Business and Workplace Statistics Archives - The Tech Report Tech Explored Mon, 08 Jul 2024 08:27:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business and Workplace Statistics Archives - The Tech Report 32 32 45+ Freelance Statistics 2024 You Can’t Afford to Miss (Facts, Trends) Mon, 20 May 2024 16:41:31 +0000 Vital Freelance Statistics, Facts and Trends 2024

Many people want work-life balance. They are ditching their 9-to-5 jobs to freelance. So, the global freelance community is expanding. As this trend continues, the freelance market is expected to...

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Vital Freelance Statistics, Facts and Trends 2024

Many people want work-life balance. They are ditching their 9-to-5 jobs to freelance. So, the global freelance community is expanding. As this trend continues, the freelance market is expected to grow. Freelancers work from their cozy homes. They manage their time in the way that suits them best.

If they feel adventurous, they adopt the digital nomad lifestyle. They work from practically anywhere on the globe. Globally, there are about 1.57 billion freelancers. 2024 data estimates U.S. freelancers are estimated at 76.4 million.

Do you dream of discarding the usual working routine and freelancing? Knowing the lines is wise before you take the plunge into freelance life and kickstart your gig. You may showcase your freelancing expertise on social media or hop onto popular freelancing platforms. Having the key stats can be a game-changer. So, if 2024 is your year to join the freelance trend, here’s a list of 45+ freelance statistics. It includes trends and real-life facts. They will give you the inside scoop on what to expect.

In This Guide

Vital Freelance Statistics, Facts and Trends 2024

General Stats on Freelancing

1. More Than 1.57 Billion Workers Globally Have Joined the Freelancing Economy.

Over 1.5 billion freelancers are crafting their unique paths. The landscape has evolved from 55.5% self-employment in 2000 to 46.6% in 2024. Why the change? Many are chasing stability and new horizons in the expansive job market.

Also, a staggering 1.57 billion souls across the globe are weaving their freelance tales. Imagine that out of 3.38 billion workers, nearly 46.7% boldly embrace self-employment. It’s not just a statistic; it’s a testament to the diverse stories written, one freelancing adventure at a time.

2. As of 2023, the US Alone Had Up to 73.3 Million Freelancers, and This Number is Estimated to Rise Further, Reaching 76.4 Million by 2024.

The freelance community is now bustling with people; over 73.3 million are in the United States alone. Fast-forward to 2024, where this dynamic tribe is set to grow by an additional 3 million, reaching an impressive 76.4 million. But hold on, the freelancing wave isn’t slowing down; predictions show that by 2027, a staggering 90.1 million individuals will be navigating the freelance landscape in the US.

3. The Rate at Which People are Joining Freelancing is Increasing, Skyrocketing to 78% in the US and 59% in the UK.

In the United Kingdom, over 42% of the workforce thrives as freelancers or part-timers, while more than 36% proudly wear the self-employed badge across the United States. Now, let’s zoom in on the freelance frontiers worldwide. The freelance sector in the United States has not just grown; a staggering 78% soars it. Meanwhile, freelancers are flourishing in the bustling landscapes of the United States and Brazil, with 59% and 48% growth rates, respectively.

Delve deeper into the heartbeat of freelancing with these intriguing YoY earning growth rates: United States: 78%, United Kingdom: 59%, Brazil: 48%, Pakistan: 47%, Ukraine: 36%, Philippines: 35%, India: 29%, Bangladesh: 27%, Russia: 20% and Serbia: 19%. These are more than numbers; they’re tales of thriving freelancers worldwide shaping their narratives in the world of work.

4. Roughly 94% of Folks in Niger are Self-employed.

In Niger, a striking 95% of the workforce proudly wears the badge of self-employment. Right on its heels, the Central African Republic with 93.2% and Chad boasts a percentage of 92.6% self-employed folks. What fuels these high rates? Unemployment, limited job opportunities, and economic challenges make freelancing a prevalent choice for many in Niger.

Now, shift your focus to Qatar, where only a meagre 0.4% of the population freelances. Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and Belarus also join the ranks with a modest number of freelancers. Interestingly, Qatar’s low freelancer count is attributed to the legal framework—independent freelancing without a visa sponsor is deemed illegal. The “independent contractor” category is non-existent, echoing a trend in many countries.

