the popular colors you need to know about.


Green often represents nature and anything that has to do with the betterment of the planet. So, brands with products that relate to nature usually use green as the dominant color on their log logo and other graphics. They use it mostly to convey serenity and calmness.


Most people see brown as a serious color, so anything it is attributed with should be serious, too. The color indicates stability, wisdom, and other serious matters. However, people think dark brown is too dull, and light relates to the truth. So, brands that want their customers to see them as serious brands will use this color.


 If you need a bright color, one that represents happiness, then yellow should be your go-to. It shows a positive state of mind and encourages thinking outside the box. Yellow is a sign as that of bright ideas, too. 


Red represents love, hunger, and danger. People decorate love events with red because it is the popular love color. Also, people use color to keep people out of the danger zone. It also works as a hunger stimulant, which is why most food brands use it. 


Blue is a color that symbolizes calmness and reflection. The sky and the sea are blue, representing calmness and creating a space for people to reflect on life decisions.


Orange is the least popular among all the popular colors in the world, but it is energetic. It pushes people to make the extra step that can change their lives. The color means success, and brands that know this always use it.


Many believe that colors can influence human thinking, feeling, and action. The mere picking the best color means you believe in it. It is not superstitious but psychological. Some colors have general meanings that a large percentage of the world population accepts. However, different people have different definitions of colors depending on their age, gender, culture, etc. Brands can harness color psychology to get more clients. They use colors that speak well about their products. This strategy has been working over the years and will continue working for more years. 


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Susan Laborde Tech Writer

Susan Laborde Tech Writer

Susan Laborde researches the latest technology trends in an ever-changing tech landscape to provide comparisons, guides, and reviews that are easy to understand for readers. When taking a break from being a tech word wizard, she plays games with her baby.