Finance and Marketing Statistics Archives - The Tech Report Tech Explored Wed, 03 Jul 2024 15:18:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finance and Marketing Statistics Archives - The Tech Report 32 32 Digital Lending Statistics – The Automated Solution Changing Finance Thu, 09 May 2024 11:12:13 +0000 Digital Lending Statistics – The Automated Solution Changing Finance

Although the first digital lending services hit the market in the mid-2000s, their popularity exploded during and shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, over the past few years, digital...

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Digital Lending Statistics – The Automated Solution Changing Finance

Digital Lending Statistics – The Automated Solution Changing Finance

Although the first digital lending services hit the market in the mid-2000s, their popularity exploded during and shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, over the past few years, digital lending platforms have emerged as the leading competitor against traditional banks.

An increasing number of SMEs and individual consumers turn to this tech-powered alternative, as digital lending provides streamlined and inclusive financing options even to those traditionally underbanked.

But is digital lending here to stay? In this article, we’ll review all the puzzle pieces, including the latest digital lending statistics by segment and the most important trends worth your attention.

Let’s get started!

What Is Digital Lending?

Digital lending, or fintech lending, allows individuals and businesses to access loans through a digital platform.

The entire application and approval process happens online and is powered by AI to automate pre-approval, credit assessment, and risk management.

Digital lending is incredibly convenient thanks to its widespread accessibility and speedy procedures.

Digital lending is also more flexible, which makes it an attractive option for small businesses and those seeking personal loans.

Prospective borrowers can choose from various financing plans, including buy now, pay later loans, microloans, and lines of credit with instant fund transfers.

Key Digital Lending Statistics & Trends to Know

  • Lending will become the second biggest fintech segment by 2030.
  • The global digital lending market value was estimated at $11.6 billion in 2023.
  • Banks make up almost 33% of global digital lending revenue.
  • Small business loans constitute 45% of the P2P lending market.
  • Asia Pacific (APAC) is forecasted to register the fastest CAGR until 2032.
  • The US makes up nearly 40% of the global digital lending market revenue.
  • Over 16% of Americans who switched to fintech banks cited improved credit scores as a reason.
  • Adults under 40 are the most likely to trust fintech banks than traditional ones.

Digital Lending Market – General Statistics

The digital lending market is relatively new, although it’s been growing rapidly in recent years, especially during the pandemic. Neobanks, the main providers of digital lending services, have steadily increased their yearly revenue over the last decade.

Neobanks market size throughout 2021-2023
Source: Statista

According to a recent report by Statista, the estimated global market size of neobanks doubled between 2021 and 2023, increasing from $47 billion to $96 billion. This is expected to reach $2.05 trillion in 2030, with an impressive estimated CAGR of 53.4%!

It’s worth noting that neobanks provide more than just digital lending services; they also handle digital payments, investments, and assets. Still, lending was already the second largest neobanking segment after payments in 2021.

Global fintech revenue by segment in 2021
Source: Statista

Looking at digital lending statistics alone, the estimated global fintech lending market values range between $11.6 billion and $12.6 billion, as shown in Allied Market Research and IMARC reports.

Digital lending statistics can vary across reports due to different observed periods or the sampling and data analysis methods used.

The consensus is clear, regardless of which source you use. The digital lending market has been expanding, and the widespread adoption of fintech lending services isn’t likely to slow down.

Global transaction value of digital capital raising by segment
Source: Statista

Of all digital capital-raising methods, marketplace lending generated the highest transaction value, an estimated $32.57 billion in 2023, followed by crowdlending, estimated at $30.75 billion.

Crowdinvesting and crowdfunding made up around 4% of the total transaction value of digital capital-raising methods.

We can expect all capital-raising methods to grow in the near future. The total value of crowdlending transactions could soon exceed that of marketplace lending as individuals and small businesses increasingly seek flexible financing plans due to bank credit refusals.

Digital Lending Statistics By Segment

We can classify digital lending statistics based on several criteria, although they can overlap:

  • Component: Solutions (such as software or online platforms) and services (for example, design and implementation, consulting, or customer support)
  • Deployment model: On-premises or cloud solutions
  • Function: For example, loan origination, risk compliance management, and decision automation.

Digital Lending By Component

The 2023 Allied Market Research report showed that solutions dominated the digital lending market. In 2022, this component accounted for roughly two-thirds of the global digital lending revenue.

Global fintech lending market share by component
Source: Allied Market Research

This isn’t surprising, considering the growing number of digital lending platforms and users over the past few years. For example, a 2023 survey by the fintech company Plaid shows that 56% of respondents had already used fintech solutions to overcome financial stress.

However, the design and implementation service component is also among the leading drivers of global revenue. A 2022 base year report states that design and implementation services covered 25% of the digital lending market share.

This large revenue share likely reflects financial institutions’ growing adoption of digital lending.

More banks seek to expand their lending services in response to the competitive threat of fintech providers. And fintech design and implementation services provide a personalized solution.

Digital Lending By Deployment Model

On-premises fintechs generated roughly 60% of 2022’s global digital lending revenue. Although on-premises digital lending costs more to implement (due to hardware, physical maintenance, and electricity costs), it ensures superior compliance, providing direct control over servers and data security.

Difference between on-premises and cloud-based solutions
Source: Genese Solution

However, cloud-based solutions are expected to register the highest CAGR (20.8%) in the coming years. Cloud-based lending is an attractive deployment model primarily due to lower implementation and maintenance costs, a significant advantage for small and growing companies.

Furthermore, banks increasingly opt for cloud-based services to streamline processes like loan origination and decision automation, saving time and cutting operational costs.

Digital Lending By Function

Looking at digital lending statistics by function, the business process management (BPM) segment made up over 30% of the digital lending revenue in the US in 2022, closely followed by loan origination.

Forecasted growth of digital lending by solution type
Source: Grand View Research

Subsequent 2023 estimates show that loan origination revenue exceeded that of BPM globally, being the dominant fintech solution segment at the time.

Overall, BPM and loan origination seem to be the biggest contributors to global fintech lending revenue, suggesting that fintech lending attracts many prospective service providers and borrowers.

Digital Lending Statistics By End Use

In terms of end-use, the global digital lending market splits into banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFCs), which include insurance companies, credit unions, savings and loan associations, and peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms.

Banks in the Fintech Lending Market

Cumulatively, NBFCs make up most of the global digital lending revenue. However, banks have historically dominated the market, accounting for almost one-third of global digital lending revenue in 2022.

Global fintech lending market share by end-users
Source: Grand View Research

This is primarily thanks to the ongoing trend of bank digitization. Banks have been investing in digital lending solutions to maintain their competitive edge in the face of emerging fintech platforms.

According to a recent survey, 67% of bank executives consider implementing fintech applications, and 84% state their bank operations are already cloud-based.

NBFCs in the Fintech Lending Market

Credit unions had the largest share of global revenue out of all NBFCs in 2022, followed closely by savings and loan associations. P2P lending platforms were the fourth largest contributor to global fintech lending revenue.

Credit unions and P2P lending platforms are both expected to experience significant growth. According to a 2023 report, the global P2P market could have a CAGR of 25% over the next ten years.

Since the pandemic, more investors and borrowers have turned to P2P lending platforms, which offer increased convenience and flexibility.

Unlike traditional lending options, P2Ps will authorize loans even to those with low credit scores. However, they typically have higher fees and interest rates than credit unions.

Most Common Loans On The P2P Lending Market

According to the same 2023 report we mentioned earlier, business loans dominated the P2P lending market, making up 55% of the market share in 2022. Notably, small business loans accounted for 45% of the market revenue at the time.

Global P2P market by loan type
Source: Acumen Research and Consulting

A previous 2021 report by Acumen Research and Consulting had similar findings. Small business loans generated most of the P2P market revenue, followed closely by real estate loans.

Conversely, consumer credit loans accounted for less than one-quarter of the P2P market value.

Digital Lending Consumer Demographics

Digital lending is still a relatively new market, although it’s rapidly gaining traction among younger demographics. According to 2021 findings, young adults express the highest trust in fintech brands compared to other age groups.

Age differences in fintech approval rates in the US
Source: Statista

Most of the 18–24 age group showed trust in fintech providers. Adults between 18 and 44 expressed higher trust in fintech companies than in traditional banks.

Less than one-third of US adults aged 55 and over said they trusted fintech companies. However, this age group had the highest approval rate for banks and other traditional financial institutions.

These findings aren’t isolated, as European surveys discovered similar trends. According to a 2022 survey conducted in Ireland, 77% of respondents aged between 18 and 24 expressed high trust in fintech.

Meanwhile, just 8% of those aged 55+ claimed to trust fintech services. Women were also more likely to express low trust in fintech than men.

A Polish study published in 2023 further supports this trend, finding that fintech use is most common among men. Men also largely outnumber women in P2P platform use.

Gender distribution of P2P platform users in the UK
Source: Statista

We can expect regulatory measures to increase consumer trust in digital lending platforms across more demographic groups.

However, demographic differences in fintech acceptance could soon change thanks to emerging regulations. For example, The Reserve Bank of India published its Guidelines on Digital Lending in 2022, citing borrower safety and financial risks as the primary concerns.

Increased transparency and a continued good track record for fintech lending platforms will likely attract more investors and borrowers in the future.

Digital Lending Market By Region

According to 2022 digital lending statistics provided by Allied Market Research, North America accounted for nearly two-fifths of the global digital lending market revenue, the largest share of all regions observed.

Digital lending trends by region in 2022
Source: Grand View Research

However, APAC is forecasted to register the fastest CAGR (22%) until 2032. The region’s high population, large share of unbanked people, and high internet penetration rate could be the main drivers of this expected growth.

The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America have experienced lower fintech adoption and market growth over the past few years, especially in digital lending.

Digital capital raising is the least popular fintech segment in Brazil
Source: Statista

For example, Brazil and Mexico were among the top ten countries with the most fintech unicorns in 2023, with six and five such companies, respectively. Still, according to estimates, both countries had very few capital-raising users as of 2023.

Regional Differences in Fintech Lending By Capital-Raising Method

According to a recent Statista report, North America (particularly the US) dominates the global digital capital-raising segment.

APAC comes second, with China having the second-largest digital capital raising transaction value in 2022, while Europe takes third place.

However, when further stratified by capital raising methods and end users, North America is first in the fintech consumer lending segment, with Europe in second place.

On the other hand, China came first in digital business lending, having the highest average transaction value.

This likely means large business loans are more popular in China, particularly in Hong Kong (which houses most of China’s fintech giants). In the West, on the other hand, consumer lending is more popular.

Excluding China, the leading fintech sector in APAC is still marketplace consumer lending. Its market volume was $2,363 million in 2020, approximately 30% higher than the volume of marketplace business lending.

Market volume of alternative finance models in APAC
Source: Statista

Consumer lending is also the most popular segment in Europe, although the UK stands out for its large business lending market. In 2020, for example, the UK was the leading country in Europe by P2P business lending, having a total market value of $3,262 million.

Germany came second, although it had a considerably lower business lending market volume of $808 million. France and the Netherlands were third and fourth in the region, with a P2P business lending market value of approximately $500 million each.

 European countries by P2P business lending market volume
Source: Statista

However, Germany, France, and Italy are Europe’s leading P2P consumer lending countries. In 2020, Germany’s total digital consumer lending market value was $712 million, followed by France ($320 million) and Italy ($231 million).

In 2024, estimates place Germany’s P2P consumer lending market value at $768 million, compared to the UK’s $215 million estimate.

Regional Differences in Fintech Lending By Market Size

Overall, the US and Europe stand out for their high offer and demand for fintech services. A 2020 survey shows that the US and UK were first and second in the world, respectively, in terms of fintech market volume per capita (including all segments).

Global alternative finance market volume per capita
Source: Statista

Most of the other top ten countries by market volume per capita were in Europe, suggesting that North America and Europe currently have the highest fintech adoption and use and a greater demand for online banking services.

As for the market offer, the US also dominates in fintech innovation and the number of fintech unicorns (134 as of April 2023), being home to renowned global fintech giants like LendingClub, Prosper Marketplace, Pipe, and Kiva.

The UK came second globally, with 27 domestic fintech unicorns.

India is third globally in terms of the number of fintech unicorns, which suggests the rapid development of neobanks in APAC.

India also has over double the number of fintech unicorns than China despite historically having fewer domestic fintech platforms.

However, China is second in the world regarding the number of leading digital lending giants. Hong Kong-based platforms like FundPark and Velotrade are among the biggest players in the global fintech business lending sector.

The UK, Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands are Europe’s biggest players in the fintech market.

European countries with the most fintech users in 2023
Source: Statista

In 2020, for example, the UK had the largest number of alternative finance platforms, followed by Germany, Italy, and France.

Similarly, in 2023, the UK boasted the largest number of fintech users in Europe, followed by Germany and France. Note that these numbers are estimates and include users across all fintech segments, such as digital payments, neobanking, and investments.

Over the past few years, the UK-based platform Funding Circle has been the leading fintech business lending company in Europe and among the biggest fintech lenders in the world. In 2023 alone, the company generated a revenue of $195 million.

Fintech lending is an attractive option thanks to its convenience and accessibility, qualities often lacking in the traditional banking sector.

Technological advancements, changing consumer behavior, and post-pandemic economic trends have been the main factors driving fintech adoption and digital lending growth over the past few years.

Unlike older generations, who prefer the perceived safety of established traditional banks, the younger generations are increasingly focusing on convenience, flexibility, and accessibility, which fintech readily provides.

The rapid adoption of fintech among young people could also be due to their higher digital literacy, which increases their trust in new fintech platforms. On the other hand, older adults might find fintech solutions less trustworthy because of their short history on the market.

The biggest advantage of digital banks and lending platforms is they’re available online 24/7 and easily accessible from any device.

Furthermore, tech advancements like cross-platform integrations and AI-powered automation streamline loan applications, approvals, and transfers. Fintech allows users to access loans in minutes, whereas traditional loans take days or weeks to process.

Most common reasons for consumers’ fintech adoption in the US
Source: Statista

These trends are most noticeable in the US, the world’s leading fintech and digital lending market. According to a 2022 American survey, more than one-third of respondents switched to digital banks because of faster transfers and lower costs.

Approximately 28% also cited the availability of instant transfer options as a reason for switching to fintech services.

Fintech lending is also gaining traction as it provides better financial inclusion for underbanked individuals and SMEs, which could otherwise struggle to access even small credit loans for various reasons, including:

  • Unsatisfactory or no credit score
  • No or insufficient collateral
  • Unfulfilled eligibility requirements (like time in business or annual revenue)
  • High debt-to-income ratio
  • Insufficient documentation

This trend has become even more pronounced since the pandemic due to the tighter lending conditions and interest rates banks implemented to combat inflation.

According to a 2024 YouGov survey, half of Americans were denied a loan over the past two years.

These changes came at a time when 3 in 5 Americans are already in credit card debt, according to a recent survey by Clever Real Estate.

Since a high debt-to-income ratio is among the main reasons for loan refusals, more people with credit card debt could be seeking alternative loans to cover their expenses.

Furthermore, over 60% of American respondents in a 2023 survey believed that credit scores provide only part of the picture of their financial history. As a result, consumers are seeking more flexible banking and financing options.

For example, most respondents sought methods to improve their credit score, like sharing their banking data and transaction histories.

Many fintech solutions already offer such options, and over 16% of Americans who switched to fintech banks cited FICO score boosting as a reason.

Tech developments and fintech banking adoption will likely drive future digital lending in North America, Europe, and APAC. However, there are potential limiting factors.

Digital Lending Constraints

Because of its growing popularity and the fact that regulations are struggling to keep up with rapid fintech developments, the digital lending sector has become susceptible to cyberattacks and fraud – two concerns that could slow down the wider adoption of fintech lending.

With the cloud-based deployment segment having the largest projected growth in the future, the risk of data breaches is at an all-time high. Potential data loss and identity theft are big deterrents for both lenders and borrowers.

Furthermore, fake digital lending apps are already diminishing end-user trust in fintech solutions. For example, according to the Reserve Bank of India, nearly half of all digital lending apps available in Q1 of 2021 were illegal.

The general scope of digital lending regulation includes borrower and lender protection, data privacy, and transparency in lending practices. Such regulations can support the long-term growth of fintech lending platforms by increasing consumer trust and adoption.

To combat such issues, multiple countries have introduced more stringent fintech regulations, though not without raising industry concerns.

Although necessary, such regulations also come with steep short-term costs, as they demand hefty cybersecurity investments.

Increased regulation demands could also stifle innovation, thereby slowing fintech progress in the short term, especially among startups.

What To Expect From Fintech Lending in the Future?

It’s undeniable that digital lending has helped reshape the finance landscape. Its broad accessibility and flexibility are attracting a growing number of SMEs and individual consumers, including those previously underserved by traditional banks.

Higher competition and the growing demand for online services have driven much of the fintech lending revenue thanks to banks’ investments in digitalization.

We can expect banks and credit unions to further drive the global fintech market in the future thanks to continued spending on digital lending services (like design and implementation).

The global fintech solution market will also likely experience excellent growth. While regulatory constraints could temper short-term advancements, consumers’ trust in and adoption of fintech lending platforms should grow over the long term.


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105+ Insightful B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:25:31 +0000 Essential B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024

Although Business-to-business (B2B) is critical, Business-to-customer/consumer has a more direct link to clients. As a result, its relevance grows rapidly. There are more B2C brands than B2B, and the number...

The post 105+ Insightful B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Essential B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024

Although Business-to-business (B2B) is critical, Business-to-customer/consumer has a more direct link to clients. As a result, its relevance grows rapidly. There are more B2C brands than B2B, and the number of consumers is twice as large.

That is why B2C companies accumulate more money from a product than the brands they buy from. In B2C marketing, 3 out of 4 marketers believe their campaigns are successful. It is estimated that 79% of marketers use content marketing to generate leads.

Regardless of their relevance, their content marketing strategies still differ from their regular sales techniques. Our thorough research in this article shows more facts and statistics about B2C and lists and discusses different truths about content marketing.

Essential B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024

The General Statistics of B2C Content Marketing

  1. The conversion rate hikes six times more when using content marketing than other advertisement methods. Marketing with content has proven to be one good way of increasing conversion rates for many companies. Research shows that it attracts more clients.
  2. Content marketing can generate three times more leads than any other advertising strategy. According to reports, using content to market your products can give you more leads, which grow as the year goes by.
  3. Experts say the global content marketing sector will see gross growth of $417.85 billion. The current market is high, but industry professionals say it will grow even more in 2025. They predicted it would grow by $417.85, and the recent number shows it is on its way to beating expectations.
  4. The worldwide content advertising sector has an annual growth rate of 16%. This industry moves upward every year. Analysis shows that it increases by 16% annually and will most likely increase to a higher rate in the next two years.
  5. About 82% of marketers spend and invest in content advertising. Due to the results that content marketing produces, it is now the go-to for many marketers. About 82% of them spend on the sector, and they usually don’t regret it.
  6. About 40% of companies that outsource delegate content distribution. More outsourcing companies (40%) believe it is better to delegate content distribution. However, 25% of these organizations prefer to outsource all their content strategy.
  7. 75% of brands outsource content creation. Many brands outsource their content creation tasks due to time constraints, workload, or other reasons. They give them to other professionals to save time.

Jaw-Dropping Content Marketing Statistics

Jaw-Dropping Content Marketing Statistics

8. In 2020, 68% of Americans over 12 listened to audio content monthly. No month passed without 68% of 12-year-olds in America listening to any audio, regardless of their age. They spent it on songs, instrumentals, podcasts, and more. 

9. 68% of the podcast listeners listen to every episode they download. The drive to listen to more podcast episodes comes when you are not streaming online. This is why over half of the listeners complete all the episodes they download.

10. 65% of podcast listeners listen to the entire episode in the series. The other 45% usually stop halfway.

4. In the US, podcast listeners have grown by 100% in the last decade. More people now listen to and enjoy podcasts. Experts say it might continue increasing.

11. The Joe Rogan Experience was the most listened-to podcast in the US in 2021, but other podcasters have since taken over.

12. The US has over 160 million podcast listeners. This number shows that about 50% of the US population listens to podcasts.

13. 78% of the American population knows the meaning of podcasts. The other 22% think of it as a strange word or have heard of it but don’t know what it means.

14. Experts say the average monthly podcast listeners will increase to 144 million in 2026. The numbers are already piling up, according to the prediction.

15. Online podcasts have grown by more than 400% since 2018. There were over 2 million podcasts in 2021, which is increasing. They will see more growth before 2026.

Statistics of Video Content Marketing

Statistics of Video Content Marketing

16. The average landing page with videos also has an 80% conversion rate. Landing pages usually create conversions for businesses, but they do so more when they have videos on them. Research shows that such pages have an 80% conversion rate.

17. 55% of people watch videos every day. Clip recordings make great advertising tools because over half of the people in the world spend time on at least one daily. This means more people can see your products.

18. Websites with videos have a conversation rate of 4.8%. Research has shown that the average conversion rate for websites with videos is 4.8%, higher than the 2.9% for websites without clips.

19. About 68% of people will watch a clip less than one minute long. Many people don’t like long clips, and research shows that 68% will only watch them completely if they are less than one minute long.

20. More people prefer to watch short videos than read articles on the same topic. According to research, only 18% of people would rather read an article on a topic than watch a short clip. A higher percentage don’t have one as their most preferred. Also, the highest percentage prefer videos to written articles.

21. Only 18% of content marketers don’t use videos. About 82% of content marketers worldwide use videos for adverts. Some use video only, and others mix it. However, 18% only use other strategies that don’t include clips.

22. About 25% of content marketers extend their strategies to Instagram stories. Many others believe that people don’t view stories frequently.

Enlightening Content Marketing Statistics

Enlightening Content Marketing Statistics

23. About 52% of digital marketers believe that the best ROI comes from visual recordings. There are many strategies for bringing good ROI, including visual recordings. Visual recordings are known for attracting people.

24. 91% of marketers find the ROI of video content satisfying. They like the result and how productive it is.

25. 90% of consumers prefer videos to other content from their favorite brands. Brands that use videos for digital marketing get more engagement than the ones that use other content. This is because almost every consumer prefers visual recordings.

26. About 85% of businesses include visual recordings in their marketing strategies. Analytics show that 85% of brands use videos for marketing, and they have great returns. However, the other 15% prefer to use other strategies that don’t include videos.

27. The average internet user watches videos for 19 hours every week. People watch videos offline and online every day. However, the average person spends 19 hours accumulatively on visual recordings.

28. The worldwide video streaming market value was about $161.37 billion in 2020. The number increased the next year and the year after that.

29. Internet users mostly read 20% of all the written information they see on web pages. They are usually in a hurry, too lazy, or their attention span is too short to let them stay on the article.

30. In 2020, 48% of digital marketers made about 91% to 100% of their posts with visual attachments. Meanwhile, 23% say they only attach images to 70% to 90% of their content.

Statistics of Photo Content Marketing

Statistics of Photo Content Marketing

31. About 43% of digital marketers have issues consistently producing visual content. They find it stressful and tasking.

32. The average time marketers spend one-week creating visual content is about two hours. Laziness and lack of time for other tasks creep in most of the time, depriving them of the luxury of time.

33. Adding more than ten images to a blog post increases your chance of getting more results by 39%. This is because many people prefer to interact with images and will stay if they see more.

34. Only 3% of bloggers add over ten images to their blog articles out of the 90% that add pictures. This shows that most of them add images, but only very few make time to gather more images.

35. About 74% of marketers consistently add images in more than 70% of their published articles. They do this because they constantly get good results from the act.

36. 25% of marketers plan to spend about 10% to 20% of their budget on visual content creation. They believe that the better the visual content is, the more it will attract people.

37. About 26% of digital marketers plan to focus over 80% of their marketing strategies on visuals. Research shows that people respond more to images than to articles.

38. People usually only remember 10% of what they get from articles. However, they remember 65% of the information they get from visual content. This makes it a good way to keep your brand in clients’ minds.

Statistics of Audio and Podcast

Statistics of Audio and Podcast

39. Only 11% of people who listen to podcasts focus on listening to one a week. Research has shown that more podcast listeners like listening to more than one podcast every week. Only 11% stay on just one podcast for the week; the other 89% listen to two or more.

40. 21% of the people who listen to podcasts spend time on about four or five in one week. Due to the millions of different podcasts online, you can listen to as many. Analytics shows that 21% of listeners spend time on four to five every week.

41. In 2020, the average time people spent on audio weekly was over 15 hours. Analytics show that the average time people spent on audio content weekly in 2020 was about 15 hours. In 2021, more music stormed the internet, and the listening time increased.

42. The average podcast listener in the US listens to about eight podcasts every week. They listen for entertainment, to learn, and to keep themselves company on many occasions.

43. 28% of Americans who are 12 years old listen to podcasts every week. Americans like listening to podcasts so much that even their children join. Research has shown that the entire percentage of weekly podcast listeners in the region is 28.

44. The peak podcast listening hours are 8:15 am, 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 11:15 am, and 5:30 pm. At these hours, more people turn their ears to podcasts.

45. 87% of people tune in to listen to radio stations while they are driving. Most don’t enjoy listening to radio programs, and some listen out of boredom. 

46. 28% of listeners use podcasts as an audio source in their vehicles. This means they do it for fun or just out of boredom.

Statistics of Webinar Marketing

Statistics of Webinar Marketing

47. 78% of webinars have fewer than 50 attendees. However, 22% have over 50 people, and some even exceed 100 attendees.

48. 35% of the people who attend webinars sign up for them seven days before the main day. Most people rush to be among the first signups because there is usually limited space.

49. About 29% of marketers run up to 100 webinars yearly, and experts expect this to grow in the coming year.

50. The cost of setting up a webinar ranges between $1,000 to $5,000. Webinars are usually not expensive to set up. Setting up a standard one can cost about $1,000 to $5,000. However, some others cost less than $100.

51. In 2020, only 39% of B2C companies hosted webinars. Research shows that more B2B brands hosted webinars than B2C in 2020. 67% of B2B companies hosted webinars, while only 39% of B2C did.

52. 89% of marketers say webinars are the most effective marketing strategy for generating leads. Over the years, webinars have helped many brands generate leads, which is why 89% of marketers use and recommend them. The other 11% have other strategies that most likely work for them.

53. 58% of marketers promote products and services with webinars. Many webinar attendees will buy products that they see on the platform, which is why many marketers now use this strategy to sell out.

54. Research shows that communications industry webinars have the highest conversion rate, about 67%. Training webinars have a 44% conversion rate, and marketing webinars have a 39% conversion rate.

Content Marketing Financial Statistics

Content Marketing Financial Statistics

55. More people participate in webinars with their desktops than from mobile devices. Research shows that 93% of the people who attend webinars do it with their computer. Meanwhile, 7% use mobile devices. More people use computers because they are more professional and the screen is wide for a better view.

56. About 2% to 5% of the people who attend webinars buy something at the end of the session. This means that for every 50 attendees, the host will sell to at least two to three people.

57. More people prefer to watch webinars that are 60 minutes long than the ones that are 30 minutes long. They go for the longer ones because they believe it has more information.

58. 45% of marketers say promoting their webinars through email is better. This is because the platform is more professional for people to ignore.

59. Most webinar registrations happen on Tuesdays. Analysis has shown that people register for webinars more on Tuesdays. The day records 24% of the registrations, Thursday has 16%, and Wednesday has 15%.

60. The pharmaceutical industry has the highest live webinar attendance rate, at 63%. This is because the pharmaceutical sector is about health, and many people are interested in it. The consulting industry follows with 50%, and the advertising sector has 33%.

61. 61% of marketer add webinars to their content strategy. It gives them good visibility and sales.

62. In 2020, 14% of Americans over 55 listened to a monthly podcast. Even in the US, older people prefer to listen to the radio than podcasts. This is why 14% of Americans over 55 spend time on a monthly podcast.

Statistics of B2C Content Marketing During Pandemic

B2C Content Marketing During Pandemic

63. From 2019 to 2020, the number of B2C markers that use live streaming for advertising grew by 22%. Live streaming is a good avenue for marketing as it attracts more clients and promotes trust. This is why its usage for creating brand awareness increased 22% between 2019 to 2020. It has seen even more increase since then.

64. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of advertisers using webinars, online courses, and other events increased by 12%. They saw that these spaces were likely fruitful, so a few jumped.

65. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of marketers who used in-person gatherings for business promotion dropped by 11%. A few saw that the online method was easier and didn’t need in-person events.

66. Social media was functional for 82% of B2C promoters to distribute content during the pandemic. This is because people started flooding the space as they mostly had nothing else to do.

67. Between 2019 and 2020, about 62% of B2C brands depended on pre-recorded videos for promotion. The pandemic, at the time, gave them limited options.

68. 74% of B2C businesses depended on email newsletters during the pandemic between 2019 and 2020. Many people were always on their devices, so this strategy worked for the brands.

69. The pandemic caused about 54% of B2C companies to adjust the calendar of their content distribution. The routings had to change because the target audience also changed their routines.

70. Due to COVID-19, many B2C brands changed their messaging and targeting strategies. The strategies they used before stopped giving the required result.

Statistics of Mobile Content Marketing

Statistics of Mobile Content Marketing

71. Blog posts were what about 83% of B2C companies relied on during the pandemic. They were more appealing to users because many people wanted to read new.

72. The content strategy of about 82% of B2C companies changed during the pandemic. The brands wanted to do what would attract more clients. Some added COVID-19 to their videos.

73. Between 2019 and 2020, nearly half of all B2C organizations’ promotion strategies changed because of the virus’s spread. About 46% of them did this, and their previous strategy started lagging.

74. Seventy percent of YouTube watch time is from mobile devices, while only 30% comes from computers and TVs.

75. The time people spend on smartphones is about 70% of their time on digital media. This shows that people use their mobile devices more often than they use other devices they own.

76. Mobile devices make up 52% of web traffic. Although many people like visiting web pages with their computers, more people go there with their phones because it’s easier.

77. 79% of the time people spend on social media is from their mobile devices. Some social media sites can’t even work on computers except user deliberately connect them using their phones.

78. Mobile makes up 64% of all traffic on Pinterest. The site is easier to use with a phone than with a computer.

79. 49% of B2C organizations contract other brands to handle their content marketing. Almost half of the companies that operate with B2C assign other brands to manage their content marketing. This is because they see the external brands as having more knowledge in the sector.

Statistics of Content Promotion and SEO

Content Promotion and SEO

80. Facebook is the most prominent content traffic source, producing 65.36% of traffic, followed by X(Twitter) with 10.03% and Reddit with 8.95%.

81. Social media is the primary content distribution channel for 94% of digital promoters. The traffic the platforms generate is impressive, compelling brands to use them.

82. The CTR of the website that ranks first on Google is 76. 31.73%. Many others follow it, with even lower CTRs.

83. More than 90% of websites don’t get any traffic from Google; they get traffic from other platforms. Only about 10% get from Google.

84. 76% of digital promoters say that organic traffic is the key metric for measuring content strategy’s success. They don’t believe that every other means is credible enough.

85. SEO is the most effective digital promoting strategy for about 67% of content marketers. They know that other strategies, but they believe this is the most effective because of the results they have seen.

86. About 64% of digital marketers spend money on SEO. This investment brings good results to the businesses they handle.

87. In 2019, the number of businesses that started using content to advertise increased by 70%. The media started bringing in more clients, and 70% of brands used the strategy, too; it worked for them. In 2020, the percentage increased to 82% and has seen more increments since then.

Statistics of Content Marketing Channels

Statistics of Content Marketing Channels

88. 65% of YouTube users search for solutions to problems with it. As much as many others use the site for entertainment, over half want solutions. Over half of the time, they get the help they need.

89. 56% of people who use YouTube spend time on the site to learn new things. Because of the millions of uploads on the platform, they often learn more new things than expected.

90. People share 57% of the entire web on Facebook, which means the site has more content than other online channels.

91. 74% of Facebook users use it for business. Some also engage in the site’s entertainment but have running businesses. Only 26% go there for reasons other than their brands.

92. In 2020, B2C digital promoters used Instagram more by 7%. In the same year, YouTube use increased by 10%. The usage rate went even higher the following year.

93. In 2020, Facebook was the most used social media platform by B2C marketers for promotion. The usage rate increased by 97% that year and stayed up even after that.

94. The use of paid channels for content marketing dropped by 13% in 2020. Only 72% of B2C marketers used it in that year.

95. In 2020, email marketing was the top content-promoting strategy for B2C promoters. 75% of promoters in the B2C sector used it and named it the top strategy.

Content Marketing Website Statistics

Content Marketing Website Statistics

96. In 2020, the least common piece of content used by B2C promoters was a long article over 3000 words. Only 22% of digital marketers used it. It didn’t do much good because people hardly read it to the end.

97. About 79% of people who listen to podcasts use their phones for it. Smartphones are handy, so listening to podcasts with them from anywhere is easier. This is why 79% of people use them, and only 15% use laptops.

98. 92% of webinar attendees also expect a question-and-answer session at the end of the meeting. The host does this often to ensure the attendees don’t forget quickly.

99. There are more male podcast listeners in the US than female. Analytics on podcast listening platforms show that more males listen to content than females. 56% of the listeners are male, leaving the other 44% female.

100. The average B2C organization says content marketing costs 60% less. Compared to other advertising strategies, using content costs less while giving more results. Now, brands can save money while making more.

101. Content that is B2C-oriented gets nearly ten times more shared than the ones that are B2B-oriented. This is because the first one is for consumers, who are more than retailers.

102. Apps take 85% of people’s time on their smartphones. There is almost nothing to do on a smartphone that doesn’t require an app, even making phone calls.

Additional Content Marketing Statistics

Additional Stats

103. In 2021, about 21% of B2C content advertising teams increased in size. Records show that 11% of the teams decreased in size, and 21% increased. However, 62% stayed the same for some reason. 

104. Lead generation was the main content marketing focus for 79% of the B2C businesses in 2021. In subsequent years, they started increasing their priority to more productivity.

105. 50% of online marketers generate leads with content marketing. They say the strategy is more effective than many others that they have tried.

106. 78% of website owners say that videos made their website traffic increase. In a survey, about 78% of website owners claim that they have seen traffic increase. They attribute the changes to clips, saying the increment started when they added videos.

107. 49% of marketers include Facebook videos in their content strategy. Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, with billions of users. This is why almost half of content marketers post videos there as part of their strategy.

108. 55% of marketers use YouTube videos in their content strategy. YouTube is a video-sharing and streaming service with billions of users and millions of posts. This influence on marketing is why advertisers use it.

109. About 80% of people search for video content that explains a product before they buy it online. Clip recordings are better at explaining products than write-ups, so many people watch one before deciding whether to buy a product.


B2C organizations promote more than B2B companies. They do this because they are eager to meet clients’ needs and because of the high competition in the market. They mostly use content marketing strategies to attract clients. The report shows that most promoters in this industry use videos more than other content. Again, videos work better than written content; most marketers combine them, especially in blogs and websites. They use these because people like them, and they attract more clients.

Digital promoters use social media platforms for advertisement even more than other means. Records show that most of these changes happened during the pandemic. The statistics in this article will go a long way to give you fresh insights on improving your B2C content marketing processes to gain more audience and better conversion rates.


What is the average percentage of businesses using content marketing?

Why companies do content marketing?

Is content marketing on the rise?

Who is the target audience of content marketing?

What kind of content marketing is trending?


The post 105+ Insightful B2C Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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85 Essential Website Speed Statistics and Trends for 2024 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:16:49 +0000 Important Website Speed Statistics 2024

Website owners worry about how long a site takes to load — for all good reasons. How large the site is, to a large extent, contributes to loading speed delays....

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Important Website Speed Statistics 2024

Website owners worry about how long a site takes to load — for all good reasons. How large the site is, to a large extent, contributes to loading speed delays.

Users don’t want any form of delay when using a website; it’s frustrating, boring, and annoying, and they’d rather exit and look for faster people. One factor that attracts users to most websites is how fast their content loads. 83% of online users expect websites to load in three seconds or less.

If you are considering improving your website to attract or retain more visitors or creating a new one, you’d need to check out these speed statistics. These website speed statistics confirm the importance of speed for ranking, conversions, and more for businesses.

Important Website Speed Statistics 2024

Important Website Speed Statistics 2024

1. Only the top 20% of websites record a server response time below 312ms. Most websites struggle with speed, and only the top 20 websites have notable speeds that load content quickly.

2. 91% of digital minutes in Indonesia are spent on a mobile device. Mobile devices take priority in Indonesia, with most users using them on the go. Therefore, most of the time spent online is on these mobile devices.

3. Only 15% of websites have acceptable loading times. This statistic confirms the challenge of loading speed faced by most websites. 15% is quite low and leaves much room for improvement.

4. 46% of websites load in around 6-10 seconds. This is twice the amount of time recommended by Google for website loading. So, it is safe to say that most websites struggle with speed and connectivity issues.

5. Large web pages take 381% more time to load than smaller web pages. The size of a web page affects its loading speed. On average, large web pages take 281% more time to load than smaller web pages. So, a website with small pages will likely have a high speed compared to large-page websites.

6. The fastest load times worldwide are found in China, Japan, and Germany. These three countries top the chart with fast websites and load times, which makes internet users’ experiences more satisfying.

7. The slowest loading times for web pages were recorded in Australia, India, and Brazil. These three countries lagged in terms of web page loading speed. Several factors could cause this, including web page size and internet connectivity.

8. 50.6% of customers often blame poor internet connection for loading delays before blaming the websites. Most users believe the internet connection is behind the slow loading time observed with internet pages.

Average Page Load Time: Mobile Vs. Desktop

Average Page Load Time Mobile Vs. Desktop

9. 45% of 18-24-year-olds give a website up to six seconds to load before they abandon it. Almost 50% of users in this age range can wait up to six seconds before giving up on a website.

10. The average page loading time for desktops is 10.3 seconds. This is relatively lower than the average of 27.3 seconds on mobile devices. However, some modern mobile devices now open web pages faster.

11. Mobile minutes spent online made up 775 of online time in the US in 2019. Mobile devices enjoyed more attention in 2019 and will persist into 2024. Users find their mobile devices handy for opening web pages because they are easy to access.

12. Most users think they are more patient with website loading when, in reality, they are not. Slow websites are a turnoff for most individuals. However, they hardly admit this and think they can wait longer. The reality is that users are hardly patient with slow websites.

13. 85% of mobile users expect websites they use to load at the same speed or faster on desktops. The average internet user expects desktops to load faster than mobile devices or at least at a similar speed.

14. 64% of smartphone users expect a mobile website to load within four seconds. This is the average time expected by many mobile users, and anything besides that is considered slow.

15. Most websites load slower on mobile devices. The reason is likely because of too many characters and elements on the website page.

16. The average webpage takes 87.84% longer to load on a mobile device than a desktop. Mobile devices load webpages slower due to the content of most sites that are better suited for desktop devices.

Average Page Load Time According to Industry Statistics

Average Page Load Time According to Industry Statistics

17. Page size is more important for mobile devices than desktop devices. Screen resolution, image quality, and pixels affect page size more on mobile devices.

18. 60% of visits to pet and animal websites are done on mobile devices. Animal and pet lovers can easily access sites related to their favorite content on their mobile devices. So, mobile devices account for 60% of the traffic recorded by these websites.

19. Career and education websites receive fewer page views from mobile devices. Just 42% of their traffic comes from mobile devices, implying that visitors prefer to interact with these websites using desktop devices.

20. The health sector has one of the highest bounce rates on mobile devices. 60% of mobile visitors on health websites bounce after loading the website. So, it isn’t easy to retain interest from visitors for most of these websites.

21. Finance websites record the lowest bounce rate for mobile and desktops. The finance sector thrives since most people are interested in upgrading their finances. Consequently, it records a low bounce rate of 35% for visitors from mobile devices and 18% for desktop users.

22. The garden industry suffers a high bounce rate from desktop users. 49% of desktop visitors bounce from garden sites, making it one of the worst rates compared to other sectors.

23. Technology websites record the longest loading times. The average loading time for most tech websites is 11.3 seconds. This is likely because of the range of content displayed on these web pages and their sizes and complexity.

24. Classified and listing websites record the shortest loading times. This website’s average loading time is 7.9 seconds, which is relatively fast.

Average Page Load Time Statistics Recorded

Average Page Load Time Statistics Recorded

25. Luxury websites have improved their loading times by 0.1 seconds. Most luxury websites load faster, and the number of pages visited on their website through mobile devices increased by 8%.

26. In 2021, an average mobile webpage took 15.3 seconds to load. In comparison, Google conducted a survey proving that the average mobile web page took 22 seconds to load.

27. The average page loading time recorded for desktops is 10.3 seconds. As of 2021, desktop pages took less time than mobile pages.

28. On average, The Time-to-First Byte speed ratio is 1.29 seconds on a desktop device. Meanwhile, the average time on mobile devices is 2.59 seconds.

29. The optimal request count is considered to be less than 50. This optimal request count is the number of content pieces a website needs to display.

30. Google states that compressing website images and text for about a quarter of a page could save 250 KB.

With this method, 10% of website pages could save up to 1 MB or more, greatly improving their loading times.

31. Google will lose 20% of its traffic for every 100ms it takes for each page to load. So, the faster the load time, the better for Google to optimize its website traffic.

32. WordPress has one of the lowest page loading times on mobile devices. WordPress pays special attention to user experience on all devices, so website owners don’t need to bother much about optimization.

33. 25.3% of WordPress websites are believed to perform higher than average on desktop devices. WordPress sites are highly optimized for various devices and boast an above-average performance on desktops, giving users a pleasant experience.

Website Load Time Impact Statistics

Website Load Time Impact Statistics

34. 38.55 of WordPress websites likely perform worse than average on desktop devices, and a significant portion of WordPress websites perform worse when they are loaded on desktop devices.

35. 24.2% of WordPress websites are optimized for mobile devices and perform faster than the average website. WordPress websites perform better than most sites. They open faster on mobile devices, an advantage for mobile phone users.

36. 40.7% of WordPress websites are slower than average on mobile devices. While WordPress boasts very high performance, it also has its downtime. Some WordPress websites also struggle with speed and are slower than average websites.

37. A 0.1-second boost in your website speed on mobile devices improves conversions by 8.4%. A little drop of water makes an ocean; even the slightest change can have a profound effect. The same applies to websites; a little improvement in loading speed will attract and retain more website visitors and increase conversions by up to 8.4%.

38. A one-page loading delay can reduce page views on a website by up to 11%. Viewers don’t want to encounter even the tiniest delay on a website; sluggishness can be a turnoff for visitors. If one page slows down the load time, it can cut views on a website by 11%. This confirms how important speed is to websites.

39. 44% of customers will tell their direct contacts about a website’s delayed loading time experience. A bad report will discourage more people from visiting a website and reduce the rate of direct visits.

40. Each third-party script added to a website reduced the loading time by approximately 42.1ms. While third-party scripts are important, they significantly slow a web page’s speed.

How Website Load Time Affects Customer Loyalty

Load Time Affects Customer Loyalty

41. A content delivery network significantly reduces loading times for a website on mobile and desktop devices. A good content delivery network can decrease loading times significantly for a website regardless of the device.

42. Yahoo increased its website speed by 400% and recorded a 95% increase in traffic. This proves that a fast website will attract more visitors since they can get access to its content in a shorter timeframe.

43. ETSY added 160kb to their mobile website. Consequently, after this addition, they recorded a 12% increase in their bounce rate.

44. Almost half of all customers (46%) will never return to a website again if they experience poor loading time in the past. Unpleasant experiences in the past often discourage customers from returning. This is why reducing a website’s loading time is important.

45. A one-second delay in loading could affect customer satisfaction by 16%. One second is enough to make customers give websites a bad rating. Most users do not have the patience to hang around slow websites and often complain of such experiences.

46. 64% of customers who have had a bad experience will never shop with the brand again. Over half of the unsatisfied customers cut ties with organizations that did not offer quality service. So, they will never return again but rather look for better options.

47. Approximately 60% of mobile users have reported at least one problem using mobile devices in the last twelve months. The most common problems recorded include slow loading (74%), device crashes and freezing (51%), and system errors (51%). Others include formatting problems (48%), failure to function as expected (45%), and unavailability (38%).

The Effect of Load Time on SEO Optimization

Load Time on SEO Optimization

48. Customers recall that checkout times are 35% longer than they are. Customers note any delays on a website, which will likely influence their decisions moving forward.

49. 14% of customers will start shopping on a new website if they wait long for a page to load. Slow-loading web pages will make most customers migrate to a new website for online shopping.

50. 82% of customers from New York claim that the speed of a website influenced their decision to purchase. This figure is higher than 60% of customers that share a similar sentiment in California.

51. Only 24% of marketers believe their management team properly manages their customers’ lifetime values. This implies that most marketers do not believe their management team handles these lifetime values properly.

52. Bounce rates will rise by 32% when loading times increase from 1 to 3 seconds. Once the loading time increases, most customers will leave the website and search for those that load faster.

53. Bounce rates will increase by 90% if website load time increases from one second to five. Increased loading time will always increase bounce rates; the higher it is, the more users will abandon the website.

54. When loading time rises from 1 to 10 seconds, the chance that a customer will abandon a website can increase by 123%. If a website takes 10 seconds to load, the bounce rate will be much higher, as more customers will abandon it.

55. A customer will visit 8.9 pages if the website’s loading time is less than two seconds. However, the visits will reduce to 3.3 pages when the loading time is about 8 seconds.

How Website Load Time Affects Conversion Rate

Load Time Affects Conversion Rate

56. According to research, the average loading speed for websites ranked on the first page of Google results is just 1.65 seconds. This implies that loading speed affects Google rankings, as slower websites are ranked lower.

57. About three-quarters of the SEO users’ experience signals are directly linked to a website’s page speed. Page speed is vital for SEO optimization and is a big part of improving the user experience.

58. Website loading speed is vital for 46% of customers. Almost 50% of customers will not return to a website that experiences loading difficulties. Slow loading is a turnoff and a sure way for websites to lose most visitors.

59. Half of customers will gladly avoid animation and videos if it results in faster loading times. While videos and animations make users’ experience more colorful, they will gladly give them up to increase loading speed.

60. Conversions decrease by 7% for each second a website takes to load. The longer a website takes to load, the lower its conversion and retention rate. Hence, website owners need to improve this aspect.

61. The first five seconds of loading have the greatest impact on website conversion rates. These first five seconds are crucial to website conversion rates. Also, there is a noticeable decline from the sixth second.

62. The website conversion rate decreases by an average of 4.42% for each second it takes to load a website page. This percentage applies within the first five seconds and increases afterward.

63. The largest e-commerce conversion rates occur on websites that can optimize pages to load within two seconds. This ability is vital for massive success on e-commerce websites.