5. Typical Freelancers (36.1%) Spend Over 20 Hours Freelancing Weekly.

Freelancers typically invest at least 6 hours daily, but the game plan varies with each project. Some gigs don’t take much time, only demanding 2 to 3 hours weekly, while others beckon dedicated stints of 8 hours or more per day. Interestingly, 36.1% of freelancers find their sweet spot, clocking in 10 to 20 hours weekly, aligning with a part-time commitment.

Conversely, the average full-time freelancer works 43 hours weekly—akin to the conventional nine-to-five grind. Yet, here’s the twist: freelancers dance to the beat of flexible schedules and working days, adapting to their industry nuances and workload demands. Some freelancers groove with part-time gigs, investing 20 to 25 hours weekly, while others dive deep, dedicating over 40 hours to their craft. It’s a symphony of varied schedules, reflecting the unique rhythm each freelancer brings to their professional journey.

6. Up to 54% of Freelancers Dedicate At Least Five Days a Week to Their Work.

On the average spectrum, freelancers dedicate 5 to 6 days each week. However, flexibility reigns supreme, allowing some to craft schedules spanning four days or less. In this vibrant landscape, 54% of freelancers find their rhythm, committing to a standard five days of work each week. On the flip side, 3 in 10 freelancers embrace a busier tempo, clocking in more than the conventional five days, immersing themselves in the heartbeat of their craft.

7. According to Prediction, Freelance Platforms Market Size Will Hit $9570.3 Million in 2030.

As we gaze into the future, the Freelance Platforms Market is poised to reach an estimated $9,570.3 million by the end of 2030. Remarkably, in 2023, the market was already valued at approximately $3,913 million. Brace yourself for an exciting trajectory. Experts predict a robust 15% growth rate between 2024 and 2030. This is not just a number; it reflects the dynamic evolution of the freelance landscape.

8. An Average Freelancer Earns Roughly $47.71 in the United States.

On average, freelancers earn an annual income of $99,230. At the pinnacle, top earners boast an impressive $200,000 annually, reaching new heights in their freelancing journey. Conversely, a quarter of freelancers find their stride at $50,500, adding depth to the earnings spectrum. Zooming in on the hourly beats, the average hourly pay for freelancers in the United States is $47.71.

However, the freelance stage allows for a symphony of earnings, with hourly wages ranging from a high note of $132.21 to a softer melody at $14.90. It’s not just about numbers; it’s a tale of individual freelancers crafting unique financial narratives. For most freelancers, it’s a journey where the sweet spot lies between earning $24.28 on the lower end (25th percentile) and reaching a high note of $61.78 (75th percentile).

9. The Average Freelance Programmer Crafts at $60-70 Per Hour, Accumulating an Annual Rhythm of Approximately $120,000.

In the symphony of freelancing, the earnings vary, echoing the unique beats of each profession. The more technical the craft, the greater the potential earnings for freelancers. Now, consider the life of a freelance writer who weaves words at a rate of $30-40 per hour, crafting an annual story worth around $42,000.

Freelancers Demographics Statistics

Freelancers Demographics Statistics

Let’s step into the diverse tapestry of freelancing demographics in the United States, where the share of female freelancers slightly edges out their male counterparts by about 5%. Yet, within this dynamic landscape, echoes of a persisting gender pay gap are heard. In this mosaic, 7 in 10 freelancers don the mantle of whiteness. Still, the stage for the highest earnings is graced by Asian freelancers, painting a picture of earnings that transcends demographic boundaries. Now, let’s delve deeper into the heart of these demographics:

10. A Unique Rhythm Emerges as 52.3% of Freelancers in the United States are Female, Surpassing Their Male Counterparts at 47.7%, a Shift That Unfolded in 2016.

In the earlier chapters, the numbers favoured male freelancers. However, the tune changes regarding earnings—for every dollar men earn, women earn 95 cents, a melody highlighting the persistent nuances of the gender pay gap in the freelancing arena. It’s not just statistics; it reflects the ongoing journey towards equitable opportunities and recognition in freelancing.

11. Delve Into the Rich Tapestry of Freelancers in the United States, Where 70.2% of the Community Identifies as White, Making it the Most Prevalent Ethnicity.