How Load Time Affects Bounce Rate

How Load Time Affects Bounce Rate

64. Conversion rates drop by 2.11% for each extra second it takes your website to load between 0-9 seconds. The less it takes, the better for website conversion rates, which means more profit for fast e-commerce websites.

65. A website that takes more than 5.7 seconds to load will have a conversion rate of 0.6% or less, which will also translate to low profit for the website.

66. 18% of customers will abandon their cart if the checkout page loads slowly. Some customers will abandon their carts if the checkout page takes time to load. The delay will make these customers lose interest.

67. $18 billion is lost in abandoned carts due to slow loading. This massive amount is lost as most shoppers do not have the patience to struggle with slow loading.

68. 51% of US-based customers abandoned a cart on a website because it was too slow. Over half of the customers in the US will give up if the cart takes time to load.

69. One out of four customers will give up on a website that takes more than four seconds to load. If a website’s loading delays more than four seconds, one out of four customers will likely give up on it.

70. After 12 seconds, a website’s bounce rate will rise to 67.4%. If a website delays loading for up to 12 seconds, almost 70% of its visitors will quit and move elsewhere.

71. Bounce rates on desktops reach an average of 32%. Some desktop users also quit due to slow loading and other issues, but are not up to 50%.

72. The bounce rate on mobile devices is 67.45 on average. This massive percentage shows that mobile users do not often have the patience to endure delays and quit slow websites easily.

Website Speed For Business Statistics

Website Speed For Business Statistics

73. 74% of Smartphone users will abandon a mobile website that takes more than five seconds to load. So, most mobile phone users will quit a website that does not load within five seconds.

74. Customer stress rises by 33% when a website does not load within six seconds. The stress levels for the customers are similar to standing in a long queue in a store, taking a test, or watching a horror movie alone.

75. Media page sizes doubled between 2015 and 2019, and media quality improvements doubled their sizes between 2015 and 2019. This increase in media sizes also contributes to page loading delays.

76. Squarespace and Weebly record the fastest loading times among Content Management systems (CMS) in the market. This implies that these websites have many visitors and high conversion rates because they load fast.

77. WIX has one of the slowest loading times among all Content Management Systems (CMS). This struggle with speed will result in a low conversion rate.

78. A website with a one-second loading delay and an average revenue of $100,000 can lose $2.5 million a year in revenue. This is a massive loss, which makes page speed crucial to all businesses and commercial operators.

79. A 0.1-second improvement in a mobile website’s performance will boost its revenue by 9.2%. Although the improvement seems little, it matters to mobile websites because of revenue.

80. Every one-second delay in website load time could cost Amazon $1.6 billion in yearly losses. This massive amount could affect their profit, hence the need to reduce website loading time.

Future Relevance of Website Speed Statistics

Future Relevance of Website Speed Statistics

81. Walmart’s revenue increases by 2% every second its website loading time is improved. Loading time is proportional to income and revenue. Walmart saw a significant improvement in revenue per second after working on loading time.

82. ALDO discovered that mobile users with quick rendering times on single-page apps spent 75% more. Mobile users with quick access to single-page apps spent more money due to the ease of access. Fast loading ranks high among the factors that keep customers satisfied.

83. The First Contentful Paint (FCP) will become more relevant in 2024 than ever before. The FCP is a performance metric measuring how quickly visitors can access and view content. So, its importance will rise in 2024 and beyond as more companies monitor their website statistics.

84. Cloud hosting and Content Delivery Networks will also grow in relevance and adoption in 2024 and beyond. These tools improve website loading times, making them more relevant to businesses in 2024.

85. Using motion designs for a website will become more relevant because they improve website loading times. Motion designs also improve navigation on a website, which will boost customer retention.

Final Thoughts 

Website speed is vital. It boosts most companies’ revenue by determining how long people stay on the website. Visitors will be encouraged to stay longer to find what they want if the website loads faster.

The longer visitors spend on a site, the higher the chances of buying a product, meaning a higher conversion rate and revenue for the business. The statistics above show that big firms prioritize website speed. They keep it optimized to raise their chances of profit. Studying the data will help you understand how to speed up your website. This will retain more visitors and boost revenue.


What is the best response time for a website?

What is a good site load speed?

What is page speed in SEO?

How does load time affect the checkout rate?

How many websites have acceptable loading times?


The post 85 Essential Website Speed Statistics and Trends for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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83+ Vital Affiliate Marketing Statistics (2024 Updated Data) Sun, 28 Apr 2024 14:14:14 +0000 Key Affiliate Marketing Statistics

The world market has expanded beyond selling goods and services in physical stores. Affiliate services are vital. They get your products to buyers. Affiliates are like microphones that spread the...

The post 83+ Vital Affiliate Marketing Statistics (2024 Updated Data) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Affiliate Marketing Statistics

The world market has expanded beyond selling goods and services in physical stores. Affiliate services are vital. They get your products to buyers. Affiliates are like microphones that spread the word on behalf of businesses.

They do this through their social media pages, blogs, and websites. Businesses that use affiliate marketing get many benefits. One is cheaper brand awareness. The second benefit is the wider audience you can reach with the efforts of these promoters. These people can drive traffic and sales to your business from their homes.

Over 80% of brands use affiliate programs to increase brand awareness and sales. 31% of web publishers report affiliate marketing as their top revenue source.

Affiliates work on commission. They save you from spending heavily on marketing. This is more like a win-win situation where everyone returns home with smiling faces. The company makes more sales by relying on affiliate marketing. Affiliates earn a commission on every click that becomes a sale. Affiliate marketing is very popular. More people are getting into it, so the industry is growing with more income. The statistics will show how valuable affiliates are to your business and what the future holds for them.

In This Guide

Key Affiliate Marketing Statistics

Key Affiliate Marketing Statistics

  1. Affiliate marketing hit $8.2 billion in the United States at the close of 2023. 
  2. From 2016 to the end of 2017, up to 46% of marketers rated affiliate marketing as good or superb. 
  3. Checking out more than one affiliate website before a purchase is a norm for 74% of shoppers in the United States
  4. The value of affiliate marketing for a couple of years has not gone below $12 billion in a year.  
  5. The number of Google search traffic on affiliate marketing at the end of 2020 had risen by 44%.
  6. Contents posted by affiliates grew at a fast rate from 2019 to the end of 2020.

Affiliate Marketing Statistics Based on Demographics

Affiliate Marketing Statistics Based on Demographics

1. The United States, With 4.25% of the Global Population, has 64% of Affiliate Marketing Activities to its Credit.

The United States has the largest affiliate marketers, with 4.25% of the global number. This means that 64% of affiliates live in the US. Canada comes before Australia, and New Zealand is in fourth place. 

2. The United Kingdom, With Just 0.87% of the Earth’s Population, is a Big Spender on 5% Affiliate Marketing.

Up to 5% of spending on affiliate marketing takes place in the United Kingdom, which has only 0.85% of the population

3. Those Within 25 to 54 Years of Age Are the Largest Audience of Affiliates Across the Globe.

Those between 25 and 54 will most likely listen to what an affiliate offers. These persons are indeed the best viewers for marketing any product you have. 

Affiliate links were of great help to 37% of people who made their first online purchase in 2020. 

5. Male Folks Make Up the Majority of Affiliate Marketers, With 54.23%.

The largest number of affiliates are males, 54.23%. This shows that men are more actively involved in online marketing than women.  

6. To a Good Extent, Females are Active Digital Marketers, With 42.97%.

Women take part in 42.97% of the activities in affiliate marketing across the world. 

7. The Seventh Most Desired Skill Marketing Firms Seek is Affiliate Marketing.

Most marketing firms seek affiliate marketing skills. It is the seventh skill that HR looks for when hiring a marketer.

8. Affiliate Marketers Between the Ages of 35 and 44 Comprise 31.86% of the General Number.

Those within the age bracket of 35 to 44 take as much as 31.86% of affiliates worldwide. 

9. Just 5% of Affiliates at the Close of 2016 Were Between 18 and 24.

Affiliates between 18 and 24 account for just 5% of the total affiliates.

10. India Was One Country in 2020 With the Highest Hunts for Affiliates.

In 2020, India had the largest number of searches for affiliate marketing worldwide, followed by the United States in that same period.  

11. Affiliate Marketers Living in India Account for 1.85% of the World Number.

Indian affiliates account for just 1.85% of the global total, which shows that only a fraction of Indians participate in digital marketing.

12. Canada has its Fair Share of the Total Number of World Affiliates, With 9.71%.

Affiliate marketers living in Canada make up 9.71% of the global number

13. The United States Actively Participates in Affiliate Marketing by 57.44%.

The United States has the largest number of affiliates, with 57.44%, making it the highest-ranked nation in affiliate marketing. 

14. Young Adults Between 18 and 24 Years Make Up a 5% Chunk of Affiliate Marketers.

Those who are between 18 and 24 make up just 5% of affiliate marketers spread across the globe. 

15. The Married Ones Comprise 55.32% of the Total Associates.

The comfort and flexibility of affiliate marketing have sparked the interest of 55.32% of married people. Everyone loves a good paycheck with work litheness, which is the attractive force of affiliate marketing.

16. Singles, With 33.67%, Make Up Just a Third of Affiliate Marketers Worldwide.

The unmarried ones do not participate much in affiliate marketing at just 33.67%. This only shows that the larger percentage are those within the confines of marriage.

Industry Marketing Statistics

Industry Marketing Statistics

17. Up to 40% of Salespersons See Affiliate Marketing as a Good Way to Kill Boredom.

Up to 40% of marketers feel that affiliate marketing is a nice way to start earning for anyone without a job. 

Affiliates’ links account for as high as 16% of all online sales, which shows that they help drive traffic and sales to businesses. 

19. Groupon has Stood the Test of Time to be one of the Success Stories in Performance Marketing.

The company was able to pull through its trying period in 2019 with the help of affiliate marketing. This effort paid off well, as it now owns the biggest IPO after Google. This goes to show the power of discounts and the benefits that come from using affiliates.

20. The Idea That an Affiliate can Promote Between 1 and 10 Products is Upheld by 42.17%.

This idea keeps up with Jason Stone’s amazing market share due to affiliates in 2017. The amazing results prompt 42.17% to maintain 1 to 10 promotions simultaneously. They opt to focus on marketing tools for a few products. This is not the case for 23.18% of marketers who promote 11 to as many as 20 products.

Another 14.19% offer services to at least 21 products but not more than 50. A lower percentage, 7.53%, can promote up to 300 products and more. The difference in the number of promotions is a product of the volume of money a person needs. This is simply a state of promoting more products for higher commissions. Kindly know that those promoting 1 to 10 products are likelier to be the best in a niche. 

21. With the Right Help, Affiliate Marketers Can Find Their Way Around Avoiding Ad Blocks.

Publishers, otherwise known as creators and distributors of content, can help content promoters avoid ad blocks. Their efforts will greatly help as affiliate marketing relies so much on posting on platforms. These ad blockers hinder the success of marketing campaigns.

Creating good video content is one main driver of traffic for any affiliate marketer. This area has placed YouTube in good standing like other sites. Spreading the word about products and services using victuals produces amazing results everywhere. Affiliate links are present in just 0.67% of videos showcased on YouTube, making the channel a viable ground for anyone who wants to advertise products and raise traffic sales. 

23. Spending on Affiliate Marketing in the United Kingdom Rose to Hit $67 Million at the End of 2017.

Every dollar spent by British firms yielded $16 throughout 2017. This caused mobile promotion marketing to rise to 49% in a year. British companies spent $670 million on affiliate marketing that same year. This move resulted in sales shooting up to reach $10.8 billion.

24. A Social Network Allows 74% of People to Make Buying Decisions Comfortably.

74% of social media users decide what to buy solely based on what they hear from influencers. To these, whatever they hear or see displayed by a couple of influencers is the right choice. Up to 40% hang on to the tweets shown, while 49% rely on the inviting words of influencersAbout 75% of marketers say they keep aside money for promotional marketing. 

25. Affiliate Marketing is a Tool 79% of Marketing Companies Use to Pull in Revenue.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful tool. About 79% of vendors confess having better revenue and conversions when using affiliates. 

26. Last-click Attribution is a Model 61% of Affiliates in Australia Use.

Many affiliate marketers (61%) use the last-click model. The former, the first click, is only used by 13% of Australian affiliates.

Top Niches Promoted by Affiliate Marketers

Top Niches Promoted by Affiliate Marketers

27. Fashion is an Area That Attracts the Attention of the Highest Number of Affiliates.

With 23.37%, fashion is today’s most rushed-after category in affiliate marketing. Some other sectors sharing the spotlight are outdoors and sports, with 18.16%, beauty at 13.81%, and travel at 10.74%. Fifth place goes to gardens and homes, with only 8.7%.

28. One of the Least in the Circle of Affiliate Marketing is the Art, With 1.1%.

Art, in every sense of the word, is not so popular in affiliate marketing. Only a fraction, as low as 1.1%, of promoters participate in projecting art pieces.

29. The Telecom and Media Areas Raise 24% of All Revenue in Affiliate Marketing.

Two areas that have to its credit 24% of affiliate marketing returns are the media and telecom. This shows that the media and telecom are doable areas for affiliates.

Up to 3.6% of YouTube Science and technology videos have affiliate links. This high rate has further pushed innovations into the hands of many. These two areas are trending on YouTube searches all over the world.

Women’s fashion thrives on Pinterest, with affiliate links in 4.62% of posts. This makes it the site’s most widespread marketing topic.

32. Fashion Takes Up as Much as 25% of the Total Affiliate Campaigns.

Around 25% of affiliate programs on the web center on fashion. This category includes clothes, accessories, shoes, and so on.

33. Webhosting is a Great Way for a Newbie to Create Income Online.

Webhosting is a great means of earning for anyone willing to spend hours creating an online presence. Moreover, it is simplified so that newbies can find their way easily. You only need to coax people to buy products for your commissions. Isn’t that fun and way easier than doing all the customer support alongside marketing?

34. The Pandemic Affected Life Insurance, Making it One of the Fastest-rising Affiliate Products.

With the entry of the pandemic came the awareness to invest in life insurance. This new awakening caused it to rise beyond others at an amazing speed.

35. Software Commissions are Among the Best in Affiliate Marketing, With 30% Off All Sales.

You can earn a 30% commission on every software sale as an affiliate marketer. This commission is one of the best you can earn as a promotional marketer.

36. Travel Affiliates Earn Between 1% and 3% for Each Successful Sale Deal.

Every completed sale in the travel segment attracts between 1% and 3% as an affiliate marketer.

37. Affiliate Marketers Earn Between 3% and 12% for an Accommodation Sales Deal.

You earn between 3 and 12% when you successfully close an accommodation deal.

Affiliate Marketers Means of Payments

Marketers Means of Payments

38. The Cost Per Acquisition, or CPA, has been Proven the Best Payment Method.

It operates so that the latest referring affiliate is handsomely paid a commission. This method has stood the test of time for over two decades. One great thing is that site owners can easily monetize their platforms.

39. Getting Payments Directly From Merchants is a Better Choice for 48.69% of Affiliates.

Up to 48.69% like to be paid directly by merchants to their local banks. This mode of payment is seamless for this segment, which doesn’t want to go through any hassle.

40. Payments Through PayPal are Welcome by 19% of Affiliates Worldwide.

PayPal is an international payment platform that serves 19% of all affiliate marketers

41. The Ideal Choice of Affiliate Payments for 2.69% is Using a Bitcoin Account.

A Bitcoin account of 2.69% is used to receive affiliate payments from merchants.

42. Just 31% of Sweden Merchants Made Use of Use Affiliates All Through 2020. 

A small fraction of just 31% in Sweden employs affiliates’ services to their business. Another 34% stated the use of pay-per-click in driving sales in the greater part of 2020.

43. Up to 80% of Trademarks Worldwide Actively Use Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is used by 80% of businesses spread all over the world. This explains the fast growth experienced by new brands hitting the market and the expansion of the old ones. 

44. The Number 1 Thing That 18.5% of Publishers Look Out for is Product-bearing.

Choosing the right affiliate program depends on how relevant a product is for 18.5% of publishers

45. Up to 76% of Publishers Feel That Affiliate Marketing has Helped Pump Money Into Their Websites.

For 76% of originators, monetizing a website is far easier now than it was in the past. 

46. Half the Number of Shoppers are in the Habit of Walking Into a Store With Digital Coupons.

50% of shoppers use digital coupons whenever they enter a store. These coupons give the average customer something to look forward to. 

47. Publishers Feel That AdSense Generates Less Revenue Than Affiliate Marketing.

The belief that using affiliates is better than AdSense is based on its better monetization system. Any publisher who wants to stay in vogue for a long time will opt for affiliate marketing. 

48. Creators on Instagram Can Now Earn Commissions When They Birth Sales.

The commission you receive on Instagram comes from the volume of sales made for a brand. Your commission rate is shown on the app. Most brands on Instagram will send in their payments within 30 and 90 days.

49. Apple has to Credit its Performance Partner Program, Which is Up and Running for Affiliates.

You need only link your app or site to the service to benefit from the Apple affiliate program. Affiliates on this platform earn commissions on eligible Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, Apple News, and Apple TV+ membershipsYou also get to make some cool cash from TV shows, audiobooks, movies, books, and lots more. What an exciting way of earning in multiple ways with little or no stress.

Affiliate Marketing Statistics in Covid 19 Pandemic

Affiliate Marketing in Covid 19 Pandemic

50. Affiliates had a 20% Fall in the Volume of Ad Revenue They Made During the Pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a fallout for affiliates, as they could not make as much. Up to 20% of earnings from ads were lost during 2020.

51. Because of COVID-19, Amazon Had No Choice But to Postpone its Affiliate Program to a Later Date.

The pandemic affected what was supposed to be Amazon’s day of digital success. Its affiliated marketing program had no choice but to be shifted to a later date than proposed.

52. There Was a Slash in the Pay Rates of Affiliates on Amazon During the Pandemic.

Amazon slashed affiliate commissions in 2020 while the world was locked down. This move made content creators aware that they needed to look for other sources of income. Those who earned a commission rate of 5% had to make do with 1% as affiliate marketers on Amazon.

53. Over 100 Affiliate Travel Networks Decided to Cut Down Commissions.

Affiliates’ earnings were affected as over 100 travel networks slashed commissions. This was a trying period for many who had no other source of income.

54. A Couple of Affiliate Programs Cut Affiliate Commissions by 70% During the Pandemic.

It was a rough period for affiliates, as some sites slashed the commission rate by 70%, leaving them with just 30% of the previous payout.

55. Over 50% of Affiliates Were Working From the Comfort of Their Home Before the Kickoff of the Pandemic.

Working from home was a norm for only 55% of digital marketers before Covid 19. This means that a good number worked as marketers in corporate offices.

56. Fraud Within the Affiliate Marketing Circle Cost as Much as $1.4 Billion at the Close of 2020.

Fraud has crept into affiliate marketing like every other area of human life. The techniques employed keep getting better over the years. However, cases of crooked affiliates who seek ways of taking credit for the sales of others are on the rise. This is a cause of concern as it thwarts the efforts of real affiliates.

57. Fraud Activities Within the Industry Worldwide are Likely Around 9%.

Almost every platform has some form of fraudulent practice by affiliate marketers, bringing the total percentage worldwide to around 9%.

58. The Cost of Fraud to Merchants was Expected to be About $100 Billion at the End of 2023.

Merchants were likely to spend as much as $100 billion in solving cases of fraud when 2023 came to an end.

59. Up to 39.1% of Affiliate Marketers on Amazon Were Involved in Fraud in 2017.

Amazon was not spared from the evil activities of affiliate market fraudsters. It is thought to have a record of 39.1% at the close of 2017.

60. One in Every Four App Installations Promises of Affiliate Marketing is Not Real.

Fake promises are flying over the web, with 1 in every four apps promising affiliate commissions. These commissions for affiliate marketing are most of the time not met by the apps.

61. The Most Common Way This Affiliate Scam is Carried Out is by Using Click Fraud.

As many as 14% of all frauds in the industry result from click fraud.

62. Loan Companies Lose a Lot of Money When They Pay a Fake Customer.

This loss comes from accepting budding loans from non-existing customers to pay a marketer.

63. One Common Scam Faced by a Good Number of Affiliate Programs is Typosquatting.

Typosquatting has slowly crept into affiliate marketing, causing many to lose the worth of their efforts.

64. Bot Traffic Accounts for 40% of All Clicks Shown on Sites.

Up to 40% of all clicks are said to be bots, as they bear the same IP address. They are sometimes done at odd hours of the day, which brings suspicion.

Affiliate Marketing Revenue Statistics

AM Revenue Statistics

65. As Many as 73% of Merchants Earn by Setting Up Affiliate Programs.

The affiliate marketing programs set up by 73% of merchants are successful. These merchants can realize good revenue through great affiliate marketing ideas. 

66. As High as 60% of Merchants in the United States Said They Earned $5 Million.

Affiliate programs raised as much as $5 million for as many as 60% of merchants in 2021.

67. In the United States, 9% of Affiliates Were Expected to Earn Over $50,000 by the End of 2021.

Affiliate marketers in the United States most likely earned $50,000 at the close of 2021.

68. The Man Jason Stone Was Paid Over $7 Million From Just Affiliate Marketing in 2019 Alone.

2019 was great for Jason Stone, who earned over $7 million from affiliate marketing.

69. The Efforts of 35% of Affiliates Paid Off Nicely, With Over $20,000 as Commission in 2019.   

Over $20,000 was paid to 35% of working affiliates in 2019 alone.

70. The YouTube Channel of Lawrence Systems Produces a High Monthly Affiliate Payout of $2500.

Being an affiliate marketer on YouTube has raised the lifestyle of Lawrence Systems. He receives a whopping sum of $2500 each month from just affiliate marketing. 

71. Some Affiliates Get Paid $1000 for Each Sale on Certain Programs.

A couple of programs are great places to work as an affiliate marketer. They pay affiliates as much as $1000 for every completed sale.

72. Promotional Marketing is a Means of Survival for 34% of Publishers Who do not Have More Than 5,000 Site Visits.

Some publishers get into affiliate marketing to pay their bills. These publishers usually have fewer than 5,000 visits to their websites.

73. Being an Affiliate Marketer is a Second Side Hustle for Most Digital Publishers.

Many online publishers take up affiliate marketing to meet their money needs.

74. Cashback and Loyalty Campaigns as Far Back as 2018 Account for 43% of United States Affiliate Conversions.

Up to 43% of affiliate conversions throughout the United States can be traced back to 2018 cashback and loyalty programs.

75. Blogging Creates the Highest Traffic for Commission Sales Over Other Methods.

A blog is a great way to raise conversion over other content creation.

76. Affiliate Marketing has Risen to Raise Revenue for 40% of United States Merchants.

One major way 40% of merchants in the United States raise business revenue is through affiliate marketing. It has brought a whole new face to businesses spread all over the country.

77. Affiliate Marketing Conversion Rate Lies Between 0.5% and, At Most, 1%.

The conversion rate of affiliate marketing is between an average of 0.5% to not more than 1%.

78. Money Starts Rolling Into the Hands of an Average Affiliate Marketer After Six Months of Content Creation.

The average content creator doubling as an affiliate marketer starts getting paid after six months. 

79. Some Platforms Pay Their eBook Affiliate Marketers as Much as 70%.

Selling eBooks attracts good commissions, as high as 70% on some platforms.

Affiliate Marketing Growth Statistics

Growth Statistics

80. Up to 32% of Businesses in the United Kingdom Considered Increasing Their Budget for Affiliate Marketing.

Brands in the United Kingdom gave serious thought in 2018 to raise the finance bar on affiliate marketing. 

81. The Japanese Affiliate Market Size Was Set to be About 385 Billion Yen at the Close of 2022.

The affiliate market in Japan rose in 2022 due to e-commerce and online awareness growth. That same year, it reached nearly 385 billion yen of Japanese currency

82. Businesses in Thailand Within the First Half of the Year Spent 87.5% of What was Spent in 2019.

Brands spent 87.5% on affiliate marketing in just the first half 2020.

83. The Amount of Money Spent in Japan on Affiliate Marketing has Tripled in the Past Ten Years.

There has been a great increase in the amount of money pumped in by brands into affiliate marketing. 

84. A Brand’s Revenue Can Shoot Up by 30% Due to Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing can increase any brand’s revenue by 30%.


The business world has passed the stage of posting random adverts on the streets. We are at a time when sponsored adverts get viewers’ attention. This is where affiliate marketers come into good use. Affiliate marketers drive traffic to platforms and websites and earn commissions. Brands feel satisfied, and affiliates smile at the bank. Many businesses are set to increase their affiliate marketing budgets, so do not be left out.


What is the percentage of successful affiliate marketers worldwide?

How much has affiliate marketing grown in the last few years?

Is it possible to earn six figures as an affiliate marketer anywhere in the world?

How do I make good money as an Amazon affiliate?

How much return on investment does the average affiliate marketer get?


The post 83+ Vital Affiliate Marketing Statistics (2024 Updated Data) appeared first on The Tech Report.

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40+ Virtual Events Statistics for Better Decision-Making in 2024 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 22:07:38 +0000 Virtual Events Statistics 2024 for Better Decision-Making

The internet opened up a whole new world of possibilities, a virtual world. According to 2023 data, 93.2% of respondents considered their virtual event a success. Virtual events have been...

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Virtual Events Statistics 2024 for Better Decision-Making

The internet opened up a whole new world of possibilities, a virtual world. According to 2023 data, 93.2% of respondents considered their virtual event a success.

Virtual events have been around for a while but weren’t popular; people couldn’t step out until the 2019/2020 global pandemic. The idea of setting up concerts, meetings, churches, and all kinds of events online and having people attend virtually with their computers became appealing and widely accepted.

A third (80%) of virtual event organizers deal with technical problems regularly. Now, people have become comfortable with virtual events, and they have become another thriving economy as businesses, event planners, and others adopt them. These virtual event statistics are eye-openers, showing you all you need to know before deciding which best suits you. Let’s forge ahead.

Virtual Events Statistics 2024 for Better Decision-Making

Key Statistics of Virtual Event

1. 97% of event planners predicted there would be more hybrid events in 2021. After the pandemic in 2020, which opened people’s eyes to hybrid events, organizers predicted they would increase. According to their prediction, the occasions increased.

2. One of every five shows in recent years was digital. Digital concerts have grown over the years. Research shows that one of every show that happened was online.

3. 45.9% of people have attended at least ten online concerts. Almost half of the people who like attending events have attended over ten cyberspace shows. This is because they like anything related to cyberspace.

4. One of every three trade events in 2021 was online. In 2021, people saw an increase in hybrid events, growing by 20%. Records show one of every three year’s trade events was in this category.

5. According to 86% of event planners, virtual concerts save over 200 hours annually. This is because the delay associated with onsite shows is not available.

6. About 76% of marketers believe email is the most effective way to drive registrations. Many people selling online event tickets use emails to drive sales, which has been heavily effective. With this, over 76% of them prefer the method.

7. About 60% of organizers of online shows drive registrations through social media. Social media is a place where billions of online users visit daily. This is why about 60% of organizers use it to make people register for digital shows.

8. About 51% of B2B companies drive registrations through their business partners. This method has proven effective enough that many others want to adopt it.

Statistics of Virtual Event Audience Engagement

Statistics of Virtual Event Audience Engagement

9. Organizing and promoting a small virtual event takes three to six weeks. Here, the promotion takes longer because many people still don’t buy the idea of attending shows online.

10. One of the most successful techniques for digital event engagement is hosting online hangouts before or after the show. People like the feeling of being a part of something, which is what hangouts do. So, organizers adopt this method to increase engagement in their online shows.

11. The most significant concern for B2B event marketers is audience engagement. Many marketers fear that people might not engage with their events as much as they should, which drives them to work harder. The second concern they have is the interactions of the people that engage.

12. Q and A session is one of the top techniques to improve engagements. Many promoters increase engagement by using question-and-answer sessions; some add prices for winners. Other ways are to get people to discuss and share the links.

13. Most virtual event planners (about 89%) rely on social media to increase engagement. Since billions of people use all social media sites worldwide, social media is a great tool for increasing engagement. This is why 89% of planners use it consistently.

14. Over 50% of big event organizers worldwide used engagements to measure the success of a digital concert in 2020. There are currently many other methods to measure the success of online shows, but engagements are still a major part of it.

Statistics of Virtual Event Financials

Statistics of Virtual Event Financials

15. The top three challenges that event organizers face are Planning the event, deciding whether to cancel or shift it and changing the terms of contracts. Sometimes, planning doesn’t go as organizers want, so they face challenges. Most times, they get over it and have a successful event.

16. 70% of event planners say that a good microphone is important if an event will be successful. Many other things exist, but they believe the audience must have a clear sound.

17. The biggest portion of a virtual event budget goes to the platform. Analytics shows that the digital platform for events takes more of the budget. Following this is the fee for the moderator.

18. Many companies allocate 10% to 20% of their marketing budget to online shows. Many companies are beginning to see cyberspace gatherings as a means of advertising their products, so they allocate about 10% to 20% of their marketing budget.

19. Three of every ten business event suppliers and planners say that their main financial challenge is the pricing of hybrid shows. However, the other seven don’t consider it because they think it is less expensive than onsite concerts.

20. Attendee engagement and satisfaction are key performance indicators that explain an event’s success. Analytics show that engagement and satisfaction are the two most important ways to evaluate an event’s success. If these two are high, the level of others doesn’t count much.

21. 22% of professionals in the event say that multi-day virtual conferences impact important business objectives more. This is more than the way musical concerts do.

Statistics of Event Sponsorship

Statistics of Event Sponsorship

22. $65.8 billion has gone for sponsorship of online shows worldwide. Over the years, many brands and individuals have shown interest in virtual gatherings that they have spent billions to sponsor. The accumulative amount worldwide is $65.8 billion. This price will increase in the coming years.

23. About 50.6% of virtual gathering organizers say connecting sponsors and attendees will play a vital role in their events. They say it can make sponsors spend more to make the attendees engage.

24. 33.7% of marketers say that $500 and $1000 are the highest going rates for an event. They fix this price to make most or all of the money they spend, or even more.

25. Ority of the senior marketers (about 62%) plan to invest in more live events. The future of marketing might take a good turn as more marketers want to invest in live shows. This means more awareness for the brands and money as well.

26. Four of every ten professional in the event space in the US planned to increase their spending on virtual events in 2021. The fast growth of virtual events in 2020 pushed many professionals to make investment plans for 2021. Four of the ten made the plan, and they executed it.

27. Experts say the virtual event market will reach $22.75 billion in 2028. The industry has been studying the market and its constant growth rate, and the result is that the market will gross $22.75 billion in 2028, and it is on its way there.

28. World marketers predicted about 40% of events would go digital in 2022. The year came, and records show that it met the target.

Statistics of Hybrid Event

Statistics of Hybrid Event

29. The Net Promoter Score is preferable for 23% of show professionals. Professionals in this industry usually have many options because of how big the sector is. However, some options are preferable, as 23% choose Net Promoter Score for show business.

30. To measure the success of hybrid gatherings, 89% of organizers use the attendees’ satisfaction rate. Almost all organizers agree that attendees’ satisfaction is the true test of an event’s success, so 89% of them evaluate it.

31. 57% of people said that they prefer in-person hybrid shows to virtual. Over half (57%) of those who participated in our survey said they preferred to attend onsite hybrid events. Some of the other 43% don’t have a preference, and others said they would rather attend hybrid events online.

32. 34% of organizers plan to invest in hybrid gatherings in the coming years. They have noticed the industry’s growth and want to partake in it.

33. 43% of people say they use virtual meeting software. Many people now use virtual meeting apps. In a survey, about 43% of participants say they have used the apps at least once.

34. About 92% of marketers say that apps for managing events can make achieving business outcomes easy. Event management apps have proven to be good for business outcomes. About 92% of marketers believe this, leaving the other 8% who haven’t seen results yet.

35. One of every three businesses uses a meeting app for online gatherings. Research shows that nearly half of the world’s businesses use apps to hold their online meetings. The other two of every three use social media platforms.

Statistics of the B2B Event Industry

Statistics of the B2B Event Industry

36. 99% of polled brands believe webinars are vital to their event marketing plans. This is because over half of event attendees prefer webinars.

37. 65% of B2B marketers intend to shift some of the budget of their live events to online meetings. Over half of B2B marketers think online meetings bring more engagements, so they want to push some of their budgets there. The major part they are moving to is webinars.

38. In the professional service industry, about 54% of marketers host VIP events. They do this to attract partners and more clients.

39. 51% of B2B marketers in the professional service industry host leadership events. They believe these events impact many people and can generate significant engagement.

40. 97% of media industry people say in-person events are better for achieving business goals. They believe people like having a physical connection to make certain investment moves.

Commercial and Professional Services Event Statistics

Commercial and Professional Services Event Statistics

41. 92% of commercial and professional service sector people believe that leadership teams are very committed to their event techniques. This is because of how meetings have turned out when they involve the teams.

42. 96% of these people say that gatherings offer attendees valuable opportunities. They further mentioned that people can meet like-minded, new clients and more at events.

43. In the professional service industry, 54% of event marketers host events to promote brands. Unlike them, the other 46% host gatherings for fun, educational value, and more.

44. Over half of the B2B marketers we surveyed prefer to attend in-person events more than virtual ones. They say they convert more clients when they attend onsite events.


Virtual events make it easy for people to attend any meeting from anywhere in the world. So attendees can attend and engage in gatherings while they stay at home. This is possible with meeting apps and social media. However, more people use social media than meeting apps to attend and engage in online meetings.

Regardless of how viral digital events have gone, more people prefer in-person events. Marketers would rather attend onsite meetings because they can sell their brands to many people and ensure conversions. Normal attendees say that in-person events help them make business moves.


What are the strengths of virtual events?

What percentage of event professionals said they plan to use hybrid events as their go-to format once in-person events resume?

What four key elements make up a good hybrid event?

What do you hope to gain from attending a virtual event?

Why are virtual events better?


The post 40+ Virtual Events Statistics for Better Decision-Making in 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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Enlightening Video Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2024 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:52:46 +0000 Enlightening Video Marketing Statistics 2024 You Should Know

With the advent of the internet, the possibilities for marketing products are endless. People can host websites and social media sites where they post articles, pictures, and videos of the...

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Enlightening Video Marketing Statistics 2024 You Should Know

With the advent of the internet, the possibilities for marketing products are endless. People can host websites and social media sites where they post articles, pictures, and videos of the products they sell. Approximately 35% of marketing videos are made from scratch, and 48% use some combination of premade templates.

Nowadays, people would rather watch videos and visuals than read anything. So most online ads are videos, providing a better avenue to demonstrate how the products and services work. Statistics show that this method creates 80% more conversions than conventional marketing methods.

Facts abound, but we will present the most intriguing ones so you can understand how valuable video marketing is for businesses and decide whether to adopt it.

In This Guide

Enlightening Video Marketing Statistics 2024 You Should Know

General Video Marketing Statistics

1. One of Every Three Activities People Perform Online is Watching Videos.

Video content has grown to be the favorite of many internet users. Research shows that if an average person does three things online, watching a video is one of them.

2. A Digital Marketing Video can Increase Your Conversions by 80%.

Many business people have confirmed that their brands received about an 80% additional conversion rate when they use this strategy. One factor that sponsors this is that many people get attracted to videos.

3. About 68% of People Will Completely Watch a One-minute-long Visual Recording.

As much as people love these contents, their attention span is short. So, about 68% of them will complete a one-minute video, and 89% will complete one of 30 seconds.

4. 60% of People Lose Attention After Two Minutes Into a Video.

Research shows that about 33% of people lose interest in a visual recording after 30 seconds. 45% lose it after one minute, and 60% after two minutes.

5. About 66% of People Prefer to Watch Short Content to Learn About Brand Products and Services.

We conducted a survey, and 18% said they prefer to read posts on different platforms to learn about brands. However, about 66% would rather learn through a video.

There are many videos online and offline. However, the ones that attract more viewers for businesses are social, webinars, and demos. They are mostly interesting to view.

Video Consumption Statistics

Video Consumption Statistics

7. Streamers Often Get About 95% of the Messages on Videos.

A survey shows that people who watch videos absorb about 95% of the message they pass. This is because they pay more attention to the recordings.

8. People Who Use Google Will Likely Click on Video Search Results More Than Others.

Google search results mostly consist of article links and links to visual content. Research shows that over half of users will opt for video results.

9. About 84% of People Who Watch Explainer Content Will Make a Purchase.

More people will purchase products after watching an explainer than after reading articles, and experts say this rate will increase in the coming years.

10. Video Content is 1200% More Successful Than Other Content.

Many businesses have reported experiencing about 1200% more productivity from visual content than others. This is because more people more people prefer visual recordings.

11. In One Week, an Average Person Watches Recordings Online for About 16 Hours.

About two years ago, people were not as interested in watching recordings as much as they are now. They spent only 10 hours a week on it and currently spend over 16 hours, which means an increment of over 52%. Experts predict that it will increase even more.

ROI Video Marketing Statistics

ROI Video Marketing Statistics

12. Visitors Spend More Time on a Page if it has a Video.

In a survey, about 83% of marketers admitted that they get more stay hours on their pages when there is a clip. When there are only articles or graphic designs on the page, people spend less time on it.

13. About 89% of Video Marketers Say They Get a Good ROI When Using the Strategy.

Using clips as a marketing strategy has worked for many people, even marketers. Almost all of them claim they have seen a good ROI with the technique.

14. When Video Ads Air on Social Media, About 80% of Marketers View Them Positively.

Clip ads have proven to be more compelling than written ones. They even compel marketers as much as they do customers.

15. Digital Marketing Videos Make Websites See an Increase in Traffic.

In a survey on marketers, about 87% of them say that websites with clip records get more traffic. They attract more people and keep them most of the time.

16. Over Half of the World’s Commercial Strategists Believe Video Marketing Gives the Best ROIs.

It is not a myth that marketing with visual recording produces more results. Over half of marketing strategists believe the same.

Video Marketing Engagements Statistics

Video Marketing Engagements Statistics

17. You Can Save About 50% of the Cost-per-engagement When You Add Videos to Your Promoted Tweets.

Because of the returns you will get after paying to promote a marketing video on X(Twitter), you can cover 50% of the cost. This will help you save more money. Also, you will make extra aside from the 50% covered cost.

18. Pre-recorded Videos on Facebook Get Half the Engagement of Live Streams.

Analytics have shown that people who go live on Facebook get double their engagement when they post a pre-recorded one. More users like to watch things as they happen live than see them after it must have happened.

19. Videos Get More Engagement on Instagram Than Other Types of Content.

If you want to get more engagements on Instagram, your best bet is to post clips. This is because more people like and watch them than they do for write-ups and pictures.

20. Eight of Ten People Remember Visual Recording Ads for the Next 30 Days.

Watching a video advertisement tends to remain in your memory for 30 days. These recordings stick to the memory longer than pictures.

21. Video Content in Emails Can Increase Click-through Rate by 300%.

Records show you will have more click-throughs on every email you send if you attach videos. This makes it a great advertisement medium.

22. The Subscription Rates on Any Platform Can Increase by 26% With Videos.

Using clip records doesn’t work only with products. It also helps people boost subscriptions on their various platforms. It increases them by 26%, and the rate will hike as the years go by.

23. Attaching Videos to Your Emails Increases the Open Rates by 19%.

People who receive emails with video attachments tend to be more interested in opening them than other attachments. The rate increases by 19% worldwide.

24. Including the Word ‘Video’ in Your Email Subject Can Increase Open Rates by 6%.

Aside from attaching videos to your email, adding ‘Video’ to the subject title increases the rate at which receivers open it. The word is intriguing on its own.

Statistics of Mobile Videos

Statistics of Mobile Videos

25. About 90% of the Picture Recording Views on X(Twitter) are From Mobile Devices.

Research has shown that more people access Twitter with their mobile devices than computers. As a result, the platform records 90% of views on short clips from smartphones and tablets.

26. About 92% of People Who Use Their Mobile Devices to Watch Videos Ensure to Share Them With Friends.

Mobile devices are handy and easily used, even more so than computers. The navigation keys are easy to find, so people easily send content to friends after watching.

27. People Using Mobile Devices Make Up About 93% of the Views on Microblogging Visual Content.

The number of people who own smartphones and tablets is more than those who own computers. This influences the amount of views that microblogging gets from mobile devices.

28. People Between 18 and 19 Prefer to Watch YouTube Videos Than Television Networks.

Cable TVs are gradually becoming obsolete, and other online streaming services are taking over. Many young people prefer to stream on YouTube rather than on TV networks.

29. About 50.9% of B2B Decision-makers Use YouTube as a Platform for Research.

YouTube has thousands of content, some for entertainment, some for promotions, and others for education. Many people use the educational part for research, including over 50% of B2B.

30. Only 66% of B2C Marketers Use Digital Marketing Clips.

B2C and B2B marketers use digital marketing picture recordings for their work, but one group uses them more: 71% of B2B and 66% of B2C.

31. Desktops are Preferable for Watching Business Videos for Many People.

Research has shown that when it comes to watching business videos, people use mobile devices 13% of the time. However, they use a desktop for the watch 87% of the time. This is because desktops look more serious as well as business-related things.

32. About 30% of Video Merchandising Strategists Believe Clips are More Important Than Websites.

There are many strategies to advertise products. However, 30% of strategists who focus on videos believe using recordings is better than using websites to advertise products.

33. Many B2B Companies Say That Video Content Impacts Their ROI Positively.

From analytics, many B2B companies have tilted more to video content advertising. About 73% of them say that they have seen a great impact on their ROI since using the method.

Statistics of Live Video Marketing

Statistics of Live Video Marketing

34. Only 12% of the Video Posts on Facebook are Live Streams.

Most Facebook users don’t go live at all, and some do not do it at all times. However, almost every user has posted pre-recorded videos. With this, live streams are only 12% and pre-recorded clips are about 88%.

35. About 45% of Customers Request Live Digital Sessions From Brands.

Many people want to see brands explain and test their products and services live through social media to gain trust. Some of the other 55% don’t care about it or don’t have the time to make the requests.

36. For 17% of Companies Worldwide, Live Streaming is Integral to Their Social Media Advertising Technique.

Even if it is unpopular, live streaming has grown its credibility, making people trust brands more. This is why some brands consider it an important part of their strategy.

37. Professionals in This Industry Say That Live Streaming Will Become More Vital in the Sector in the Coming Months.

Due to the rate at which live streaming is growing brand recognition, its relevance is getting pronounced in advertising. About 60% of experts in this sector say that it will become even more important in the coming month.

38. Facebook Live Saw a 50% Increase in Viewers in 2020.

In 2020, for some reason, more Facebook users became interested in viewing live streams. This made viewers increase by 50% that year. Experts say it will see more increment.

Statistics of Healthcare Video Marketing

Statistics of Healthcare Video Marketing

39. 5% of All the Searches on Google Relate to Health.

Due to the severe health challenges people worldwide face, this has become a high-level concern. Many people search for symptoms, cures, and other health-related things, searching rises to 5%.

40. People Who Tend to be Healthcare Patients Make Up Diagnoses After Reading Online Reviews.

Many people fear to visit the hospital for some reason. This pushes them to check reviews online and form an opinion after reading six reviews.

41. Experts Said That the Worldwide Healthcare Companies’ Advertising Expenditure Would Increase by 4.3% in 2021.

As far back as 2020, the advertising expenditure for healthcare companies worldwide was relatively low. So, experts predicted that it would increase by 4.3%, and it did. It even beat their predictions that year.

42. 84% of Patients Trust Online Reviews as They Trust Personal Recommendations.

Records show that about 94% of healthcare patients use online reviews. Also, 84% trust the reviews fervently like they would a personal one.

43. Customers are More Likely to Use Search Engines to Find Nursing Homes, Optometrists, and Therapists.

Online reviews for health professionals like therapists, nursing homes, and optometrists go a long way for patients. Only a few of them get personal recommendations for these things.

Statistics of Real Estate Video Marketing

Statistics of Real Estate Video Marketing

44. Only 9% of Agents in the Real Estate Sector Create Listing Videos.

Listing videos are not important to many real estate agents because they don’t see the use for them. Also, fewer people watch them; they prefer to scroll through listings and not watch them.

45. Videos Have Proven to Be the Best Way for Agents to Show Their Reputations.

Clients look out for the reputations of real estate agents as the top five factors that can make them do deals. One way for agents to showcase their reputations is through videos, which is why they prefer to use them.

46. If You Attack a Video on Your Real Estate Website, the chance of it Appearing on the First Page Will Increase by 53%.

Since videos attract more viewers, many agents attach it to their websites. Analytics show that most websites appear on the search engine’s first page.

47. About 50% of People Who Use the Internet Search for Videos of Certain Services and Products Before They Buy.

Many say that write-ups about products and services appear too long and boring. So, they prefer videos before they buy.

48. More Homeowners Who Want to Sell Prefer Realtors With Video Listens.

Video listings are important to most homeowners looking to sell their properties. This is why 73% of them go for it, leaving about 27% who don’t care about it.

Statistics of E-commerce Video Marketing

Statistics of E-commerce Video Marketing

49. 12% of Visitors to E-commerce Pages Will Watch the Ads on the Page.

People visiting e-commerce websites might skip ads in other places but not on the commercial pages. Twelve percent of them do this because they want suggestions for other products.

50. After Watching an Ad, 46% of Viewers Will Act On It.

Video ads are becoming more compelling daily, and many people act on them. Nearly half of the watchers take action after watching, and the percentage will increase as the year goes by.

51. 47% of Retail Executives Consider Clip Ads Their Top 3 Marketing Priorities.

When it comes to marketing, video ads are more productive. This is why it has grown to be in the top 3 ad priorities for 47% of retail executives and the top 5 for even more.

52. About Three of Four Customers Say They are Most Likely to Buy a Product if They Watch a Clip Explaining It.

Write-ups and graphic designs don’t explain the functionalities of products, as well as videos do. Because of this, over half of customers rely on videos.

53. Video Ads are Helpful for 93% of Comparison Shoppers.

Records show that about 93% of consumers who do comparison shopping find video ads helpful because they provide vivid explanations.

Statistics Saas Video Marketing

Statistics Saas Video Marketing

54. 75% of All Video Plays are Through Mobile Devices.

Mobile devices are handy, easy to use, and portable. So, people watch more videos with them than with any other device, bringing the percentage of plays on them to 75.

55. Over Three of Every Four People Worldwide Watch at Least One Visual Recording Every week.

Visual recordings are hard to avoid if you use the internet. You will always bump into one or more, even if you don’t want to watch. Because of this, over three-quarters of the world’s population watches videos weekly.

56. One-third of the Time People Spend Online Goes to Viewing Streaming Clips.

Research has shown that people watch clips more than they do many other things online. Records take up one-third of an average internet user’s online time.

57. 66% More Qualified Leads Go To Video Marketers Every Year.

Each year that passes gives video marketers 66% more qualified leads than the previous one. It is a result of the sector of advertising they engage in.

Statistics of Travel Video Marketing

Statistics of Travel Video Marketing

58. Brand Travel Video Views Have Seen a 394% Increment.

Over the years, many people have developed a preference for watching travel visual records, and most of them prefer branded ones. This has increased the views by 394%, and experts say it will grow even more.

59. Most People Search for Travel Videos Based on Destinations.

Analytics shows that about 71% of travel video searches relate to the destinations. Only 29% of searches were based on the leaving point.

60. 67% of Travel Visual Recordings Come From Brands.

Travel brands make and post more travel clips than other handlers because they get more engagement.

61. 58% of Travel Searches Come From Searches for Specific Travel Brands.

The increment of views in travel content has made brand searches grow. They make up about 58% of the travel searches.

62. 40% of Travel Clip Watchers Stream About Tourist Attractions and Destinations.

Of all the viewers in this sector, 40% watch content about destinations and tourist attractions. They do this for entertainment and to plan trips.

Statistics of Education Video Marketing

Statistics of Education Video Marketing

63. Between the Last Week of March and the First Week of April 2020, Google Searches for Online Courses Increased by 70%.

Between the last week of March and the first week of April, Google saw a 70% increase in online course searches worldwide. The Covid 19 influenced this growth rate, making people want to take online classes since schools shut down.

64. Online Educational Videos are the Most Common Learning Tool in K-12 Classrooms.

K-12 classrooms mostly use online education pictorial records to teach students. 45% of the students in the classes say it is their favorite learning method, including playing digital educational games.

65. How-to Videos With ‘At Home’ in the Title See a 50% Annual Increase in Worldwide Watch Time.

Every year, the watch time of how-to content across different platforms worldwide hikes. It grows by 50% when there is at home anywhere in the title because people want quick fixes for things in their homes.

66. 58% of People Worldwide Use Videos to Learn New Skills.

People don’t go to physical workshops to learn skills as they used to; they now use online means. Their favorite online method is through videos.

67. 55% of People Watch Online Clip Content Every Day.

Watching content online costs money, and many people don’t mind spending every other day. In one month, they spend over $100 on internet data.

68. In 2018, Companies Spent $1.8 Billion on Videos.

The financial service sector saw an increase in expenditures in 2018. Brands spent $1.8 billion that year, 13.1% higher than the previous year.

69. 65% of Viewers Watch Over Three of Four Videos They See.

People stumble on thousands of videos daily, and they make sure to watch almost all of them. However, they don’t completely watch them because they lose interest halfway through.

Statistics of Social Media Video Marketing

Social Media Video Marketing

70. About 17% of Businesses Use Live Streaming for Social Media Marketing Campaigns.

Live streaming on social media promotes credibility and trust between brands and clients. However, not every brand knows this, so only 17% use it.

71. 16% of People Who View Social Clips Use Vlogs to Research About Products.

Vlogs are for many purposes, and product research makes it to the list. However, only 16% of social media users use them to research products.

72. Entertaining Videos are More Appealing to Most Social Media Users.

Research has shown that about 73% of social media users prefer to watch entertainment content more than others. They skip most educational and business content online.

73. Posting a Video on Social Media Will Get You 48% More Views Than Other Content.

The rate at which people love watching content online leads them to video posts on social media. This makes handlers get 48% more views on such posts.

According to analytics, YouTube has become the most famous social media platform for sharing visual recordings. 88% of the time, marketers use it to sell out products.

Statistics of YouTube Video Marketing

Statistics of YouTube Video Marketing

75. YouTube is the Number One Platform to Watch Content for Millennials.

Due to the ease of usage and the numerous content on YouTube, it has grown to be a favorite for millennials. Following the platform, the number two most preferred is Netflix; it has thousands of mature movies that the age group loves.

76. In 2019, YouTube Users Uploaded 500 Hours of Content Every Minute.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 kept many people less busy because of the lockdown. So, they turned to the internet, and YouTube was the go-to for many people. This increased the hours of content users posted on the platform to over 500 every minute.

77. The Average Time YouTube Users Spend Watching Videos Every Day is 17 Minutes and 30 Seconds.

Most YouTube users spend less than an hour on the platform, and a few spend over three hours there. However, the average time most users spend on the app is one day.

78. YouTube has Over 15 Million Content Creators and Over 38 Million Active Channels.

Analytics shows that there are more active channels than content creators. This means some creators have over two channels that they work with. More research shows that only over 22,000 channels have over 1 million subscribers.

79. YouTube Live Streams Increased by 45% in 2020.

When the virus pandemic worsened in 2020, most people turned to streaming sites. That year, live streams on YouTube increased by 45%.

Statistics on LinkedIn Video Marketing

Statistics on LinkedIn Video Marketing

80. It Would Interest You to Know That About 80% of the Videos on LinkedIn Go Without Sound.

Some of the videos on LinkedIn have sounds, while others don’t. Regardless, people still watch them, not needing the sound. This is because they are mostly promotional videos with write-ups on the screens.

81. The Best Video Length for LinkedIn Ads and Posts is 30 to 90 Seconds.

Visual recordings on the platform are usually more effective when they are not too long or short. A 30 to 90-second video works perfectly for the site.

82. LinkedIn Users Share Posts 20 Times More Than Other Platforms.

LinkedIn is a media site that connects clients with brands. So, people share certain posts until they reach the brand or client they want.

83. LinkedIn Live Streams Get Seven Times More Engagements Than Published Videos.

Analytics have shown that more people prefer watching live streams on LinkedIn. They find them more educational than published videos because of the sound difference and other factors.

Statistics of Facebook Video Marketing

Statistics of Facebook Video Marketing

84. Users Watch 85% of Facebook Videos Without Sound.

Sounds don’t always matter in some videos when they already have captions, and most videos on Facebook do. So, people watch about 85% without paying attention to the sound.

85. Facebook Users Watch Live Streams Three Times More Than Published Ones.

Live streams on Facebook get three times more engagements than published content. People like to see things as they happen live rather than pre-recorded.

86. Facebook Records Over 8 Billion Views on Visual Recordings Every Day.

Due to the large number of users on Facebook, the platform gets billions of video views daily. The number is over 8 billion; experts say it will increase in the coming years.

87. Over 75 Million People Visit Facebook Watch Every Day.

Out of the billions of people active on Facebook, 75 million visit Facebook Watch daily. Analytics show that they spend at least 20 minutes watching content on the space.

88. About 71% of the Content on Facebook Comes From Accounts With Over 100,000 Followers.

People with more followers tend to post more than those with fewer followers. The engagement they get encourages them to publish more.

Statistics of Instagram Video Marketing

Statistics of Instagram Video Marketing

89. The Sound on Instagram Story Videos is Active for 60% of Watchers.

Research has shown that more people like watching Instagram stories with sound. About 60% of users turn the sound on, and 40% don’t care if it is on; they watch and skip.

90. The Number of People Watching Instagram Picture Recordings has Increased by 80% Since 2017.

Instagram had a high number of views before June 2017. But the number has hiked even more and has stayed up since then.

91. One of Every Three Most-watched Instagram Stories Comes From Business Profiles.

Instagram business profiles are making huge waves as many people go there to find things to buy. They have a few of the most watched stories on the platform and the tendency to increase even more.

92. Using Stickers on Instagram Stories Increases Views by 83%.

If you add stickers to the next story post, you can experience a rapid increase in your Instagram Story views by 83%. People are attracted to funny stickers, and the platform algorithm makes the story appear to more people.

93. Instagram Video Posts Get Twice the Engagement Others Get.

Posting videos is a simple hack if you want more engagement on your Instagram page. You will get double the engagements that you get on picture posts.

Statistics of TikTok Video Marketing

Statistics of TikTok Video Marketing

94. TikTok Recorded Daily Views of Over I Billion in 2018.

TikTok analytics show it had over 1 billion views daily in 2018. People wanted to explore it because it was still young, and the content was short and interesting. So, one user gave over 50 views in one day.

95. 66% of All the Marketers Who Venture to Use TikTok Have Succeeded.

TikTok has proven to have lucrative opportunities, and marketers have explored its productivity. About 66% of them recorded success, while some of the other 44% said they didn’t put in as much effort as they would.

96. 68% of TikTok Users Watch Other People’s Videos Online.

TikTok has more watchers than people who post. 55% of the people on the platform are creators, and 45% haven’t uploaded any personal videos. However, 68% of the users actively watch videos by other people.

97. TikTok has Over 800 Million Users.

A few years ago, the number of users on TikTok rose to 800 million and surpassed the amount. Experts say the number will see more rapid growth in the coming months.

98. An Average TikTok User in the US Spends About 7 Hours on the Platform Daily.

People in the US spend an incredible amount of time on TikTok, 7 hours. They break this down into 45 minutes 10 times in one day.

Statistics of X (Twitter) Video Marketing

Statistics of X (Twitter) Video Marketing

99. You can boost your retention by 60% on X using Video Website Cards. This works with the platform algorithm to create the possibility.

100. 90% of all the videos X play on mobile devices. This is because more people own the devices, making the interface easier to use.

101. X records about 2 million visual recording views every day. The site is a blogging social media platform, so more people read than watch videos.

102. The click-through rates with Video Website Cards on X are twice as high as the ones from normal video ads.

Statistics of Video Marketing by Country

Statistics of Video Marketing by Country

Statistics of Video Marketing for the US

103. Over 60% of people in the US say they prefer to watch online videos instead of TV. There are various videos online, and you can choose any one that catches your interest, but it is not the same on TV networks. This is why most people in the US prefer to go online.

104. Experts said that 82% of customer internet traffic would come from videos. This wasn’t just mere speculation, as the prediction happened.

105. The rate at which people watch videos with their mobile devices in the US doubles every year. Analysis shows that the US sees double the number of mobile device video views yearly. It sees an increment of 100% as more people get the devices and have even more video needs.

106. Experts predicted that nearly 1 million videos would be uploaded to YouTube every second in 2023. The prediction was true, as many people made visual recording posts online even more.

Statistics of Video Marketing for the UK

107. In the UK, 41% of B2B marketers consider B2B clip recordings. They are making this consideration because they want to increase their revenue.

108. 93% of marketers in the UK say that their sales have increased since they started using clips. The method has proven to be effective for selling our products.

109. 32% off clip ads that last 15 seconds online. This is the most popular duration in the UK, as more marketers use it to get buyers’ attention. Other durations are less popular.

110. Only 61% of businesses in the UK considered using video for content marketing in 2016. After five years, in 2021, the rate grew to 92%, and it experienced more growth.

111. About 57% of UK video marketers use live video for advertising. 34% of the rate use Facebook Live, and 13% use Instagram. These are the most popular media for this sector.

Statistics of Video Marketing in Canada

112. In Canada, about 73% of content marketers actively use online clips as part of their marketing strategy. 62% of the entire marketers adopted the same method.

113. YouTube is the leading digital video site in Canada. It gives Canadians what they want, and they prefer it.

114. Two out of every three streamers in Canada use mobile devices. These devices are handy and easy to use, which is why people prefer to use them.

115. Nearly 26.1 million people watch videos in Canada monthly, which shows how much people like visual clips.

Interesting Facts About Video Marketing

Interesting Facts About Video Marketing 

116. For 17% of companies worldwide, live streaming is an important part of their social media advertising technique.

117. People who tend to be healthcare patients make up diagnoses after reading online reviews.

118. Experts said that the worldwide healthcare companies’ advertising expenditure would.

119. 84% of patients trust online reviews as they trust personal recommendations.

120. About 50% of people who use the internet search for videos of certain services and products before they buy.

121. 47% of retail executives consider clip ads their top 3 marketing priorities.

122. The search for online courses on Google increased by 70% in 2020 between the last week of March and the first week of April.

123. About 17% of businesses use live streaming for social media marketing campaigns.

124. Posting a video on social media will get you 48% more views than other content.

125. YouTube has over 15 million content creators and over 38 million active channels.


Video marketing has spread across diverse sectors and industries, and its popularity has increased worldwide. Every brand believes it increases sales, engagement, awareness, and more.

Many people, especially youngsters, prefer visual recordings to pictures and write-ups, so you hardly see lots of engagement with blogs that use only blocks of text.

If you post video clips, your page will receive more views, and businesses will become more visible and gain clients when they advertise with videos. Therefore, more brands are adopting video marketing for publicity and marketing. When you go live, you can attract more buyers and engagement. The facts above are a guide to show how much more your brand can achieve with video marketing.


How do you measure the success of a video marketing campaign?

What makes an effective marketing video?

How can I improve my video marketing?

Is using a video a good marketing strategy?

How long should a marketing video be?


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80+ Striking Business Reputation Management Statistics (2024) Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:00:36 +0000 Striking Business Reputation Management Statistics (2024)

In This Guide Key Reputation Management Statistics Statistics  General Reputation Management Statistics 1. Up to 75% of Consumers have More Trust in Brands With Positive Online Reviews. 2. As Many...

The post 80+ Striking Business Reputation Management Statistics (2024) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Striking Business Reputation Management Statistics (2024)
In This Guide

The era when people read posters and bills is disappearing. Many people now check out online reviews before buying. Building a positive online reputation in our digital age cannot be overstressed. Having bad product reviews and hoping to make good sales is more like planting oranges and expecting a harvest of apples. A company’s reputation accounts for 63% of its market value.

People may not have seen your physical product before, but what they read online about it is the deciding buying factor. 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Businesses today have no choice but to build a great online reputation.

Do you know your business can be swept out of the way simply because of bad reviews? You will be shocked at how many companies have been reduced to nothing. Learn the statistics on how well businesses have fared and the numbers that have closed down due to bad reviews in today’s digital world. Let’s start.

Striking Business Reputation Management Statistics (2024)

Key Reputation Management Statistics Statistics 

  1. Up to 75% of consumers have more trust in brands with positive online reviews.
  2. As many as 60% of customers will not consider buying a brand with negative online comments.
  3. As many as 63% of clients gave positive product reviews in 2020.
  4. Just 32% of consumers sent negative reviews by the close of 2020.
  5. 72% of consumers in the United States wrote reviews throughout 2020, 6% more than the record at the close of 2019.
  6. The habit of reading online reviews of the past month is done by 73% of consumers.
  7. Half the total number of customers are in the practice of reading reviews from 14 days ago.
  8. 1 out of every 3 moguls say that negative reviews have caused damage to their business.
  9. To be exact, just 49% of managers believe that the reputation of their CEO is linked to the brand’s standing.
  10. Up to 54% of consumers feel that brands should increase their online relations with their customers.
  11. A better experience for 61% of clients will likely happen when mobile usage improves.
  12. Posting reviews to 43% of brands should only be done by customers who have attested to their order.
  13. Trusting online reviews is the same as a good word from friends to 83% of clients.
  14. Any review of 73% of customers over three months old should not be trusted.
  15. The average customer out there feels that a review can only be valid when it is over 40 in number.
  16. A rating between 4.2 and 4.5 can be said to be a success regarding reviews.
  17. Any business with a 5-star rating on review raises an eyebrow to onlookers.

General Reputation Management Statistics

General Reputation Management Statistics 

1. Up to 75% of Consumers have More Trust in Brands With Positive Online Reviews.

For 75% of brand consumers, buying a product is largely influenced by its positive reviews online.

2. As Many as 60% of Customers Will Not Consider Buying a Brand With Negative Online Comments.

For as many as 60% of consumers, any brand with a bad reputation online is a no-no.

3. A Company’s Market Value Depends Largely on the Reviews it Gets Online.

More than 63% of a business’s market value growth is owed to the reviews it receives. This shows that a company’s reviews are linked to its market value.

4. It Takes as Much as 40 Good Reviews to Erase Just One Negative Review of a Product.

Every brand tries to keep a good online presence, as it can take up to 40 great reviews to erase one negative online comment.

5. As Much as 99.9% of Consumers go Online to Read Reviews Before Any Purchase in 2021.

As high as 99.9% of consumers goes to show the importance of reviews to the modern buyer. Since a lot of shopping is happening online, it is only right that businesses put their best foot into the competition.

6. By the Close of 2018, Up to 96% of Consumers Were on the Lookout for Negative Reviews.

It’s quite funny how people would rather look for negative reviews of a brand than positive ones. Up to 96% of shoppers scouted for negative reviews of brands when shopping in 2018 alone. The reason behind this is to see the business weaknesses; they usually purchase if the negatives are few.

Online Review Trust Statistics

Online Review Trust Statistics 

7. Trusting Online Reviews is the Same as a Good Word From Friends to 84% of Clients.

Online reviews carry so much weight for 84% of customers like that which comes from close friends.

8. Making Purchases for 95% of Consumers Involves Reading Through Reviews.

In this modern society, buying a brand takes a lot of time for 95% of clients. These people take their time to review reviews before deciding.

9. A business With Four Stars and Above Will Attract 57% of Willing Buyers.

The number of star reviews shows, to a large extent, how great a brand is in the market. Up to 57% of consumers feel businesses with less than four stars should not be given a second look. This shows that brands must work hard to create a good online reputation.

10. The Average Customer on the Street Will Trust a Brand With Over 40 Online Reviews to Deliver Quality.

An average customer believes any business with over 40 reviews is good enough to be trusted. This idea is based on the fact that brands need customer reviews to grow their market value.

11. A Rating of 4 to 4.5 Most Times Appeals to Persons Scouting Online for the Best Brands to Use.

Since 70% of clients use rating filters to search businesses, having a 4-star rating will stand out. Businesses with ratings between 4 to 4.5 stars are more likely to attract customers. This shows that those with lower ratings are likely to be bypassed.

12. Just 10% of Customers are Attracted to Brands With a 5-star Rating.

So many customers find it too unreal for a business to be rated five stars. They think no business can be perfect on all sides. These people will rather opt for brands with 4.2 to 4.5 stars.

13. Up to 34% of Clients Complain That Brands Do Not Post Their Unsatisfied Reviews Online.

The poor reviews of around 34% of brand consumers are kept in the dark from public view.

Purpose Behind Online Reviews

Purpose Behind Online Reviews

14. Consumers Usually go Through at Least Seven Reviews Before Purchasing.

Most consumers are in the habit of scaling through the reviews of a brand before deciding to buy. It takes an average of 7 reviews to convince a customer whether or not to buy a brand.

15. For 87% of Consumers, Online Reviews of a Product Decide Whether a Business Should be Called.

87% of consumers use the number of positive reviews to determine whether they should contact a business. Users’ online posts show how good a brand is to this segment of clients.

16. As Many as 53% of Customers Expect Brands to Answer Their Online Reviews Quickly.

Up to 53% of customers expect their online reviews to get a quick answer from the brand. This shows that many people post reviews to get in touch with the brand.

17. As High as 83% of Consumers Believe that Ads are not to be Trusted as Much as Posted Reviews.

What is displayed in adverts for 83% of clients cannot be trusted like that of brand reviews. This stems from the belief that reviews come from the experiences of brand users.

18. As Many as 70% of Customers Will Gladly Post a Brand Review if Asked.

A good number, as great as 70%, will rush over to post a review if a brand they use asks it of them. This shows that some of the reviews you see online are not self-driven but at the request of brands.

19. Paying an Online Visit to a Comparison Store Comes Naturally for 87% of Customers Worldwide.

An online comparison store is handy for 87% of clients searching for the best products daily.

20. The Average Consumer is Fond of Seeking Out Brands Weekly on Social Media.

As we all know, social media is a place for connecting, which has helped increase brand publicity.

Reputation Management in Hiring and Workers Retention

Hiring and Workers Retention

21. A Company’s Reputation Comes First Place for 69% of People Searching for a Job.

It is more like what is in this job for me. Companies are now tasked with getting the best hands for the job as the competition in the market rises. To do this, a firm must work tirelessly to build a great reputation. This is more like gaining the approval of the public to get the best hands that will push your company forward.

22. A Company With all the Juicy Welfare Packages can be Avoided by 30% of Job Applicants.

A firm with a bad reputation is seen by 30% of applicants as one that should be avoided at all costs. These 30% feel that a brand’s reputation surpasses its offer paycheck.

23. A Company’s Branding is a Hot Topic Among Companies Looking for Great Talents.

A company with a good reputation is likelier to get the best of talents than one with a bad reputation.

24. A Company With Negative Reviews Will Spend 10% More on Hiring Great Talents.

No wonder applicants love to line up at the doors of firms with positive reviews. The truth is not farfetched, as almost everyone likes to be associated with goodness. Companies with bad reputations must pay 10% more to convince experts to work with them.

25. Social Media is a Tool Used by 70% of Managers to Screen Off People Applying for Jobs.

One very effective tool for screening job applicants today is social media. It comes in handy for 70% of managers who are looking for not only talent but also character.

26. Digging Deep Into an Applicant’s Online Reputation Helps 85% of Companies Decide on Hiring.

Up to 85% of human resource managers in the United States surveyed online to learn about the reputation of job applicants. This is one strong reason to hire or reject an applicant.

27. Having a Presence on Social Media Counts a Lot for 57% of Companies Hiring.

A strong presence on social media coupled with a good reputation are great points to be hired for 57% of companies.

28. Up to 54% of Firms Do Not Care if a Candidate has an Active Social Media Account.

54% of brands do not consider an applicant’s lifestyle displayed on a social site when delivering jobs.

29. Around 50% of Companies Check Their Workers’ Online Activities.

Only 50% of employers monitor what happens in staff’s online lives. To these brands, monitoring workers online is key to the company’s reputation.

30. LinkedIn is a Great Place for 93% of Brands Who Need to Hire the Best Hands.

The best hands for as much as 93% of HRs can be easily taken on board from LinkedIn.

31. Using LinkedIn to Scot for Hires is the Best Option Over Others, Like the DIY Approach.

Using DIY can achieve a success rate of only 28% compared to the successes achieved by LinkedIn.

32. Up to 12% of Hires Promise to Use Their Social Media Handles to Promote Their Brand on Job Contract.

Brand promotion is a task with which 12% of workers set themselves through their social media handles.

33. Many Big Enterprises Set Themselves to Hire Permanent Reputation Managers.

To keep up with positive reviews, reputation managers are hired by big companies today.

Effect of Good and Bad Reviews

Effect of Good and Bad Reviews 

34. Customers are Likelier to Tell a Bad Brand Experience Than When it is Positive.

Up to 15 customers will announce how bad a brand is, while just 11 will tell others of a good experience.

35. Products With 1—to 2-star Ratings in the Review are Unlikely to Attract Purchases From 86% of Viewers.

A product with a review rating of 1 or 2 will most often discourage 86% of likely buyers. This shows that poor-rated reviews scare away many likely buyers.

36. Up to 19% of Consumers Will Take the Risk of Buying a Brand with a Rating of 3 or less.

Any business rated three or below will likely attract 19% of clients to its stand. This is likely the case, as people are prone to buy highly rated brands online.

37. Just 13% of Clients Will Review a Business’s Product Offerings Rated 1 or 2 and Still Buy.

Only 13% of customers buy from brands with low ratings of between 1 and 2.

38. A Product for 67% of People that is not Covid 19 Insured Should Not be Taken a Second Look At.

The protection from Covid-19 is certainly the first thing 67% of consumers look at when buying a product.

39. The Problem of Negative Repute Caused Businesses in the United Kingdom to Lose $663,531 at the Close of 2019.

A bad reputation in the UK was a problem for many businesses in 2019, causing losses of up to $633,531.

40. At Some Point, One Out of Every Seven Firms in the United Kingdom has Lost Revenue of $65,350.

The wave of bad reputation has scarred one in seven companies in the United Kingdom. This has caused businesses affected to have a revenue fall of $65,350.

41. Getting 50 Good Reviews Can Increase the Number of Clicks to an Amazing Height.

Good reviews help a business score points that adverts may never achieve. Getting up to 50 reviews can significantly improve your business click rates.

Reviews of Top Sites

Reviews of Top Sites

42. A Rise of 1 Star on Yelp Will Increase 5 to 9 % in Business Revenue.

When a business has as small as a star rise in Yelp, the revenue will shoot up by 5 to 9%.

43. Google is the Trusted Search Engine to Get Product Reviews for 63% of Consumers.

Getting reviews from Google is the only trusted way for 63% of consumers who are set to buy products.

Better Business Bureau is useful when it comes to getting the reviews of companies all across the globe.

45. A Yelp-free Business Account Can Add up to $8,000 in Revenue in Just One Year.

Businesses can get up to $8,000 as revenue from using the free Yelp account in a year.

46. 59% of Customers Decide Which Product to Buy After Reading Reviews on Two to Three Sites.

Up to 59% of customers will first go through the reviews of a product on 2 or 3 sites before making a purchase.

47. Up to 57% of Yelp Users Contact Businesses Within One Day of Seeing Reviews.

57% of Yelp visitors contact companies with great reviews within a day.

48. As Great as 98% of Users Buy From Businesses They Come to Know Through Yelp.

Yelp has helped in no small way in connecting businesses to willing consumers. The fun part is that everyone is left satisfied on Yelp.

49. Up to 97% of Businesses in the Travel Industry Feel that Trip Advisor has a Great Part to Play in Their Success Story.

97% of travel business owners need a good reputation on Trip Advisor. This stems from the belief that Trip Advisor will help them to scale above the fierce market competition.

50. Google My Business is Used by Up to 158.03 Million Clients Monthly.

Google My Business is one of the most popular review sites, with 158.03 million users.

51. Facebook Business is Now a One-stop Place for 19% of Reviews Across the Globe.

Up to 19% of reviews can be seen on the Facebook Business page anywhere in the world.

52. TripAdvisor has as large as 8.4% of the Total Business Reviews Today.

You can get 8.4% of all business reviews by checking out TripAdvisor.

False Reviews Statistics

False Reviews Statistics

53. It Came to the Notice of 46% of Consumers at the End of 2019 that Brands Posted Some Reviews.

It came to the shock of 46% of consumers at the close of 2019 that brands could go the length of writing their reviews.

54. It is True That 10 to 30% of All Online Reviews Posted are Nothing But Lies.

Fake online reviews have been flying all over the web to the tune of 10 to 30%.

55. Up to 88% of Companies Feel it is Impossible to Erase False Information Online.

For 88% of companies, eradicating false information posted online is impossible. This is because posted content can be seen several times over.

56. As Many as 82% of Consumers Believe They Have Encountered Fake Reviews in the Past 12 Months.

There was a report by 82% of consumers of fake reviews for 12 months in a row. This is a source of worry as reviews ought to show the true opinion of brands.

57. Persons Between 18 and 34 Years of Age Do Not Have Much Trust in Reviews.

Young people do not trust online reviews between 18 and 34 years old. Up to 92% have come across false reviews at some point in the last couple of months.

58. People Over 54 Years Old Trust Online Reviews Over Others.

The older generation above 54 is the most trusting regarding online ratings, with just 59% doubters.

59. Over 54% of Consumers will not Withdraw Money From Their Accounts if They Suspect Brand Reviews to be Fake.

Fake reviews are frowned upon by over 54% of consumers to the extent of not buying an item from such brands.

60. As High as 95% of Consumers Believe That Reviews are Fake When There is no Negative Comment.

As much as 95% of customers feel that any product without a single negative review online is fake. These clients will immediately scroll to other brands with at least one or two negative reviews.

61. Reviews to 30% of Customers Without One Positive Remark are Fake.

Any online review that has no single positive remark is taken to be fake by 30% of customers.

62. Up to 72% of Clients Believe the E-commerce World is Flooded With Fake Reviews.

Fake reviews are the order of the day to 72% of customers who go online to search out brands.

63. Up to 64% of Amazon Supplement Reviews are Fake.

Supplements reviews on Amazon are 64% lies displayed to the customers. It takes up the largest chunk of fake reviews consumers have on the site. Electronics is next, with 61% of fake reviews at the close of 2018.

SEO and Reputation Management Statistics

SEO and Reputation Management Statistics 

64. Google is the Favorite Search Engine for 97% of Consumers in Need of Good Brands.

For 97% of consumers, the answer to the budding question of a brand with a good reputation lies within Google.

65. The Search Online for How Local Businesses are Faring is a Norm for 97% of Customers.

The web answers whether local businesses are doing well or not for 97% of clients. Online search for local business reviews to another 12% is an act that must be done daily.

66. As Huge as 64% of Customers Trust Google Review Results on Brands.

To 64% of consumers, Google is the first stop for getting the right reviews on any brand. These consumers trust reviews posted on Google so much that they instantly purchase products.

67. Just 20% of Brands do not Like How Their First Page is Presented on Google.

Up to 20% of firms feel that Google is unfair on how their business first page is presented. This is because how a brand’s first page looks decides customers’ interest.

68. Mobile Devices are Used for 80% of Searches on Nearby Businesses and Services.

Most people (80%) use their mobile phones to steer their way in finding services and brands close to them.

69. Reviews on Google are Second When it Comes to Local Searches.

Reviews come second place amongst all searches that are carried out every single day on Google.

70. Any Business Able to Hike up its Rating by Two More Stars Will Likely Get a 25% Traffic Increase.

Do not take too lightly the value that online ratings bring to a business. A brand that succeeds in moving two steps forward in ratings will get a 25% increase in traffic.

71. Up to 62% of Clients go Online to Check What is Written About Them.

62% of customers use a search engine to determine what people think about them. This is a way of clearing their thoughts and knowing what others think about them.

72. In These Years to its Credit, Google has a Search Traffic of up to 92%.

The belief that Google has the right information has increased 92% of search traffic.

73. 90% of Customers Form their Opinion of a Search Based on What They See on the First Result Page.

As many as 90% of customers do not go beyond the answer on the first page when researching a brand or service.

74. Most Brands Have Their Facebook Reviews Posted on Their Google First Page.

When you search for most brands on Google, Facebook reviews appear on the first page.

75. Curious Customers Every Single Day on Google Makes Over a Billion Searches.

Google can attract over a billion-word searches every single day of the year.

Reputation Management Appraisal Statistics

Reputation Management Appraisal

76. Business Managers Believe that Around 25% of a Company’s Outlook Momes From its Online Status.

A company’s value can be 25% traced to what people say about it online. This is another reason why businesses work on improving their services.

77. Up to 50% of Customers Worldwide Feel that How a Brand Performs Online can Boost its Market Value.

Customer reviews have a lot to play regarding a brand’s market value. This belief is held on to by 50% of customers all around the globe.

78. A Company can Spend as Much as $5,000 to $20,000 on Getting Out of an Ugly Online Issue.

No one likes to be on a fix regarding a bad reputation online. A company can likely spend between $5,000 and $20,000 to get back on its customers’ good books.

79. It Takes up to 50 and, At Most, 200 Hours to Manage Online Reviews.

Managing online reviews is no fun; it can take as much as 200 hours each quarter.

80. The Online Reputation Market is Likely to Hit $410 Million at the End of 2025.

It will likely grow with the speed of light to hit $410 million at the close of 2025.

81. The Reputation Online Market at the Close of 2025 is Expected to Reach Greater Heights in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

Countries in the Middle East, Europe, the United States, and Africa should expect the online reputation market to rise.

82. Consumers have the Largest Chunk of Stakes in Online Reputation Management.

It should not come as a surprise to you that consumers are the greatest stakeholders. This is because the fallout from or increase in brand services affects consumers.


The success or failure of any business lies, to a large extent, in its online reviews. We live in a digital age where almost anything can be found online. Consumers do not want to go through the stress of asking what others think of a brand.

They can easily go to a search engine like Google to check; that’s where the answer lies nowadays. What’s more, these reviews found online help to boost the reputation of a company. The boost in reputation will, in turn, increase a brand’s revenue. This becomes more like a win-win situation for the brands and customers alike. Positive online reviews bring in more customers, great talents, revenue, and market value to brands. So, the facts above show you how important business reputation is and give you insights on building a good one.


How can the term reputation management be best explained?

What are the best ways to easily manage an online reputation?

How can I build a good reputation for a brand?

How can a business switch over to a good standing?

What are the best ways to discover a brand character?


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25+ Crucial SBA Lending Statistics and Trends for 2024 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 01:09:29 +0000 SBA Lending Statistics and Trends

Although many small businesses do well and profit consistently, about 33% fail within the first two years. Hence, small business lending is now a thriving aspect of the economy. Of...

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SBA Lending Statistics and Trends

Although many small businesses do well and profit consistently, about 33% fail within the first two years. Hence, small business lending is now a thriving aspect of the economy. Of course, starting up is never easy; entrepreneurs will need all the help they can get financially.

Even after setting up, the first two years, when profit and income are usually, are critical. There must be funds to keep things afloat until profits start. Small business loans are the only way for many with great ideas to get off the ground. That’s where SBA loans come in. The government backs SBA loans. They help small businesses get the funds they need to start, grow, and build strong businesses. The statistics in this article feature knowledgeable insights and trends in small business lending and how it has fared over the years.

In This Guide

SBA Lending Statistics and Trends

Key SBA Lending Statistics

  1. SBA loan worth is estimated to be $633,000.
  2. Approximately 15% of the loans granted to SMEs go to the renovation and construction sector.
  3. Limited-service restaurants occupy the second spot, with 19,141 loan grants.
  4. 38% of the urban small businesses are granted the funding requested.
  5. Even though 13% of the population are Black-owned businesses, less than 2% have access to small business loans.
  6. Only 16% of the entire small business loans got to women-owned small businesses, regardless of the 30% of small businesses owned by women.
  7. 85% of small businesses that apply for merchant cash advances get approval.
  8. The chance that a small business will get all the funding they’re applying for is 20%.
  9. Fintech lenders apply many other ways to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers, such as Machine Learning.

General Small Business Loan Statistics 2024

General SBA Statistics

1. Nearly One in Three Businesses Fail Because They Don’t Have Enough Capital, While 42% Fail Because Their Services or Products Aren’t Needed.

Small businesses fail due to numerous factors, such as lack of capital, maintaining an inadequate management team, a defective infrastructure, unsuccessful marketing initiatives, etc. Generally, the most common reason most businesses do not succeed is funding, that is, lack of capital. Statistics show that about 33% of businesses fail due to this. Another major reason that about 42% of startups fail is no market need. This happens when business owners assume a market fits their product, hire staff, and restrict the runway to a turnoff before running out of capital.

2. Less Than Half of Small Businesses can Access All the Funds they Need.

Not all businesses would have access to external funds or benefit from investments for many reasons. Meanwhile, most small businesses will likely obtain SBA loans to finance equipment, fixed assets, and other business needs. Statistics reveal that about 48% of small business founders can access all the business’s financial needs, and 43% have applied for a loan from a small business lender.

3. Small Business Loans are Typically Worth Approximately $633,000.

Are you a small business owner and looking for a loan? Certain loan institutions accompany lending options, eligibility requirements, and repayment terms. Different categories of small business loans are designed to help business owners with varying amounts depending on the type of business. Depending on the lender and type of loan, the loan amount is $633,000 across all banks in the US. This data is drawn from the Federal Reserve in 2017.

4. Conversely, the Average SBA Loan Amount is $417,316.

However, the average small business loan differs considerably depending on the type of loan and the lender a business owner chooses. Typically, an SBA’s average loan amount to small businesses is $417,316; the maximum is $5 million.

5. In One Form or Another, More Than Two-thirds of Small Businesses are in Debt.

Approximately 70% of small businesses in America have outstanding debt. In addition, two-thirds of businesses in debt have varying amounts of debt. About 17% of businesses owe between $1 and $25,000, and then about 21% are in debt between $25,000 and $100,000.

Small Business Loan Statistics by Industry

Small Business Loan Statistics by Industry

6. The Renovation and Construction Sector Receives About 15% of the Loans Granted to SMEs.

Historically, 15% of approved small business loans go to the renovation and construction industry, making it the highest holder of small business loans. An industry like this requires huge repairs, maintenance, and monetization loans.

7. The Trucking and Transportation Business Takes Second Place (Around 15%).

Like the construction and renovation industry, which has a 15% approved loan rate, the trucking and transportation industry has the second-highest loan proportion. This industry is no different from the construction and renovation sector, which needs loans to turn a profit and cover equipment, repairs, and general maintenance.

8. Full-service Restaurants Receive the Highest Volume of SBA Loans for Small Businesses, and the Total for 2019 was 28,680.

According to statistics, the full-service and limited-service restaurant businesses received $17.1 billion in combined loans. Full-service restaurants received the highest volume of loans, totalling 28,680 in 2019 alone.

9. Limited-service Restaurants Take the Second Position with 19,141 Loan Grants.

Limited-service restaurant businesses hold the second spot, with about 19,141 loans disbursed in 2019. Trailing closely behind is the dental industry, with about 10,699 loans amounting to $6 billion

10. Not All Business Sectors are Eligible for SBA Loans.

Sadly, over ten potentially legal business sectors do not meet the eligibility requirement for small business loans. These include Gambling, Government-Owned, loan Packaging Firms, Nonprofit, MLM, Multi-Sales Distribution, Religious, Speculation-Based industries, and Real Estate Investment firms.

Small Business Loan Demographic Statistics

Small Business Loan Demographic Statistics

11. 51% of  Rural Small Businesses are Much More Likely to Receive a Loan for All Requested Finances.

It is not surprising that the results of small businesses can vary from one region to another. Statistics reveal that about 17% of small businesses occur in rural areas. SBA loans are more likely to be granted to rural SMEs, with 51% obtaining all the funding required.

12. The Funding Requested is Granted to 38% of the Urban Small Businesses.

There is a huge disparity between businesses in rural and urban areas in the US, and so are the outcomes. Beyond the location of a small business, race, gender, and even class play a major role in a business’s outcome. According to statistical data, approximately 38% of urban businesses tend to receive the full amount of loans requested

13. 62% of Small Businesses in Rural Areas Rely on Small Bank Loans to Finance their Activities.

Unsurprisingly, small banks account for 55% of the total banks in rural areas. Small businesses in these areas depend heavily on small rather than larger banks. According to statistics, about 62% of loan applications from rural small businesses go to small banks.

14. In Urban Areas, 53% of Small Businesses Require Loans from Larger Banks Compared to 43% of Smaller Ones.

Compared to the 55% of small banks in the rural areas, only one-quarter of small banks exist in the urban areas. Although almost more than half of the urban small businesses apply for loans in larger banks, about 43% apply to small banks

15. Black-owned Businesses can Access Under 2% of Small Business Loans, Though 13% of the Population are Black Americans.

Statistical data reveals that Black American organizations account for 13% of the population. Although almost half of these black-owned businesses apply for small business financial loans, they receive only about 2% of the loans.

16. Black-owned Companies are Twice as Likely to be Denied a Loan.

Study reveals that black-owned businesses tend to be rejected loans even with 47% of financial loan applications approved. This is despite Black Americans accounting for 13% of the total population of business owners.

17. Less Than 47% of the Black-owned Companies’ Financing Applications are Approved.

According to data from the US Federal Reserve, more than half of black-owned companies were turned down for loans. Even though this greater number applied for loans, only about 47% of the loan applications were approved with full financing. Sadly, even with these black-owned businesses getting approval, not all the applications receive full funding. The failure rate is above 10%, the highest in all categories.

18. Even Though Women Own 30% of Small Businesses, They Only Receive 16% of Small Businesses.

Small businesses owned by women receive only 16% of small business loans, even though about 30% of small firms are owned by women. According to research, women face more stringent terms or may be rejected loans than their male counterparts.

Small Business Loan Application Statistics

Application Stats

19. Almost Half of SMEs have Applied for Loans from a Small Business Bank in the Last Twelve Months.

According to statistical facts, small businesses are less likely to obtain bank loans than large firms. This means that most small businesses get financial loans from small banks and other sources like internal funds, cash from friends and family, etc. About 40% of small and medium enterprises in most countries source financial loans from small banks.

20. The Highest Lending Approval Rates for Small Businesses are Found Among Institutional Lenders, Such as Insurance Companies and Pension Funds, at 66%.

Institutional lenders, such as pension funds and insurance companies, have been identified by Biz2Credit’s Small Business Lending Index. These lenders have the highest approval rate, around 66% of all financial institutional lenders.

21. Approval Will be Given to 85% of Small Businesses that Apply for Merchant Cash Advances.

Other institutions and lenders have varying loan approval rates for small businesses depending on the loan type. Lenders like the merchant cash advance offer the highest approval rate, 85%, of all small business loan types.

22. SBA and Line of Credit Loan Approval Rates are 52%.

Business Credit Line loans alone have an approval rate of 70%, while the SBA business loan approval rate is estimated at 52%. This percentage comprises those who apply without funds, those who receive approval, those with debt aversion, and those who are disheartened.

23. 9% of SMEs Receive no Capital Funding After Applying for a Loan.

According to statistics, 9% of small businesses apply for loans but receive no financing. Additionally, about 20% of small businesses who applied for business loans received all the funding they requested. 

24. There’s a 20% Chance That a Small Business will Get all the Funding They Apply For.

Based on study data, 20% of small businesses will likely be granted all their financing needs. This is greater than the less than one-tenth who do not receive any capital funding.

25. Only Part of the Funding They Applied for is Granted to 14% of Small Businesses.

Obtaining loans is not enjoyable, but it’s sometimes inevitable for most businesses. It is common among smaller ones, and about 14% of small businesses get some of their financial loan needs met. Additional statistics reveal that, in total, approximately half of small businesses applied for loans in 2020.

Latest Small Business Lending Trends

26. The SBA Granted 14 Million Loans to Small Businesses in 2020, Totaling $764 Billion.

According to statistics, out of the $764 billion worth of loans granted in 2020, about $736 billion were attributed to COVID-19 relief loans. This means that 96% of all SBA loans disbursed in 2020 went to relieve the pandemic. 

27. Fintech Lenders Use Other Ways to Assess the Creditworthiness of Borrowers, like Machine Learning. 

Financial institutions evaluate the creditworthiness of potential borrowers in diverse ways. Some ways include considering their income and examining their borrowing and repayment history. Another method uses machine learning algorithms to analyze data from various sources and structures to create correct credit scores. With this, Fintech can determine credit risks, i.e., whether potential borrowers are eligible for loans, and make informed lending decisions.

28. Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis are Sometimes Used to Assess Creditworthiness and Speed up the Application Process.

Aside from machine learning techniques, Fintechs uses big data analytics to promote credit scoring. Due to the importance of data in machine-based analysis, data relevance should be ensured in structural changes, indicator counterfeiting, and agency issues. Modern technology has enabled new business models to use AI and advanced data analysis techniques for big data as a promising solution. This enables better credit decisions, making them more effective by simplifying tasks.

29. Today, 88% of US Consumers Use Fintech Services.

A survey reveals that by the end of 2022, Fintech had become the central institution for a whopping 88% of Americans. Statistics show that from 2020 to 2021, US consumers who adopted Fintech solutions grew from 58% to 88%, indicating a 52% year-over-year (YoY) increase. Undoubtedly, Fintech has helped businesses in America reach goals, improved inclusivity, and contributed immensely to the overall financial well-being of consumers.

Final Words

Taking a business loan is often inevitable; without it, one-third of businesses fail due to a lack of capital. Taking business loans becomes the only viable option for most businesses to continue their operations. Many small businesses in America and beyond took loans after the global pandemic in 202 dealt them a huge blow. Sadly, while the processes are complex, not all small business loans are usually granted. Only about 48% of small businesses are granted all the funding they need; others only get part of it.

Some business sectors are denied loans because they do not meet eligibility criteria, industry type, poor credit score, etc. Those who get the funding face the challenges of paying high interest rates. Most lenders offer higher loan amounts, while some offer less, depending on the type of loan and the industry. The statistics above provide meaningful insights and trends on Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. They are more than just figures; they are ideas that would guide small business owners in making informed loan decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the criteria for SBA loan approval?

How successful is the SBA loan?

What makes some industries not eligible for SBA loans?

What kind of SBA loan is easily approved for?

What industries are granted the highest volume of SBA loans?


The post 25+ Crucial SBA Lending Statistics and Trends for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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Unlocking Success: 60 Millennial Marketing Statistics for 2024 Thu, 04 Apr 2024 01:36:41 +0000 Millennials Marketing Statistics and Facts

In This Guide Key Millennial Marketing Statistics General Millennial Marketing Statistics 1. Millennials Buying Power in the United States Rose to $600 Billion at the Close of 2022. 2. Up...

The post Unlocking Success: 60 Millennial Marketing Statistics for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Millennials Marketing Statistics and Facts
In This Guide

Young people, also called millennials, are the driving force of every society. Their minds are different, so they think differently than the older generation. Millennials find it quite exciting to surf the Internet for what they need.

This act may be boring for the older generations as they prefer visiting a local brick-and-mortar store. According to recent millennial marketing statistics, this age group reviews 13 Q&As, 3 videos, and 11 photos before buying a product.

For whatever reason, millennials fancy digitization and tech, spending most of their time in cyberspace, and so businesses are leveraging this to catch their attention. Investments cannot be let out of the loop, as many millennials look in that direction. Reviewing the millennial marketing statistics in this article will help you learn more about millennials and how to target them in your business marketing. Let’s start.

Millennials Marketing Statistics and Facts

Key Millennial Marketing Statistics

  1. Millennials buying power in the United States rose to $600 billion at the close of 2022.
  2. The purchasing power of persons aged 18 to 29 rose as high as $1.4 trillion globally.
  3. Up to 50% of the total workforce in most nations are millennials.
  4. One out of every four millennials started earning from their teenage years.
  5. Just 15% of persons who are millennials live under the same roof with their parents.
  6. As many as 93% of millennials in the United States own a smartphone.
  7. Social media is a means of learning new trends for 47% of millennials
  8. Just a third of these young ones buy an item after watching an ad on social media.

General Millennial Marketing Statistics

General Millennial Marketing Statistics

1. Millennials Buying Power in the United States Rose to $600 Billion at the Close of 2022.

The buying power of persons between 18 and 29 years old was as high as $600 billion when 2022 ended. 

2. Up to 50% of the Total Workforce in Most Nations are Millennials.

Not much can be done without the input of the young ones in any country. This statement comes true with the involvement of 50% of millennials in every country’s labor force.

3. One Out of Every Four Millennials Started Earning Money During their Teenage Years.

They are always one person in every four working-class millennials who started work right from a teenage age.

4. Just 15% of Millennials Live Under the Same Roof as their Parents.

A large number of millennials today live outside the abode of their parents. Only a small fraction of 15% are yet to take the big leap of freedom.

5. As Many as 93% of Millennials in the United States Own a Smartphone.

A smartphone is one gadget loved and held by up to 93% of youngsters in the United States

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allow 47% of young adults to know what is trending. 

7. Just a Third of These Young Ones Buy an Item After Watching an Ad on Social Media.

Only a third of millennials purchase an item straightaway after watching the ad on a social media page. 