However, a twist in the tale unfolds—white freelancers, despite their majority, boast the lowest annual salaries. On a contrasting note, 10.4% of freelancers proudly identify as Asian, marking their presence with the highest annual freelancing salaries. This narrative adds depth to the mosaic of earnings within the freelancing community.

12. According to the Diverse Age Spectrum of Freelancers, Seasoned Professionals Over 40 Claim That the Majority Represents 42% of the Freelancing Community.

Meanwhile, a vibrant cohort of 35% comprises freelancers aged between 30 and 40, bringing their unique energy and expertise to the freelance landscape. In the early stages of their professional journey, a dynamic 24% of freelancers fall within the 20 to 30 age group, contributing to the ever-evolving tapestry of the freelancing community.

13. Over 51% of Freelancers Hold Post-graduate Degrees, Showcasing the Diverse and Educated Talent Pool in the Freelance World.

It’s fascinating to see how this figure has jumped by 16% compared to those with different educational backgrounds. But it doesn’t stop there. The number of freelancers sporting post-graduate degrees has climbed by 6% since 2019, underlining a growing trend towards higher education in the freelance community. Conversely, about 31% of freelancers have kept things simple with a high school diploma or less. Now, let’s dive into the fascinating details of the educational mix within the freelance community.

  • High school graduate or less: 31%
  • Some college or associate degrees: 35%
  • Bachelor’s degree: 35%
  • Post-graduate degree: 51%

It’s like a snapshot of people’s diverse paths in their education, from high school grads to those rocking post-graduate degrees. Each number represents a unique journey, showcasing the rich tapestry of experiences among freelancers.

Detailed Statistics on Freelancing

Detailed Stats

Let’s take a closer look at the pulse of the freelance world and some noteworthy stats.

14. In 2024, 21% of Folks in the United States and the United Kingdom are Plotting Their Freelance Journey, With an Additional 28% Gearing Up to Join the Freelance Ranks Within the Next Five Years. 

That’s almost three out of every ten employees exploring the freelancing frontier. The younger generation is already making waves in the freelance scene. Among the 25- to 34-year-old age group, 40% are eyeing a full freelance gig, while 52% are open to testing the waters part-time. It’s like they’ve got their fingers on the pulse of the gig economy!

15. Here’s a Nugget of Inspiration: Nearly 80% of Freelancers are Hitting Success.

Of course, building a thriving freelance career takes time – months or even years – to secure a steady income. But according to a survey by Upwork, a solid 75% of freelancers are making as much, if not more, than their full-time counterparts. Talk about turning passion into a paycheck!

16. Over 83% of Freelance Leaders are Feeling Pretty Positive About the Rise of Freelancing in 2024.

On the flip side, 21% are keeping it neutral, and a brave 6% feel uncertain about their freelance journey this year. These leaders, savvy as they are, report that freelance platforms are gearing up for a potential 2024 recession. Speaking of businesses, more than half (50%) are prepped and ready for any economic turbulence, while 41% are playing it cool – neither worried nor overly confident. However, a candid 9% admit that they might face some challenges. It’s a business rollercoaster!

17. According to 66% of Employees, the Struggle is Real Regarding Finding Enough Freelance Gigs.

The stability of a 9-to-5 job seems more appealing to most, given its steady income. It’s a reminder that even in the world of freelancing, the quest for consistent work is a universal journey. Let’s dive into the real talk of freelancers—the hurdles they face and the victories they celebrate. Here’s a peek into the top challenges that echo through the freelancer community. Finding enough work is the challenge facing up to 66% of the freelance population. Another challenge with freelancing is not getting gigs regularly, affecting their income. About 62% of freelancers reported facing this problem. As we said earlier, gigs may not come regularly for most freelancers, so about 60% manage irregular work.

Most freelancers have to struggle to meet up with clients’ expectations, and it affects their pay when they don’t. That said, about 60% of freelancers reported managing expectations with clients. Some clients owe service providers in conventional work environments. It’s even more in the freelance world where about 59% of freelancers struggle with clients not paying. Unlike in the traditional workplace, where your boss often gives bonuses to motivate employees, you are on your own in the freelance world. About 59% of freelancers struggle with self-motivation. 58% of freelancers deal with time management issues, 57% face problems settling the additional cost of working for themselves, and 57% struggle with filing taxes. Finally, being your boss entails managing everything on your own, and this accounts for the problems 56% of freelancers face.