8. Millennials Were the Highest Group in the United States, with 72.4 Million at the Close of 2022.

The US millennials reached a mark of 72.24 million when 2022 ended. This group was all born between 1981 and the close of 1996. They are called the height of civilization and will be a main part of the populace for years.

9. About 1.8 Billion Millennials are Spread Across Every Crook and Cranny.

Studies show that around 1.8 billion young adults are in all countries, meaning that 23% of the world comprises millennials. Many millennials are from the Asian continent, with as many as 1.1 billion. Africa has its share of the cake, with just 278 million young adults, and Latin America has 155 million young adults

10. Most Young Men Get Married at 30, While this Happens at 28 for Ladies.

Men get married at an average of 30 years of age, but this is not the case for women. The average young lady enters into marriage at the age of 28

11. As Many as 83% of Millennials Spend a lot on Seeking Body Wellness.

Wellness, to these, unlike the older generation, means more than physical health. It simply means all that concerns a person’s mental, social, and emotional health. 

Technology Trends

12. As Many as 93% of Millennials in the United States have Smartphones.

Up to 93% of millennials in the United States use an internet-connected smartphone. This means that 9 in every 10 millennials have a mobile phone. A tablet is used by just 55% of millennials in the United States

13. Just 20% of Youngsters Stick Around to Watch Content on Television.

Many millennials like to watch their favorite shows and series from the comfort of their phones. Only 20% will sit down to watch programs from a television set at home.

14. The Average Millennial Checks Their Phone Once Every Hour of the Day.

Many youngsters habitually check to see what is going on with their phones. They do this on average, not less than once an hour.

15. As high as 79% of Young Adults are in the Habit of Going to Sleep with a Smartphone.

Holding a smartphone when about to fall asleep is a constant practice for 79% of millennials

16. About 84% of Gen Y and Gen Z Online Users have Social Media Accounts.

Up to 84% of young people have opened an account with social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. 

17. Over 50% of Millennials Use the Internet to Get Information.

As many as 59% of young adults see the Internet as a source of information.

18. Up to 98% of Millennials Use Mobile Devices and Smartphones.

A large number of millennials, up to 98%, have either a smartphone or a mobile device in use. 

19. Up to 38% of Generation Y and Z Users Take Pride in Owning the Latest Electronic Device.

The latest electronic devices are in the hands of 38% of people who belong to Gen Y and Z

20. 68% of Young Adults Enjoy Using a Twofold Screen Desktop.

Marketers say that up to 68% of people in the United States use a twofold-screen desktop. 

21. A Smartwatch is Used by 44% of Those who Belong to Gen Y.

A recent study shows that 44% of people in Generation Y have a smartwatch.

Millennials Tech Usage Statistics

Tech Usage Stats

22. As Many as 73% of Generation Y Consumers Use Smartphones for Online Shopping.

Online shopping is done using a smartphone by as much as 73% of Generation Y consumers. 

23. Just About a Third of Millennials have Used Virtual Reality Once in their Lifetime.

Around a third of every generation of millennials have used virtual reality not less than once.

24. A Good Number of Millennials will Opt for an Apple iPhone.

Apple’s new releases, like the iPhone series, are very much sought after by most millennials. 

25. Up to 73% of Young Adults Think Technology has Greatly Improved their Lives.

The belief that technology has helped to balance work and family life is held by 73% of millennials.

26. Ad Blocking was Used by 33% of Persons Between 46 and 55 Years in the United Kingdom. 

Up to 33% of those aged 46 to 55 who used the Internet in 2020 used an ad blocker. During that period, 41% of people aged 15 to 25 did not use ad blockers.

27. Three of Every Four Millennials Use Messages to Connect with Their Loved Ones.

Millennials, like Gen Xers, enjoy sending messages to connect with others.

28. The Average Millennial will Spend up to 25 Hours on the Internet for Self.

Generation Y will likely spend an average of 25 hours surfing the Internet for personal gain.

Social Media and Millennials Statistics

Social Media and Millennials Statistics

29. As Many as 90% of Millennials Have a Fully Running Facebook Account.

Facebook, one of the most used social media sites, has up to 90% of millennials

30. Up to 90.4% of Generation Y Actively Use a Social Media Platform.

Social media platforms like Facebook are used by as many as 90.4% of young adults.

31. Millennials Mostly Use Facebook and YouTube for Social Engagements.

In a survey, 70% of millennials stated that Facebook and YouTube are their most used social media sites.

32. Advert Placements on Social Media Sites are Done by 44% of Millennials in the United States.

Getting gifts is why 44% of millennials in the United States post adverts on social media. 

33. 1 Out of Every Five Millennials Stops Using Brands with Dull Marketing Tactics.

Quite a good number of millennials will unfollow any brand with an annoying marketing approach. 

34. Up to 44% of Generation Y Have Some Trust in Adverts they See on Social Media.

As great as 44% of millennials throw caution to the wind, trusting strangers who pose as experts on social media. This behavior pattern has helped in no small way the activities of influencer marketers. 

35. As Many as 40% of Millennials Feel Closer to an Influencer than People in their Everyday Lives.

Seeing the activities of a favorite influencer makes 44% of millennials feel some form of connection. This, for some, is more than what they feel for the friends they have around them.

Millennials Customer Behavior Statistics

Customer Behavior Stats 

36. Not Less Than Once in a Lifetime will Millennials buy a Product Suggested by a Brand they Love.

About 50% of millennials buy a product simply because their beloved brand recommended it. This, for many, happens not less than once in their entire lifetime

37. A Millennial Spends an Average of $5,000 on Vacation Purchases.

Just 35% of millennials spend an average of $5,000 on a shopping spree when on a trip. 

38. As Many as 72% of Millennials Desire that Loyalty Programs be Taken up by their Favored Brand.

Up to 72% of young adults would love to see their favored brand start a loyalty program.  

39. Just 31% of Millennials will Accept Purchasing a Three-star Brand. 

A 3-star rating makes 31% of millennials purchase a product from a brand. This shows that many people in this group will opt for highly-rated products.

40. Placing Adverts is Something that 79% of Millennials Consider Very Important. 

As many as 79% of millennials consider advertisement the backbone of any brand’s survival

41. Up to 60% of Young Adults Remain Loyal to a Brand for a Long Time.

Just 60% of millennial consumers in a survey stated being loyal to a brand for at least ten years.

42. The Social Image and Brand Value of 57% of Female Millennials Affect the Purchase.

57% of young female adults think that social image and brand value decide whether a product should be bought.

43. 33% of Millennials’ Spending Habits have Risen Since the Pandemic’s End.

Online purchases have risen for 33% of millennial consumers after the pandemic.

44. Around 62% of Generation Y Increased their Viewing of Streaming Platforms.

There has been a rise in the amount of content viewed across all streaming platforms after the pandemic. Up to 62.5% of millennials started watching more content on streaming sites and social media.

45. A Hand Sanitizer was the First Call of Purchase for 57% of People During the Pandemic.

Only 57% of people could buy hand sanitizer throughout the pandemic.

46. The Spread of the COVID-19 Virus Made 34% of Generation Y Look Toward Online Purchases.

With the pandemic came a rise in the volume of online purchases by millennial consumers. Up to 34% during the virus spread through online purchasing. 

Millennials Purchasing Habits Statistics

Purchasing Habits Statistics

47. Up to 40% of Millennials Habitually Read Brand Reviews Before Purchasing.

It is the habit of 40% of young adults to look at brand reviews before purchasing.

48. 50% of Millennial Consumers Use the Internet to Search for Businesses Around Them.

The Internet is handy for 50% of millennials searching for local businesses.

49. As Many as 87% of Millennials Buy Items they had no Plan for Beforehand.

Buying things right on the spot without prior planning is the way of life for 87% of millennials

50. A Pleasing Customer Experience is Why 60% of Young Adults are Loyal to a Brand.

For 60% of millennials, brand loyalty is when a brand delivers top-notch service.

51. Up to 51% of People will go Around Stores to Know the Price of a Product Before Buying.

For 51% of consumers, buying a product will mean asking for its price from many stores.

52. Millennials Make Up Only 38% of Home Shoppers in the United States.

Just 38% of home shoppers in the United States can be said to be millennials. 

53. Many Young Adults Spend an Average of $281 on Groceries Monthly.

Each month of the year, a millennial spends an average of $281 on groceries alone

54. Up to 39% of Millennials will Make Mobile Payments When Purchasing Products Online.

Making payments for online shopping after a purchase suits 39% of millennial consumers.

55. Marketers Think that 38% of Generation Y Like to Buy Eco-friendly Products.

Eco-friendly products come first place for 38% of young adults today. This stems from the great awareness created all over the world about the safety of these products.

56. As High as 55% of Millennials Will Stick with Great Quality Brands Over Price.

The first thing 55% of consumers look for before making a purchase is the quality of the product, not its price.

57. Up to 84% of Generation Y States have Been Drawn to Engaging Content.

User-generated content attracts the interest of as many as 84% of young adults

58. 70% of Buyers will Most Likely Trust Video Marketing Brands.

Getting the interest of shoppers takes more effort than you can imagine. This explains why 70% of shoppers are attracted to brands that use video marketing as an advertising tool. 

59. A Personalized Ad Gets 70% of Millennials to Pick Interest in Products from a Brand.

Tailored adverts are how 70% of millennials are moved to buy products.

60. Two in Every Three Millennials View Promotional Emails as the Best Way of Advertising a Product.

A promotional email prompts 2 of every three millennials to look at what a product offers.


The facts are clear: Millennials enjoy getting things by swiping a finger on their phone screen. This generation enjoys getting the latest tech gadgets like the much-loved Apple iPhone series. They are always looking for better and easier ways to get things done in the shortest possible time.

Marketers and brand influencers are in the same vein in the search for new ways to get the attention of millennials, often achievable through the online platforms they visit most. Since millennials live in a fast-paced world with constant tech advancements, brands must find ways to remodel their reach-out options. From video marketing to promotional emails, the list goes on and on.


What was the latest millennial trend in the past year, 2023?

What is the best way to strike the interest of millennials?

What does the average millennial desire from a brand?

Why do many millennials frown at ads while using the Internet?

What is the buying behavior of most millennials today?


The post Unlocking Success: 60 Millennial Marketing Statistics for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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Deciphering 2024 Generation Z Marketing Statistics (100+ Facts) Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:43:46 +0000 Generation Z Marketing Statistics

In This Guide Statistics of Generation Z Demographics 1. Almost Half of Gen Z are Either Immigrants or Their Parents. 2. The Younger Generations Make Up About 40% of the...

The post Deciphering 2024 Generation Z Marketing Statistics (100+ Facts) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Generation Z Marketing Statistics
In This Guide

Generation Z is known for its liveliness, smartness, and interaction with tech. The US Census Bureau estimates that Gen Z makes up about 20% of the US population as of 2023. They are between Millennials, who are gradually advancing in age, and Generation Alpha, who are hardy old enough to make personal decisions. This age group is the sure target for most companies in different industries.

Most of these companies create their marketing strategies to fit the age set of their major clients. Some are based on the internet, so young people become more interested. There are many other facts about Generation Z and marketing that you need to know. This article has the major must-know Generation Z marketing statistics, so read on to learn more.

Generation Z Marketing Statistics

Statistics of Generation Z Demographics

1. Almost Half of Gen Z are Either Immigrants or Their Parents.

Reports show that, in the search for greener pastures, most Gen Z individuals have fled their countries for where they think is better. This number tends to increase in the years to come.

2. The Younger Generations Make Up About 40% of the Consumers in the US.

According to the records we gathered from most US companies, young people patronize them even more. Combined, this group consumes 40% of United States produce.

3. In the US, Whites Comprise 51% of Young People.

A result of a survey shows that there are more White youths than Hispanics in the US. About 51% of the youths in the country are whites, and about a quarter, which is 25%, are Hispanic.

4. About 33% of Consumers in the World are Gen Z.

One of every three customers that most organizations do business with was born between 1997 and 2012. This makes them between the ages of 11 to 26 and the most condescending set in the world.

Statistics of Generation Z and Technology

Statistics of Generation Z and Technology

5. Up to 69% of Teenagers Think Online Ads are Annoying.

Most teenagers would do anything to skip ads, block them, or look away when they come on. They think the pop-ups waste their time because of their short attention span.

6. In the UK, the Average Gen Z Fellow Spends Over 10.6 Hours Online Daily.

This set reportedly spent the most time online in 2022; the range went up in 2023. The UK internet analytics show that the hours youth spend online are higher than that of millennials.

7. Over 74% of Teenagers Stay Online in Their Free Time.

In the world, the highest number of cyberspace users are teenagers. The report states that 74% go online at every chance, including most of their free time.

8. About 28% of Teenagers Worldwide Learn New Things From the Internet Daily.

As the days go by, new things surface in cyberspace. Because of how many teenagers visit there, they learn these things quickly.

9. The Average Generation Z Fellow Who Uses the Internet Watches Videos for 23 Hours Weekly.

Videos are one of the most interesting parts of the Internet, and young people spend hours digesting them. They spend at least 3.3 hours on them daily, or over 23 hours weekly.

Gen Z Device Ownership Statistics

Gen Z Device Ownership Statistics

10. In the US, Over 15 Million Teenagers Own Smart Wearables.

The general usage of smart wearables has increased, and teenagers play a big part in it. It is not a myth that over 15 million of them in the US own smartwatches and other wearables.

11. About 57% of Teenagers Worldwide Use a Desktop.

Desktops are rampant in the world today. Teenagers use many for online activities, watching movies, and playing games.

12. Over 25% of Gen Z Fellows Own a Gaming Console.

More Generation Z people play games than other age groups. Still, only about 25% of them own a console for games.

13. About 83% of Generation Z Fellows Own a Laptop.

Laptops have many important functions in modern-day life and are a firm requirement for many jobs today. With this, almost all the Gen Z people have one and operate it like a pro.

14. Of Every Boomer, About 66% of Them Own iPhones.

The use of iPhones is increasing rapidly, especially among young people. As many as 66% of Zoomers own one, and the remaining plan to own one.

15. Generation Z Uses iPhone, Samsung, and Huawei More Than Other Smartphone Brands.

Younger citizens’ main smartphone requirements are great camera quality and device speed. They also want a smartphone with much functionality. iPhones, Samsung, and Huawei offer all of these, which is why they are in high demand and at the top of the list.

16. The Apple Brand has the Loyalty of Nearly 95% of Gen Z Consumers.

Many young people are loyal to Apple’s brand of devices, defending their quality and features. However, many don’t even own any device from the company.

17. Most People in the Generation Group Game With Their Phones Than With Any Other Device.

It is not a myth that gaming consoles offer the best gameplay. However, research shows that more people in this age group use mobile devices because of consoles’ availability and high cost. 

18. Of all Zoomers, Over Half Consider Smartphone Camera Quality a Critical Factor in Getting One.

There are many things to look out for when buying a smartphone. However, in a survey, over half of the bloomers say that camera quality is the most important.

19. Three out of Every Four Teenagers Say they got their First Smartphone Between the Ages of 13 and 16.

For the millennial and older age group, age 13 to 16 is too early to get a smartphone. However, recent research has shown that this is different for teenagers, as over three-quarters of them got their first smartphones at that age.

Gen Z Tech Adoption Statistics

Gen Z Tech Adoption Statistics

20. About 22% of Generation Z Fellas Indicate that they Would Use Voice Assistants.

With technology, young people no longer have to do some things manually. With the help of voice assistants, you can operate most tech devices just by talking, which is why they use it.

21. Of all the Zoomers, 66% Create Websites with WordPress.

Most people in this age group don’t use the regular website design method. The record shows that they use the easiest means: WordPress.

22. About 37% of Zoomers Receive One to Five Emails Daily, and 5% of Gen Z Receive Over a Hundred Daily.

There is hardly a reason to doubt that the youth get more emails than millennials. They engage in more online activities, which increases the rate at which they get reminders and update emails.

23. 30% of Teenagers have Expressed their Belief that Technology is the Solution that the World Needs

Although many other people worldwide believe technology is the way forward for sorting out issues, this number also includes 30% of the teenagers who participated in the survey. The other 70% think the world challenges have other solutions.

24. About 31% of Young Internet Users do not Fear Sharing Personally Sensitive Data Online.

Guardians and parents have become cautious about how children access the Internet. This is because of the increasingly sensitive data that young people post.

25. Over 52% of Zoomers Want to Use Virtual Reality for Entertainment.

Since virtual reality games and others came into existence, Zoomers have been using them more than other age groups. Over half (52%) have expressed their intentions to use the tech.

26. Smartphones are the Payment Means for About 32% of Generation Z Fellas.

Research has shown that Gen takes the implementation of cashless policies more seriously than other age groups. About 32% of them pay for goods with their smartphones, some use bank cards, and others pay with cash.

27. 43% of the Young Cohort Believe that One of the Essential Things a Household Should have is Smart Home Devices.

Smart home devices are important for the safety and ease of appliance navigation. However, young people care about it more than older citizens.

Gen Z Tech Usage Statistics

Gen Z Tech Usage Statistics

28. Over Half of Zoomers Own and Use More Than One Device at a Time.

Due to most Zoomers’ love for gadgets, research has shown that about 66% use two at once. Some of the other 44% want to join in but cannot afford it, and others are not intrigued.

29. Of Gen Z, 91% go to Bed with Their Smartphones by Their Side.

Most young cohorts use their phones at night to surf social media, work, or connect with friends. Therefore, it makes it easy for them to sleep off with devices by their side.

30. 71% of the Age Group Watch Videos on their Smartphones.

Since smartphones are handy, unlike laptops and TVs, over half of the age group uses them to watch videos. Meanwhile, the other 29% use their computer and TVs for bigger screen purposes.

31. One out of Every Five Teenagers Recycles Electronics.

Not many teenagers believe in recycling things. This is why a survey shows that only one of every five teenagers recycles electronics. This makes 20% of them.

32. The Percentage of Zoomers who Access Social Media with their Mobile Devices is 51.

A survey revealed that about 51% of young adults use social media with their mobile devices. They claim that it is easier and faster.

33. More Teenagers Prefer to Use Smartphones than Desktops.

Recent research shows that about 75% of teenagers would rather use their phones than desktops. Some factors that sponsor this are seamless usage and mobility.

34. 91% of Zoomers say that the Technology Some Companies use can Affect their Employment Decision.

Some people in the age group filled out our questionnaires. Accumulating the result, we discovered that almost all of them think technology affects the employment decisions of many companies. They say some technologies will make some people go jobless and others employed.

Digital Habits of Generation Z Cohort Statistics

Digital Habits of Generation Z

35. Websites that Load Over 5 Seconds Lose 60% of their Teenage Clients.

The attention span of most teenagers is short, so they get impatient and leave things that are delayed. With this, website owners reported losing more of their teenage clients when a network glitch occurs and a page takes over 5 minutes to load.

36. Over 73% of Gen Z Stay in Touch With their Friends and Families Through Messaging Apps.

The report shows that many young adults spend more time on their devices than with friends. However, 27% of them still prefer to hang out with family and friends physically.

37. Only 41% of Zoomers Worry About the Time they Waste Online.

Not many Zoomers care about the time they waste online. 59% prefer to stay online, even if they have nothing to do.

38. Millennials Take Four Seconds to Evaluate the Content, Half of What Gen Z Spends.

Research shows that Gen Z takes more time to evaluate content than Millennials. They spend 8 seconds evaluating content.

39. 45% of Teenagers are Online Almost Constantly.

For work, social media, connecting with people, and more, 45% of teenagers spend 90% of their time online. Only about 55% regulate the time they spend online.

40. About 31% of Gen Z Fellas have a Somewhat Digital Addiction.

More Gen Z has digital addiction compared to millennials. 31% of the younger age group and 25% of millennials are in this addiction category.

41. 24% of Teenagers say they Won’t be Comfortable Going an Hour Without Checking the Internet.

Internet addiction is more common among young people. Research shows that over 24% of them can’t go an hour without access to the Internet, and many others cannot go a day without it. Only 8% can stay offline for a day and not feel uncomfortable.

Marketing Statistics of Generation Z

Marketing Statistics of Generation Z

42. 60% of Generation Z Struggle to Balance Their Work Life.

Due to the constant distractions this age cohort experiences, they struggle to maintain a steady work balance. Their work ethics are not strong enough to make them as effective as they should be.

43. The Number of Hours that an Average Zoomer Spends Online in One Day is 8 Hours.

Of the 24 hours, records show that many young people spend over 8 hours online. Then, they spread the remaining time of the day across different activities.

44. About 58% of Younger US Citizens Trust the Military and Local Government.

The military and local government usually mostly show up for people in the US when the need arises. This is why people in this age group trust them so much.

45. Only 37% of People in this Age Group are Interested in Travelling.

The interests of individuals in this group differ. According to a survey, about 37% want to travel, and 70% strive to make money and ensure stable careers.

46. Experts say About 37% of Gen Z will Work in the Healthcare Sector After Graduation.

According to experts in the age analysis sector, about 37% of Zoomers will fall back to working in the healthcare industry. It is the least industry that allows people to enrol by all means.

47. 72% of the Cohort says Healthcare is Their Number One Political Issue.

People born between 1928 and 1945 used to have economic stability as the number one political issue. Time passed, and this was no longer an issue as healthcare became a bigger threat. The record shows that younger citizens think more about their health challenges than financial ones.

48. In the US, Generation Z Fellas Focus More on Healthcare Benefits, Salary, and Security.

Due to the constant rise of insecurity, health challenges, and financial instability, youths in the US focus more on these things. Research shows that about 70% of them pay attention to these aspects and expect improvements.

49. About 98% of Youth in the World Own a Smartphone.

Smartphones are handy and easier for most young people, so most own them for work. Others have them to connect to the online world because their peers have them, too.

50. In Ten Years, Generation Z will Make up a Third of the Workforce in the World.

Experts in this study said Generation Z will make up a major part of the world workforce. Considering the growth rate of the cohort, the prediction will come true.

51. Most Zoomers Stay on Their Smartphones for at Least Five Hours Daily.

Research shows that about 55% of Zoomers spend about five hours daily on their smartphones. Some do this for work, to connect with friends, stay on social media, play games, or watch movies.

Statistics of Generation Z and Social Media

Generation Z and Social Media

52. Amongst Zoomers, Facebook is the Fourth Most Used Platform.

Although Facebook is the world’s number one social media platform, it is the fourth most used by youth. They use other social media platforms more.

53. About 52% of the Cohorts Use Social Media as their Number One Means to Discover Brands.

Studies have shown that most young citizens don’t get brand updates from websites, billboards, and other means. They get them from social media because they spend most of their time there.

54. Three of Every Four Gen Z Fellas Keep Up with Celebrities Through Social Media.

Over half of the cohort used this means to keep up with their favourite celebrities. This is because there is hardly any other platform on which celebrities post their lives.

55. Over 61% of People in this Age Group Use YouTube and Instagram Saily.

Most people in this age group spend time on YouTube and Instagram daily for research purposes, entertainment, and fun. The sites have entertaining and educative content to fit users’ specifics.

56. The Average Time that Gen Z Spends on Social Media Daily is About 3 Hours.

Over the years, social media has evolved to be even more interesting. Most young people spend an average of 3 hours switching from one platform to another.

57. About 55% of Youths Claim they are More Creative and Productive Online than Offline.

Cyberspace is broad and has much to offer. It allows people to explore their creativity, and most youths have discovered theirs in it.

58. Many People Share Their Creative Crafts Online Through Social Apps.

Since most youths admitted to being more creative online, they have made the space their trusted means to share their works. About 56% of them trust this as the best means.

59. The % of People in the Age Group who Believe that Social Media Helps them Stay Connected with Friends is 81%.

Although social media now promotes business and is a means to earn for most people, it has other uses. The original purpose of the platforms was to connect with friends and get entertainment, and 81% of youths still use them that way.

60. 90% of Teenagers have Used Snapchat at Least Once.

Analytics show that young people are more on Snapchat than older citizens. Almost all of them have used the app at least once.

61. Three-quarters of Teenagers Admit that they Follow at Least One Influencer on Social Sites.

More teenagers make up the entire followers of influencers online than millennials. They love the content these influencers feed them, so three of four follow at least one.

62. Zoomers Make up 60% of the Entire TikTok Users.

According to TikTok analytics, 40% of the people on the app are millennials and other age groups. However, more Zoomers crowd the site, as it records that they make up 60% of its users.

63. Instagram is The Number One App for Following Influencers for 41% of Teenagers.

Records show that only 16% of this cohort use Facebook to keep up with influencers and bloggers. Meanwhile, more (41%) use Instagram for the same purpose because these Influencers are active there.

64. More Youths Stop Using Facebook Every Year.

From research, we have found that the number of Facebook users drops slightly every year among youths. Most of them claim the app doesn’t give them what they want.

Statistics of Gen Z Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior

65. 43% of Young Adults Regularly Submit Product Reviews Dutifully.

Like it’s an obligation, most young adults often submit product reviews. About 43% say they do this because they want to return to the brand and experience a better service.

66. During a Purchase, 82% of Teenagers Buy by Recommendation.

It is safe to say that many teenagers don’t have a mind of their own when they are buying a product. They take recommendations from family, friends, and anyone they think knows better.

67. With Messages’ Help, 60% of the Age Group Would like to Stay in Touch with Brands.

People in this group value communication with brands, as it helps them create personal connections. This, in a way, makes them love the brand and want to patronize it more

Many Zoomers have grown to idolize influencers enough to buy whatever they recommend. Records have it that about 62% of them are on this ship.

69. Loyalty Programs and Coupons have Significant Value and Appeal to 65% of Generation Z Customers.

Brands report that more Generation Z fellas make up more customers using their coupon codes for discounted service. Only about 35% of them don’t feel the need to use them.

70. About 66% of Teenage Shoppers Look for Product Quality When Choosing a Brand.

The quality of certain products and services appeals to teenagers who want to pick a brand to patronize. They trust brands with quality products for steady shopping.

71. ‘Out of Stock’ Annoys about 65% of Gen Z Shoppers when Purchasing Products Online.

Many teenagers like it when all the products they want to buy online are readily available. They don’t appreciate the label ‘Sold Out’ or’ Out of stock’

Statistics of the Generation Z Media Consumption

Media Consumption Statistics

72. Most Gen Z Cohorts Use Cyberspace for Entertainment.

Research shows that about 65% of people in this age group use the Internet for entertainment. They watch pictures, videos, movies, play games, and more.

73. 71% of Males in this Age Group Spend Time Watching Live Video Games on Twitch.

Twitch is a platform for streaming live videos; many users play video games and stream them there. Although some young girls watch these video games, more young men are on the platform watching them.

The record shows that only 45% of Generation Z watched cable TV in 2023, and the percentage will reduce even more in 2024. However, more Generation X, about 68% of them, will watch Cable TV in in 2023.

75. The Largest Share of Netflix Subscribers Belongs to Zoomers.

More Zoomers go online to get entertainment. Netflix analytics shows that about 71% of its subscribers in 2023 are members of this age group. Experts say the number will increase in time as 2024 swings by.

76. 61% of Young Adults Find News on Social Media Daily.

Social media has become a means to pass news to the government and many other influential people. This means making sure news reaches a larger number of people. Also, 61% of young adults make sure to search the platform every day for it.

Statistics of Generation Z Purchasing Habits

Purchasing Habits

77. While Shopping in an Onsite Store, 47% of Zoomers Still Use Their Phones to Find Better Deals Online.

There is usually a price contention between online and onsite stores on certain products. Most Zoomers believe one usually depends on the goods, so they evaluate while shopping.

78. Many Gen Z Shoppers Use Apps to Get Purchase Rewards and Bonuses.

Research shows millennials are more concerned about buying and using products than rewards. However, this differs for youths, as about 70% use store apps just for rewards.

79. 67% of Young Adults Prefer to Buy Things in Onsite Stores.

According to a survey, most youths prefer to shop in onsite stores because they don’t like the wait for delivery. They complain that it builds a sense of restlessness and anticipation, and the product might not be what they want.

80. Most Zoomers Don’t Involve Themselves in Household Purchasing Processes.

Zoomers find household things online shopping stressful and boring, so they mostly don’t participate in them. However, 72% hardly have choices because their parent forces them to participate, while some of the 28% do it because there is no one else to do it.

81. An Average Teenage Shopper Reads About Three Reviews Online on a Product Before Buying It.

To minimize regret, teenagers read at least three reviews online when they want to buy new things. Some read even more to be sure of what they are buying.

Statistics of Marketing Strategy for Generation Z

Marketing Strategy

82. Cashback and Discounts are Good Ways for Brands to Attract Zoomers.

Many brands have confirmed that they get more Zoomers as clients when announcing product discounts. Over the years, this has become a potent marketing strategy.

83. About 64% of People in this Age Group Partake in the Least One Royalty Program.

Royalty programs are great marketing techniques as they attract the cohort more. Research shows that 64% of them have at least tried them once in their lifetime.

84. Great Customer Support Services Appeal to Most Gen Z Fellas.

Analytics from different brands indicate that more Generation Z fellas patronize them because of their top-notch customer support. About 60% say they will return to sellers who treat them well, mostly regardless of the product cost.

85. Authentic Product Pictures Appeal More to 52% of the Audience Than Edited Pictures.

The authentic pictures of products show buyers the real thing that they are up to get. However, the edited ones fine-tone the product and give shoppers a delusional view. This is why most of them don’t like the latter.

86. 59% of Zoomers Flow with Social Commerce.

About 59% of Zoomers think it best when a blogger or an influencer recommends a product. So, they purchase without second thoughts. Brands have used this means, and it is effective.

87. Email Marketing Campaigns Don’t Affect the Purchasing Decisions of About 31% of Young Internet Users.

Another effective strategy to increase sales is an email marketing campaign. It doesn’t affect 31% of young internet users, but it does on 69%.

88. 65% of Digital Marketing Specialists say they Will Increase Spending to Attract More Gen Z Clients.

Getting Gen Z to buy your product is easy but expensive because of all that comes with it. However, the returns are usually huge, so marketing strategists don’t mind spending more to get the age group on their side.

89. There is a 77% Chance of Getting Zoomers as Clients for Brands that Promote Gender Equality with their Ads.

Ads that promote gender equality appeal to the senses of the younger generation. One factor responsible for this is the activist nature of this group of people.

90. Compared to Millennials, the Lesser Gen Z Group expects shops to Provide a Personalized Experience for Them.

Research shows that millennial shoppers are more demanding than the young ones. About 74% of older citizens expect stores to give them a personalized experience. However, only 64% of Generation Z are in this category.

91. Rating is the Most Important Factor that 52% of Youths Consider Before Buying a Product.

This group considers the ratings on a product to determine which one is best for them to buy. This means they will pay for a service with the highest ratings.

92. Many Cohorts Believe Influencer Marketing is More Effective than Other Strategies.

Since more Zoomers will purchase a product if an influencer recommends it, it is now a marketing strategy. The cohorts see it to be the most effective technique in the industry.

Statistics of Generation Z Spending

Generation Z Spending

93. More than Millennials, Zoomers Spend an Extra 6% on Alcoholic Beverages.

It is not a myth that Zoomers consume alcohol more than millennials. Research says that the cohort spends 6% more than older citizens do.

94. In 2022, Recreational Marijuana saw a 126% Sales Increment Among Young People.

Many young people are addicted to intoxicating substances, and a few of them just like the fun of them. Recreational marijuana sales increased by 126% in 2022, and they predict it to grow even more in 2024.

95. The Average Amount Teenagers Influence Their Parents to Spend Every Year is $600 Billion Worldwide.

The most parent would save their money, but for the influential spending, their teenager keeps on them. Some devices would never make it to the household if these teenagers didn’t suggest them.

96. The Gen Z Customer’s Spending Power Value is $144 Billion.

Even if many don’t earn, Gen Z has a firm spending power of $144 billion. Finance experts say this amount will grow in the coming year.

97. More Youths Prefer to Use the Cashless Payment Method.

About 73% of young adults would rather use cashless payment options than carry cash around. They say they do this to make payments easier. However, 27% prefer paying with cash, while others disagree.

98. In the US, an Average Consumer in this Age Group Spends Over $1,100 During Holidays.

The US financial experts discovered that young people in the country spend at least $1,100 on holidays. This amount goes for chilling, fun, gifts, and sometimes, clothes.

Statistics of Generation Z Shopping Preferences

Shopping Preferences

99. 20% of Young Customers Choose Nike as Their Favourite Fashion Brand.

Of the thousands of clothing brands worldwide, 20% of young people choose Nike as their favorite. The tick, design, and quality of the products attract them.

100. More Generation Z Online Shoppers Prefer Amazon over Walmart and eBay.

Amazon has made a name for itself, making the site easy to use. About 75% of the age group would rather shop using the site.

101. Socially and Environmentally Responsible Brands Make More Sales Among about 55% of Zoomers.

If a company carries social and environmental duties as its responsibility, it can win the hearts of 55% of Zoomers. A survey on shopping brands confirms this.

102. 61% of this Audience Prefers a Company that Keeps their Personal Information Confidential.

From a study, we discovered that the young audience doesn’t return to brands that misuse personal data. About 61% of them will make steady purchases from confidential companies for some reason.

103. Regardless of the Cost, 61% of Teenagers will Pay for Products they Use in Sustainable Production Methods.

Teenagers also believe in quality over quantity. This is why over half of them are willing to pay extra for such products.

104. 68% of Zoomers Want Companies to Give to Improve Society.

Zoomers believe that big brands have enough resources to contribute to improving society. So, they expect these brands to do it.

105. One of Every Three Gen Z Consumers Says that Delivery Options Affect Purchasing Decisions.

Most Gen Z guys say their decision to buy a product depends on the delivery options associated with it. Most of them will choose home delivery or pay-on-delivery.


The generation that currently has the highest rate of smoking and alcohol consumption is the Zoomers. They spend more on these things than millennials. Also, they love the online space so much that more go there for entertainment, education, and more. Social media is one of the most time-consuming cyberspaces for the age group.

Online shopping is their strong forte because it is easier. Another thing this set of people likes is smart devices, as most of them own one. Some of them are addicted to these devices, and they sleep with their smartphones in their hands. Also, they believe cashless payment options are the best.


What percentage of the customer market is Gen Z?

How can you market to Gen Z in 2024?

Is 2023 still Gen Z?

How has Gen Z changed marketing?

What are Generation Z buying the most?


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25+ Cold Calling Statistics 2024: Most Jaw-Dropping Revelations Sun, 31 Mar 2024 22:32:59 +0000 Mind-boggling Cold Calling Statistics

In This Guide Major Cold Calling Statistics General Cold Calling Statistics 1. A Salesperson Initiates Around 52 Calls During Work Hours. 2. 57% of C-Level Buyers Express the Use of...

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Mind-boggling Cold Calling Statistics
In This Guide

Cold calling involves salespeople soliciting prospects who initially do not know the products or services for patronage. This practice is one of the oldest and most common forms of telemarketing businesses use to get individuals to show interest in their products and services.

Cold calls may yield a 2% success rate even for the most experienced sales professionals. Some consumers do not like cold calling, resulting in 79% unanswered and unsolicited calls. The US Congress has passed laws to reduce the practice of cold calls. This has, to a large extent, made cold calling a difficult service to continue in America. These Cold Calling statistics show knowledgeable facts on B2B, effectiveness, mistakes, and challenges of Cold calling. Let’s dive in.

Mind-boggling Cold Calling Statistics

Major Cold Calling Statistics

  1. During the working day, a sales representative makes 52 calls.
  2. In 2019, one or more cold calls were accepted by 69% of buyers.
  3. One or more cold calls were received by 69% of buyers in the previous 12 months.
  4. 82% of B2B decision-makers believe sales professionals aren’t prepared.
  5. The best days to make prospecting calls are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
  6. Cold calls remain an efficient sales tactic in several sectors, but they can be exhausting and challenging to implement effectively.
  7. Almost one-half of sales reps give up after a single follow-up.
  8. If sales representatives repeatedly use the ‘We Provide’ phrase during your call, it could lead to a lower closing rate.
  9. There is incorrect information in one-quarter of B2B databases.
  10. One of salespeople’s most difficult tasks is getting prospects to respond.

General Cold Calling Statistics

General Cold Calling Statistics

1. A Salesperson Initiates Around 52 Calls During Work Hours.

Cold calling statistics show ways to improve answered calls, call-backs, and closed sales. To succeed in sales, a salesperson needs to make between 52 and 60 calls daily. Cold calling is vital as a sales strategy contributing to overall business success. In addition, statistics reveal that reaching a buyer takes about 18 phone calls.

2. 57% of C-Level Buyers Express the Use of Phones to Make Contacts as Their Preference.

Phone calls have been the choicest means of communication between businesses and potential buyers. According to a recent survey, 57% of C-level customers would rather be contacted on the phone than through other mediums.

3. A Successful Cold Call will Last Twice as Long as its Failure.

Generally, calls with negative outcomes seem to have short durations. Also, calls with successful outcomes that may likely end in booking a meeting may not end too soon. Research shows successful cold calls will likely last twice as long as failed ones. On average, a cold call should last around 5-10 minutes.

4. A Total of 69% of Buyers Took One or More Cold Calls in 2019.

Cold calling can be a great way to engage customers and make sales and can be effective when done appropriately. A survey reveals that in 2019, about 69% of shoppers acknowledged accepting one or more cold calls. During a cold call, one will understand better what challenges need to be addressed based on how prospects interact with your content.

Intriguing B2B Cold Calling Statistics

B2B Cold Calling Statistics

5. 82% of Buyers Agreed to an Appointment When the Salesman Contacted Them.

When is a good time to reach out to potential buyers? The doors are open, and buyers are waiting to take calls from a salesperson. Buyers are ever willing to take a call from a salesperson and are interested in knowing more to make an educated and right decision. Statistics show that the doors are open, and around 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople after a cold call.

6. More Than 69% of Buyers Took at Least One or More Such Calls in the Last 12 Months.

Do not be deceived by the roaming news that cold calling always turns out to be unsuccessful. Factually, cold calling is one effective way to get prospective customers. According to research data, as many as 69% of buyers receive a cold call from salespeople in a year.

7. Before Responding to Any Ad Outreach Efforts, Over 82% of Buyers Use LinkedIn to Find Out About Providers.

According to research data, before any buyer does any research, they have a set of vendors in mind. About 82% of B2B buyers will consider brands they already know before any research is conducted. Providers should provide value and develop relationships with buyers before they are willing to participate in the sales process to stand a chance of winning a deal. This implies that only around 20% of brands will be identified or fall under the consideration category only after research or investigation is carried out.

8. The B2B Tech Representative has an Average of 35 Calls Per Day, With a Total Duration of 55 Minutes.

Recent statistics show that B2B salespersons spend at least an hour cold-calling prospects, making at least 35 daily calls. Other reports show that some salespeople make up to 100 calls daily for phone bank workers.

9. 82% of Business Decision-makers Believe That Sales Professionals are Unprepared.

A research study shows that most B2B decision-makers feel that sales representatives, especially commercial and industrial ones, are usually unprepared. This study discovered that there were traces of some level of frustration tied to the preparedness of salespersons.

Amazing Cold Calling Effectiveness Statistics

Effectiveness Statistics

10. On Average, a Sales Representative requires about eight cold call attempts to Reach a Prospect.

According to statistics, a salesperson makes at least eight call attempts to get a prospect. In addition, the success rate of these cold calls is as low as 20%. You may be wondering why the turn-up is quite low. Well, this could be attributed to the cold-calling strategies adopted by salespersons. To efficiently convert cold calls into sales, sales representatives do not need to give up but follow up on prospects.

11. After an Initial Meeting Between a Prospect and a Salesperson, at Least Five Follow-up Calls are Needed for 80% of Successful Sales.

Studies show that 80% of successful sales come after an average of five follow-up calls. Conversely, about 44% and 94% of sales representatives follow up with prospects at least once and four times before giving up. Additionally, a study shows that 80% of prospects do not purchase items until the fifth cold call.

12. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the Best Days for Prospecting Cold Calls.

Different studies show that the best days for sales professionals to make cold calls are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Studies show that Saturdays and Sundays aren’t the best days for cold-calling prospects, and Mondays and Fridays are the worst. The first and the last work days, as well as weekends, are usually the worst cold-calling days. This is because people spend time responding to tons of emails, attending to pressing tasks, and being busy with their personal lives.

13. According to Statistics, About 71% of Prospects Believe the Earlier They Hear From a Sales Rep, the Better.

While some consumers prefer researching certain brands and their products, others prefer interacting with their sales representatives. Although buyers can gather information about a product with the help of Artificial Intelligence tools, some rely on knowledgeable information from salespersons. Studies show that around 71% of prospects want to hear from salespeople when searching for quality ideas to drive strong business results.

14. Cold Calling is an Effective Sales Strategy for Some Industries, But it Can be Challenging and Stressful.

Salespersons can find cold calling an uneasy task, especially when prospects haven’t indicated an interest in their products or services. However, a smart choice for improving cold calling success rates is outsourcing to specialized telemarketing providers, which can aid companies in maximizing efforts.

Cold Calling Mistakes Statistics

Mistakes Stats

15. Almost One-half of Sales Reps Give up After a Single Follow-up.

According to statistics, 44% of salespersons give up after one follow-up call. Sales representatives must stay connected with prospects even after an initial appointment to close a sale. Importantly, the major difference between successful and unsuccessful sales pros is preparedness. Salespersons must do much to build a great reputation, as only 3% of prospects trust them.

16. According to 42% of Sales Representatives, There is not Enough Information Available Before a Call.

Study shows that almost half of salespersons feel or think that they do not have sufficient information before calling prospects. Many salespeople are stuck in this situation, especially those with numerous cold calls to make while hoping for the best. This is not always the case, but with the help of the right tools and focus on research information before the call. With these, the success rate of cold calls can be exponentially increased.

17. Friday Afternoons are the Most Difficult Times to Place a Cold Call, as are Mondays from 6 am until 12 pm.

What are the worst times for cold calling? According to statistics, Mondays, between 6 am and 12 pm, and Friday afternoons are not good times to cold call prospects. Most people are generally excited about the weekend and may not want to end it on a sad note due to a cold call. These hours seem to be the most difficult times for contact leads, probably because people focus on high-priority tasks within these periods.

18. When a Sales Rep Uses the Phrase “We Provide” More Than Four Times During the Call, the Risk of Closing Sales is Minimal.

Research data shows that about 36% of sales professionals admit that closing sales is the most difficult part of the job. The chance of closing a sale when “we provide” is used during cold calls is 22%

19. During a Cold Call, if Salespersons Begin With, “Did I Catch You at a Bad Time?” the Rep is 40% less likely to be able to Schedule an Appointment.

As a sales professional, you must avoid phrases like “We provide” and “Did I catch you at a bad time?”. If these statements are used, the chance of booking a meeting with a prospect is typically as low as 40%. To close a deal, practice before making cold calls and avoid distractions. Be focused on the duration of the call, as most successful cold calls are usually longer, and balance the talk-to-listen ratios.

Cold Calling Challenges Statistics

Challenges Stats

20. 80% of Cold Calls are Redirected to Voicemail.

Research data shows that more than three-quarters of cold calls go to voicemail. Other statistical data also reveal that around 90% of voicemails are unreturned. Salespersons should note that a cold call won’t hold a prospect’s attention for over 30 seconds. For this reason, salespersons must create creative and helpful voicemail notes.

21. Unidentified Calls are Believed to be Fraud by 92% of the population.

In 79% of cases, unidentified calls are usually unanswered. Also, 92% of consumers and prospects perceive unidentified calls as fraudulent. Although sales professionals face some challenges, some cold-calling practices can result in successful sales.

22. There is Wrong Data in at Least 25% of B2B Databases.

About one-quarter of contacts in the B2B database contain critical mistakes, including outdated contact details, inaccurate data, incorrect demographic data, and others. These errors in the database could result in 40% of business failure. Generally, B2B data is capable of collecting dust and dirt. To curb this, data validation practice is needed, as it will aid in reducing bad matches.

23. A Sales Representative Spends 23% of Their Time on Sales, While Paperwork Accounts for 22%.

How do sales professionals spend their workdays?? They spend several hours on emails, meetings, and calls, but exceptional salespersons spend their time on high-priority activities. Other activities take up most of the day, and these sales representatives spend only about 23% on selling. Paperwork accounts for 22% of the time most sales professionals spend on workdays.

24. The Incorrect B2B Contact Information Results in 27.3% of Sales Representatives’ Time Being Wasted.

Bad sales data can harm the sales team, and a good B2B sales team is as good as the data it feeds from. Statistics show that chasing bad data wastes sales representatives’ time by 27.3%. Apart from time wastage, inaccurate data generates bad leads and missing opportunities, resulting in undelivered mail. 

25. Within 2-3 Years, 45% of the Population Changed Their Telephone Number.

Why do most people change their contact numbers after a while? People change phone numbers to avoid unwanted spam texts and calls, start a new lifestyle, balance work or private life, etc. The duration of use of a phone number varies from person to person and for reasons best known to them. General statistics show that, on average, 45% of people change their phone numbers every 2-3 years. Other research data shows that about 23% of the population change their contact at least once a year.

26. Cold Calling is Feared by Almost Half of Sales Professionals.

According to the study, 48% of sales representatives are reluctant to make cold calls in business. If you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone and take action, even if you’re afraid, that cold calling will work. Unfortunately, salespeople who fear making cold calls have trouble meeting their quotas and are more anxious. They’re probably not making as much money as their counterparts who don’t have this phobia.

27. According to Salespeople, One of Their Biggest Challenges is Getting Prospects to React.

Most prospects cease to respond within a few initial interactions, and this silence is demotivating for some sales representatives. They’ll give up the lead and start looking for a different prospect. As a result, 79% of marketing leads do not convert to sales.

28. About 13% of Consumers Think the Salesman Knows What They Want.

Another challenge faced by salespersons is sales conversions. What is the essence of cold calling if the leads don’t convert to sales? Statistical data shows that 13% of consumers sense that sales representatives comprehend their needs. On the other hand, about 66% of salespeople are considered average performers by consumers.

Final Thoughts

Some data show that cold calling is unsuccessful. Other statistics show that it is one of the most effective outreach tools for salespersons if done appropriately. A sales representative makes an average of 35 calls per day and eight cold call attempts to reach a prospect.

Although it is effective, with a success rate of 2%, cold calling is quite tasking. Cold calling is not something that should be done in isolation. To get the most out of cold calling, it should be combined with other telemarketing strategies like SMS, emailing, etc. These statistics give detailed information on everything one needs to know about Cold calling. We have gathered enough data-backed suggestions to help tailor your strategy in cold calling as a sales professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does cold calling still work in 2023?

How many cold calls does it take to get a lead?

Why is cold calling so hard?

What is the biggest challenge in cold calling?

Why are people scared of making cold calls?


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2024 Credit Card Debt Statistics: Analysis Behind the Numbers Fri, 22 Mar 2024 02:02:34 +0000 Key Credit Card Debt Statistics 

Many have been shackled by overwhelming credit card debts simply because their monthly expenses are much more than they earn. Credit card holders can go on a shopping spree without...

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Key Credit Card Debt Statistics 

Many have been shackled by overwhelming credit card debts simply because their monthly expenses are much more than they earn. Credit card holders can go on a shopping spree without the present funds to make payments.

Most credit card debtors are in the habit of picking items that they cannot pay for. They make a small deposit and take over the rest of the payment into the next month. The USA data shows that, on average, the national card debt of cardholders with balances fell. In 2023 Q4, it was $6,864, down from $6,993 in the 2023 Q3.

This is a one-off thing to some, while others make it a way of living. It becomes a mindset that you can get whatever you desire without necessarily paying for it at the point of purchase. The harsh truth is that sellers will most likely not forget debts in the hands of buyers. They keep on calling and texting to remind you of what is owed. This seems like a bitter truth, but that is the game in debt. Getting to know the numbers on credit card debts can help anyone have a better grasp on its fallout. Let’s start.

In This Guide

Key Credit Card Debt Statistics 

Key Credit Card Debt Statistics 

  1. Debts owed through credit cards come in second place after mortgage debts, which are the highest. 
  2. As many as 1.06 billion credit cards have been used in the United States, while 2.8 billion are used globally
  3. The average American citizen has their name up to 4 credit cards in use
  4. The average person in Europe holds an average of 0.8 to 3.9 credit cards.
  5. As far back as 2016, up to 6 out of every 10 adults in the United Kingdom used a credit card. 
  6. As many as 9 in every 10 adults in the United Kingdom in 2016 had a debit card.

Credit Card Debt Demographics

Credit Card Debt Demographics

1. People Over 75 Have the Highest Credit Card Debts in the United States.

Records show that older people are more prone to credit card debt than others. Around 28% of people in this generation are in debt. They have the largest average credit card debt, with as much as $8,100.

2. Those Between 45 and 54 Years of Age Have an Average Credit Card Debt of $7,700.

Just after older people are those who are 45 to 54 years of age, with an average debt of $7,700, a large percentage standing at 52%, which shows their spending habits.

3. Cardholders in the United States Below 35 Have the Lowest Credit Card Debt, With Just $4,289.

Those under 35 have one of the lowest credit card debt averages, with $4,289.

4. As High as 3 in Every Five Adults in the United States Have Run into an Average Debt of $5,875.

As many will say, times are hard, so turning to a credit card seems to be the only way to live. 61% of people are in this situation, meaning 3 in every five persons living in the United States are deep in credit card debt. 23% have gone way deeper into debt in 2023 as the months go by. Another 14% said that they have been unable to pay off their debts when they were due in the past months.

5. White Americans Comprise the Largest Average, With as Much as $6,900 in Card Debt.

Regarding the difference between races, the white American is at the top spot with an average debt of $6,900. Black Americans have the lowest place in credit card debts, with a tidy sum of $3,900.

6. An Average Person Owed Around $617 More in the Third Quarter of 2022 Than the Past Year.

Rising prices of goods and services caused many to turn in this direction. This debt rise brought the sum to $38 billion in just one quarter of the year, an increase of 15% in the space of a year. It was the largest ever recorded in the past two decades. 

7. Many Debts Can be Tied to 28% of Credit Card Payments.

The study shows that just 9% of United States citizens purchase with cash. About 54% of Americans would rather use a virtual debit card when purchasing. Of these, 36% choose a virtual debit card anytime, anywhere. Another 28% use a credit card to buy everything from the store. This could be why many scholars have fallen deep into credit card debts. 

Statistics of the United States Credit Card Debt

Statistics of the United States Credit Card Debt

8. The Use of Credit Cards in the United States is Rising, Reaching Beyond $1 Trillion in 2023.

We all know that many people in the United States use credit cards. However, credit cards have become a new phenomenon, as over $1 trillion in transactions were completed in just 2023.

9. As High as 82% of People in the United States Have to Their Name One or More Credit Cards in Use.

This shows that many United States citizens use credit cards for daily expenses.

10. The Year 2022 Will be Remembered for a Long While as They Were a Credit Card Debt of $930.6 Billion.

It was quite a remarkable year, with debts rising to $930.6 billion at the close of 2022. This was a big deal, representing an 18.5% rise from the previous year. 

11. 2020 Was not a Bit Different, With an Average Debt of $5,315 Per Person When it Came to an End.

Many people rely on their credit cards to get started more easily. At the end of 2020, each person had an average credit card debt of $5,315. This situation did not change much the next year, with an average of $5,221.

12. As Many as 55% of Young Adults Between 18 and 29 Use a Credit Card Daily.

In 2021, more than 50% of people aged 18 to 29 will have a credit card in their name.

13. Up to 73% of Persons Aged 30 to 49 Had a Credit Card When 2021 Was Close.

As much as 73% of people between the ages of 30 and 49 did have a credit card in 2021.

14. Many Americans Have Paid Their Debts at the Top of the List Yearly. 

70% of people in the United States will give anything to get their debtors off their backs. 

15. Average Credit Card Debts Fell by 14% When the Curtain of 2020 was Closed.

The credit card balance fell by $879 from 2019, a 14% decrease from the previous year. Debt also reduced moderately, falling from a peak of $6,194 to an average of $5,315 at the close of 2020. 

Credit Card Debt Trends

16. The Sum of Credit Card Balances Hit $1.079 Trillion in the Third Quarter of 2023.

A Federal Reserve Bank of New York report shows a hike in credit card balances, now at $1.079 trillion, much higher than they have been since 1999.

17. Many Thanks to the Pandemic, Many Americans Grow Their Financial Health.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, movements were grounded, bringing down consumers’ and credit card spending. That wasn’t surprising since many people paid in full or received a partial refund. This positively reflected the rate at which unpaid balances were carried over to the next month. 

18. More Debts Rose at the Break of the 2021 Second Quarter After the Heat of the Pandemic.

They had a hike in credit card debts over the past year at the dawn of 2021, which raised concern. Getting to 2023 brought the total sum of credit card balances to more than $1 trillion for the first time in a long while.

19. Findings are Firm on the Belief That Those Low in Finance Turn More to Credit Card Debts.

The number of debts among those who earn below $25,000 has always been on the rise. However, the level of credit card debt from low-income earners has risen since 2020. This is not to say that most in this group pay their debts when due. Many habitually pay a bit of the sum to carry it over to the next month.

20. Those Who Belong to Generation X in the United States Have an Average Credit Card Debt of $8,134.

Most Generation X people with a credit card to their name owe an average of $8,134 in the United States.

21. One State With the Highest Credit Card Debt is Alaska, With an Average of $7,338 USA Today.

Alaska has the highest average credit card debt, at $8,134.

22. Those Called the Silent Generation Take the Lowest Rank With $3,316.

The silent generation has the fewest credit card debtors, with just $3,316 on an average scale. Generation X has the largest chunk, with $8,134, followed by baby boomers with $6,245. 

23. Male Folks Have the Highest Average Credit Card Debt, $6,357.

Men fall more into debt than women, with an average of $6,357 in credit card debt. Women are not entirely out of the loop; they have close to $6,232 in credit card debt.

24. Colorado has the Least Worry About Debts, Costing $6,274.

An average credit card debt of $6,274 puts Colorado in a better spot than other states in the United States.


Getting a credit card makes the whole concept of buying items from stores around you an exciting one. When it comes down to going into debt, using a credit card seems like the surest bet for most people due to its ease of use and accessibility. No one wants to be in a tight debt spot, but many have been entangled in this situation. The sellers keep calling while the buyer is at a loss as to what to do. Most people who are unable to pay feel too choked to breathe freely. For many, what they earn monthly is why they turn to credit purchases. This does not erase the stress of being a credit card debtor.


What is the average credit card debt that an American can owe?

What is the percentage of students in college that are on credit card debt?

Is there a rise in the percentage of persons falling into this debt?

How many people in the United States own a credit card in their name?

How large has the credit card market grown in these years?


The post 2024 Credit Card Debt Statistics: Analysis Behind the Numbers appeared first on The Tech Report.

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20 AB Testing Statistics All Marketers Should Know in 2024 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 21:26:34 +0000 Key AB Testing Statistics

In our world today, people do not have the patience to spend time on web pages, making them leave without achieving their aim. When we look at this, we see...

The post 20 AB Testing Statistics All Marketers Should Know in 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key AB Testing Statistics

In our world today, people do not have the patience to spend time on web pages, making them leave without achieving their aim. When we look at this, we see that websites with a straightforward and easy-to-use interface are more likely to attract more visitors.

As a business owner who wants to increase brand awareness and your website’s growth rate, it won’t hurt to try AB testing. 77% of organizations use A/B testing to optimize their conversion rate on corporate websites. A majority (71% of organizations) conduct 2-3 such tests a month.

When companies want to change their website to improve their users’ experience, they use AB testing. AB testing is all about having two designs of a particular website or platform and releasing them to different customers. The more traffic and usage design becomes adopted to serve the general public. Read on as we explore these 20 revealing statistics on AB testing.

Key AB Testing Statistics

Key AB Testing Statistics

  • AB testing is the next most helpful tool for increasing sales growth, only second to analytics.
  • For 7% of businesses, practicing AB testing in their work seems like a lot of stress.
  • The effective call to action to be used is usually determined from about 85% of all AB tests.
  • An AB test needs an average of 25,000 visitors before it can be passed as accurate.
  • With its current growth rate, AB testing is likely to reach more than $1 billion in market value by 2025.
  • Only one out of every AB test carried out comes out positive.

Statistics on AB Testing in the Businesses Sphere

Statistics on AB Testing in the Businesses Sphere

1. In Every Four Enterprises, Three Make Use of AB Testing.

Since AB testing is very useful in helping businesses learn more about their customers’ choices, more companies have embraced it.

2. Companies That AB Test Their Website Landing Pages Are Up To 60%.

In 2023, about 60% of big companies found AB testing helpful in increasing their growth and sales and reducing their website’s bounce rate.

3. Creating Time to Perform AB Tests is One of the Most Challenging Issues For 52% of Companies.

The processes involved in AB testing are not so easy, so the thought of the stress and challenges keeps about 52% of companies away.

4. Not Having the Necessary Tools is Why 43% of Businesses Do Not do AB Testing.

The tools you use in running AB tests contribute greatly to its success. There are different tools for specific tasks in the testing process, like tools for data collection, analyzing results, running tests, and designing variations. Due to the expenses required to get these tools ready, about 43% of businesses have ruled it out of their to-do list.

5. Another 28% of Businesses Are Not Doing AB Testing Because They Lack Experts Who Can Do It.

AB testing requires knowledgeable individuals to carry out the processes. Hiring these experts can be a bit costly for some businesses. Since some of these enterprises cannot fit it into their budget, they leave it out of their plans.

Statistics on AB Testing: Instances

Instances stats

6. AB Testing is Responsible For Increasing Microsoft Bing’s Annual Revenue By Around 10% to 25% Annually.

This came up as an idea proposed by an employee concerned about the style their search engines use in displaying ad headlines. When his proposal was finally considered, the experiment brought massive returns.

7. During the Obama Campaign, $75 Million Was Realized Just After Some Changes Were Made to the AB Testing.

The director of analytics for the 2008 Obama campaign decided to apply AB testing to see if they could raise more funds. The experiment focused on the Media and the Call-to-Action button of their sign-up form. They created four buttons and used six different media variations during the campaign. The variation that won had people signing up at a rate of 11.6%, which is a 40.6% improvement on the original page, which had an 8.26% sign-up rate. This success resulted in almost 3 million email addresses being added to their list and $75 million in donations.

8. The First AB Test Performed By Google was In 2020.

In 2000, some engineers at Google decided to carry out the company’s first AB test. This test was done to find out the best number of results that should be shown for a search query. They have also kept themselves ahead of the competition by performing rigorous prototype testing.

9. Big Companies Like, Facebook, Google, and Amazon Conduct So Many Tests Yearly, Reaching Up To 10,000 Tests Yearly.

Considering the results pulled in by AB testing experiments, most of these big companies perform several tests each year. These tests are carried out on millions of users worldwide because companies now know that experimenting with everything could surprisingly pay off quickly.

10. Less Than One-Third of Marketers Are Happy With the Conversion Rates They Get From AB Testing.

Several marketers conduct AB testing expecting a significant increase in conversion rates. However, because they approach this testing the wrong way, they do not achieve much success. A change in methodology and some extra effort might be all that is needed to turn their conversion rates around.

11. About 52.8% of the Companies Performing AB Testing Do Not Have a Standard Point For Ending the Test.

To be confident about the results achieved from an AB test, it should at least have reached a high statistical significance. Such a result must have attained about 95%-99% significance. Only then should companies rely on their test’s validity and then end the testing.

Statistics on the Importance of AB Testing

Statistics on the Importance of AB Testing

12. With AB Testing, Companies Can Make Their User Experience Better, Thereby Increasing Their Sales Rate By 400%.

Small changes can greatly influence user behavior, and knowing this has made companies invest in AB testing, seeking ways to better their UX. Getting it right with user experience can increase conversion by about 400%.

13. From AB Testing, It Has Been Discovered That Emails That Have a Clear Subject Generate Massive Responses, Raising the Interaction Rate By 541%.

Through applying AB testing, some enterprises have even discovered that they can improve the response they get from emails by using CLEAR and CONCISE email subjects.

14. AB Testing is Approximated To Generate Up To 1 Billion Dollars In Income By 2025.

QY research gathered that the AB testing software market reached $485 million in 2018. Considering that more businesses are now aware and better informed, the market is expected to keep growing steadily. It is expected to reach about $1 billion by 2025.

15. Successful AB Tests Generate $3 On Average Per Unique Visitor For E-Commerce Websites.

When an AB test is carried out properly, the successful one always performs so well that it increases the average revenue per unique visitor for e-commerce sites by 50%.

16. An AB Test is Deemed Significant Only When It Has Reached 25,000 Visitors.

For an AB test to be effective, it must reach a large sample size. The more the number of people that engage with the thing being tested, the better its chance of being successful. The benchmark for this testing to be given statistical importance is 25,000 visitors.

AB Testing Statistics on Email Marketing

Email Marketing stats

17. There Are About 59% of Companies That AB Test Their Emails.

Every form of communication done over the web can be influenced by AB testing to produce better results. Companies that use AB testing in their email campaigns can attest that it increases their conversion rate.

18. An AB Experiment By HubSpot Generated 131 Leads, Indicating A 0.53% Increase In Open Rate.

To understand the effects of personalized campaigns on its customers, HubSpot decided to carry out a test. In the test, they sent two emails, one with a personalized name and the other with a generic company name. The personalized email had an open rate of 0.53% higher than the other and a 0.23% higher click-through rate.

19. Google Conducted More Than 7,000 AB Tests To Improve Its Search Algorithm In 2011.

Google is always seeking ways to better its search algorithm and other things. For instance, they tried using 50 shades of blue on their call-to-action button to know which converts most.

20. The Subject is the Most Important Tested Element of An Email.

About 39% of enterprises worldwide begin by testing the subject line of emails, which is very important for convincing people to click. These companies also test the offers and preheaders delivered through email.

Using AB Testing in Marketing

Using AB Testing in MarketingThere is a lot that can be achieved using AB testing. A change as simple as button color can lead to an increase in conversion rate. Having this at the back of your mind is important as it pushes marketers to test almost everything until the conversion is optimized. Some of the things that marketers can test in their campaign include:

  • Subject lines
  • Headlines
  • Fonts and font color
  • Blog graphics
  • Opt-in forms
  • Product images
  • Navigations

Reasons Why Marketers AB Test

When marketers conduct Ab tests, they learn so much about how their audience reacts to the various elements of their campaigns. They also have aims that they hope to achieve for each of these tests they perform. Some of these aims are to increase their website traffic, gain an increase in conversion rate, reduce bounce rate, and even determine the perfect product images to use others.


AB testing is a very crucial tool that companies and marketers alike have discovered for use in building their growth. This growth is not limited to conversion rate but includes increased website traffic, a reduction in bounce rate, more visibility, and more sales. With AB testing showing marketers more about customer behavior, they are more likely to take better steps in improving content to make customers happy. Happy customers mean returning customers in business, translating to a higher conversion rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What purpose does AB testing have in Marketing?

What are the things marketers can AB test?

Is AB testing a strategy?

What is a major disadvantage of AB testing?

How long should a good AB test last?

Why do so many AB tests fail?


The post 20 AB Testing Statistics All Marketers Should Know in 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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40+ Vital Branding Statistics No Business Can Ignore in 2024 Thu, 15 Feb 2024 18:03:00 +0000 Must Know Branding Statistics

In This Guide Must Know Branding Statistics General Branding Statistics 1. An Interesting Fact About Brands is That Made-Up Words and Acronyms Comprise 72% of the World’s Simplest Brand Names....

The post 40+ Vital Branding Statistics No Business Can Ignore in 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Must Know Branding Statistics
In This Guide

Today’s buyers crave emotional connections – and branding delivers. Distinct brands boast 134% higher equity returns than the S&P 500. 77% of cult followers show loyalty even amid recessions.

Essentially, effective branding imbues companies with personality. It broadcasts purpose through channels like social media, where 82% of shoppers engage with favored brands. So, humanize your organization by lifting diverse groups. Prioritize transparency, sustainability, and inclusiveness.

Remember, people support people. Lead with compassion, ethics, and community, and your numbers will soar. We have developed an exhaustive list of branding statistics, facts, and trends to help you appreciate the importance of branding for your business.

Must Know Branding Statistics

Must Know Branding Statistics

  1. Words and abbreviations account for more than 70% of global brand names.
  2. It takes less than a second to form an opinion about a website.
  3. Nearly 90% of respondents expect similar experiences on the brand’s various platforms.
  4. An additional 10 percent salary is given to employees working in firms with poor branding.
  5. Job applicants who browse a company’s Facebook page to be informed about their work culture are around 21%.
  6. Social media is a search house for 79% of job seekers.
  7. Investing in social media marketing is considered a necessity for 75% of small businesses.
  8. 126% plus leads are the added advantage of blogging for small businesses.
  9. Small brands spend approximately $500 on their logo design.
  10. To build brand awareness, it requires a minimum of five impressions.
  11. 94% of the world’s population identifies the famous Coca-Cola logo.
  12. 46% of American consumers would likely pay more to buy a product from a trusted brand.
  13. Transparency is the priority expectation from brands for 66% of consumers and shoppers.

General Branding Statistics

General Branding Statistics

1. An Interesting Fact About Brands is That Made-Up Words and Acronyms Comprise 72% of the World’s Simplest Brand Names.

Brand strength is automatically enhanced by brand names coined from words with no other meaning than the company’s name. A unique business name is beneficial, so applying creativity can help boost the brand. How much do you think brand names can impact the brand? According to statistics, around 72% of top brand names are formed from words or acronyms. 

Undoubtedly, the choice of color has a major role in brand recognition. This implies that most consumers identify brands with the same color in their content and logo. Nailing your color down is necessary before initiating product branding. According to statistics, blue is the major logo color for 40% of Fortune 500 companies. However, black and red are still commonly used but not as frequently as blue color. Some popular brands like McKesson, UnitedHealth Group, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., and Walmart use blue in their logo design. Blue is believed to be linked with calm, safety, and trust and is common among brands intending to espouse those features. This may be why big brands like Facebook, Visa, and Twitter (now X) include blue in their logo.

3. 73% of Fortune 500 Companies Use a Sans Serif font in Their Logo.

Of all the Fortune 500 company logos, 73% utilize Sans Serif as their font. This shouldn’t be surprising as it is clear and easy to read, giving access to a large brand customer base. Maintaining a minimum level of complexity is essential to logo design; factually, San Serif gives a neat, plain, and simple font.

4. Fifty Milliseconds is How Long It Takes People to Form An Opinion About Your Website.

It takes 0.05 seconds to cobble together a first impression about someone, and a website homepage is no different. And yes, first impression matters a lot regarding brand websites. In essence, website users create an opinion on your brand website in the blink of an eye or a snap of fingers.

5. 61% of People Are Likely to Buy From Companies with Unique Marketing Activities.

Irrespective of the size of a business and the industry, the importance of branding for business success cannot be overstated. Branding goes beyond influencing business sales and revenue but affects marketplace perception, employee retainers, and the ability to impact the community positively. Marketers believe their business has at least some success with content marketing. 61% of people feel comfortable patronizing businesses that have special marketing endeavors.

6. 70% of Brand Managers Are More Concerned with Building An Audience than Getting Sales.

Regarding business success, 70% of brand managers value building an audience as more valuable than converting sales. Some marketers acknowledge that building awareness is their sole purpose for marketing campaigns. The focus is largely driven by the fact that it builds awareness of your company’s brand, thereby creating trust among audiences. In addition, facilitating their relationship with your products and services, everything put together can boost sales and build a loyal client base.

7. Three-quarters of Consumers Prefer a Customized Shopping Experience From Brands They Patronize.

According to statistics, around 73% of people will stick with brands that personalize the shopping experience. Most shoppers want customized emails, special offers, and deals from their preferred brands. Other statistical data shows that about 61% of shoppers would switch brands after a bad shopping experience.

8. Poor Branding Results in 52% of Clients Not Returning to a Business.

Businesses are built on trust judging from emotions, so bad branding reduces customers’ trust. Idiomatically, “bad branding is like wearing a rumpled and unfitted suit.” This may not mean the business is bad, but it may send a wrong impression to potential customers. 52% of shoppers may not return to a business due to poor branding.

9. 82% of Consumers Said They Would React Negatively to a Brand Name Change.

A positive perception of a change in the brand name has been observed in only 18% of consumers. This means that once a brand is strengthened, consumers should stay with it. On the other hand, as much as 82% of consumers react negatively to a brand name change. Believe it or not, brand name influences the purchase decisions of most consumers.

10. 90% of Consumers Expect Their Brand Experience to be Consistent Across All Platforms.

90% of customers expect that they will have the same interaction on all platforms. This rise in customer expectations can be linked to increased engagement and omnichannel campaigns. In this digital world, consumer expectations drive brands to improve consistency and uniformity in all channels. Successful marketing managers are informed and take these trends very seriously.

Employer Branding Statistics

Employer Branding Statistics

11. Workers Are Paid Ten Percent More by Companies That Don’t Have Good Branding.

Statistics show that a company can spend over $7.6 million as an additional salary on at least ten thousand employees for a bad reputation. This was drawn from the May 2014 Bureau of Labor data. Other research data indicates that businesses pay 10% higher wages when they have a bad brand.

12. 84% of Job Seekers Are Interested in a Company’s Reputation As An Employer.

So, how much does a company’s reputation as a job applicant’s employer brand matter when hiring? Job security, dysfunctional teams, and poor leadership are a few factors that can contribute mostly to the bad reputation of a company. On the other hand, career growth opportunities, teamwork, and stability are some factors tied to a good reputation that are concerns of jobseekers. According to statistics, all over the world, a company’s reputation is important to 84% of those searching for jobs in companies.

13. The Impact of Employer Branding and Reputation in Terms of Revenue is Recognized By 96% of Companies.

I know you may be asking if employee branding affects revenue and how. Let us find out how companies are affected by reputation and employee branding. This is shown in the 96% of organizations that acknowledge the impact of employee brand and reputation on their earnings. Note that this impact can positively or negatively affect the company’s revenue. Statistics show that out of these numerous companies, only around 44% monitor the impact on their revenue closely.

14. A Reduction of 28% in Turnover May Be Achieved by Investing in the Employer’s Brand.

Building an effective employer branding strategy is vital for businesses as this could offer an organization an edge in competition. While companies with strong employer branding increase the number of qualified applicants by up to 50%, a 28% turnover decrease rate is experienced.

15. Of the 53% of Companies With Sufficient Funds, Employer Branding Will Be a Priority.

Every business can shape its employer brand to any form, notwithstanding the company’s size and budget. A strong employer brand can boost awareness, recognition, revenue, sales, and more. Statistics reveal that if businesses have enough finance, employer branding will be very important for 53% of businesses. Strong employee branding is essential for business recruitment, retention, and productivity.

16. To Learn About Corporate Culture, 21% of Job Applicants Search For Facebook Content From the Company.

Do job seekers check a company’s Facebook page when they apply for a job? The short answer is yes. About 21% of job candidates learn about a company’s work culture and brand reputation by browsing its Facebook content. Additionally, jobseekers are attracted to the company’s culture, and statistically, culture wins by attracting 20% of the best job applicants.

17. Social Media is Being Used by 79% of Job Seekers to Find a Job.

According to research, about 79% of job hunters utilize social media when searching for a role. However, this number increases for younger job seekers, and some social media platforms have shown the potential of being more productive than others for recruitment. If you act adeptly as an employer, job seekers are more likely to apply to your company’s social media platform than your competitors. Another advantage is that these job opportunities can be occupied sooner than expected.

18. 76% of Companies Choose Social Media to Promote the Employer Brand.

A cost-effective way to display the company culture, values, or achievements, attracting and interacting with potential and existing employees is through social media platforms. This is the preferred channel for 76% of companies for showcasing employer brand messages and awareness efforts.

Small Business Branding Statistics

Small Business

19. 75% of Small Businesses Are Investing in Social Media Marketing.

Statistics reveal that about a third of small businesses invest in social media advertising. Facebook is the top social media platform organizations use for advertising at 70%. YouTube follows closely at 54% and Instagram at 52%.

20. Video Advertising Accounts For 34% of Investments By Small Businesses.

Aside from social media as a tool for digital business advertising, there are numerous channels for this purpose. They include website, email, SEO, content, and video marketing. Undoubtedly, social media platforms account for the digital marketing channel with the highest investment for small businesses. Video advertising accounts for 34% of the investments by small businesses. 

21. Only 10% of Small Businesses Consider Their Brand Uniform Across All Platforms.

Studies show that consistent branding can boost revenue by 23%. Sadly, only 10% of businesses believe their brand representation is uniform across all platforms. Social media branding is important, and there’s a need for it to be updated. Businesses need to up their social media branding game to ensure business consistency.

22. Small Firms That Blog Have a 126% Higher Number of Monthly Leads Than Those That Don’t.

Statistics show that businesses that blog experience higher monthly lead growth, as much as 126%, unlike companies that don’t blog. Generally, other benefits of blogging for businesses include increased page visits, excellent inbound links, and indexed pages. Sadly, even with the potential of blogging, most small businesses still do not utilize blogs to reach the target audience, engagement, and growth.

Statistics on Cost of Branding

Cost of Branding

23. A typical Small Business Spends About $500 on Logo Design.

Statistical data reveal that small businesses are willing to invest between $300 and $1300 on logo design. Statistics also show that, on average, 67% of small businesses spend $500 on logo design.

24. Only 18% of Small Businesses Spend More Than $1,000 For Logo Design.

The price of a logo design varies from free to many thousands to millions of dollars. While some small businesses can spend as little as $300, about 18% of businesses in this category spend up to $1,000 on logo design.

25. The Logos of the World’s Biggest Brands Cost More Than $200 Million.

In terms of creating logos for small businesses, the figures are in favor of the designers. Factors influencing the logo design pricing are the designer’s expertise, complexity, and time spent designing a logo. While $500 seems high for small businesses, some of the biggest brands in the world spend as much as $200 million on premium logo designs. Shockingly, records show that a big company named Symantec created history by spending the most on its logo. The amount spent on this company’s logo design was $1.28 billion, making people wonder if it was worth it.

Knowledgeable Brand Awareness Statistics

Brand Awareness Statistics

26. A Minimum of Five Impressions is Required to Establish Brand Awareness.

Building a strong brand is the first incredible step needed for brand awareness, and it is a step further from brand recognition. It takes 5-7 impressions to begin brand awareness, which means a longer time is needed to build a recognizable brand. Even after consumers have formed an initial impression, remembering a brand takes a few more impressions. For this cause, consistency is vital in the game of brand awareness.

27. Brand Recognition Can Increase By 80% With a Single Color on the Whole Brand.

Isn’t it funny how colors can influence brand recognition? Research shows that color can increase the chances of consumers recognizing brands by up to 80%. Choosing a brand color carefully is wise for this intent, which is vital for a brand’s management strategy. Most importantly, businesses utilizing a signature color can aid in customers’ recognition of a brand.

28. The Consistency of a Brand Increases Its Revenue By 23%.

Brand consistency fosters familiarity among consumers, even among the brand’s competitors. Study data shows that a brand represented consistently on all its touchpoints can increase revenue by as much as 23%. Take Victoria’s Secret, for instance; there is a problem with their brand image. Between 2016 and 2018, this popular brand’s market share in America dropped from 33% to 24%. What a loss!! Not because they changed their products, branding, or anything else but because they didn’t evolve with the times. As a business owner who intends to make more money, get consistent with brand presentation. Most people trust a consistent brand and would likely buy its products or patronize its services.

29. Products Are Bought By 77% of Consumers Based on Their Brand Name.

Did you know that a brand name can make consumers buy an item? Isn’t it surprising that a business could record such incredible success just because of a common name? According to statistics, about 77% of consumers purchase a brand’s products because of the brand name rather than the actual product name.

30. The Brand’s Logo is Recognized By 75% of Consumers.

Research shows that 75% of consumers recognize a brand’s logo only. Consumers who have patronized a brand are more likely to recall the business after seeing the logo at least 5 to 7 times. A unique logo is very important for businesses, especially small ones. Truly, about half of consumers have a higher chance of patronizing a brand with a recognizable logo.

31. The Likelihood of Investing in a Well-Known Brand is 82% Higher For Investors.

Research data shows that 82% of investors acknowledge that brand name recognition is an essential factor influencing their investment decisions. This shows that familiarity equals value not just for consumers but also for investors.

32. It Takes Someone 10 Seconds to Make Sense of a Brand’s Logo.

Logos don’t interfere with the low-level chatter of all sides that constantly try to make us pay attention. Factually, just 10 seconds is all a brand’s logo has when the first impression counts. If you can’t look at a logo and comprehend it in a few seconds, that implies it is too complex to be remembered.

33. A Total of 94% of the World’s Population Recognizes the Coca-Cola Logo.

Of all the famous brands worldwide, Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands ever. This is shown in surveys as the Coca-Cola logo is recognized by 94% of the world’s population. Statistics have it that about 7.1 billion people across the globe identify with this brand with so much delight. These figures are made with the red-and-white logo of the brand with the highest brand awareness.

Brand Loyalty Statistics

Brand Loyalty Stats

34. According to Statistical Analysis, 88% of Respondents Are Attracted to Brands They Consider Genuine.

Truly, authenticity is crucial for brands, and this helps them connect with their audience. A survey shows that about 88% of consumers admit that being authentic as a brand affects their choice of brands they support.

35. Brands That Share Their Values Have a Likelihood of Patronage by 89% of Consumers.

Every step of branding in a company should have its consumers in mind, from mission to identity to values. Many factors develop emotional connections between brands and their customers. When the brand is aligned with personal values, it’s constantly interactive and creates positive customer experiences. Statistics show that about 89% of consumers patronize brands that share their values.

36. Almost Half of Americans Prefer to Pay Higher Prices For a Product They Trust.

Reputation and branding are closely linked, and of the truth, highly trusted brands are most likely to be patronized. Trust is the new brand equity as it drives business growth. Records show that consumers who trust a brand will purchase their products even if they’re not as cheap as other options. About 46% of consumers would prefer to pay more for a product from a brand they trust.

37. Transparency is the Most Appealing Quality in a brand, According to 66% of Consumers.

Shoppers stay loyal to their favorite brands that are transparent. Transparency is essential for consumers as it influences the choice of brands and purchase decisions. Should brands prioritize transparency? Of course, they should. According to research, 66% of shoppers believe a top attractive quality in a brand is being transparent.

38. In the United States, 44% of Consumers Are Fond of Buying Presents From Brands They Are Loyal To.

Shoppers are not easily influenced by the availability or pricing of a product, especially when they are loyal to a particular brand. Customer loyalty statistics reveal that, especially during holidays, 44% of American shoppers purchase items from brands that they are loyal to. As long as their favorite brands deliver the same quality of products and services, many loyal customers are willing to patronize with love. Most businesses should improve customer loyalty to make consumers rush after their services and products.

39. In 62% of Online Shopping Cases, Consumers Share Their Internet Deals From Their Favorite Brands With Friends.

In what ways do consumers show loyalty to a brand? 62% of online shoppers share a brand they love with their family and friends. On the other end, a vast majority of consumers trust recommendations from their peers and loved ones. According to figures, about 92% of people trust brands recommended by their friends.

40. Some 40% of US Consumers Have Discontinued Buying From a Brand Because They Perceive Its Behavior As Irresponsible.

Brand perceptions vary among consumers across the globe. The way consumers perceive brands can influence their patronage. Research reveals that about 40% of consumers stop purchasing items from brands they perceive are unethical. American shoppers have boycotted brands with irresponsible behavior and remained loyal to brands that share their values in recent times.

41. 60% Will Refrain From Doing Business With a Brand That Hurts Them Politically.

As controversial as political statements from brands can be, they tend to have long-lasting impacts, especially on their customers. These political messages or stances from brands that may appear common have led to 60% of consumers boycotting such brands. About two-thirds of consumers offended by political stances would refrain from patronizing such businesses.

42. Compared With 68 % of Men, 64% of Women Develop An Emotional Attachment to a Brand.

The fact remains that emotion sells in terms of the relationship between businesses and consumers, irrespective of gender. Notwithstanding the product and business type or industry, about 64% of women and 64% of men are emotionally connected to a brand. This feeling could be traced to good branding and a great customer service experience. Research shows that emotional branding pays off in cases where consumers’ requirements are met through bonding, love, and companionship by brands they love.


One interesting fact about branding is that the approach to brand awareness affects the result it drives. To build a strong brand, start by creating brand awareness. Then, achieve brand recognition by making impressions. Smart branding goes beyond marketing and advertising. It requires hard work, effort, and reputation.

Smart branding creates long-lasting consumer loyalty. Most businesses that don’t invest in branding should do more to win consumers’ trust. They should also do more to increase their revenue. We have gathered important branding statistics in this article. Your business may need them. The statistics also cover brand loyalty, the cost of branding, and general branding ideas. Happy (informed) branding.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do small businesses invest in branding?

How many consumers purchase items from brands that they are loyal to?

Is brand awareness crucial for a business?

What will be the world’s biggest and most recognized brand logo in 2023?

How can businesses boost brand recognition?


The post 40+ Vital Branding Statistics No Business Can Ignore in 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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25+ Jaw-dropping Beauty and Health Industry Statistics (2024) Fri, 19 Jan 2024 18:25:37 +0000 Key Beauty and Health Industry Statistics 

In This Guide Key Beauty and Health Industry Statistics General Beauty and Health Industry Statistics 1. The Health and Beauty Industry is Partitioned Into Several Segments. 2. Personal Care in...

The post 25+ Jaw-dropping Beauty and Health Industry Statistics (2024) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Beauty and Health Industry Statistics 
In This Guide

Self-care, beauty, and wellness are taking over our social media feeds and everyday conversations. But beyond face masks and yoga trends, the health and beauty business is booming faster than ever. The global beauty industry alone is worth a whopping $511 billion—and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

With innovative products, glamorous influencers, and insta-worthy experiences galore, it’s no wonder this market has grown nearly 10% in just the last few years. That’s why we’ve rounded up the latest juicy stats showcasing some surprising health and beauty industry trends.

Want the inside scoop on everything from how the guys are getting in on grooming to predictions that Gen Zers will be splurging over $7 billion on beauty products in 2024 alone? Then read on for all the numbers you need on this big-money business that clearly knows how to stay healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Key Beauty and Health Industry Statistics 

Key Beauty and Health Industry Statistics

  1. The revenue of the beauty and health market will reach $625.70 billion in 2023.
  2. Personal care has a large chunk of the market value, $274.20 billion in 2023.
  3. The United States has the largest slice of revenue in the beauty industry, with a total of $98 billion in just 2023 alone.
  4. Online sales will account for 17.7% of the health and beauty industry sales 2023.
  5. Revenue for the industry ended well with $564.40 billion in 2022.
  6. Experts think the market will have better days, with a growth of 4.76% between 2022 and the end of 2026.
  7. Organic beauty products will increase to $22 billion globally by 2024.
  8. 1 in every 4 ladies prefers using a product that suits the weather conditions.
  9. It will strike you to know that 96% of beauty products have a social media handle.
  10. Teens are known to spend an average of $44 billion every single year.
  11. Asia Pacific holds quite a large share of about 50% in the beauty and health market.
  12. Ladies are most likely to give themselves a beauty treat of $313 every single month.

General Beauty and Health Industry Statistics

General Beauty and Health Industry Statistics

1. The Health and Beauty Industry is Partitioned Into Several Segments.

These segments in 2021 and 2022 had a fair slice of the entire market revenue.

  • Hair care with 24%.
  • Skincare was 23.7%.
  • Fragrances earned 9.5%.
  • Makeups boasted of 14.6%.
  • Antiperspirants, deodorizers, and female hygiene recorded 8.5%.
  • Oral hygiene owned 5.6%.
  • Additional segments grabbed 14.1%.

2. Personal Care in 2022 Comprised a Large Part of the B and H Industry, Ending With $254 Billion.

Personal care includes oral hygiene, cosmetics, skincare, and many others. This segment earned $254B at the end of 2022. 

3. Offline Sales Bring in a Total of 81% Into the Beauty and Health Industry.

Recent studies show that delivering products physically still provides large sales by 81%. This is not far from the truth. Most people today prefer to get what they want from the store by themselves. This is why drug stores and pharmacies like Walgreens can push in 58% of cosmetics buying. Walmart is not left behind as they drive in customer traffic. Despite many people flocking to the stores, 42% buy online things. Research shows that the number of these people is increasing every year. The United States is not excluded from this new trend, as online shopping has grown to 48% in 2023.

4. Asia Pacific Holds Quite a Large Share of About 50% in the Beauty and Health Market.

The Asia Pacific region has been growing at an amazing fast rate with no sign of slowing down soon. The region is well known for pushing and promoting health and beauty products. Taking the largest share of the beauty market should not come as a surprise to you. This is because beauty is entwined in its rich cultural heritage. The countries on the front line of the cosmetics industry in the Asia-Pacific region are Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. North America falls in second place with a 24% market share. Then, Western Europe is in third place, with a market share of 18%. Africa has quite a small fraction of 3% of the global market share. 

5. Organic Beauty Products Will Most Likely Rise to $22 Billion Globally by the End of 2024.

This should not be a surprise, as 59% of beauty care consumers are not so sure of the safety of most care products. This doesn’t end there, as 92% believe stricter measures should be taken. This ensures that the right amount of ingredients is used to produce products. Statistics show that Organic lovers are growing by the year. The year 2018 proved it, as 72% of customers felt organic products were better to use. As such, experts predict we will see more numbers in the next couple of years. This growth is well expected as organic products do not contain toxins. 

6. There Were Up to $74.15 in Sales Per Person in the United States Market in the First Quarter of 2022.

As stated earlier, North America had a slice of 24% of the global market. Americans were not out in any way as sales per person in that same 2022 was around $74.15 of cosmetics. This sale depended on the brand type, a single product, or more from a shopping spree. 

7. 1 in Every 4 Ladies Prefers Using a Product That Suits Well With the Weather.

 More people are happy using organic products with the passing of each day. Consumers are becoming more aware of the health risks of skincare materials. People are becoming smarter and are now conscious of the brands they use. Ecofriendly is a trend that is fast taking the market by storm. It is not just the packaging but also the manufacturing process. Examples of companies that have made themselves known in this regard are Ursa Major, Naturopathic, True Botanicals, and Matrescence. These and more use techniques that are eco-friendly to wrap their goods. 

8. Revenue From the Health and Beauty Industry Did Well, Ending with $564.40 Billion in 2022.

2022 was successful, with a closing revenue of $564.40 billion for the beauty and health industry. The statistics show great prospects for many thinking of entering the market. Influencers, marketers, and brands all had a field day in 2022. Many people who are involved in one way or another in the health and beauty industry are earning up to 6 figures. They do this through their social media handles and creating content as well. Some popular areas that make waves in the industry are makeup tutorials, new product launches, and skincare reviews. These are areas you can also take advantage of to make some earnings. 

9. Ladies Most Likely Give Themselves a Monthly Beauty Treat of $313.

The average American woman would not mind spending up to $3,756 on beauty products annually. This expense brings ladies’ monthly pay on beauty treats to $313. It also means that an entire $225,360 is spent by one person throughout her lifetime. When compared, men are likely to spend a lower amount, about $175,650, on beauty and health products. This implies that the average American man pays $244 monthly. Regarding cosmetics, men most often opt to buy facial moisturizers. 

10. Teens Spend an Average of About $44 Billion on Beauty Products Annually.

This is not farfetched as, at this stage, a teenager is sensitive to their appearance. They spend an average of just around $44 billion on beauty products. Teens belong to Generation Z and are in the social exploration stage. Also, most teens are now exposed to life on social media. They take notice of trends in social media and go all out to look good. Surprisingly, 90% of female teens wear products that enhance their looks. At the same time, just 70% of boys will tow the same part. Teenagers often feel that social media heightens peer pressure, so they go all out to seek the best beauty product. Also, knowing brands is important to 61% of teenagers. 65% are more concerned with the latest trend, and 62% use makeup to feel better about themselves

11. Makeup Products are Used by About 56% of Men Who Go Out on a Shopping Spree.

The number of men who use makeup products is growing by the year. Most men say that they use a foundation and even a concealer at least one time in a year. This accounts for just 56% of men who do their shopping. Though these men do not use makeup yearly, it adds to the beauty and health sector’s revenue. About 40% of men between 18 and 22 wanted more neutral-gender beauty products. The industry has created many beauty and health products that men can enjoy. Among the list of products men use are shaving creams, skincare, beard care, hair care, and so many others.

Marketing Statistics of Beauty and Health Care on Social Media

Marketing Statistics

12. As Large as 96% of Beauty Brands Use a Social Media Handle.

The number keeps adding until it reaches 96% in 2022. Most beauty brands use social media to showcase their products globally. It was predicted that beauty brands would go all out to spend $7.7 billion on simply advertising in 2022The level of growth in the beauty and health industry can be closely linked to the efforts of influencers on social media. Brands rely increasingly on influencers to take the word of their product to the audience. Tools used in this regard include Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube to get the product out to the waiting world.

13. Just One-third of Beauty and Health Users Buy From Social Media.

Digital marketing has, over the years, broken barriers to reach out to the bubbling beauty audience. There’s an 11.5% email open rate through marketing and an average cost per click of $1.68 for a beauty ad. All this would not have been possible without the advancement we now see in digital marketing. Beauty shoppers between 18 and 54 say that YouTube is their best means to get beauty and health content. The volume of watch times has doubled over these years, and we will still see more of this increase in years to come.

14. 82% of Beauty and Healthcare Consumers are on Instagram Daily.

Instagram has become the most successful social media site influencers use to advertise products. The beauty and health industry has benefited hugely from its vast Instagram page. Instagram has enabled brands and influencers to get the word of their products to a ready audience. Most brands confess that influencer marketing proves to be more efficient than email campaigns.

15. Up to 62% of Teenagers Keep Updating Themselves on Their Favorite Beauty Brands on Social Media.

The large percentage of teens who follow beauty brands should not come as a surprise. This is because many teens today are not novices to using social media. As high as 62% of teens will check out a beauty or health product on social media before deciding to buy. Some teens are content creators in makeup, beauty and health reviews, and other trendy aspects.

16. Kylie Cosmetics had Over 25 Million Instagram Followers in the First Quarter of 2022.

It was an exciting year for Kylie Cosmetics when it gathered 25 million Instagram followers in 2022. The brand has experienced real growth, all thanks to Instagram. Kylie had over 300 million in her account during that same period. So, having large followers on Instagram did not come as a great surprise. Anastasia Beverly Hills followed closely with 20.1 million Instagram followers in 2022. Some others that had a good slice from Instagram in 2022 are Benefit Cosmetics in the United States, Ultra Beauty, NARS Cosmetics, and Bath Body Works.

E-commerce and Tech Statistics of the Beauty and Health Industry

E-commerce and Tech Statistics of the B and H Industry

17. E-commerce Sales in the Beauty and Health Industry are Likely to Grow by 77% From 2021 to 2026.

More consumers today rely on online reviews to decide what product to buy. This recent behavior has entered into the beauty and health industry as well. E-commerce beauty sales can hit as high as $358.4 billion by the end of 2026This expert statistic is a ray of hope for better days in the industry. Marketers, brands, and influencers can use this information to promote their products to a wider audience.  

18. 65% of Beauty and Health Vendors Help Buyers Make Better Choices Using an Interactive Quiz Model.

A virtual interactive session is a great way to provide needed answers to several beauty questions. Consumers in need of a quick recommendation turn to virtual assistants. Many beauty brands are now turning in the direction of interactive quiz technology. Whether in skincare or healthcare, these companies are using this new technology. It is easy to know when a company gives interactive quizzes; you only need to look at the brand’s website. You can get a brand website on social media, social ads, and even shared online content. These interactive quizzes will help you choose, regardless of skin type and color. 

19. Only 6% of Beauty Shoppers Use VR and AR Technology When Picking Cosmetics.

Augmented reality, AR, and virtual reality (VR) were the means to try products during the pandemic. Many had to make do with the VR and AR technology as they could not make it to a physical store. Popular brands like Avon, Sephora, and many others make sales through this means. The augmented reality technology, which ModiFace designed, is in partnership with over 70 beauty and health brands. All the consumers have to do is enable the front camera or webcam on their device to try a couple of cosmetic products. This technology is now available for use for both sunglasses and eyeglasses products. 

20. Up to 74% of Consumers Today Use Reviews From Beauty Websites to Make Purchases.

Do you know that users of beauty products now rely on product reviews to make their purchases? Patrons of beauty products are more likely to buy products that post reviews on their site. This new consumer action also occurs in other industries as well. Customers are most often drawn to products with some form of social proof. It is a win-win for the brands as they now achieve up to 80% loyalty from female folks.

21. Brands That Post User-generated Content on Their Site are the Choice of 62% of Beauty and Health Users.

Brands in the beauty industry, like Le Labo and MAC Cosmetics, have made a name for themselves. Hosting user-generated content on their site has helped in no small way in pulling many consumers. UGC, for short, is a great way for brands to bring products closer to the people. 

22. Demand for Organic Beauty and Health Products is Likely to Rise to $32.3 Billion by the End of 2027.

Products that contain purely natural and organic ingredients are getting better attention from beauty users. Today, shoppers want to know more about the products they want to buy. Most people now read labels on products to know what they containThere has been a growing awareness of using products that are not harmful to the health and body from the time of the pandemic.

23. A Total of $400 Million Was the Sales Volume of the New Concept of Clean Beauty Made in 2021.

The idea of pure beauty has kept on growing for over 30 years now in a row. This is coming as a response to the awareness of toxins spreading everywhere. People are now more aware of the dangers they face when they use products that contain toxinsAs such, the move in the direction of organic products is the trend to follow today. So, in years to come, organic products will rise as the standard for grading products in the beauty industry. 

24. About 70% of Beauty and Health Users Between 18 and 29 Years Old in the United States Buy Organic Products.

The records show that about 70% of persons between 18 and 29 like buying organic products. Persons who are 30 years to 59 are not left out, as 60% like to shop for natural and organic skincare products. This is because more and more people are becoming aware of the goodness in themJust look at the stamp and certification on the pack of a beauty product, and you will know if it is natural or not. 

25. More Than 2 in Every 10 Natural Beauty Products Were Sold in 2018 by a Distributor.

The success of sales in the organic natural beauty market is attracting the attention of beauty companies. Companies that have made a big name are now following the organic path. This is no surprise; everyone wants a slice of the organic market. 

26. The Organic Beauty Market Will Likely Be Worth Over $22 billion at the Close of 2024. 

The global stage of the organic industry will most likely rise more than ever. The signs are all out, with statistics showing that this industry will grow bigger in the coming years. A value of over $22 billion is possible as the industry has been on an 8% to 10% rise for some time now. One of the major parts of the organic market making waves for itself is the skin and hair care section. These sections bring in over 50% of the income that comes into the industry. This is no surprise, as general hair care and coloring have attracted the public’s attention.


The health and beauty industry is indeed a wonder to behold. Over the years, it has passed through stages under the eyes of the public. The COVID-19 pandemic opened the eyes of many to see how important natural things are to us. This new awakening did not in any way spare the beauty industry. Brands in the beauty and health industry are now rolling out products that will benefit every skin type and color.

You don’t need to be alarmed about what will be good for your skin; you only need to look at the label. The label on each product will give the word out on which product has chemicals or not. Meanwhile, social media has helped a lot in pulling a lot of funds into the hands of beauty brands. Successful sales brands cannot be far from the efforts of influencers. For many years, we will see more of this success in the beauty and health industry.


Which country of the world is the highest spender on beauty products?

How large will the beauty and health industry be in 2024?

How bright is the future of the beauty and health industry?


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Bankruptcy Statistics 2024: Business and Individual Filings Thu, 11 Jan 2024 12:46:43 +0000 Key Bankruptcy Statistics

In This Guide Key Bankruptcy Statistics  2023 Private Bankruptcy Statistics 1. Personal Debt Makes up as high as 97% of Filed Bankruptcy Cases in America. 2. Unattended Medical Bills are...

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Key Bankruptcy Statistics
In This Guide

A decade ago, bankruptcy was a remote concept for most Americans, saved for extraordinary crises. Yet, in 2024’s challenging economic climate, insolvency threatens ordinary folks worldwide as filings swell into court dockets.

We document the unraveling landscape by shadowing a middle manager whose business buckles under pressure. With personal bankruptcies up 13% and business Chapter 11’s rising 30% over last year, these statistics expose systemic cracks. Peering behind the data at underlying forces, from easy post-recession money to the pandemic’s lasting financial carnage, this piece chronicles how an exception has become the norm, with neighbors now seeking legal refuge alongside corporate titans.

Key Bankruptcy Statistics

Key Bankruptcy Statistics 

  1. Personal debt makes up an alarming 97% of filed bankruptcy cases in America.
  2. The issue of unattended medical bills is one major reason people face bankruptcy.
  3. The number of filed bankruptcy cases by the same group of people accounts for 8%.
  4. Reckless spending is the cause of at least 5% of cases of bankruptcy.
  5. People earning less than $30,000 annually make up 60% of filed bankrupt cases
  6. The records show that men are more likely to file for bankruptcy than women
  7. Just 20% of bachelor’s degree holders or more filed bankruptcy cases in 2010.
  8. Corporate bankruptcy in America rose way high in nearly all the quarters of 2020. 
  9. It came as a surprise that 470 companies declared a state of bankruptcy from January 2020 until September. 
  10. 2019 was quite an overwhelming year as over 600 businesses were declared bankrupt by the New York Times. 

2023 Private Bankruptcy Statistics

2023 Private Bankruptcy Statistics 

This section will deal with a lot that has to do with bankruptcy at the personal level. The statistics and numbers here will give you a better understanding of bankruptcy at this level.

1. Personal Debt Makes up as high as 97% of Filed Bankruptcy Cases in America.

The records are plain on this, and who files the most bankruptcy cases cannot be doubted. It is alarming that most cases of bankruptcy that make their way to the law courts are personal. These cases cover student loans, car loans, credit cards, and mortgages. Cases of personal bankruptcy filed in 2019 alone all summed up to 752,160. Personal debt took a large chunk of these cases by 97%. The remaining cases, which totaled 22,780, came from the corporate world and were just 3% of filed cases. Most persons who filed for bankruptcy were not rich, nor did they have some secure investment to fall back on in their low moments. 

2. Unattended Medical Bills are One Major Reason Many People Face Bankruptcy.

Medical expenses stand as one of the main reasons people fall into debt. In the case where a person loses their job, then health issues will cause a strain on the finances. Nerd Wallet says that many Americans struggle to pay their medical bills. It says this will make 1.7 million Americans move to the law courts for bankruptcy protection. One in every five persons in a survey had been called out to pay their debts by collagen agencies. This is quite alarming, as one can only imagine how people go to the lengths of declaring a state of bankruptcy to pay off their medical bills

3. The Number of Filed Cases of Bankruptcy by the Same Group of People Accounts for 8%.

Statistics show that 8% of persons who have stepped out to file bankruptcy have done so before. Surprisingly, 16% of all cases filed are from those who once had a bankruptcy. Most experts see these repeated bankruptcy filings as an exploitation of the law. Little progress has been made so far in preventing the abuse of bankruptcy. This stems from the fact that it is hard to state when or why a person should declare bankruptcy. 8% of people who fall back on bankruptcy see it as the best way to clear their debts and start afresh

4. Reckless Spending is the Cause of Not Less Than 5% of Cases of Bankruptcy.

Cases of bankruptcy from reckless spending are surprisingly low at just 5%. A lot of cases of bankruptcy caused by spending come from financial hardships. This is mainly from low-income earners who sometimes face issues of health or even the loss of a job. This case makes the person run into debt and cripples the finance to a state of bankruptcy. In such instances, declaring a state of bankruptcy will help a great deal to ease the burden.

5. People Earning Less Than $30,000 Annually Make up 60% of Filed Bankrupt Cases.

An analysis made in 2011 showed that the number of bankruptcies that were filed fell from what it was four years before. This was a record success as it was at 66% four years ago. At the same time, there was an increase in the number of bankruptcies filed by persons who earned over $60,000 yearly. This was indeed a rise from where it stood at 5.5% to 9.2%. These events at the time showed that no one can be immune to financial troubles. 

6. The Records Show That Men Are More Likely to File for Bankruptcy Than Women.

The numbers of men and women who filed for bankruptcy are almost the same percentage. Men stood at 52%, while women were a little lower at 48%. Married couples within the same period made up 64% of private bankruptcies. The records also include those filed by those who jointly pay their taxes. Those who are widowed made up 3% of cases, single persons stood at 17%, and those who were divorced took up 15%. 

7. A Mere 20% of Bachelor’s Degree Holders or More Filed Cases of Bankruptcy in 2010.

A study done in 2011 showed that people with a good education level fall more into bankruptcy. This is not far from the truth, as many graduates struggle to repay student loans. Nearly 36% of submitted bankruptcy cases came from those with just a high school certificate. Those with a college degree held 29% of the cases filed over time.

American Corporate Bankruptcy Statistics

American Corporate Bankruptcy

8. Corporate Bankruptcy in America Rose Way High for Nearly all the Quarters of 2020.

The bankruptcy rate in the corporate world was a cause of concern for many experts in 2020. As high as 33% was filed from corporations in the first quarter of 2020. The average over the entire period stood at 18%. Large cases of bankruptcy in the same quarter stood at 6% as private companies had 25% filed cases. In the third quarter of the same year, 49% of organizations filed bankruptcy cases. Mega bankruptcy over the third quarter jumped to 15%. Public filings during this time stood at 26%, while cases filed by private companies made up 23%.

9. It was a Shock to Many, as 470 Companies Declared a State of Bankruptcy from January 2020 Until September.

This was indeed very surprising as this had never happened after 2010. When the 2020 curtain was drawn to a close, 500 companies emerged bankrupt. This was disheartening as 30 more companies were added to the already high number. Over the period, Advanzeon Solutions, alongside KB Holdings, Providence Hospital, and several others, filed a bankruptcy case of Chapter 11. These companies and many others, totaling 500, declared bankruptcy. 

10. 2019 was Quite an Overwhelming Year as Over 600 Businesses Were Declared Bankrupt by the New York Times.

One year that will continue to ring in the corporate world of Americans is 2019. It was a heavy year, with 636 bankruptcy cases from New York. California was not left out; it came second place with 577 bankruptcy cases. Right after, it was the city of Texas with 530 filed cases. Following closely was Illinois, with 486 filed cases, and in fifth place was Pennsylvania, with 483 bankruptcies.

2023 Bankruptcy Statistics

2023 Stats

11. Bankruptcy Rose 10% at the End of June 2023.

The number of bankruptcy filings from both the personal and corporate worlds rose 10% over 12 months. The number of cases has risen as high as 418,724. This is quite alarming, considering the 380,634 filed cases in 2022. Business bankruptcy filings rose from 12,748 to a high of 15,724 on the last day of June 2023. Personal bankruptcy at the same period stood out at 403,000, a rise from its earlier 367,886 in 2022.

12. Personal Filings Fell to a Downhill of 23.6% Bankruptcy at the Close of 2021.

Personal bankruptcy achieved quite a feat when it fell from a height of 522,808 to a low of 399,269 at the close of 2021. This brought hope as many saw it as reviving economic health. The courts were left idle as they had fewer cases to deal with in the year. Many tied the sharp rise to the bonus given out freely to persons without jobs during the pandemic.

13. Alaska had the Least Number of Filed Cases for Bankruptcy in 2021.

In 2021, there were only 107 filed bankruptcy cases in just Alaska. California had a record high of 18,817 during the same period. Other states like Montana, South Dakota, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Maine were able to keep it under 300 filed cases all through 2021. Other states followed in the steps of California with more than 6,000 files of bankruptcy, including Florida, Ohio, Indiana, New York, Alabama, and a few others.

14. The United States had 413,616 Filed Cases in a Single Year.

The year 2021 saw a drop in the number of filed bankruptcy cases. It fell from the level of 544,463 in 2020 to end in 413,616 cases. This was, however, a fall of 24% from what it was at the end of 2020. Bankruptcy can be said to be falling ever since the pandemic crisis of 2019 and 2020. Business filings were not left out, as they fell by 33.7%. It stood at 21,655 in 2020, losing to 14,347 at the close of 2021. One can only hope that this drop in bankruptcy will continue in the long haul.

15. The Number of Corporate Fillings Took a Hike in 2022 by 32%.

Government relief programs greatly helped wade off bankruptcy issues from 2020 to 2022. This cutoff created a gap in American businesses in 2022. There was a hike in the number of filed bankruptcy cases in the first two parts of 2022. Corporate bankruptcy went all high to 250 at the end of April 2022. This scenario will likely keep on as the economy goes downhill.

16. The Debt Rate Increased to 15% in 2022.

Experts forecasted that 2022 will most likely see a hike in the rate of bankruptcy by 15%. To counter this, some measures were implemented by the United States.


The issue of bankruptcy is tackled yearly, not just in the United States but worldwide. Taking a cue from the United States, we can see that the government plays a major role in fighting bankruptcy. The belief that filing for bankruptcy is the last option for anyone is not far from the truth. Anyone who can clear their debt is way above getting bankrupt. But it would be wrong not to remember that uncertainties such as accidents or even ill health can drive one to the state of bankruptcy. Given all these, one can only ask this penitent question: can I pay my debt within 5 years? If not., then filing for bankruptcy will not be a bad idea.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can just anyone file for bankruptcy?

How can bankruptcy be defined?

What are the various types of bankruptcy?


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20 Inspiring Referral Marketing Statistics and Facts for 2023 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 23:33:09 +0000 Referral Market Statistics Key Points

In This Guide Referral Market Statistics Key Points Top Referral Marketing Statistics in 2023 1. 92% of Consumers Can Rely on Referrals From Known People. 2. 82% of Americans Confirm...

The post 20 Inspiring Referral Marketing Statistics and Facts for 2023 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Referral Market Statistics Key Points
In This Guide

Consumers trust recommendations from their friends and family more than any other form of advertising. Due to positive past results, companies can opt for referral marketing, find new clients, reach customers via their doors, and inspire re-purchase intent. 52.2% of US small businesses say referrals are their most successful marketing tool.

Referral marketing is becoming more prominent in marketing, and a significant percentage (92%) of respondents acknowledge its impact on driving purchases. In other words, referrals can change marketing narratives. The share rate of a referral program CTA on the customer’s account page is 10%, the conversion rate is 6%, and the amount of referral revenue is 36%. Don’t stop! Read on for more referral marketing statistics, including usage rate, prospects, and scope.

Referral Market Statistics Key Points

Referral Market Statistics Key Points

  1. 92% of end-users depend on personal referrals.
  2. 82% of Americans always confirm a product before proceeding with the purchase.
  3. 91% of millennials purchase a product because they trust a friend’s referral.
  4. 83% of consumers are willing to refer to products they buy.
  5. About 50% of referral programs provide dollar credit.
  6. Of the total referral programs, 91.2% are double-sided.
  7. A significant 86% of business buyers emphasize the influence of word-of-mouth.
  8. Only 30% of companies in the United States have established formal referral programs.
  9. Customer referrals remain a leading marketing strategy, underlining their importance in the business landscape.
  10. A noteworthy 69% of employers have adopted employee referral programs.
  11. 40% of hires within companies result from employee referrals.
  12. The process of hiring through referrals is faster than traditional methods.
  13. 49% of shoppers in America discover brands through referrals.
  14. Just one happy customer can generate as many as nine referrals.
  15. Referrals have a higher conversion rate, making them a particularly effective marketing tool.
  16. Brands are a popular topic of conversation, with people discussing them around 90 times per week.
  17. A staggering 98% of consumers read online reviews before making decisions.
  18. 21% of businesses lose customer trust after receiving bad reviews or negative recommendations.
  19. 78% of marketers believe that referrals are the most effective means of generating high-quality leads.
  20. Consumer reviews on websites have been revealed to boost conversion rates significantly.

Top Referral Marketing Statistics in 2023

Top Referral Marketing Statistics in 2023

1. 92% of Consumers Can Rely on Referrals From Known People.

According to a 2012 Nielsen report, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from acquaintances. The survey, which engaged 28,000 individuals, uncovered a unanimous trust in word-of-mouth recommendations among virtually all respondents. Surprisingly, 70% of those surveyed also trust online reviews. On the other hand, online video ads earned the trust of only 36% of participants. This underscores the potency of referrals as a strategy for boosting sales.

2. 82% of Americans Confirm a Product Before Purchasing It.

When planning to purchase an important product, it’s normal to approach your options with care. You want to make sure you spend your money on the right product. A survey conducted by Ambassador reveals that 82% of Americans trust advice from friends and family before purchasing a product. The collective experiences and information provide valuable reassurance that the product you wish to purchase meets your expectations. The survey also highlights that around two-thirds of US residents are more inclined to buy a product if it receives positive endorsements from friends and family online.

3. 91% of Millennials Purchase a Product Because They Confide in the Referral of a Friend.

Building upon the previous stat, a recent study by Annex Cloud illustrates the influence of referral marketing, which targets Millennials. It found that a substantial 91% of Millennials confide in the referral of a friend even though they may not need the product. Furthermore, the research reveals that word-of-mouth recommendations hold more control over 48% of Millennials in influencing their buying decisions compared to conventional advertising channels like television ads. Interestingly, 23% of Millennials would abstain from purchasing a product if it failed to garner their friends’ approval.

4. 83% of Consumers are Willing to Refer to Products They Purchase.

For retailers, encouraging customers to refer to their products is a quick route to attracting more buyers. Thankfully, a recent survey by Referral Candy demonstrates that 83% of consumers are willing to recommend products to their friends and family, provided they are content with the product. However, it’s important to note that while most consumers are inclined to make referrals, only 29% would do so without prompting.

5. About 50% of Referral Programs Provide Dollar Credit.

Businesses have discovered that rewarding consumers for referring their services is a highly effective strategy. There are various ways to do this, but the latest research suggests that offering dollar credits is the most impactful approach. Companies that employ this method typically provide an average of $10 per successful referral. The dollar credit amount tends to increase with the product’s value. For those businesses that opt not to use dollar credit, 17.6% offer gift cards, while 9.8% provide percentage discounts. In 5.9% of cases, points, cash, or subscription time are offered as rewards.

6. Of the Total Referral Programs, 91.2% are Double-sided.

Double-sided referral programs benefit the referrer and the new customer, making them attractive for attracting new clients. Typically, both parties receive equal rewards, with statistics showing that 72% of companies adopt this practice. This approach aligns with current consumer expectations, as revealed by a recent Ambassador survey, where 88% of respondents expressed interest in receiving incentives for sharing products on social media. For Millennials, this demand is even more pronounced, with 95% of them showing interest in incentives for sharing their product experiences.

7. A Significant 86% of Business Buyers Emphasize the Influence of Word-of-mouth.

Regarding making purchase decisions in business-to-business, word-of-mouth recommendations emerge as a top strategy. This is seen in a recent survey, revealing a staggering 86% of B2B buyers attesting that they will only consider a product if they receive a recommendation from friends. This is only one aspect of B2B and referral marketing. The same study revealed that 68% of professionals frequently turn to word-of-mouth for insights several times a week. Notably, it has proven to be a reliable source of information, offering valuable hints about the industry’s direction.

8. Only 30% of Companies in the United States Have Established Formal Referral Programs.

Despite the widespread understanding and acceptance of referral marketing among marketing professionals, only 30% of American businesses have implemented a formal referral programInterestingly, companies with referral programs enjoy higher conversion rates (71%), faster deal closures (69%), and increased customer lifetime value (59%) compared to those without such programs.

9. Customer Referrals Remain a Leading Marketing Strategy.

Referral programs have proven to be a crucial aspect of marketing, particularly because they easily reflect the business’s quality and trust in new customers. According to research, 87% of B2B marketing professionals get positive results using these programs. Referrals are considered the most effective marketing strategy, with nearly half (50%) of respondents ranking them as the top tactic. Online events (around 35%), personalized messages (35%), and SEO (30%) also play important roles, while lead generation with intent data is appreciated by 29% of B2B marketing professionals.

10. A Noteworthy 69% of Employers Have Adopted Employee Referral Programs.

While employee referral programs effectively attract customers, they are also valuable for gaining new talents. Even though existing employees may be careful in recommending job candidates, up to 69% of employers trust this strategy to get new workers in the required field. Notably, this approach proves effective, as employees refer candidates who they are sure will add value to the workforce. These programs are successful, with 88% of employers considering employee referrals as the source of their best hires. Additionally, 82% of employers find them an excellent return on investment, often offering incentives like social praise, cash rewards, gifts, paid time off, or donations to charity.

Enlightening Referral Marketing Statistics

Enlightening Stats

11. 40% of Hires Within Companies Result From Employee Referrals.

Employers have turned to referral programs to find the right employees, and the results are impressive. A remarkable 40% of all hires directly result from employee referrals. Interestingly, even though job boards and career sites receive up to 75% of applications, just 36% of hires come from these sources. In contrast, referrals, accounting for only 7% of applications, contribute to a substantial 40% of all new hires.

12. The Process of Hiring Through Referrals is Faster Than Traditional Methods.

Employers often face the challenge of finding high-quality talent quickly, which is crucial for business continuity. To address this challenge, employers opt for referrals, as this option comes with a vote of confidence, leading to a quicker recruitment process. According to recent research, it takes only 29 days for a referred candidate to start working at a company, while traditional job application processes typically take between 39 and 55 days. Furthermore, 47% of employees hired through referral programs tend to stay with the company for three years or more, underscoring the long-term benefits of this approach.

13. 49% of Shoppers in America Discover Brands Through Referrals.

Attempting to boost brand awareness in a crowded online landscape can be challenging for businesses. This is due to the increased competition, even though the digital age has opened doors to vast audiences. To overcome this hurdle, leveraging referrals has become crucial. Recent data reveals that 49% of brands come into the limelight when friends or family recommends them. In essence, the personal touch remains the principal, and brands must harness this dynamic to attract the highest number of customers. Interestingly, customers acquired through referrals tend to be more loyal, paving the way for business success.

14. Just One Happy Customer Can Generate as Many as Nine Referrals.

While one unsatisfied customer can post a negative review that potentially drives customers away, businesses can counter this by responding quickly and fairly to issues. Such responses are vital to influencing prospective buyers, who often scan reviews from existing customers. According to a recent Oberlo survey, one content customer has the potential to generate up to nine referrals. This equates to nine prospective customers, all with a tendency for loyalty. Maintaining customer satisfaction remains key to unlocking this powerful referral source.

15. Referrals Tend to Have a Higher Conversion Rate, Making Them a Particularly Effective Marketing Tool.

Realistically, the foundation of a successful business doesn’t lie in the number of referrals or its brand. It majorly depends on the number of potential customers converted into buyers. Based on a survey by Finances Online, leads generated through referrals hold a 30% possibility of becoming successful sales. The reason is simple: individuals approach a business on the recommendation of others who already consider it reputable. These prospective customers are well-informed about the business’s offerings, making them more likely to purchase. This highlights the importance of quality over quantity in the pursuit of marketing success, with referrals being a prime example.

Surprisingly, the average person engages in approximately 90 conversations about brands every week. These discussions could encompass anything from where to buy a new dress to recent purchase experiences. Brands are interwoven into daily conversation, often without specific intent. Consequently, this extensive exposure to brands increases awareness and can even lead to more people becoming customers.

17. A Staggering 98% of Consumers Read Online Reviews Before Making Decisions.

The modern consumer often begins his purchase journey by thoroughly researching the product, assessing specifications, and evaluating value for money. On that note, 98% of consumers rely on online reviews before purchasing. This is because online reviews provide a sense of security, assuring consumers of a product’s authenticity and the supplier’s trustworthiness. Businesses must recognize the significant influence of online reviews, as a single negative review can substantially impact customer numbers and any business’s financial performance.

18. 21% of Businesses Lose Customer Trust After Receiving Bad Reviews or Negative Recommendations.

Recent research reveals that a single instance of negative publicity, whether through word-of-mouth or a written review, can diminish a business’s trustworthiness by a substantial 21%. In essence, just five negative reviews can potentially undermine your business severely. However, addressing any negative reviews is essential to mitigate their impact promptly. Besides that, 37% of individuals opt to leave positive reviews, while only 6% are inclined to review a negative experience.

19. 78% of Marketers Believe Referrals are the Most Effective Means of Generating High-quality Leads.

When someone refers customers to your brand, it signifies their satisfaction with your services. These referrers typically have individuals in mind who share a genuine interest in the products they’re endorsing. This confidence in the product’s quality is evident when they communicate with potential customers. Consequently, those referred are more likely to express interest in your offerings, simplifying the conversion process. This is why 78% of marketers believe that referrals generate the most valuable leads. Often, minimal effort is needed to convert these leads, making a referral program a worthwhile priority for businesses. It frequently proves to be more profitable than many other marketing strategies.

20. Consumer Website Reviews Have Been Revealed to Boost Conversion Rates Significantly.

Consumer skepticism regarding reviews posted on a business’s website, which can potentially be manipulated, is a valid concern. Hence, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced array of reviews, encompassing glowing testimonials and constructive criticism. This approach is necessary as it instills trust in website visitors. When this trust is established, visitors are more inclined to make purchases. Recent studies indicate that displaying consumer reviews on your site can elevate your conversion rate by a notable 19.8%. Meanwhile, you must note that the effectiveness of this strategy may vary among industries. For example, retailers specializing in musical instruments have experienced a remarkable 47.3% surge in conversion rates after incorporating customer reviews into their websites.


Regarding product sales, recruiting the right team members, and facilitating B2B connections, referral marketing is one of business owners’ top strategies. Trust is a key aspect of this marketing strategy, a quality not often seen in many other marketing endeavors. Fortunately, referral marking is usually carried out with little or no cost attached yet delivers productive results.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that businesses can’t solely rely on referral marketing for sustained success. Nevertheless, when integrated into a broader marketing or hiring strategy, referral marketing, and word-of-mouth recommendations can significantly bolster a brand’s sales and overall momentum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the impact of employee referrals in 2023?

How effective is referral marketing in driving trust and sales?

What’s the growth outlook for the referral marketing market?


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80+ SoftBank Statistics to Know (2023 Market Share) Sun, 03 Dec 2023 23:19:15 +0000 SoftBank Statistics and Facts

In This Guide What is Softbank? General Statistics on Softbank Expansion Statistics of Softbank Acquisition Statistics of Softbank Statistics on SoftBank Traffic Softbank Statistics by Country Softbank Traffic Demography Statistics...

The post 80+ SoftBank Statistics to Know (2023 Market Share) appeared first on The Tech Report.

SoftBank Statistics and Facts

Do you know tech investment giant SoftBank? You may recognize their bold moves like a $100 billion Vision Fund or early bets on startups like Alibaba. But behind those flashy headlines lies a fascinatingly complex organization with surprises at every turn. How vast is their empire? How risky are their strategies, really? How influential are these Japanese monsters stacked against rivals like Berkshire Hathaway or BlackRock? We dare you to glimpse the giants through a wider lens, revealing jaw-dropping SoftBank statistics spotlighting their towering triumphs and place-rattling pitfalls during an unimaginably vast ascendancy to the top. Let the number dive begin.

SoftBank Statistics and Facts

What is Softbank?

Softbank is a multinational investment Japanese company that prioritizes investments above any other business strategy. They focus on searching for business ideas with the potential to be profitable, becoming stakeholders in such brands.

This could be achieved through bonds or buying shares in the other organization once they go public. We must point out they have a thing for the internet and technologically related business opportunities, especially in tech automation. Their fund’s venture is known as the VISION FUND, which existed in 2017. The funds have gathered much revenue since its creation, with more than $100 billion as capital, making it the biggest capital in the world for technology. 

The group’s founder is Mr Masayoshi Son, who also happens to be the company’s biggest shareholder, with a bit of a controversial nature, we might add. The company has come a long way, branching out its tentacles into various business opportunities, including software, AI(artificial intelligence), robotics, information technology, and biotechnology

Despite technology being their forte, they have diversified to other genres like real estate, finance, hospitality, media, and marketing, amongst other things. The company was so successful that in 2017, Forbes Global ranked the company as the second-biggest public organization in Japan, bested by Toyota only, and the 36th biggest public company globally, according to a report by Wikipedia.

General Statistics on Softbank

General Statistics on Softbank

  1. Since its inception, SoftBank has made investments in 333 companies
  2. Minato, Tokyo, is the headquarters of Softbank.
  3. The biggest shareholder and the founder of Softbank is Mr Masayoshi Son.
  4. Entrepreneurs in technology are constantly scrutinized by Mr Son from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. 
  5. There is a 300-year plan by Mr Son for Softbank, turning the platform into the most valuable brand globally. 
  6. Line Mobile, together with Y! Mobile, is operated by Softbank, according to a report by ThriveMyWay. 
  7. According to a report by SimilarWeb, Softbank has 10,001 employees on their payroll as of September 2023. 
  8. Softbank company has an annual revenue of $1 billion.
  9. With interest in Korean internet companies, Softbank created Softbank Ventures Asia in February 2000.
  10. On January 25, 2005, Softbank bought a Japanese baseball team, Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks.
  11. Softbank publicly announced on March 17, 2006, its purchase of Vodafone Japan to hold a $78 billion mobile market in Japan.
  12. Softbank bought a 23% share of Betfair, an international gambling outfit, in April 2006.
  13. SBI GROUP, a holding company, became independent when Softbank sold shares it bought from the company to one of the subsidiaries of the company in August 2006.

Expansion Statistics of Softbank

Expansion Statistics of Softbank

9. The founder of the Softbank group, Mr Son, invested in internet protocols known as TCP/IP that were used to establish a communication network between computers and the internet in the nineties.

10. The company invested in a service-based economy popularly called the New Economy, which involves developing the US-based economy. The project is ongoing as we speak and is aided by innovations and technology

11. On April 1, 1995, Softbank purchased COMDEX, one of the biggest shows in the world for computers, for $800 million. 

12. Softbank ended up selling COMDEX in 2001 to Key3Media.

13. Softbank bought the Zero Day Initiative(ZDI), a cyber security outfit. The Internet security company is known to compensate people who research vulnerabilities in software, including going as far as paying hackers to seek out possible breaches of security protocols.

14. An alliance was made between Softbank and a US-based internet company popularly known as Yahoo. This led to a hybrid company called Yahoo! Japan that became a thriving platform in Japan, one of the most dominant sites in the country. 

15. Having observed that Kingston Technology, a memory card manufacturing company, had potential, Softbank purchased 80% of its shares in 1996. 

16. Two years later, in 1999, Softbank sold Kingston Technology to David Sun and John Tu, the former owners and founders, for one-third of the previous sum, a significant loss. 

17. Softbank established itself as a holding company in October 1999. It means the company took hold of interests from the security of other organizations.

18. The most lucrative investment by Softbank was made in 2000 by pledging $20 million to Alibaba, a Chinese internet platform. The investment turned out to be $60 million when Alibaba eventually went public in September 2014.

Acquisition Statistics of Softbank

Acquisition Statistics of Softbank

19. Popularly known as IBM Watson Media, Softbank acquired Ustream by 13% on February 3, 2010.

20. Ayumi Hamasaki, a Japanese songwriter and model, was appointed the commercial spokesperson for Softbank on October 1, 2010.

21. On December 6, 2016, Masayoshi Son, the founder and chief executive of Softbank Group, made a public announcement after a meeting with the then-president of America of the company’s intentions to invest $50 billion in the US to bring about the creation of  50,000 new jobs in the country.

22. On October 3, Softbank publicly announced taking over one of its competitors, eAccess, a Japanese mobile phone operator. 

23. In July 2016, the Softbank Group announced its intentions to buy Arm Holdings, a British semiconductor company, which was eventually completed on September 5

24. On July 1, 2013, Softbank publicly declared that Willcom had become a company subsidiary, followed by a merger of Willcom and eAccess that gave birth to a new subsidiary called Ymobile Corporation.

25. Softbank announced that the company was renamed from Softbank Corp, the previous name, to Softbank Group as of July 2015.

26. In July 2015, Softbank renamed its mobile platform Softbank Corp.

27. On October 15, 2012, Softbank announced plans to buy 70% shares of Sprint Nextel, an American telecommunication company with plans to take over the company. 

28. Softbank eventually bought 78% of  Sprint Nextel and 2% more shares from the company, giving Softbank 80% control of the company as of August 6, 2013.

29. As of March 31, 2016, Softbank publicly stated the company’s intentions to sell $7.9 billion worth of their shares from their security stake in Alibaba Group.

Statistics on SoftBank Traffic

Statistics on SoftBank Traffic 

30. A total of 29.8 million visits to Softbank cyberspace came from both desktops and mobile devices from August to September 2023, according to a survey by SimilarWeb.  

31. The traffic on the Softbank website increased by 3.35% from August to September 2023.

32. The bounce rate of the Softbank website is 39.29% (the percentage of people who view only one page of the website and exit the platform). 

33. The average number of Softbank website pages viewed in one visit is 4.62

34. The average time spent on one visit to the website is 2 minutes and 23 seconds

35. The platform is ranked number 2 in Japan for the technology and computer electronics category. 

36. The Softbank website is the 133 most visited site in Japan collectively. 

37. The website has a global rank of 1,554 in terms of visits.

38. 84% of Softbank’s shares of Supercell worth $7.3 billion were sold to Tencent, a Chinese multinational technology company, as of June 21, 2016. 

39. Softbank decided to sell roughly 23.47% of GungHo Online Entertainment worth about $685 million on June 3, 2016, making the company lose its grip as a major shareholder. The transaction concluded on June 22.

40. 51% of Supercell, a mobile game company in Helsinki, was acquired by Softbank and is worth $2.1 billion as of October 2013.

41. On October 25, 2014, Softbank invested in OlaCabs, a multinational ridesharing company in India, worth $210 million.

42. Softbank bought 30% shares of Snapdeal, an e-commerce platform in India, for $627 million. 

43. As of November 2014, SoftBank invested $100 million in, a real estate search portal in Mumbai that gave them ownership of the company by 30%.

Softbank Statistics by Country

Softbank Statistics by Country 

44. Japan makes the top list. The country experienced a growth of 5.58% in traffic, with a massive 97.64% of Softbank website traffic coming from there. 

45. America comes second with 0.69% of the company’s traffic. It should be noted the country had a drop in traffic by – 8.75%

46. China is third on the list with 0.25% traffic, increasing by +166.4%.

47. Taiwan commands 0.17% of the traffic, with +10.82% growth

48. Vietnam controls 0.1% of the traffic, with a growth of 31.31%, the least for the top five countries with the highest Softbank traffic.

49. Softbank, in 2015, acquired a video streaming website previously belonging to Warner Bros known as DramaFever.

50. Nikesh Arora, a business executive, was announced by Mr Son as SoftBank’s president and Representative Director. 

51. Softbank went further to buy more shares from Supercell, an addition of 22.7%, bringing the company’s total shares to 73.2%, making Softbank a major shareholder.

52. Softbank announced plans to invest $1 billion in Coupang, an e-commerce company based in South Korea, to spread its tentacles overseas. 

53. Aldebaran Robotics was renamed SoftBank Robotics in 2013 after Softbank acquired part of its controlling shares. 

54. Pepper, a humanoid robot, was created with the help of teams from both Aldebaran Robotics and Softbank Robotics in 2014.

55. Softbank increased its shares of Softbank Robotics to 95% in 2014

56. Softbank purchased $300m worth of shares of WeWork as of March 20, 2017. 

57. As of December 2018, Softbank stated they plan to invest $1 billion in Grab, a multinational technology company in Singapore. According to reliable sources, the deal reached $1.5 billion

58. Softbank Group decided to purchase Fortress Investment Group LLC, an investment management company in New York, for $3.3 billion on February 14, 2017

Softbank Traffic Demography Statistics

Traffic Demography Stats

59. Males are responsible for 70.26% of people who visit the site.

60. 29.74% of internet traffic is from Women.

61. People between the ages of 18 to 24 years make up 11.82% of the age group

62. Folks from 25 to 34 years old are responsible for 23.59% of the group.

63. 35 to 44 years old comprise 24.91% of the age group.

64. 45 to 54 years old command 20.14% of the group.

65. 55 to 64 years old are 11.42% of the age group.

66. The elderly aged 65 and above comprise 8.12% of the group.

Additional Softbank Statistics

Additional Stats

72. Vodafone Japan was renamed “Softbank” on October 1, 2006.

73. On May 18, 2017, Softbank invested $1.4 billion in Paytm, a multinational financial technology company, making it the biggest investment by Softbank in India.

74. Softbank invested $2.5 billion in Flipkart on August 10, 2017. 

75. Softbank Vision Fund, the biggest private equity fund in the world with $93 billion in capital, was founded through a partnership with the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, a wealth fund in Saudi Arabia, and Softbank occurred on May 27, 2017. 

76. On the Softbank Vision Fund, Softbank’s contribution is $28 billion, with $8.2 billion coming from the 25% sale of the British multinational Arm Holdings shares. 

77. As a sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia contributed more to the funds by investing $45 billion within 5 years, becoming the fund’s biggest investor. 

78. Mubadala, Sharp, Foxconn, Apple, and Qualcomm are some companies that invested in the Softbank Vision Fund. Larry Ellison, a co-founder of Oracle Corporation, also invested in the fund

79. Mubadala, a holding company owned by an Emirate, invested $15 billion in the Softbank Vision Fund with interests in robotics and mobile computation, financial technology, Artificial intelligence, and communications.

80. The founder of Softbank, Mr Masayoshi Son, stated plans to use the Softbank Vision Fund to support all companies in technology with a keen interest in artificial intelligence, followed by transportation in 2017.

81. An announcement by Alphabet Inc. on the sale of Boston Dynamics, a robotic design and engineering company in America, to Softbank groups for a sum not made public on June 8, 2017

82. Softbank completed its investment plans on WeWork with $4.4 billion on August 25, 2017.

Ranking Softbank With Other Competitors Through Website Visits

Ranking With Other Competitors Through Website Visits

The table below gives us the Softbank statistics on rankings in the world’s technology and computer electronics category. Let’s check it out:

Website  Visits per month  Loyalty by percentage Ranking  1.7 billion  95 Number 1  21.8 million  100 Number 22
Ymobile  16.7 million  100 Number 32 
Uqwimax  5 million  77 Number 145
Linemo  4.3 million  85  Number 154  2.9 million  76 Number 223
Sumaho-susume I million  69  Number 662
Kashi-mo 1.9 million  79  Number 405
Softbank 92,700  73 Number 3,314
White-panda9911 23,300  68  Number 6,544

Final Thoughts

Softbank is a viable option when seeking investors in your business proposal to expand your operations. However, from the statistics, it becomes obvious that the platform is not that popular outside Japan. That shouldn’t discourage you if your business idea or brand revolves around technology. Since Softbank is very much interested in technology, visiting their website could stir their interest in your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Softbank Vision Fund function?

Has Softbank Vision Funds lost funds before?

How can one apply for funding from Softbank?


The post 80+ SoftBank Statistics to Know (2023 Market Share) appeared first on The Tech Report.

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35+ Key Social Media Marketing Statistics (2023 Updated Data) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:58:46 +0000 Key Social Media Marketing Statistics

In This Guide Key Social Media Marketing Statistics Most Important Social Media Marketing Statistics 1. As of 2023, Social Media is Estimated to be Used by Around 4.9 Billion Individuals...

The post 35+ Key Social Media Marketing Statistics (2023 Updated Data) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Social Media Marketing Statistics
In This Guide

Running a successful business is tough. You’ve gotta get your name and products out there so potential customers know you exist! Back in the day, that meant taking out ads in the local paper or (if you had deep pockets) paying for TV and radio spots. But times have changed. Social media marketing is one of the most powerful ways to spread the word. Globally, 93% of marketers use social media for business.

And get this – unlike splashing thousands on a Super Bowl ad, social media is affordable for businesses of any size. With billions of people scrolling through Facebook and Instagram daily, a huge potential audience is at your fingertips. Of course, competition is fierce since every brand wants a piece of social media magic. Your content’s gotta stand out and make an impression if you want to be remembered in that sea of posts.

But don’t stress. We’ve compiled some eye-opening statistics around social media marketing that can help take your brand’s presence to the next level. Shall we dive in? Whether you’re just dipping a toe into social or want to step up your game, these numbers will inspire some “aha!” moments about connecting with customers in 2023 and beyond.

Key Social Media Marketing Statistics

Key Social Media Marketing Statistics

  1. As of 2023, social media has become a global hub, connecting over 4.9 billion individuals from all corners of the world.
  2. The figures for social media saw a 10% growth from 2021 to 2022
  3. Social media is utilized by most Americans, with 76% of the population actively using these platforms.
  4. Around 44% of internet users aged 16 to 64 have made social media their primary source of information when researching.
  5. 56% of Americans use more than one social media account.
  6. Today, people seamlessly navigate between an average of seven social networks monthly.
  7. Men between 55 and 64 exhibit the lowest social media usage among various age groups.
  8. Individuals devote an estimated 2 hours and 28 minutes daily to social media on a global scale.
  9. Live video is considered the most transparent form of content by 43% of consumers.
  10. LinkedIn boasts a diverse membership, spanning across 200 countries and comprising over 900 million members.
  11. Facebook boasts a staggering 2.037 billion daily users, representing 68% of all monthly active users.
  12. In 2023, TikTok emerged as a front-runner with a remarkable median engagement rate of 5.69%, closely followed by YouTube at 5.24%.
  13. Over 90.2% of Gen Y are active on social media platforms
  14. 64% of consumers believe in brands that have an active and positive social media engagement. 
  15. Short-form videos have established themselves as social media stars, capturing the audience’s attention with engaging content.
  16. 91% of internet users now access the online world via smartphones.
  17. 76% of users make buying decisions based on what they discover on social media.
  18. Following Google, YouTube stands as the world’s second-most visited website.

Most Important Social Media Marketing Statistics

Most Important Social Media Marketing Statistics

1. As of 2023, Social Media is Estimated to be Used by Around 4.9 Billion Individuals Globally.

In 2023, social media platforms will undeniably transform into a vital aspect of daily life for billions of individuals worldwide, making up 60% of the world’s population. For instance, in Australia alone, 25.31 million people actively embrace social media. Its impact is evident, directing how we connect with others and influencing modern society. With such a massive user base, social media continues to have a significant role in defining communication and culture in today’s world.

2. The Figures For Social Media Saw a 10% Growth From 2021 to 2022.

Despite its longstanding popularity, social media continues to experience remarkable growth. According to the most recent data, 376 million new users joined in 2022, bringing the total user count to 4.62 billion, marking a 10% increase from 2021. This means that 58.4% of the world’s population is now active on social media, with the primary barrier for non-users being internet connectivity. The latest statistics reveal that 60% of global internet users access the web through mobile devices. This is often considered the most convenient option since mobile devices are nearly always within reach.

3. Social Media is Utilized By Most Americans, With 76% of the Population Actively Using these Platforms.

A recent Hootsuite survey indicated that 75% of individuals aged 13 and older are active on social media. The survey specifically focused on this age group. When considering additional data, it appears probable that this percentage will rise. Most of the older generation has limited exposure to computers and the Internet. However, as the younger generation grows and matures, older individuals will gain internet access and computer proficiency. In the long run, it’s foreseeable that 100% of individuals aged 13 and above will be connected to the internet and engaged in social media.

4. Around 44% of Internet Users Aged 16 to 64 Have Made Social Media Their Primary Source of Information When Researching.

This noteworthy shift in consumer behavior accentuates the burgeoning influence wielded by platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter when steering our choices as consumers. Consumers rely on these platforms due to real-time updates, user-generated reviews, and captivating content. Establishing a robust presence on these platforms is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses

5. People Navigate Between an Average of Seven Social Networks Monthly.

It’s hardly surprising that the average person traverses a landscape of seven diverse social platforms each month. The multitude of platforms, each catering to different interests and preferences, naturally prompts users to explore and engage across this digital spectrum. Whether individuals are sharing life updates on Facebook, capturing fleeting moments on Instagram, or staying up-to-date with trends on TikTok, every platform provides a distinct and immersive experience. 

6. Men Between 55 and 64 Exhibit the Lowest Social Media Usage Among Various Age Groups.

A recent survey conducted by Hootsuite revealed that the demographic of men aged between 55-64 had the lowest usage of social media. This phenomenon is unclear, but it could be attributed to time constraints, a preference for more hands-on activities over online engagement, or other practical considerations. In contrast, the survey also indicated that women, particularly those between the ages of 16 and 24, are the most active social media users. On average, women in this age group spend approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes on social media daily.

7. On a Global Scale, Individuals Devote an Estimated 2 Hours and 28 Minutes Daily to Social Media.

Social media is a constant part of our daily routine in today’s digital world. It’s not just for chatting with friends; we use it for news, online shopping, and more. Think about it this way: If we assume people sleep for about 7 to 8 hours daily, we spend about 15% of our waking hours on social media. The world collectively spends almost 12 billion hours on social media daily. Because social media is so integrated into our lives, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to connect with their target customers.

8. LinkedIn Boasts a Diverse Membership, Spans 200 Countries, and Comprises Over 900 Million Members.

LinkedIn is a popular global professional networking platform with a huge user base. It’s a valuable place for businesses to connect with professionals from different industries and locations. Companies can use it to grow their networks, find clients and partners, and hire talent worldwide. LinkedIn is a go-to site for professionals and businesses to advance their careers and succeed globally.

9. Facebook Boasts a Staggering 2.037 Billion Daily Users, Representing 68% of All Monthly Active Users.

Facebook has a huge and influential user base in social media. People use it for connecting, sharing, and interacting with content regularly. Moreover, Facebook is no longer just for personal connections; businesses must reach and engage with their intended audience on a large scale. Thanks to its significant user base, Facebook’s impact on our connected world is enduring.

10. In 2023, TikTok Emerged as a Front-runner With a Remarkable Median Engagement Rate of 5.69%, Closely Followed by YouTube at 5.24%.

TikTok has risen as a standout platform in the crowded social media landscape. It boasts an impressive engagement rate, even surpassing YouTube. People are drawn to TikTok for its engaging short videos, creative challenges, and lively community, creating a hub of interaction and entertainment. 

11. Over 90.4% of Gen Y are Active on Social Media Platforms.

If you’re targeting an audience of 80-year-olds, it’s advisable to employ advertising methods that resonate with them. This often involves traditional options like newspapers and television. However, you must utilize various social media platforms if your target market is Millennials. Recent Emarketer research indicates that 90.4% of Millennials are active on social media. A significant 77.7% of Generation X individuals also engage with social media. Even Baby Boomers are adapting, with 48.2% participating in social media, although the older generations might use fewer platforms than the younger ones.

Enlightening Statistics About Social Media Marketing

Enlightening Statistics

12. 64% of Consumers Believe in Brands That Have an Active and Positive Social Media Engagement.

Establishing consumer trust is vital for brand success, and positive social media interactions are key. Recent data reveals a 12-point increase in brand trust through positive social media engagement, underscoring the growing significance of online interactions. When brands respond quickly, offer useful information, and genuinely care about their audience, it cultivates trust and credibility among potential customers. 

13. 56% of Americans Use More Than One Social Media Account.

Many people consider having a social media account a crucial aspect of their lives, and it’s challenging to picture life without them. These platforms enable you to stay in touch with friends worldwide, make new connections, promote your brand, and search for job opportunities. Social media capabilities have expanded to cover a wide range of activities. However, merely having one social media account may not be sufficient to enhance your brand’s visibility or attract new customers. Recent statistics indicate that 56% of Americans maintain multiple social media accounts, each serving a particular purpose. What’s more, to establish brand recognition and trust, it’s typically necessary for individuals to encounter your brand on at least two different social media platforms. This helps make your brand appear authentic and, as a result, trustworthy.

14. 76% of Users Make Buying Decisions Based on What They Discover on Social Media.

Social platforms significantly influence consumer behavior and purchasing choices, thanks to their ability to showcase products and services effectively. Whether it’s appealing ads or engaging product demos, social media is a potent tool for businesses to turn interest into sales. This trend is set to persist in the digital age, highlighting the importance of social media as a channel for companies to exhibit their offerings. It is also an avenue for users to find new products they might have overlooked.

15. 91% of Internet Users Now Access the Online World via Smartphones.

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and accessing the internet has transformed significantly. Most users now favor their smartphones for online activities, seeking convenience and flexibility. This is just one of several shifts in consumer behavior, and marketers must adapt their strategies to accommodate users across various platforms. When developing a business website, it’s essential to use a website builder that ensures a good experience on both desktop and mobile. Social media is no longer limited to home use; it’s increasingly mobile, evidenced by the rising number of mobile users.

16. YouTube is the World’s Second-most-visited Website, With Google Being the First.

YouTube is a highly popular video-sharing platform, ranking globally as the second most visited website. With billions of daily users, YouTube provides content creators and businesses a platform to connect with a broad and diverse audience. Whether you’re expressing creativity, sharing valuable insights, or promoting your brand. YouTube’s extensive user base offers an excellent opportunity to gain visibility and recognition. If you haven’t yet explored YouTube, now is an ideal moment to engage with this dynamic and captivating space.

17. 93% of Marketers Worldwide Use Facebook for Sales.

As a marketing expert, you’ll understand the importance of maintaining a presence across major social media platforms to maximize publicity and enhance brand recognition. Numerous businesses already recognize the advantages of leveraging Facebook. An estimated 50 million small businesses utilize Facebook pages to engage with customers. Additionally, a survey has demonstrated that 93% of marketers use Facebook to connect with their audience. This isn’t unexpected, given that existing statistics indicate that Facebook has an astonishing user base of nearly 3 billion people. If you aim to access a vast pool of potential customers, having a presence on Facebook is essential.

18. 66% of Employees Utilize Social Media for Interaction and Communication with Coworkers.

Many employees have clear boundaries regarding communication among colleagues during work hours, particularly if the conversation isn’t work-related. Nevertheless, discreet chatting still occurs, and social media has made it more convenient. Colleagues can converse while appearing busy and even use these chats to address work-related matters. Employers often provide internet access to employees, facilitating communication through social media. Encouraging such interactions can be beneficial, fostering camaraderie throughout the company.

19. Social Media Engagement Patterns.

Effective marketing strategies incorporate social media engagement as a crucial element. Adopting the appropriate tactics allows businesses to connect with their desired audience and enhance their brand’s visibility. Here are some key social media engagement pattern statistics to assist you in grasping the optimal utilization of social media for your business.

20. 84% of Social Media Content Sharing Occurs Away From Where It Was Initially Posted.

To create an advertisement that resonates with its target audience, marketers must be mindful of their audience’s preferences. However, recent research suggests that the emphasis on where the content is posted is diminishing. However, there’s a temptation to share content on platforms like Facebook due to its extensive user base. A recent survey highlights that 84% of content sharing occurs independently from the platform where it was initially posted. In simpler terms, you might post content on Facebook, but it gets shared on Instagram. This finding reminds marketers that the content holds greater significance than its posting location.

21. Visual Social Media Content is More Likely to be Shared Than the Written Word.

The human brain has a significantly quicker processing speed for images than written text. Research suggests that you can absorb approximately ten times more information from an image in the same amount of time it takes to read a text. Consequently, visual content is naturally more attractive and convenient to consume across various platforms. This is also why studies indicate graphic formats are 40 times more likely to be shared on social media. Sharing pictures or videos is simple and enjoyable. This emphasizes the importance of considering these factors when creating promotional content for marketers.

22. Alternate Location Tagging can Enhance Engagement Rate.

Consumers tend to place more trust in larger corporations, mainly because these companies seem to possess the means to maintain product quality and offer excellent customer service. The positive aspect is that small businesses can effectively compete with their larger counterparts. This involves tactics such as tagging a distinct location or involving another user in their image posts. This strategy instantly fosters the impression that the company is more substantial and has better connections than it might have. This, in turn, instills trust in their audience, leading to a higher engagement rate for each post. Recent research indicates that adding a location tag can boost engagement by 79%, and involving another user can increase engagement by 56%.

23. Social Media Effects on Online Purchases.

Social media initially served as a means to maintain connections with others, which was its primary purpose. Nevertheless, similar to how television advertisements aim to convince people to purchase, social media has evolved to have the same impact. Hence, it has become essential for all businesses today to incorporate a social media marketing strategy. Such a strategy is effective in raising brand awareness. However, the most significant driver of purchases is the endorsements and recommendations of others. Prospective customers rely on the feedback and opinions of existing buyers and clients. Ensuring the satisfaction of these current customers stands as the most straightforward method for a company to expand its customer base.

24. 40% of Internet Users Aged 18 to 34 have Purchased Social Media.

Younger individuals typically exhibit greater ease and willingness to make online purchases than older generations. This comfort can be attributed to their upbringing in an internet-centric era. Recent findings from Statista highlight that 40% of individuals aged 18-34 who regularly use the internet have purchased through social media platforms in the past month. If your product is intended for this age group, targeting them through social media is imperative. Failing to do so could mean missing nearly half of your potential customer base.

25. 78% of Internet Users Use Social Media to Research About a Product.

A recent Hootsuite survey reveals that over 75% of internet users use social media for product research. This behavior is particularly prevalent when shopping online, where physical interaction with the product is impossible. In such cases, consumers seek assurance regarding the product’s quality and durability. Additionally, they want to gauge the friendliness and supportiveness of the customer service team should they encounter any issues. While most small businesses provide online reviews, they can be met with skepticism. This doubt arises from companies being unlikely to showcase customer reviews that cast them in a negative light. Consequently, many people turn to social media to obtain candid opinions from unbiased individuals. If the prevailing sentiment on social media is positive, it often instills confidence in the purchase decision. For marketers, this underscores the importance of closely monitoring social media channels to ensure their products and business are perceived favorably.

26. 97% of People Who Make Online Purchases Have Looked at Social Media in the Last Month.

While this statistic might initially suggest that individuals who shop online are also active on social media, the actual numbers tell a more compelling story. The averages show a substantial increase, underscoring that most online shoppers actively seek product information on social media. Remarkably, a staggering 97% of buyers need to verify the authenticity of both the product and the seller. Social media serves as the most convenient avenue for accessing the insights and opinions of others, ultimately assisting each consumer in making informed purchasing decisions.

27. 71% of Satisfied Customers Will Likely Recommend a Brand.

Happy customers will likely tell their friends and family about their shopping experience. This will encourage them to buy the same thing. In the modern world, it’s just as easy to tell strangers via social media. Your personal experience can help others avoid making your mistakes. A recent survey showed that 71% of customers who had experienced a positive social media interaction with a company would recommend the brand to others. That means telling others in person and on social media. It’s not just random people trusted to guide a product purchase. The same survey found that 80% of consumers have decided to buy something because they have seen it recommended by a social media influencer. In short, as a marketer, you need to be working with influencers.

Must Know Social Media Marketing Statistics

Must Know Statistics

28. Relationship Between Brand and Customers.

Social media enables communication with individuals, irrespective of prior acquaintance. Despite the apparent unpredictability of social media platforms, they have emerged as a significant avenue for establishing connections and fostering relationships. Professionals in the advertising field must acknowledge that social media stands as their most potent marketing tool.

29. 90% of Consumers Will Likely Communicate With a Brand Using Social Media.

In an ideal transaction, the product is bought, promptly delivered, and arrives in perfect condition, fulfilling its intended purpose. Regrettably, this doesn’t always happen, and issues such as delivery problems, product damage, or functionality not meeting expectations can lead to product returns or exchanges. This is when customers assess the quality of a company’s customer service, with superior service increasing the likelihood of them recommending the business. Modern enterprises recognize that online shoppers prefer to address problems through digital channels, particularly social media. Recent research indicates that 90% of consumers use social media to communicate with businesses.

30. 52% of Brands are Discovered Through Social Media.

The biggest brands, such as Coca-Cola, are known across the world. While they still need to work on advertising, they don’t need to promote themselves as a brand. The same can’t be said for most businesses as they try to make a name for themselves. However, a recent survey found that people find out about 52% of brands via social media. Simply being on social media and building a rapport with customers will improve your brand awareness and attract customers.

31. 50% of Consumers Between 18 and 29 Purchase from a Social Media App.

The younger generation typically has more disposable income, as they haven’t yet encountered many financial challenges. They are also more inclined to make impulsive purchases, meaning that if they come across something that piques their interest, there’s a high likelihood they’ll make a purchase. Recent research has substantiated these observations. The study highlighted that 50% of individuals aged 18 to 29 bought a product in the past year solely because it was promoted on social media. As a marketer, your task is to present the product with positive reviews and leverage the internet’s influence to facilitate the rest of the process.

32. Customers on Social Media Spend 20-40% More on Purchases.

Recent studies indicate that individuals who make online purchases tend to add more items to their virtual shopping carts, resulting in increased spending. This trend is also applicable when making purchases through social media channels. According to surveys, the typical consumer buying through social media will spend 20-40% more than those shopping through traditional online stores or physical retail settings. The goal is to entice people to make purchases via social media. The primary driver behind this is the ability for consumers to easily discover additional products on social media and access independent reviews. This will foster trust in your business and motivate customers to make supplementary purchases.

33. Expectations of Social Media Users.

Social media has evolved into a potent tool, extending beyond just a means for marketers to connect with consumers. The openness of social media has empowered consumers to share their viewpoints and anticipate a responsive approach from businesses. Furthermore, existing and prospective customers expect regular updates and seek insights into a business’s stance on various issues. Neglecting to keep them informed often results in them seeking alternatives. To underline this point, consider these statistics.

34. 86% of Americans Will Likely Seek Alternative Shopping Options if a Brand Lacks Transparency.

Transparency’s global importance grows amid crises, highlighting the consequences of government and individual opacity in a constantly changing world. In a recent survey, 86% of Americans expressed willingness to take their business elsewhere. This is when a company is discovered concealing vital information or refusing to disclose relevant facts. While similar surveys have been conducted before, the results have never been as unequivocal. In essence, if you’re managing a business, your upcoming marketing campaign should emphasize the transparency of your business practices (KO Marketing).

35. Live Video is Considered the Most Transparent Form of Content by 43% of Consumers.

According to a recent survey, 43% of consumers believe that live video is the most effective means of demonstrating transparency. While many content formats are available, live videos are favored because they capture genuine reactions. If creating live videos is not feasible, standard videos remain a potent tool, with 67% of consumers finding them effective in illustrating transparency. The survey revealed that 53% of social media users consider transparency essential concerning product changes. Failing to disclose such information is likely to drive consumers away.

36. Weekly, 66% of Facebook Users Engage With Local Businesses Online.

To enhance the effectiveness of your social media presence, consider that around two-thirds of Facebook users visit local business websites weekly. You can achieve this by consistently sharing engaging and transparent content, which fosters consumer engagement and boosts brand recognition. Plus, you’re delivering blogs and articles that cater to your target audience’s interests, simplifying your marketing efforts.

37. The Primary Goal for 80% of Marketers is to Enhance Social Media Engagement.

Hootsuite’s recent data reveals that 80% of social marketers publish content on social media primarily to enhance engagement. This underscores the influential role of social platforms for businesses and individuals. This strategy proves effective, with a notable 50% of companies using social media for over two years reporting sales growth. Furthermore, 93% of marketers acknowledge that exposure and resulting engagement constitute the most significant advantages of advertising on social media.

38. 53% of Consumers Believe Businesses Take a Stance Primarily to Enhance Their Marketing Efforts.

This statistic highlights the delicate balance: Expressing your views and taking a stance can please customers, but it may backfire if they disagree. Another study reveals that 53% of consumers think businesses primarily take a stance for image, publicity, and marketing benefits. This will make it challenging to demonstrate genuine alignment with consumers. Notably, 40% of consumers view businesses partnering with non-profits as more authentic. 

39. 70% of Consumers Anticipate that Businesses will Adopt a Stance on Important Issues.

Consumers consistently have higher expectations from businesses. Consumers seek alignment with companies on various topics, be it fashion, conflicts, environmental concerns, or other current issues in a world with pressing issues. A recent survey indicated that 70% of customers anticipate this alignment. However, the same study revealed that 55% of consumers are inclined to discontinue their association with a business with differing opinions. This highlights the delicate balance every company must maintain to retain customer satisfaction.

40. 43% of Consumers View Live Video as the Most Effective Means of Achieving Transparency.

You can generate a wide range of content, but to demonstrate transparency as a business, it’s crucial to incorporate live videos. According to a recent survey, almost half of the respondents believed that live videos are the most authentic form of content because the reactions are sincere. If you’re not prepared to create live videos, traditional pre-recorded videos are still potent. The survey indicated that 67% of consumers consider them an effective means of showcasing transparency. Furthermore, the survey revealed that 53% of social media users deem transparency crucial, especially regarding product changes. Without such clarity, consumers are likely to seek alternatives.


In 2023, social media marketing is significant in any business’s overall strategy. With their vast global user base, social media platforms offer an extensive audience for businesses to connect with. According to data, Facebook remains the primary choice for marketers, while Twitter serves as a hub for political discourse and viral trends. 

TikTok stands out as a rapidly expanding platform, and YouTube boasts a substantial monthly user base. Utilizing social media statistics provides valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and interests. This will empower businesses to customize their marketing approaches for enhanced engagement and return on investment.


What are some of the latest social media marketing statistics for 2023?

How can social media statistics help businesses improve their marketing strategies?

What are some of the key trends in social media marketing for 2023?

How can businesses measure the success of their social media marketing efforts?

What are some best practices for social media marketing?


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The Digital Shopping Revolution: A Statistical Analysis of Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday Fri, 17 Nov 2023 17:35:10 +0000 Black Friday vs Cyber Monday

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday – the two span the Thanksgiving holiday weekend as the biggest shopping occasions of the year. Over the last few years, they’ve become renowned for...

The post The Digital Shopping Revolution: A Statistical Analysis of Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday appeared first on The Tech Report.

Black Friday vs Cyber Monday

Black Friday vs Cyber Monday statistics

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday – the two span the Thanksgiving holiday weekend as the biggest shopping occasions of the year. Over the last few years, they’ve become renowned for incredible deals and offers, both online and offline. They’ve also been pivotal in influencing consumer behavior and producing heaps of retail data for marketers.

But is one event more popular than the other? And if so, is that true for every market around the world? And how much do retailers earn on each of these occasions?

Answers to these questions are vital for marketers, which is why we’ve put together this guide to Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday, analyzing the statistics of the two occasions. Let’s take a closer look.

Black Friday & Cyber Week History

Traditionally, Cyber Week begins on Cyber Monday and serves as an extension of Black Friday’s sales season. However, while the original Black Friday started in the 1960s as a sales event run by brick-and-mortar stores, Cyber Week and Cyber Monday are more about ecommerce sales. 

Today, Black Friday and Cyber Monday serve as a starting point for holiday shopping for many people and as a marketing ploy for the majority of retailers. Let’s dive into how these events are perceived and engaged with around the world and the key trends around them.

Key Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday Statistics

  1. 100% of British and Spanish consumers know about Black Friday, and over 80% know about Cyber Monday.
  2. In 2022, there were 122.7 million Black Friday shoppers in the US, with online sales accounting for 67.4% of all Black Friday shoppers, or 87.2 million people.
  3. There were 99.6 million Cyber Monday shoppers in the US in 2022, with 77 million of them shopping online.
  4. Cyber Monday 2022 saw 59% of shoppers use their mobile devices for purchases, compared to 40% in 2021.
  5. In 2021, Cyber Monday’s online revenue exceeded Black Friday’s by 19.4%.
  6. Cyber Monday 2023 is expected to bring in $12 billion – 6.1% more than 2022’s figure of $11.3 billion.
  7. The expected revenue of Black Friday 2023 is $9.6 billion.

BFCM Awareness & Participation Statistics

For many consumers, Black Friday is a staple of their Thanksgiving week, and Cyber Monday is also on its way to becoming that. But there are some consumers who’ve never heard of, let alone engaged in, Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping.

In this section, we’ll compare the awareness and participation statistics for the two occasions.

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday Awareness


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Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday originated in the US, but as the years have passed, the two occasions have taken off around the world. For example, in Europe, most consumers know about Black Friday, and many countries have their own versions.

As for Cyber Monday, however, its awareness in Europe is at a lower level. Although over 80% of British and Spanish consumers know about it, the figures are lower in other countries, such as Belgium, where awareness is below 65%.

Awareness of Black Friday is similarly high in Latin America, with 100% of Brazilian consumers and 98% of Mexican and Colombian consumers knowing about it.

However, Cyber Monday’s awareness levels are lower there. For instance, in Brazil, less than 50% of consumers know about Cyber Monday. For Mexico and Colombia, awareness levels are 67% and 78%, respectively.

When it comes to the Middle East, many consumers are also aware of Black Friday. For instance, in Turkiye, the awareness level is 97% for the occasion, but only 34% of Turkish consumers know about Cyber Monday.

For Saudi Arabia and UAE, Cyber Monday awareness levels are higher, at 40% and 60%, respectively, while Black Friday ranks at 98% and 100%, respectively.

In Australia, almost 90% of consumers know about Black Friday. Only 59% of Aussies have heard of Cyber Monday, though.

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday Participation


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Despite the somewhat lower levels of awareness of Cyber Monday around the world, the level of engagement is on par with Black Friday and sometimes even surpasses it. A big reason for this is that more people than ever are shopping online, which is what Cyber Monday is all about.

In 2022, there were 122.7 million Black Friday shoppers in the US. That figure represents both online and traditional shoppers. Online sales accounted for 67.4% of all Black Friday shoppers, or 87.2 million people.

As for Cyber Monday 2022, there were 99.6 million shoppers in the US. The National Retail Federation reports that 2022 saw 77 million US consumers shopping online that day, counting for 77.3% of all Cyber Monday shoppers.

For 37% of these shoppers, 2022 was their first-ever Cyber Monday, while 31% were engaging with Cyber Monday for the fifth time.

The higher rate of Cyber Monday’s online sales is no surprise, as it’s traditionally been an online-first occasion.

BFCM Shopping Statistics by Markets


Source: Finances Online

We’re expecting to see unprecedented consumer engagement with Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2023. Let’s take a look at how Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping differ across different demographics.

What People Are Buying on BFCM – Overview

CM deals

Source: Finances Online

Some of the most popular BFCM items include electronics, toys, and clothing. For both occasions, LEGO remained one of the most popular searches on retailers’ websites, such as Amazon, over the last three years.

In terms of impulse buys on BFCM, Black Friday traditionally gets more impulse buys, with retailers pushing theDon’t Miss Out factor to the max. The most common impulse purchases are sporting goods 71% are bought on an impulse on Black Friday.

What US Men & Women Are Buying on BFCM


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Both men and women in the US shop a lot on Black Friday and Cyber Monday – it’s estimated that 78% of men and 71% of women participate in Black Friday shopping.

On both days, goods in the electronics category dominate the ecommerce landscape, according to statistics – 78% of men are likely to buy them on Black Friday, compared to 62% of women

For Cyber Monday, the results are similar – 79% of men buy electronics, compared to 64% of women.

These statistics are corroborated by a Nielsen report on the 2022 BFCM shopping season, which also confirms electronics as the most popular item. The popularity of electronics was also very high among first-time Black Friday shoppers in 2022 – they made up 67% of all electronics buyers.

BFCM Online Shopping Statistics


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The Black Friday and Cyber Monday digital shopping revolution, marking the shift of consumer preferences to online shopping, has been a major source of revenue for retailers in the last few years. We’ll now take a look at the methods of online shopping on BFCM.

Desktop Shopping

A large segment of ecommerce customers prefer to shop on desktop or laptop devices on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For example, almost 60% of consumers shopped on desktops on Black Friday in 2020 and 2021. That figure grew to 53% in 2022.

The statistics for desktop shopping on Cyber Monday in 2021 are similar to those for Black Friday – 60% of purchases were made on desktop. However, in 2022, more consumers were actually shopping on mobile on Cyber Monday.

Generally, the conversion rate for desktop shopping tends to be high. For example, for Cyber Monday, it was 7.2% in 2020 and 6.9% in 2022, and for Black Friday 2022, it was 5.6%.

Mobile Shopping


Source: Adobe

Mobile shopping is on the rise, and BFCM is no exception to that trend. In fact, Adobe predicts that mobile spending will reach $113 billion during 2023’s Cyber Week. Given what we’ve seen over the last few years, that’s no surprise.

For example, Cyber Monday 2022 saw 59% of shoppers use their mobile devices for purchases, according to the NRF. That’s a record figure and a significant increase from the 40% of consumers who shopped on mobile on Cyber Monday 2021 and the 43% of m-commerce consumers on Cyber Monday 2020.

As for Black Friday, 47% of its ecommerce sales came from mobile devices in 2022. That’s 12% lower than the 2022 Cyber Monday figure, but it’s higher than Black Friday’s 2020 percentage of online sales made through mobile devices, at 25.3%.

Mobile BFCM shoppers are 5% more likely than desktop shoppers to add items to their cart. However, mobile conversion rates are traditionally lower than desktop equivalents, and it shows in the BFCM statistics.

In 2022, Black Friday’s mobile conversion rate was 3.3%, and Cyber Monday’s was slightly higher at 3.6%. An average Cyber Monday mobile shopper bought 2.98 items in 2022, compared to 3.68 items purchased by an average desktop shopper. 

BFCM Revenue Statistics

Black Friday and Cyber Monday make up a significant share of retailers’ annual revenue. But which day brings in the most? Let’s take a look at the revenue statistics for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

BFCM Earnings Over the Years


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Despite Black Friday being more popular than Cyber Monday, the latter has actually been bringing in more revenue over the last few years, as illustrated by the infographic above. For instance, in 2021, Cyber Monday’s online revenue exceeded Black Friday’s by 19.4%.

In 2023, Cyber Monday is expected to bring in $12 billion – 6.1% more than 2022’s figure of $11.3 billion. The expected figure for 2023’s Black Friday earnings is $9.6 billion, representing a YoY growth of 5.7%. Both figures are a significant increase from 2020 despite a slight dip in 2021.

In terms of average spending, Deloitte reports that an average consumer spent $205 on Black Friday in 2022, which is 8% more than the year before. As you might’ve guessed, the average consumer spend on Cyber Monday 2022 was higher, at $218. That represents an increase of 25% from the year before.

It’s clear that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are here to stay, at least in some shape or form. As ecommerce is becoming more prevalent, the digital revolution is likely to continue impacting BFCM and how retailers and consumers engage with it.

While we don’t have the gift of clairvoyance to predict Black Friday and Cyber Monday’s future, we can analyze current trends and make predictions on that basis. Here are some of the trends we believe will impact BFCM.

BFCM Extension

In our Cyber Monday sales boom guide, we explored how BFCM shopping occasions, especially Cyber Monday, will likely be extended in future to accommodate different audiences.

Indeed, we believe the future of BFCM will likely offer an extension of the shopping window, with retailers offering deals and discounts over the entire week. This will allow consumers to access a longer tail of discounts and let them plan their shopping strategically.

M-Commerce & Social Commerce 

Several billion people now own smartphones and use them in their day-to-day lives, and the devices are transforming our shopping experiences – and BFCM is no exception.

With over a billion people on social media, retailers are maximizing social media marketing opportunities for the two occasions.

For a truly seamless BFCM experience for social media shoppers, retailers will be investing in strategies for direct engagement and instant checkout in the social ecosystem, such as through Instagram Shopping.

Payment Innovations

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen many customers use Buy Now, Pay Later payment options in their BFCM shopping, and we’re expecting that trend to continue in future.

In addition, we foresee other innovations in the payment sphere, which will make checkouts more convenient and see more retailers embracing existing innovations like PayPal checkouts, cryptocurrency, and digital wallets.

Which is the Overall Winner?

There are several criteria for determining the winner of Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday. Let’s see which one ticks the most boxes.

Awareness & Engagement

First of all, Black Friday is more well-known around the world, with an awareness rate of almost 100% across many countries. Second of all, that high level of awareness results in a higher number of shoppers – over 120 million in the US alone in 2022, compared to just under 100 million on Cyber Monday.

Winner: Black Friday

Mobile Shopping

We highlighted m-commerce as one of the key trends shaping Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. Both occasions have been marked by increasing rates of mobile shopping in recent years, but Cyber Monday is driving more mobile sales than Black Friday, and its mobile conversion rate is higher.

Winner: Cyber Monday


In the case of revenue, Cyber Monday has consistently been bringing in more revenue than Black Friday. For instance, its 2022 revenue was $11.3 billion, while Black Friday’s was $9.12 billion.

Winner: Cyber Monday

Closing Thoughts

Strictly speaking, Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday isn’t a competition. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see how the two occasions impact consumers and the different approaches shoppers take for the two occasions. 

With Cyber Monday being a more recent innovation than Black Friday, it follows that fewer consumers know about it. However, it doesn’t stop those who do from engaging with it to the fullest, with an impressive level of consumer spending for the day.

Since the 2023 shopping extravaganza is just around the corner, we’ll be keeping an eye on what shape Black Friday and Cyber Monday trends are going to take this year.


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Key 2023 Mobile Marketing Statistics: 20+ Insights You Can’t Miss Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:06:03 +0000 Key Mobile Marketing Statistics

In This Guide Key Mobile Marketing Statistics Impressive Mobile Marketing Statistics in 2023 1. Mobile Devices Contribute to 52.2% of Website Traffic. 2. Mobile Makes Up 53.03% of the Market...

The post Key 2023 Mobile Marketing Statistics: 20+ Insights You Can’t Miss appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Mobile Marketing Statistics
In This Guide

Mobile devices are essential for information, communication, business, and marketing. The mobile experience has now become an integral part of our lives. People widely use mobile phones yearly, prompting the need for companies to take advantage of this marketing development. The benefits of mobile marketing cut across many aspects of business operations, including accessing customers through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Data shows that 60% of smartphone users have contacted a business directly using search results (i.e., “click to call”).

This article presents statistics explaining the state of the mobile marketing industry, its growth rate, and the connectivity between brands and consumers. Also, the statistics reveal revenue generated through mobile advertisement, email marketing, market size, and the future of mobile marketing. Keep reading to discover it all.

Key Mobile Marketing Statistics

Key Mobile Marketing Statistics

  • Mobile Devices contribute to 52.2% of Website Traffic.
  •  53.03% of the market share in 2023 will come from mobile devices.
  •  61% of internet users prefer mobile-friendly websites.
  •  96% of people use the Google search option.
  •  More than 50% of YouTube views are from Mobile devices.
  • 69% of people would rather read product reviews than ask the sales team.
  • Global Mobile Marketing Industry was $17.6 billion in 2022.
  • Videos released within the mobile marketing industry have 80% views on the internet.
  • 50% of people search for ad products immediately.
  • Most Facebook Ad-generated revenue came from Mobile marketing, accounting for $16.34 billion in 2019.
  • Fashion industry Mobile E-commerce in 2022 recorded $431.04 billion in sales.  

Impressive Mobile Marketing Statistics in 2023

Mobile Marketing Statistics in 2023

1. Mobile Devices Contribute to 52.2% of Website Traffic.

Mobile phone users totaled 5.44 billion in 2023, accounting for 68% of the global population as of 2023. Moreover, the international number of internet users is estimated to be 5.16 billion, indicating 64.4% of the world’s online population. The website traffic on mobile devices is estimated to be 55.5% as of September 2023. Some data reveals that 92.3% of internet users browse the internet using their mobile devices, 65.6% more than desktop users. The surge in Internet use for various purposes is attributed to developing countries.

2. Mobile Makes Up 53.03% of the Market Share and Will Be the Largest in 2023.

Statistics show that millions of people use their devices for many online activities. As of the end of 2022, mobile devices, desktops, and tablets made up 60.29%, 37.71%, and 2% of the global market share, respectively. As of September 2023, the mobile global market share amounted to 53.03%, desktops account for 45.13%, and tablets account for 1.84%. The figures indicate that mobile devices are leading the global market space, and with mobile optimization, the mobile market will dominate.

3. 61% Of Internet Users Would Recommend a Mobile-Friendly Business Site.

Mobile-friendliness contributes largely to earning conversions in businesses. This means when creating and running a digital marketing campaign, all actions should lead to conversions on mobile devices. Statistics show that 61% of consumers will most likely purchase from mobile-friendly sites. Since most purchases are made using mobile, some companies have noticed this trend and developed mobile-friendly sites. However, 57% of internet users won’t recommend a business site that’s poorly designed for mobile engagement. Therefore, if the experience is not memorable for a customer, the chances of referral to potential customers are slim. Some giant companies like Walmart, Amazon, and Target have optimized websites for mobile that yield fast and efficient checkout. Websites without mobile optimization lose leads to competitors, indicating the relevance of firms investing in mobile marketing.

4. 96% of People Use the Google Search Option.

When the thought of mobile searches evolved, Google became the first search engine that came to people’s minds. Google is vital to the mobile usage experience, as 96% of people maximize Google for searches. Every business would want to be fully optimized on search engines. So, investing in SEO would help reach leads on Google. Local businesses must be optimized on Google to appeal to people looking for such places via mobile devices. SEO will help Google increase your chances of appearing in search result pages. 75% of searchers will not go beyond the first search page, hence the need to revise your marketing strategic plan.

5. Over 41.9% Of Emails Are Opened on Mobile Devices.

Statistics show in 2019, 41.9% of email addresses were opened on mobile phones. Other devices made up the remaining percentage. Ease of use and efficiency are the major functions of mobile email in email marketing. This differs from the 75% of Americans who read their email on their mobile devices. Many reports indicated that over half of email opens are done on mobile phones by the younger generation rather than the older generation. Email marketing strategies should also apply to mobile marketing strategies for gains. In essence, mobile optimization is vital for mobile marketing productivity.

6. Mobile Devices Account For Over 50% of YouTube Views.

Videos are becoming popular, especially on YouTube, which has over 1 billion users. Across all devices, YouTube videos are watched by millions of users daily. Video marketing plans and mobile optimization on YouTube create an opportunity to appeal to many mobile users and make videos valuable. Statistics show that mobile devices account for over 50% of YouTube views, which have generated at least $1 billion in sales. The high rate of YouTube views on mobile is influenced by people’s increased preference for watching videos over reading content. This plays an important role in marketing by capturing the interest of your audience and engaging them in your business.

7. An Average Time Spent on a Mobile Device by a Person Daily Is 3 Hours and 15 Minutes.

The average time spent on mobile phones daily in the US, not including talking in 2022, was 4 hours and 22 minutes. The figure has increased and is expected to hit 4 hours 39 minutes by 2024. Meanwhile, as of June 2023, people in the UK spend over 3.5 hours daily on mobile devices to access the internet. In 2023, 53.5% of the time spent on mobile devices is used to access the internet. Research shows that a daily average of 3 hours and 15 minutes is spent on mobile devices. However, 1 in every 5 mobile users spends an average of 4.5 hours on their phone daily, making up 20% of users.

8. Graphic Interchange Format Usage in Mobile Communication Grew by 33% in 2020.

Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) is a short video on social media and other mobile applications, usually a few seconds. GIFs are generally amusing; they help boost brand awareness and popularize your adverts. In recent years, the rate of GIFs usage increased from 3% to 33%. Moreover, businesses expect GIF usage to be updated with marketing trends for maximum impact.

9. Between 8 pm and Midnight is the Most Common Online Time For Mobile Phone Owners.

People have their phones with them almost all day, but the possibility of responding to their needs on the phone is low. Most people may be at work or have other work requirements during the day. The peak time most people use the internet is the night hours between 8 pm and Midnight. Additionally, the number of mobile and tablet users who access the internet during this time is greater than the desktop users. The use of desktops for internet access is usually between 10 am and 5 pm because this is most people’s work hours. Understanding the timeframes will help you target your advert period for mobile advertising.

10. Global Mobile Marketing Industry was $17.6 Billion in 2022.

The Mobile Marketing Industry is a broad channel for reaching consumers through mobile devices. This can help to alert customers about businesses and organizations through advertisement. The mobile marketing industry will be worth $17.6 billion by the end of 2022 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22%. Considering the economic situation, the industry’s growth was significant. Predictions show that the mobile marketing industry will hit $91 billion at a CAGR of 17.8% very soon.

11. Over $360 Billion is Projected to be Spent on Mobile Advertising by Businesses Before the End of 2023.

Most businesses and companies have invested hugely in mobile advertising since it became famous. This is because the return from investing in mobile advertising is great. In 2015, many businesses spent over $61 billion on mobile ads. In 2016, the total spending on mobile ads hit $95 billion and $175 billion in 2018. Statistics projected an investment of over $360 billion in the industry before the end of 2023. The mobile marketing industry has been increasing significantly yearly and is expected to attract $400 billion in ad spending in 2024.

Enlightening Mobile Marketing Statistics

Enlightening Stats

12. The US Has the Highest Spending on Mobile Advertising Among Other Countries.

The US is one large country with advanced technology and skills in setting trends. This is reflected in how the country invests in mobile marketing. In 2020 alone, the US spent $165 billion on mobile marketing. A survey reveals that 57% of businesses in the US intend to increase their podcast advertising spending. Also, 49% of companies plan to boost their expenditure or investment in a mobile video advertisement.

China is the second country with the largest investment in mobile advertising after the US, with $110 billion spent in 2020. Other countries are far behind in mobile ads and are not close to the US and China’s spending. Interestingly, the projection shows Instagram ads revenue might hit $40 billion before 2023 runs out.

13. The Rate of Advertising in Mobile Gaming Experiences Rapid Growth.

Statistical reports show that $40 billion was spent on mobile gaming advertising in 2021 and is projected to hit $130 billion by 2025. Statistics also show that the number of mobile gamers worldwide is estimated to be 3 billion. Mobile advertising varies in categories, making deciding which to invest in or target difficult. Amongst the several types, the most famous are social media and mobile gaming, which are the most appealing to people. Although the amount spent on mobile gaming advertising rapidly increases, it is still below what is spent in the mobile marketing industry.

14. Approximately 80% of Released Videos on the Internet Are Watched.

Research shows that 85% of people will purchase an item after seeing it in a video. This is why most people search on Google for things seen in adverts. The impression on videos can attract people to videos, and statistics show that 80.1% of advertising videos are watched. Reports indicate that an average internet user watches over 32 videos monthly, and YouTube accounts for 33% of video views. YouTube is a regularly visited platform, and a weekly report reveals that 78% of people watch videos here. Mobile video ads will create more efficient responses on mobile devices than desktops.

15. Ad Views are Searched Immediately on Google by 50% of People.

After viewing an ad, 50% of shoppers search for products on Google using their mobile device. Mobile devices are what most shoppers use to discover products and get enough information about them.

16. Google Ads Mobile Click-Through Rates are Higher than Desktop Rates.

However, click-through rates are necessary for tracking mobile marketing performance, and getting a 100% click-through rate is impossible. Desktop click-through rates are achievable but greater on mobile devices, especially from Google Ads. The speed at which people purchase an item upon seeing a mobile ad is a marketing strategy. Some marketers are appealed by 1% or 2% purchases from adverts they created.

17. 80% of Consumers like Receiving Alerts From Marketers in their Locality.

An effective way to target your audience is by location and sourcing important information locally. Companies and marketers use such alerts to inform consumers of products around them, especially within their vicinity. In a survey, 80% of consumers admitted they liked receiving alerts, which made them think great about the service personalization. Statistics also showed that consumers would patronize businesses that send them signals. 

18. About 40% of Millennials Consumers Like To Receive Texts from Brands.

Most customers will cherish personalized service. It gives them a sense of belonging. Statistics show that 40% of Millennials would feel encouraged when their favorite brands send them a text. This approach is a win for businesses as half of the customers who receive texts from their brands will likely make another purchase. Sending texts to consumers is important to avoid losing out on sales or big deals. Additionally, 75% of marketers would probably send deals or promotions to their consumers via SMS. SMS marketing statistics show a greater chance of coupons being 10 times redeemable by consumers over other marketing means.

19. 69% of People Would Rather Read a Product Review on Their Device Than Ask a Staff Member.

When you’re indecisive about buying a product, you may like to ask staff or read the product review online. Statistics show that 69% of in-shoppers check online to see what people have to say about a product than ask a sales staff. Most people don’t consult staff because the sales team may not be genuine with their response. Unlike independent online reviews, sales team responses may not be separate since they may try to make sales.

20. Most of Facebook’s Ad Revenues in 2019 Were Generated From Mobile.

Mobile marketing is Facebook’s largest advertising revenue source, accounting for 92% of mobile Facebook ads generated revenue. Statistics reveal that 94% of the total Facebook Ads revenue in 2019, worth $16.34 billion, came from mobile marketing. The use of Facebook on mobile devices increased, leaving about 1.7% of desktop users on the website in 2022. This means the growth in Facebook ad revenue is greatly attributed to mobile ad spending. Furthermore, the proportion of Facebook-generated ad revenue on mobile should increase, but Facebook has stopped releasing reports on ads generated on mobile.

21. Mobile E-commerce Powered The Fashion Industry With 71% Sales in 2022.

Digital technological advancement has influenced the fashion industry in recent years. Mobile phones significantly aided fashion brands in awareness, recognition, large audience capturing, and sales boost. Online sales of fashion products on mobile devices have increased, thereby driving the fashion industry generally. Statistics reveal that mobile commerce powered 71% of online sales of fashion products in 2022.

22. Mobile Commerce Sales in the US Amounted To $431.04 Billion in 2022.

The US experienced massive sales from the use of mobile devices, generating up to $431.04 billion. There’s an increase in the trend compared to the sales in the previous year, estimated to be $362.11. Mobile commerce has become a major utility for driving online sales for brands and businesses. 


Mobile Marketing provides a prominent channel for marketers and businesses to reach consumers. Mobile marketing has numerous benefits for companies; many brands have adopted the system. Consumers spend a lot of time on their mobile looking for how to access promotions and deals while searching for product reviews.

On the other hand, marketers put up ads to reach consumers, which convert more on mobile devices than on different channels. So, mobile marketing plays a vital role by helping to link marketers, businesses, brands, and companies to potential consumers. For efficient mobile marketing, different strategies are necessary, not neglecting mobile-friendliness to appeal to your audience, as we’ve established in the statistics above. 


What is mobile phone marketing?

How effective is mobile marketing?

What is the future of mobile marketing?


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20 Amazon Seller Statistics & Facts You Need to Know in 2023 Tue, 14 Nov 2023 14:11:03 +0000 Main Amazon Seller Statistics

In This Guide Main Amazon Seller Statistics Overview of Amazon Seller Statistics 1. Amazon’s Sales Are Expected to Hit $746.22 Billion in 2023.  2. Yearly Independent Sellers Make Billions in...

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Main Amazon Seller Statistics
In This Guide

Online shopping has taken off recently, with Amazon leading the way. The e-commerce giant dominates the marketplace by focusing on seller success and customer experience. Amazon offers unparalleled shopping and selling. Full stop. As an individual seller, you can tap into their massive global reach to grow your business. In 2020 alone, Amazon powered $200 billion in sales for third-party sellers – record growth even for them. Now that’s impressive.

The numbers tell the story: Amazon has the scale and shoppers to improve your business. This article highlights 20 key Amazon seller statistics worth knowing. Opportunities abound if you understand how to leverage Amazon’s marketplace. Read on to learn more.

Main Amazon Seller Statistics

Main Amazon Seller Statistics

The key statistics tell the story:

  • Out of the 9.7 million sellers registered on Amazon, just 1.9 million engaged actively on the site. 
  • Sellers on Amazon located in the United States sold products worth more than $4.1 billion in 2022.
  • Amazon sellers in the United States made an average of $230,000
  • Sales of brand owners increased by over 20% with the help of independent sellers.
  • Sales forecasts have predicted that Amazon sales in 2023 will hit $746.22 billion
  • Over 300 million people actively use the Amazon platform.
  • Most shoppers on Amazon use the forum due to the wide range of products and price variance.
  • About 1.8 million jobs were created in the United States by sellers on Amazon. 
  • Over 60% of Amazon sales are from independent sellers.
  • 76% of Amazon sellers do their business operations outside their homes.
  • 29% of sellers on Amazon collaborate with partners in their business operations.
  • Most Amazon sellers make an average profit between 14% and 28% margin.
  • Over 50% of Amazon third-party vendors are between 27 and 44 years of age.

Overview of Amazon Seller Statistics

Overview of Amazon Seller Statistics

Starting an online store on Amazon is a great idea, but it is a challenging task. It requires much work and the ability to face competition from brands that sell related products on the platform. However, the statistics below show independent sellers’ role in the marketplace. These independent sellers are essential to the marketplace ecosystem, and Amazon drives toward supporting their activities with better incentives. Though the Amazon marketplace is highly saturated, this hasn’t stopped many from succeeding on the platform. 

1. Amazon’s Sales Are Expected to Hit $746.22 Billion in 2023. 

With its large user base, amazon will continue to dominate online retailing. Experts expect Amazon sales to hit $746.22 billion by the end of 2023. It is the largest e-commerce retail platform globally, accounting for 37.8% of e-commerce activities in the United States retail market. 

2. Yearly Independent Sellers Make Billions in Sales on the Amazon Market Place.

Independent sellers make billions yearly on the Amazon marketplace place, which explains the level of support it receives from Amazon. Independent sellers made a whopping sale of $4.1 billion globally. The presence of a large number of independent, trusted sellers on the Amazon platform has attracted a great number of people for everyday online shopping. The influx of sellers, brands, and buyers benefits all parties, including Amazon. Over the years, Amazon has boosted its buyers’ confidence in independent services’ products and services. Amazon’s efforts have yielded tremendous returns regarding sales from independent sellers. 

3. An Average of $230,000 was Made By Sellers Based in the United States in 2022.

Independent sellers who have been carrying out e-commerce activities on Amazon over the years have achieved quite a good feat in terms of sales. In 2022, sellers on Amazon based in the United States made $230,000. This is, however, not the experience of all sellers based in the United States but a demonstration of how much sellers can make via selling on the platform. One primary reason for the high sales recorded by independent sellers is the global audience that the Amazon platform provides. Data shows that Amazon ships products across 100 countries of the world. Most sellers on the Amazon platform do not touch any of the products but rather manage an online store, customer service, and promote sales.

4. Independent Sellers Focus on Selling Those Products That People Are Likelier to Purchase.

Focusing on selling your products on Amazon is different from a custom seller. This is because most independent sellers focus on the effects of popular brands. Most independent sellers on the Amazon platform operate on a supply and demand system as it has better financial gain. A good number of brands have experienced up to 20% increase in sales due to the activities of independent sellers. Even though Amazon has grown to be a vast conglomerate, it still has the means to benefit every person involved. The platform continues to grow in leaps and bounds as all parties involved are satisfied. 

5. Leading Customer Service Delivery.

Most buyers (90%) are satisfied with their customer service experience on Amazon. 33% of users of the Amazon platform stated the quick response of the customer service representative is the most appealing feature of the Amazon store.

6. A Large Number of Products Are Sold Daily on Amazon.

Many products are sold even with independent sellers on the Amazon platform globally. An average of 7,400 products are sold every minute on Amazon, and this number is expected to keep increasing. Below are some interesting facts on Amazon sales:

  • 32% of retailers on Amazon are actively involved in kitchen and home products sales
  • 40% of Amazon customers have used the services of a voice assistant to purchase a product.
  • 26% of shoppers on Amazon purchase the first sampled product on a search result.
  • 50% of Amazon sellers stated that its products compete with theirs.
  • Over 80% of Amazon sellers also put their products on other online stores.

Amazon has created a massive online market space to accommodate all involved in the buying and selling process of products.

7. Amazon Sellers Have Created Several Jobs.

Amazon sellers have created about 2 million jobs in the United States. Though most sellers on Amazon run their online stores themselves, they are those who require the help of others to sell products. The sales activities of sellers have created a total of 1.8 million jobs just in the United States, and this will not be slowing down anytime soon.

8. It Takes Most Shoppers Less Than 15 Minutes to Purchase on Amazon.

It takes most shoppers 15 minutes or less to purchase on Amazon. However, 28% of shoppers take barely 3 minutes to complete a purchase order on Amazon. Ensuring a good customer experience will encourage repeated purchases

In a survey, Amazon became the topmost online sales channel for gift and online shopping in the fourth quarter of 2022. 67% of persons in the survey intended to make an online gift purchase on Amazon stores. Walmart was the second most used online gift store, with 36% in the fourth quarter of 2022. 

10. Over $5,000 is Made Monthly By 55% of Amazon Sellers.

Over 50% of sellers earn over $5,000, 16% earn between $10,000 and $25,000, and 47% have a lifetime sale of over $100,000 monthly

Amazon Seller Mode of Operation

Amazon Seller Mode of Operation

There is no easy cutout pattern for success as an Amazon seller. While learning from the success stories of others, you should expect a unique journey.

11. The Majority of Independent Amazon Sellers Work in Their Homes.

It is known that most Amazon sellers operate their business within the comfort of their homes. Amazon has made many efforts in portfolio management and enabling sales operations outside the home. 76% of Amazon independent sellers prefer to operate business outside the home. These groups of individuals make as much as a million dollars yearly from the comfort of their homes. This business model creates room for expansion without payment for a storage or rental facility for operations. Though there is bound to be a fluctuation in the number of home-based sellers, there will always be many independent sellers. Many sellers have risen to create a brand name for themselves through this business model. 

12. Sellers on Amazon Collaborate With Partners in Carrying Out Their Business Operations.

As an independent seller on Amazon, you have access to the right tools to get started on your sales journey and achieve success. Some persons prefer to embark on this journey alone, while others prefer to get others involved in their business operations. On Amazon, 29% of sellers have partners involved in their business operations; this implies that they will have to share profits alongside logistics. Working with a partner on Amazon will help to reduce the stress and also increase the volume of sales. Since a partnership may not always lead to success, sellers must be cautious when considering bringing in a partner. 

13.  Digital Marketing Is An Important Tool in Driving Sales.

Digital marketing is a very vital tool when it has to do with generating online sales. The organic traffic generated by Amazon is insufficient to pull in massive sales because of the over-saturation of the marketplace. The traditional media of marketing is gradually fading out with the presence of digital marketing worldwide. There are various avenues of digital marketing ranging from using social media, ads on social media, paid search, and influencer campaigns. All of which can help pull sales from the target audience. Using e-commerce tools across various marketing channels is how most Amazon sellers drive sales traffic

14. Amazon Sellers Make Up 14% of the Profit Margin.

Most people become sellers on Amazon to earn a good income. The profit margin of most sellers on Amazon lies between 14% and 28%. Sellers in the fine arts and collectibles category make an average profit margin of 14%, and automobile and car parts accessories range from 21% to 100%. However, just 42% of Amazon sellers receive up to the average profit margin. 

Important Sellers Support System

Important Sellers Support System

Amazon sellers owe their success to the platform’s business integrations and support systems. Services such as a space to sell products and provide information, resources, and tools to sellers have brought success to most users of the forum. However, not all sellers take advantage of these services, which is a reason for the failure of most sellers.

15. The Cost-Effectiveness of Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA costs an average of 30% to 70% less than the traditional shipment method. This makes shipping products using Amazon appealing to most sellers as they want to conserve costs permanently. Multiple features are displayed on the Amazon platform that draw the attention of buyers and increase product purchases.

16. Subscribe and Save to Boost Sales Volume.

The subscribe and save feature has helped increase sellers’ sales volume and has invariably boosted most sellers’ profit margins. Buyers who purchase household items are the highest users of the subscribe and save feature. 

17. Amazon Offers Startup Capital to New Sellers.

Some people need little capital, while others have big ideas for operating their online storeIrrespective of your needs, Amazon provides the best offers for individual entrepreneurs. About $2.1 billion was lent out to sellers by Amazon in 2022. The success of many sellers can be associated with Amazon’s financial assistance.

18. Amazon’s Net Sales Have Continued to Grow.

As Amazon’s net sales continue to grow, so also does the success of independent sellers increase. Many sellers want a part of its success without realizing that it takes great effort to get there. Below is a table showing Amazon’s net sales in 2021 and 2022. 

Timeframe Net Sales 2021 Net Sales 2022
Q1 $108.52B $116.44B
Q2 $113.08B $121.23B
Q3 $110.81B $127B
Q4 $137.41B $149.2B

From the table above, we see that Amazon increased net sales in 2022, all thanks to its sellers, who are actively involved in ensuring sales. 

19. Prime Members Keep Increasing.

The Amazon Prime membership program was launched in 2005 and is accessible in all countries. Subscribers have unrestricted two-day access to ship products and video and music streaming. In 2013, there were 17 million subscribers, and in 2022, Amazon had 168 million subscribers to its Prime membership program. Prime members make up a significant part of sales generation on the Amazon platform. 

20. Amazon Revenue.

The volume of revenue generated by Amazon sales and e-commerce activities increased considerably between 2004 and 2022. In 2021, the company made a net total revenue of $470 billion; in 2022, it made about $514 billion.


Amazon is more than just the biggest online store – it’s a bustling marketplace of independent sellers making a living. Amazon sells everything – gadgets, clothes, grooming supplies. It has become many sellers’ full-time income source.

The key to Amazon’s success is its community of regular, trusted sellers. Data tells that by letting entrepreneurs easily reach customers globally, Amazon enables job creation and boosts its profits. Amazon offers sellers helpful tools to succeed. Fulfillment by Amazon handles shipping and returns, freeing you up to focus on sales. Amazon Prime gives your products exclusive access to over 200 million loyal members. Features like subscribe and save help you earn repeat business.

Amazon offers endless opportunities for ambitious sellers. With the right game plan, anyone can launch and grow a business on their platform. Your diligent work can become a thriving livelihood by tapping into Amazon’s massive reach and existing buyer base. You need to consider facts and data and make them work for you.


What are the best products to sell on Amazon?

How much does an Amazon FBA cost?

Can I sell it for free on Amazon?


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The Economics of Christmas – A Statistical Look at Holiday Spending Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:32:58 +0000 Economics of Christmas holiday statistics

The economics of Christmas are a big deal for the global economy – and we’re not just talking about buying Christmas gifts for economists. Indeed, the Christmas shopping phenomenon carves...

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Economics of Christmas holiday statistics

Economics of Christmas statistics

The economics of Christmas are a big deal for the global economy – and we’re not just talking about buying Christmas gifts for economists. Indeed, the Christmas shopping phenomenon carves out a very busy season for consumers and retailers around the world.

Many economists have tried to analyze Christmas shopping. After all, buying Christmas gifts is a complex phenomenon, not least because of the challenges of choosing the right gifts for the right person. 

Another element of Christmas shopping is purchasing food, trees, and decorations. Shopping for these items, among others, makes up the economics of Christmas – something marketers should be quite familiar with. 

But what do people usually spend the most money on during the holiday shopping season? Do more Americans buy gifts than Brits? Do Europeans prefer to shop for decorations rather than gifts?

These burning questions are the reason why we’ve put together this guide to the economics of Christmas and the statistics of holiday spending. Let’s dive in.

Key Holiday Spending Statistics

  1. The global market for Christmas decorations was estimated to be $6.8 billion in 2021 and is forecast to grow to surpass $9 billion by 2026.
  2. In 2023, the value of holiday shopping in the US is predicted to reach almost $1 trillion – $30 billion more than in 2022.
  3. Christmas will cost US households an average of $1,171 in 2023.
  4. The UK’s estimated Christmas retail sales are predicted to reach almost £85 billion in 2023.
  5. Online-only retailers will be the preferred Christmas shopping destination for over 60% of US consumers in 2023.
  6. 55% of US consumers are planning to use Buy Now, Pay Later services, credit cards, or lines of credit this holiday season.
  7. In the UK, retailers are planning to spend £9.5 billion on holiday advertising in 2023.

Christmas Spending By Type

People shop for different things during the Christmas season. Of course, gifts are the biggest ticket item, but other purchases, such as Christmas trees and decorations, are also worth considering.


Holiday Gifts Bought by US Consumers

Source: Statista

We all love giving and receiving Christmas gifts – although the planning aspect of it can be stressful. One of the most stressful things about Christmas shopping is figuring out what to get for everyone. 

In the last two years, over 75% of American consumers bought clothes, toys, hobby items, and gift cards for their loved ones. In the UK, the most desirable gifts in 2022 were cash transfers (44%), clothes (40%), and cosmetics (39%).

Trees & Decorations

Planned Christmas Tree Expenditure US Consumers

Source: Statista

Christmas decorations are an integral part of the holiday, and people love them. The global market for Christmas decorations was estimated to be $6.8 billion in 2021 and is forecast to surpass $9 billion by 2026.

However, inflation is a major concern for Christmas shoppers today, and the cost of decorations is as affected as other areas. For instance, the price of gift wrap saw an inflation rate in 2022 of 16.4%.

Many people across generations are inspired by social media content when it comes to shopping for Christmas decorations. Here’s an overview of where people shop for decorations across three major markets:

Shopping Channels USA UK Germany
Department stores 35% 32% 23%
Discount retailers 31% 35% 24%
Online 31% 31% 36%
Decoration stores 21% 20% 29%
Xmas markets 17% 27% 31%
Hardware stores 14% 7% 18%
Flea markets 10% 6% 9%
Drugstores 9% 3% 17%
Furniture stores 7% 7% 9%
Flower stores 7% 6% 12%

As for Christmas tree shopping, 21% of US Generation Z members spent between $25 and $50 on trees in 2022. Only 8% didn’t buy a tree.

The largest group of those aged 30 to 49 spent between $50 and $75 (21% of consumers), or $25 to $50 (18%). As for Baby Boomers, the largest reported group, at 14%, chose not to spend over $50.

Christmas Spending by Region


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Almost a third of consumers around the world reported in 2022 that inflation was their biggest holiday shopping challenge. Others were economic uncertainty, lost earnings, and lack of savings and credit. Let’s take a look at how consumers in different countries are spending with their Christmas shopping.

US Christmas Spending

Estimates Money Spend Christmas Gifts

Source: Statista

In 2023, the value of holiday shopping in the US is predicted to reach almost $1 trillion – $30 billion more than in 2022.

According to WorldRemit, Christmas will cost US households an average of $1,171 in 2023. In 2022, US consumers spent an average of $867 on Christmas gifts – approximately 70% of all Christmas expenses, with the rest going towards Christmas food and decorations.

In 2023, almost 75% of Americans will be buying fewer gifts, according to Ipsos, due to inflation. Some 38% will be buying cheaper gifts, and 26% will reduce the number of people they’re buying gifts for.

When it comes to American parents buying gifts for their children, 21% of them spent $50 to $100 per gift in 2022. Only 17% spent more than $200, and 7% spent less than $25.

Christmas Spending in Canada

Average Household Christmas Spending Canada

Source: Statista

Gift spending made up the lion’s share of Canadian Christmas shopping in 2022, with decorations spending being more than 50% less. However, there are noticeable generational differences when it comes to Canadian Christmas shopping.

For instance, Canadian Generation Xers spent the most on Christmas shopping in 2022 – over CA$1,500. The smallest spenders – understandably, given their weaker purchasing power – were Gen Zers. Their average expenditure that year was CA$1,173.

As in the US, many Canadian consumers have had their Christmas shopping adversely impacted by inflation, with over 61% reporting this. For others, adverse factors included rising food prices (53%) and rising fuel prices (32%).

Christmas Spending in Europe


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How does European Christmas spending differ from American and Canadian? Let’s find out.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom On average, every UK consumer will spend around £54,000 in their lifetime on Christmas shopping. And a significant percentage of that spending will be on Christmas presents. In 2023, UK consumers are predicted to spend the most on toys (GBP 41 per average consumer), which was also the case in 2022. As for clothing, the average expenditure per consumer in 2023 is higher than in 2022 - GBP 36 compared to GBP 24.

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On average, every UK consumer will spend around £54,000 in their lifetime on Christmas shopping. A significant percentage of this spending will be on Christmas gifts. 

In 2023, UK consumers are predicted to spend the most on toys (£41 on average per consumer), which was also the case in 2022.

As for clothing, the average expenditure per consumer in 2023 is rated higher than in 2022 – £36 compared to £24The biggest Christmas spenders in the UK in 2023 will be London, with sales forecast to reach £15.36 billion in the region. 

Here’s a breakdown of UK regional Christmas spending forecasts for 2023 and YoY growth compared with 2022.

Region Xmas 2023 spending, £ billion YoY Growth
London 15.36 3.3%
South East 13.07 2%
North West 8.33 4.5%
East England 8.25 1.4%
South West 6.99 3.7%
West Midlands 6.84 4.1%
Scotland 6.75 3.9%
Yorkshire & Humberside 5.80 2.3%
East Midlands 5.39 4.2%
Wales 3.50 4.5%
North East 2.70 5.9%
Northern Ireland 2.07 4.8%


Total Christmas Spending in European Retail statistics

Source: Statista

Despite the cost of living crisis in the UK, the country is forecast to be the European leader in total Christmas spending. The country’s estimated retail Christmas sales this season are predicted to reach almost £85 billion.

To compare, Germany’s spending is forecast to reach £74 billion and Belgium’s to reach just £9.72 billion.

In some European countries such as the Netherlands, people spend just as much on Christmas food as they do on gifts – not least because a lot of gifts are given on Sinterklaas Day rather than on Christmas Day.

In fact, almost 30% of Dutch Christmas expenses go towards groceries. Another 10% is spent on winter clothes, and sweets and homeware are responsible for 7% each.

Christmas Shopping by Method

Holiday Shopping Plans Among US Consumers statistics

Source: Statista

Traditionally, brick-and-mortar retailers went all out during the Christmas season, decorating their stores and playing Christmas music. Today, this tradition still holds in some places – after all, people do still shop in stores. However, with advancements in ecommerce, there are more Christmas shopping options available than ever.

In this section, we’ll take a look at how people around the world do Christmas shopping and how they pay for it.


Retail E-Commerce Holiday Season US Sales

Source: Statista

As we mentioned above, about a third of consumers in the US, the UK, and Germany shop for Christmas decorations online. But what about gifts?

In our guide to holiday shopping, we noted that online Christmas shopping is growing exponentially, and 2023 isn’t an exception to this trend.

Over 50% of consumers bought gifts online in 2022, and more are expected to do so in 2023. In fact, forecasts predict that online-only retailers will be the preferred Christmas shopping destination for over 60% of US consumers in 2023

In Germany, the figure for online Christmas shopping in 2022 is just as high, at 62%, with many Germans choosing to shop online to avoid crowds and find better priced options.

For the UK, that figure is smaller, at only 31%, but it’s still 1% higher than in 2022. A significant reason for the smaller percentage may be a sign of British consumers wanting to support smaller local businesses without an online presence after COVID-19.

However, 40% of UK consumers confirmed that they’d be encouraged to shop more with small businesses if they price-matched online discounts.



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We’ve explored the rise of mobile commerce in previous guides and, given this, it would be wise for retailers to ensure their websites are optimized for mobile shopping.

According to a VoucherCodes report, mobile commerce spending in the UK this holiday season will increase by almost 8% in 2023 compared to the previous year, to reach £12.52 billion. A big reason for this is social media apps’ various integrations with ecommerce tools – something Gen Z consumers appreciate most of all.


Despite the popularity of ecommerce, some consumers still prefer traditional brick-and-mortar Christmas shopping. In 2021 and 2022, 43% of US Christmas shoppers preferred to shop in-store rather than online – an understandable increase of 4% from 2020, with the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions.

Planned Payment Methods for UK Holiday Spending

Source: Statista

With Christmas shopping getting more and more expensive, people are increasingly turning to debt to finance their purchases. We’ll now take a look at the most popular payment methods for Christmas buys.

BNPL & Credit Cards

Holidays can get very expensive. Because of this, we’re seeing a lot of consumers take on debt to cover Christmas shopping. For instance, in the US, 55% of consumers plan to use Buy Now, Pay Later services, credit cards, or lines of credit this holiday season.

Credit cards were also used by 21% of British consumers in 2022. Over 8% were planning to use store credit or payment plans. BNPL was preferred by 4% of UK consumers in 2021, with 7.7% planning to use it in 2023. Another 3% will turn to payday loans in 2023.

Debit Cards & Cash

Cash and debit cards were the preferred payment method of UK consumers in 2021, chosen by over 50% of consumers. In 2023, 41% of British consumers will be using debit cards, with cash being favored by 18%.

In terms of funding, 66% of consumers used their salary to fund Christmas gifts in 2022 – a figure that’s expected to drop to 64% in 2023. Savings will be used by 20% of UK consumers in 2023.

Holiday Season Marketing & Advertising Statistics

The holiday season is a special time for retailers and marketers, as they have to tailor their strategy to the period. In this section, we’ll take a look at the key marketing statistics during this holiday period, especially those related to spending.

Christmas Ad & Marketing Statistics

Holiday Advertising Spending US Changes

Source: Statista

In 2023, 31% of American retailers say they’re planning to increase holiday ad spending, while 55% are planning to keep the budget at 2022’s levels. Only 12% will spend less. This shows that retailers are seeing the value of holiday advertising for reaching the people.

In the UK, retailers are planning to spend £9.5 billion on holiday advertising in 2023, according to the Advertising Association. This figure amounts to a 4.8% increase on 2022. Another £1.5 billion will go on TV advertising.

When it comes to email marketing, retailers have a lot to play with. Almost 70% of consumers pay more attention than usual to retailer emails in their inboxes during the holiday shopping period.

And mobile optimization is key – 55% of emails today are opened on mobile, and if the email isn’t optimized across devices, 42% of consumers will delete it.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media in US Holiday Shopping Statistics

Source: Statista

Social networks are an increasingly important source of shopping inspiration for people across all generations – and the holiday season is no exception for this.

In 2022, over a third of American consumers used social media for their Christmas shopping, and given the growth of this trend over the last three years, we’re expecting that it’ll be even more prevalent in 2023.

Here’s a breakdown of the social networks that had the most influence on Christmas shopping in 2022:

Social Network Percentage of influenced purchases
Facebook 43%
YouTube 36%
Instagram 35%
Pinterest 31%
TikTok 29%
Twitter 13%
Snapchat 13%

Christmas shopping has been impacted by several trends in the last few years – namely, inflation and the cost of living, consumers’ increased interest in sustainable shopping, and changes in shopping preferences, such as ecommerce vs. traditional retail.

Although we don’t know what the future holds for holiday spending, we can make a few educated guesses.

Digital Transformation

We’re already seeing the huge impact of digital transformation on holiday shopping – ecommerce and mobile commerce are just two examples. With the advancement of technologies like AR/VR and AI, it’s not hard to imagine them making their way into Christmas shopping. Some examples include:

  • Seeing how Christmas ornaments look in your home with AR
  • Trying on Christmas jumpers virtually
  • Personalized AI product recommendations based on your past purchases.


And speaking of personalized products…

Personalization is emerging as a key driver for holiday spending trends, with 90% of marketers saying that it makes a huge difference to their profitability.

Data analytics and AI advancements enable businesses to analyze customer preferences, which allows them to tailor and deliver highly personalized offers. From customized recommendations to tailored promotions, businesses use technology to create a more personalized holiday shopping experience.

This trend not only enhances customer satisfaction but also enhances brand loyalty, ensuring consumers come back for Christmas shopping, year after year.


The popularity of anti-Black Friday campaigns, coupled with consumers’ increased awareness of environmental issues, points to a shift toward more conscious and sustainable shopping.

Consumers prefer to buy from brands that align with their values, and companies are responding to the trend – although some are doing better than others.

This shift encourages businesses to implement sustainability strategies across their entire operations, which is both a response to changing consumer needs and a channel to encourage individuals to shop more sustainably.

Closing Thoughts

Holiday shopping is a busy and sometimes stressful time. For consumers, the range of gift choices and questions of what to buy for whom can be overwhelming. Coupled with inflation and the increasing cost of living, planning for Christmas in 2023 is a huge challenge.

For retailers, it’s no picnic either. Creating and coordinating holiday marketing campaigns is a big job, and so is monitoring their success and analyzing how much people are spending and what they’re shopping for.

However, capturing this data is essential – not only for developing the following year’s holiday season marketing strategy but also for learning about your consumers’ preferences and monitoring changes in their behavior

And that’s why we’ve put together this guide to holiday spending – to help you tailor your strategies and ensure you’re using the right benchmarks.


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Cyber Monday Sales Boom – A Statistical Look at Online Shopping Trends Thu, 09 Nov 2023 12:32:59 +0000 Cyber Monday Sales

The Cyber Monday sales boom is a true phenomenon today. Following the Black Friday weekend, Cyber Monday forms the backbone of Cyber Week, arguably the biggest shopping event of the year,...

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Cyber Monday Sales

Cyber Monday Sales statistics

The Cyber Monday sales boom is a true phenomenon today. Following the Black Friday weekend, Cyber Monday forms the backbone of Cyber Week, arguably the biggest shopping event of the year, which also marks the start of Christmas shopping for many people.

If you work in sales, marketing, or fulfillment anywhere in the world, Cyber Week is likely a crazy period for you, especially given the rise of ecommerce. Indeed, online sales during the week have skyrocketed in recent years, even surpassing offline retail sales.

If you’re new to Cyber Week, where do you even begin? What kind of things do people buy the most, and which demographics should you focus your efforts on?

These questions come up every year. For that reason, we’ve put together this guide to the Cyber Monday sales boom, which answers them, as well as many more. Let’s dive in.

We’ll start off by exploring both Cyber Week trends and Cyber Monday trends, specifically.

High Participation

Overall, 86% of consumers will be participating in Cyber Week 2023, according to Impact’s research. At least 79% of these shoppers will be doing some of their shopping online, with the majority engaging in mobile commerce.

Regarding Cyber Monday specifically, a DriveResearch report tells us that the percentage of consumers who will be participating in 2023 is 66% – 2% up from 2022 and 21% up from 2021.


Consumers say they plan to spend a similar amount in 2023 as in 2022 during Cyber Week, or less, due to ongoing cost of living challenges worldwide.

A small share of consumers (10%) will be spending over $1,000, but most consumers won’t be going beyond $600. On Cyber Monday itself, 22% of consumers will be spending between $400 and $599.


As in years before, discounts and promotions will be the main drivers behind Cyber Week and Cyber Monday shopping.

As many consumers use the occasion to do their holiday shopping or to stock up on essentials, retailers must show the value of their promotions. Some 81% of Cyber Monday shoppers are driven by discounts, and 80% by free shipping.

Now, let’s look at the key statistics and trends for Cyber Monday around the world.


Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotional activities

Source: Statista

With the US being the birthplace of Cyber Week and Black Friday, it’s naturally a leader in these events. In 2022, more than 8 out of 10 American retailers engaged in Cyber Monday marketing campaigns.

These high statistics are no surprise – almost 14% of all retail shopping in 2019 occurred during Cyber Week. In 2022, that figure grew to 15.6%.

On average, the buying activity of American consumers is 512% higher on Cyber Monday than on days of the year that aren’t in Cyber Week. To compare, that percentage exceeds 1,000 on Black Friday.

Some 31% of US consumers plan to do holiday shopping on Cyber Monday in 2023 – up 1% from 2022 and 4% from 2021. The figure for Black Friday 2023 is at a similar level.

Although many US consumers shop online during Cyber Week, others still venture to brick-and-mortar stores. According to Statista, people from the American South were most likely to shop in-store on Cyber Monday (70.3%), followed by the US West (69.7%).

UK & Europe

Heard of BFCM?

Source: Statista

A lot of people in Europe have heard of Black Friday. However, the level of awareness for Cyber Monday is less than 100%. For instance, almost 9 out of 10 people in the UK and 8 out of 10 people in Germany have heard of it, but in Belgium, the figure is only 64%, and in Denmark, 69%.

Nevertheless, many people in Europe do take advantage of Cyber Monday sales. For example, in Poland, 11% of consumers shopped in the sales on the day in 2022. The figure was higher in previous years, however. In Germany, 66% of consumers are keen to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

In the UK, over 50% of consumers say they have been saving up money in the months before the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. More consumers also seem to be driven toward offline retail than previously – for 33% of Brits, offline retailers are a great way to find new products.

Other Countries

Cyber Monday Brazil Sales statistics

Source: Statista

Cyber Monday is a recognized phenomenon outside the US and Europe, as well. For example, Brazilian online retailers generated over R$700 million ($151 million) in sales on 2022’s Cyber Monday and almost R$830 million ($170 million) in 2021.

In Australia, where Black Friday and Cyber Monday were first adopted in 2013, the two shopping occasions saw total sales of AUD$7 billion ($4.5 billion) in 2022.

Cyber Monday Spending & Revenue Statistics


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So, how much do consumers actually spend on Cyber Monday, and with which retailers? Let’s find out.

Cyber Monday Revenue

In 2022, Cyber Monday sales in the US brought in $11.3 billion in total. That’s 5.8% higher than the year before and is the highest recorded Cyber Monday sales figure to date.

The $11.3 billion spent on Cyber Monday makes up just under a third of all Cyber Week spending in 2022. Overall, Cyber Monday revenue made up 5.34% of 2022 holiday shopping.

In 2023, Cyber Monday sales are expected to surpass $13.5 billion.

Cyber Monday Winners


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Unsurprisingly, Amazon has been the lead Cyber Monday retailer for the last two years, with a 23% share in 2022

Other 2022 Cyber Monday winners were Walmart (21%) and Target (10%). The rankings were similar in 2021

Cyber Monday Shopping by Demographics

Consumers have wide-ranging preferences. However, marketers know that there are certain patterns among consumers that become apparent on special retail occasions, and Cyber Monday is no exception to this. Let’s take a look at how different people shop on the biggest sales Monday of the year.

Generational Cyber Monday Shopping


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According to Impact, consumers across generations will predominantly be shopping online during Cyber Week and Cyber Monday 2023.

That was mostly the case in 2022 as well, although Gen X buyers were more likely to shop in-store that year. In 2023, 12% of Gen Z-ers are willing to shop in stores, but just 4% of Baby Boomers will do the same.


Black Friday Cyber Monday sales sped Great Britain

Source: Statista

According to a study by Kansas University, both women and men are equally likely to shop online on Cyber Monday. However, the study reports that men are more likely to shop on Cyber Monday than on Black Friday due to the convenience, while women are likely to prefer to shop on Black Friday.

In terms of product choices, men tend to show a preference for electronic goods, while more women shop for fashion and apparel. As for gender and age, women in their mid-to-late twenties tend to shop more for makeup and cosmetics, while millennial men (30-45) prefer toys and games.

How Do People Shop on Cyber Monday?

The rise of ecommerce has been a revolution in the retail world – something that’s even more obvious during events like Cyber Week. People still shop in-store, though, and even online shopping habits are altered by events like these. Let’s look at Cyber Monday shopping in more detail.

Online vs. Offline

CM shoppers

Source: NRF

The National Retail Federation tells us that in 2022, the vast majority of Cyber Monday shoppers (77 million) shopped online, compared to 22.6 million consumers who shopped in stores.

A record number of those online shoppers (59%) used a mobile phone for their purchases – 8% more than the year before – highlighting the significant need for retailers to invest in mobile optimization.

In 2023, we’re expecting to see the same trend for the majority of consumers to shop on mobile during Cyber Week and on Cyber Monday. 

We’ll now take a brief look at the differences between the various types of shopping on Cyber Monday.

Desktop vs. Mobile


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Retailers’ conversion rates on Desktop were actually higher than on mobile devices on Cyber Monday in 2022 – at 6.9% vs. 3.6%. Although more people shopped on mobile devices on Cyber Monday 2022, more goods were purchased on average via desktop websites than on mobile apps.

CM shopping

Source: Nielsen

As on Black Friday 2022, electronics were some of the most popular purchased items, according to Nielsen. In fact, electronics sales were almost 400% up from the 2021 Cyber Monday. Given that the discounts peaked at 25% off the listed price, that’s hardly surprising.

Toys were another popular category, with almost a third of consumers buying them. According to Adobe, sales of toys grew by a whopping 684% in 2022 compared to regular shopping periods.

Discounts on toys were even bigger than on electronics, with almost 35% off, compared to 19% the year before. The most popular toys were Lego, Encanto-themed items, and Pokemon Cards.

Over 40% of consumers worldwide bought clothing and accessories on Cyber Monday 2022. The peak discounts were 18%, up 5% from Cyber Monday 2021.

CM attendance

Source: DriveResearch

Cyber Week isn’t going anywhere any time soon, and Cyber Monday is a big part of it. We’re very interested to see what the future holds for Cyber Monday. Here are some of our predictions for 2024 and beyond.

Extended Sales

A lot of people take time off for Thanksgiving that stretches beyond the weekend, and chances are, they’d like to continue enjoying Cyber Week discounts. We already have many retailers offering early Black Friday sales, and the event itself has stretched into a week.

We, therefore, see no reason why the same thing can’t happen with Cyber Monday, giving people more time for their holiday shopping. Extending Cyber Monday can also help relieve the pressure to buy everything in a day.

Mobile Commerce

Online shopping statistics show that many people are shopping on mobile phones more and more. To keep up with the move toward mobile commerce, retailers have to invest in optimizing their websites for mobile. 

When it comes to Cyber Week and Cyber Monday, that’s particularly acute. Though some people might be off work that Monday, a lot of consumers will want to access Cyber Monday sales remotely via their own devices. To tap into this Cyber Monday market segment, consumers should ensure mobile optimization.

Omnichannel Experience 

Since both online and offline Cyber Monday shopping have been increasingly popular in the last couple of years, it’s important to consider how retailers can reach more audiences on each channel. Omnichannel experience is key to that.

With a successful omnichannel strategy, consumers should be able to browse products, buy them, and even return them through a variety of channels, such as websites, mobile apps, in-store, and on social media.

The aim of omnichannel experience delivery is to offer a consistent, customer-friendly experience across each touchpoint – online and offline – allowing customers to transition effortlessly between the two worlds. 


With omnichannel experience, retailers can better personalize their Cyber Monday offerings, especially when AI comes into play.

With retailers being armed with customer data, they can provide highly personalized recommendations and offers. This sort of personalization will lead to higher levels of customer loyalty and retention.

Final Thoughts

Cyber Monday might be seen as a follow-up to Black Friday, but it’s an integral part of Cyber Week – the biggest sales event of the year. Over the last few years, we’ve seen consumers are just as likely to make use of Cyber Monday as Black Friday, if not even more so in some cases. 

As with Black Friday, planning a Cyber Monday campaign is no easy feat, especially if you want to take advantage of omnichannel shopping. Nevertheless, it’s vital for retailers to prepare in advance for Cyber Week, and specifically for Cyber Monday.


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2023 Logo Design Statistics You Need to Know Sat, 04 Nov 2023 12:10:57 +0000 Top Logo Design Stats

In This Guide A Quick View at the Top Logo Design Stats General Logo Design Statistics Factors That Contribute to The Popularity of a Logo General Features of a Logo...

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Top Logo Design Stats

A business logo may seem simple, but statistics reveal these marks are pivotal. Up to 90% of first impressions of a brand come from their logo alone. These snap judgments determine whether a customer engages further. Logos also forge up to 80% of brand recognition. Just a quick glance at the iconic golden arches, tails, or bunny ears immediately conjures up strong associations. Familiar logos feel like visiting an old friend.

Additionally, color increases brand recognition by up to 80%. Studies show people remember logos more when color is added versus plain black and white. Certain colors also evoke specific emotions that reflect the brand’s personality.

So don’t underestimate logo power. Crafting the right mark takes skill and strategy to build instant recognition and convey your brand essence. Let these logo design statistics guide you to make smart choices that tell your business’s unique visual story.

Top Logo Design Stats

A Quick View at the Top Logo Design Stats

  1. 60% of the top 500 companies employ combination logos that consist of an icon and wordmark.
  2. FedEx logo design has received over 40 awards while gaining recognition from Rolling Stone magazine, which ranked it as one of the top eight logos in the last 35 years.
  3. An estimated 78% of customers believe that logos have a good level of artistic qualities.
  4. Peugeot marked its initial usage after introducing its logo in 1850.
  5. The previous Twitter logo cost only a measly $15.
  6. Accenture’s logo cost a massive $100 million, although it included rebranding procedures.

Notably, one of the first things that capture a customer’s attention is your business logo. As such, picking the right option can be pivotal in solidifying your brand’s values, purpose, and essence.

General Logo Design Statistics

General Logo Design Statistics

Generally, a logo reflects a company’s beliefs and core values as it goes beyond the restrictions facing cultural and linguistic boundaries.

7. 60% of the top 500 organizations use combination logos with icons and wordmarks. The table below displays the various logotypes these companies employ:

Types of Logo Number of Companies
Abstract icons 1
Emblems 1
Letter marks 24
Wordmarks 155
Combination logos 307

8. Over 90% of the world’s population recognizes the renowned Coca-Cola logo.

9. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, and Amazon are the top 5 brands with the highest value worldwide.

10. The first version of the Apple logo launched in 1976 depicted the image of Isaac Newton reading a book under an apple tree.

11. Since the inception of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) in 1924, the company’s film logos have featured six different lions.

12. FedEx logo design has received over 40 awards while gaining recognition from Rolling Stone magazine, which ranked it as one of the top eight logos in the last 35 years.

13. Playboy grew revenue by licensing its logo, which it first introduced in 1953. The licensing deals brought their income to approximately $45 million in 2017.

Factors That Contribute to The Popularity of a Logo

Factors That Contribute to The Popularity of a Logo

14. When evaluating the appeal of a logo, there are various aspects to consider, such as its level of recognition and the frequency of specific design elements, such as its color.

15. Regarding logo color psychology, blue is the most common, possessing almost 40% of the total.

Color of Logo in ascending order Number of Companies
Purple 6
Multicolor 6
Orange 7
Yellow 7
Gray 25
Green 35
Red 83
Black 128
Blue 198

16. Black takes second place after blue, trailed by red, green, grey, yellow, orange, multicolor, and purple in descending order of popularity.

17. Notably, a significant number of logos incorporate multiple colors. Among these logos, those with two-color combinations are the most common, covering about 43% of all logos.

Color Sum Number of Logos
Four colors 23
Three colors 68
One color 186
Two colors 217

18. For logos employing two colors, the top three combinations are as follows:

Color Combinations Number of Logos
Black and white 21
Black and blue 22
Black and red 39

General Features of a Logo

General Features of a Logo

19. Among the Fortune 500 companies, more than 60% incorporate logos that competently blend various design elements.

20. Regarding text capitalization in Fortune 500 company logos, all caps come first, possessing 43% of the total, followed closely by the title case at 33%. Meanwhile, a combination of capitalization styles is embraced by 12% of these logos, and just 7% have all lowercase text.

21. Among small businesses, 18% are willing to allocate up to $1,000 for their logo. Notably, 14% of small businesses are open to spending over $1,000 on logo design.

22. Presently, there are more than 300,000 freelance logo designers available on Upwork, over 118,000 on, and an additional 134,000 on Fiverr.

23. About 78% of consumers perceive logos as having artistic qualities.

24. The human brain processes visual content a whopping 60,000 times faster than text, with a staggering 90% of information transmitted to the brain being visual.

25. Roughly 57% of small businesses are ready to invest around $500 in crafting their company logo.

26. Interestingly, about 9% of global brands have decided to have logos without their business names.

Oldest Logos Still in Existence

Oldest Logos Still in Existence

Of the several existing logos, the ones listed below are examples of those that have endured the power brand symbols:

27. Bass Ale, a renowned beer brand founded in 1778, still uses its 1876-designed logo.

28. Peugeot debuted its emblem in 1850, signifying its initial adoption.

29. Stella Artois, a Belgian brewery founded in 1366, boasts one of the oldest actively used logos.

30. Levi Strauss & Co. created its logo in 1886, marking its inception.

31. Heinz unveiled its logo in 1869, marking the start of its utilization.

Given the significance of logos, as demonstrated by the cases above, it’s worth considering whether your current company emblem aligns with your brand’s message. If you’re contemplating a logo redesign, there are numerous online resources available to assist you in your attempt.

Statistics on Logo Costs

Logo Costs

Logos, as the visual representation of a brand or business, is significant in communicating with customers and the wider audience. Their creation stories, based on costs, vary greatly:

32. Google’s inaugural logo, crafted in 1998, came to life without financial cost. Co-founder Sergey Brin utilized the free graphics app Gimp for its design.

33. In contrast, Twitter’s early logo was a budget-friendly undertaking, costing the emerging social media giant a mere $15.

34. Accenture’s logo makeover, entailing comprehensive rebranding efforts, commanded an impressive budget of $100 million.

35. British Petroleum (BP) invested $211 million in its logo design in 2008.

36. The Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) logo’s journey was a high-priced one, with a total expenditure of $15,000,000, inclusive of a two-year rebranding campaign from 2010 to 2012.

37. Nike’s iconic swoosh logo, released in 1971, was acquired from a graphic design student for $35, equivalent to approximately $217 today.

38. The defunct Enron logo, designed by Paul Rand, incurred a substantial cost of $33,000 during the 1990s.

39. Pepsi’s logo underwent a significant transformation in 2008, with a redesign with a hefty price tag of $1 million.

40. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) didn’t hold back, spending $1,800,000 on its distinctive logo.

However, the figures are quite different for small businesses. Let’s consider a few of them below:

41. About 57% of small businesses target a fixed amount of $500 to create their company logos.

42. 18% of the total small businesses are willing to spare $1,000 to design a business logo.

43. Meanwhile, 14% of them are comfortable with spending over $1,000 for their logo creation.

44. Notably, an average graphics designer would charge between $100 and $1,000 to create a business logo. The extensive range margin is due to the lack of a standard payment structure for each logo designer. This results in higher charges from designers who have already established a good record with prominent brands globally.

45. Going through a designer agency is even more expensive, as they can charge up to $1,000 for small businesses and $2,000 for large ones. But if you wish to get a high-quality logo for your business, we advise hiring an agency, particularly due to their reliability.

Statistics on Logo Design Facts

Logo Design Facts

Small business owners must consider their brand identity when choosing their logo style. Although uppercase letter logos can attract interest, it’s also crucial that the logo correlates with your target audience and overall brand image. Meanwhile, new business owners can stick with lowercase logos to have an attractive appearance that aligns well with the brand identity.

In essence, a lowercase logo represents and projects informality, friendliness, and contemporary aesthetics. These factors are pivotal in drawing the attention of your target audience, especially those who are easily attracted to innovation and authenticity. Here are some interesting insights into the world of graphic design, specifically focusing on logos and social media graphics:

46. A skillfully crafted logo can potentially enhance brand recognition by a staggering 80%.

47. Interestingly, 59% of consumers prefer purchasing products from brands they can easily identify, underscoring the significance of a unique logo.

48. Remarkably, 95% of the world’s most iconic brands have chosen simplicity in their logo designs, emphasizing the memorability and effectiveness of clean, simple logos.

49. Research has unveiled that 60% of customers avoid companies with unattractive logos.

50. Regarding social media, posts enriched with visuals, such as images or videos, experience a substantial upsurge of up to 650% in engagement compared to text-only posts.

51. Incorporating colorful visuals into social media posts can amplify people’s eagerness to engage with the content by a remarkable 80%.

52. Approximately 33% of the most prominent brands opt for blue as a central logo.

53. Notably, around 29% of top brand logos prominently feature red.

54. Research indicates that nearly 28% of top brand logos favor black or grayscale color schemes.

55. Statistics reveal that a staggering 95% of brands choose to employ up to two colors in their logos for a balanced and impactful visual identity.

56. A surprising 47% of logos opt for an all-capital letter format, conveying a sense of strength and authority.

57. The Instagram emblem stands out as the top-searched logo, garnering more than 1.2 million monthly global searches, firmly securing its place as the world’s most sought-after emblem.

58. Primarily, there are seven different logo design categories, namely the abstract, combination mark, letter mark, mascot, wordmark, emblem, and pictorial mark, each with unique appeal.

59. From as far back as 1917, MGM Studios has introduced a remarkable series of seven lions in its iconic mascot emblem.

60. An overwhelming 94% of consumers affirm that a logo holds high importance in fostering brand recognition.

Notable Resemblance Between The Logos

Logo Features Percentage
Brand’s initials in the design 13%
Horizontal aspect ratio 67%
Featuring people in the design 3%
A simple aspect that allows smaller size views 93%
No company name 9%
Text-only 41%

Logo and Color Statistics

Color Statistics

As a startup owner, you don’t need to be concerned about the high costs of professional logo design services. But instead, you can leverage that opportunity to utilize the contribution of your creative employees. You can use a trusted graphic design tool on the internet to design an intuitive and visually appealing logo for your brand.

Humans respond to colors differently: white, black, red, green, and yellow. Moreover, it is worth noting that colors are a vital yet commonly overlooked element in logo design. This section discusses, in detail, how color affects business success and consumer perception. Let’s outline some statistics of logo and color statistics.

61. Precisely 76% of the leading brand logos mainly implement two-color or monochromatic schemes in their designs.

62. 40% of the top Fortune 500 companies use blue

63. Almost 85% of customers purchase an item mainly due to its color. 

64. After that, 37% of the brand logos comprise a single color, whereas 14% of symbols consist of three colors and only 5% feature four colors. 

65. By using a colored logo, companies can achieve an 80% growth in brand recognition compared to other kinds of logo design. 

66. In addition, grayscale colors, such as various shades of white, black, and gray, contribute 23% of the colors incorporated in logos. 

67. Brown and orange are the two most common least favorite colors, accounting for 23% and 29%, respectively.

68. Exactly 8% of men and 0.5% of women are colorblind. Moreover, blue is the most seen color by anyone; even colorblind individuals can see it.

69. Two-thirds of online shoppers won’t purchase a large appliance if it is 100

70. Ads featured in color have 42% more chances of being read than those in grayscale. 

71. Unlike black-and-white advertisements, colored alternatives account for 42% higher brand awareness.

72. The first thing your audience will notice about your brand is the brand color

73. Among the primary colors brands use in their logos, blue accounts for the highest percentage at 35%, followed by red, which accounts for 30%. 

74. Coca-Cola used red to boost appetite and happiness.

75. Color plays a considerable role in consumer subconscious judgment, as 70% emerges from color alone

76. The global online media streaming platform YouTube and the YouTube logo began in 2005. Interestingly, YouTube introduced the red logo to bolster the excitement of individuals watching internet videos. 

77. 83% of small business owners expect their brand colors to make them appear more successful.

78. A logo’s color is crucial in building a consumer’s initial impression, contributing 90% of their total perception. 

79. Of the top global brands, blue is the most used color, followed by red, grayscale, yellow, and green.

80. Precisely 29% of women and 29% of men expressed a higher possibility to trust a business when its brand appearance and logo are familiar to them. 

81. 75% of users judge a company’s credibility based on its logo design. 

82. Starbucks uses green as its most identifiable asset, evident from its logo to its aprons. The company uses green to comply subtly with its heritage and pushes it into a global future.

83. Companies that effectively use their logos on social media apps experience 13%  growth in brand awareness.

84. both text and an image are 6% more memorable than logos that feature text alone. 

85. Brands with well-designed logos are projected to experience a revenue increase of about 33%.

86. Men favor bold colors, while women prefer softer hues

87. Companies with consistent logos across all online and offline marketing material accomplish a 23% revenue growth

88. Businesses with a robust logo design have a 27% more chance to attract new talent. 

89. A unique logo can bolster brand visibility by 80%.

90. Customers are likelier to remember brand colors over the business name. When research participants were shown five made-up logos for 10 minutes, 78% recalled the colors, while only 43% remembered the brand’s names. 

91. Blue is the most popular color globally, as 42% of men and 30% of women say it is their favorite color.

92. Brands with recognizable logos have a 58% chance of performing better in the stock market.

Brand Marketing and Logo Statistics

Brand Marketing

Brand marketing constitutes an essential part of a customer’s perception. Therefore, it is crucial to explore how a company’s brand and logo contribute to the success of a company. Below are some unique statistics on brand marketing and logos. Read on for more information.

93. Three-quarters of customers recognized McDonald’s emblem, indicating its widespread brand awareness and familiarity.

94. The average lifespan of logos before being redesigned or updated is precisely ten years. 

95. A 2010 survey revealed that more than two-thirds of toddlers could recognize McDonald’s emblem, indicating a strong ability to recognize brands at a tender age. 

96. 60% of customers will only accept a brand if they think its logo is pleasant, familiar, or attractive.

97. The B2B marketing firm shows that 84% of marketers consider brand awareness a crucial objective for their content marketing efforts. This statistic underscores the acknowledgment of brand recognition and visibility as an essential part of B2B marketing strategies. 

98. A recent survey showed that 89% of markets prioritize brand awareness as their principal business objective. This indicates the essence of developing and promoting brand recognition in the marketing sector.

99. A survey revealed that 42% of customers say a logo efficiently communicates a brand’s personality. This statistic indicates the role of a symbol in developing the impression and perception of a company’s brand identity among a considerable portion of the customer base. 

100. About 50% of customers will likely engage or support a brand if they recognize its logo among a choice of options. 

101. On the contrary, 60% of users actively avoid brands with logos they perceive as visually unappealing, attractive, or odd, regardless of the recommendations or positive reviews. 

102. Regarding brand recognition, 75% of customers say the brand’s logo is the most identifiable company identifier. After that, 60% of customers say that the brand’s visual style is key for brand recognition, while 45% favor brand color. Then, 25% of customers prefer a unique brand voice. 

103. 59% of customers prefer to purchase products from brands they are already familiar with. This data indicates the value of brand trust and loyalty, as customers tend to veer towards notable brands when browsing through various offerings. 

104. According to a recent survey, trustworthiness is the most essential brand quality by 31% of customers. This data reveals that a considerable portion of customers place more value on the brands they consider to be trustworthy when making purchasing judgments. 

105. The average individual will remember a brand after 5-7 brand interactions. 

106. According to 86% of customers, authenticity is a significant factor when purchasing. 

107. Around 57% of customers say they are more likely to increase the amount they spend on a brand to which they feel strongly connected. The study outlines the effect of emotional connections and brand loyalty on customer behavior, revealing the potential for companies to benefit from building meaningful relationships with their consumer base. 

Hidden Messages and Logo Statistics

Hidden Messages Statistics

We hear many incredible stories about startups and enterprises, their brand development, and how it applies to their logo design. Interestingly, some brands incorporate hidden messages in their logos, which you may not easily decrypt. Statistics reveal so much about symbols and the secret messages they bear. Let’s consider some of these statistics below:

  1. The Hidden Meanings: Most brand logos have secret meanings that are challenging to decipher. Take the FedEx logo, for example; it has an arrow flowing between the letters “E” and “X,” indicating speed and accuracy in their logistics services. Another example is the Amazon logo, which has an arrow flowing from the letters “A” to “Z.” This symbolizes that the online shopping mall provides customers with everything they need from A to Z.
  2. Evolution of Logos: It is worth noting that logos evolve as time goes by, as they adapt to dynamic brand identities and trends. Amazingly, firms like Starbucks, Pepsi, and Apple have undergone considerable logo transformation throughout their lifetime. Therefore, it’s essential to explore the evolution of logos as they highlight the brand’s visual journeys. 
  3. Subliminal Messages: Some other brands integrate subliminal messages into their brand logos. For example, the Toblerone logo has a mountain icon formed via the negative space, which reveals the Swiss Alps. This pays homage to the brand’s Swiss heritage. 
  4. Logos in Pop Culture: Logos are emerging as essential elements in popular culture. For example, the Batman logo, the Superman logo, and the Rolling Stones tongue symbol aren’t just popular brand identifiers but have emerged as powerful cultural symbols with their unique recognition and significance. 
  5. Global Recognition: Interestingly, some logos are globally recognized, transcending cultural and language barriers. Some of these logos include the Apple logo, the McDonald’s golden arches, and the Nike swoosh, revealing them as a genuinely universal symbol. 
  6. Iconic Color Schemes: Some brands can be instantly recognized thanks to their iconic color schemes. For example, the red and white colors of Coca-Cola, the blue and white schemes of Facebook, and the yellow and red of McDonald’s are embedded into our collective memory, as they create solid relativity with these brands. 
  7. Logos as Status Symbols: You will quickly find that luxury brands usually use their logos as status icons. The LV of Louis Vuitton, the intertwined “C’s” in Chanel, and the red soles of all Christian Louboutin footwear reveal exclusivity and luxury and are highly coveted icons of high-quality fashion.


In conclusion, logo design is a dynamic and evolving field, with costs varying widely based on complexity, designer experience, and geographic location. Color choices in logos play a crucial role in brand recognition and consumer perception, making it essential for businesses to consider their color palettes carefully. Moreover, market share statistics highlight the dominance of a few key players in the logo design industry, emphasizing the importance of competition and innovation in this creative arena. As businesses continue to recognize the significance of a well-crafted logo in their branding strategy, staying informed about these trends and statistics is paramount for success in a highly competitive market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the statistics about brand logos?

How do you analyze a logo design?

What is the cost of logo design?

How much is logo design in Nigeria?

How much should you charge per logo?




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