18. For 83% of Individuals, Freelancers Aren’t Just About the Hustle—They’re a Dance With Financial Freedom. 

Digging deeper into freelancers’ heartbeats, it’s clear that the rhythm of financial gains, coupled with the sweet melodies of control and flexibility, forms the anthem of the freelance journey. It’s not just a job; it’s a symphony of personal empowerment and professional autonomy.

Stats on Freelance by Country

Stats by Country

Let’s embark on a global tour of freelance landscapes, exploring the vibrant statistics that paint a picture of the freelance world in various countries.

United States Freelance Stats

19. The United States freelancing hub doesn’t just thrive – it commands a whopping $1 trillion in US dollars. That’s not just a number; it’s a testament to the economic powerhouse freelancing has become.

20. As we rewind to 2020, a staggering 59 million freelancers marked their presence in the US, showcasing a dynamic and growing community. The freelancing tribe has expanded by over 6 million since the winds of 2014, and the growth spurt hasn’t stopped there – it’s surged by more than 3.5% since the dawn of 2019.

21. Here’s a remarkable tidbit: the freelance industry isn’t just a player; it’s a heavyweight, contributing almost 5% to the US GDP.

Freelancers Stats for Canada

22. In Canada, approximately 2.7 million individuals are not just workers but self-employed artisans of their destiny.

23. Among the Canadian workforce, a solid 15% proudly wear the badge of freelancers or the self-employed, navigating their paths.

24. Now, shifting our lens to the maple-rich landscapes of 2021, Canada witnessed a noteworthy 71% surge in the freelancing community.

Freelancers Stats for the UK

25. A fascinating narrative unfolds Across the pond in the United Kingdom. In the realm of freelancing, a vibrant community of approximately 2.2 million individuals takes centre stage. But these are not just numbers but stories of resilience and passion.

26. Out of this tribe, 1.9 million freelancers choose to dance with their craft full-time – a commitment that transcends work; it’s a way of life.

27. A resounding 88% of freelancers in the UK identify as White, reflecting the tapestry of diversity within the freelancing community.

28. Age is just a number, but it tells tales—50 % of UK freelancers, seasoned in experience, fall within the 40 to 59 age bracket.

29. A glance back to 2020 reveals a balanced gender dynamic, with 44% female and 56% male freelancers. It’s a testament to the inclusivity and equality etched into the narrative of freelancing in the UK.

Stats on Freelancers in Europe

30. Venturing into Europe’s vast canvas, we discover a rich tapestry of freelancers, estimated at a staggering 22 million. But these aren’t just numbers; they are the pulse of diversity and skill that defines freelancing across the continent.

31. Peering into the gender landscape, Europe unfolds as a realm where 65% of freelancers are male. Still, the remaining 35% adds a unique hue to this canvas – a testament to the inclusive spirit of freelancing in Europe.

32. Beyond demographics, the average age of a European freelancer is 40, reflecting a seasoned blend of experience and innovation. Education is not just a journey; it’s a cornerstone – a significant 77% of European freelancers hold at least a Bachelor’s degree, with an impressive 54% boasting a Master’s degree.

33. Europe isn’t just a continent; it’s a thriving hub with the highest concentration of freelancers, at 35.5%. This is a testament to the freelancers who weave the diverse narratives shaping the vibrant freelancing landscape in Europe.

Statistics on the COVID-19 Era of Freelancing

Stats on the COVID-19 Era

34. From April to June 2020, during the heat of the pandemic, a whisper of hope echoed through freelancing platforms as job openings soared by a remarkable 25%.

35. During these trying times, for almost 32%, the demand for freelance services waned, painting a picture of the challenges faced.

36. Only a resilient 5% witnessed a great demand increase, a testament to the adaptability and perhaps a stroke of good fortune.

37. Amidst the ebb and flow, 23% found themselves in a haven of stability, experiencing no significant change in the demand for their services. It’s a reminder that some found a steady rhythm in the dance of uncertainties.

38. Zooming into North America, the freelancing landscape witnessed a dip, with a decrease of 53.7% in demand during the pandemic. It’s not just numbers; it’s the collective narrative of freelancers navigating through turbulent times, each with their unique story of resilience.

Embracing the Freelance Trend

Embracing the Freelance Trend

As we enter the new year, the pulse of freelancing continues to beat stronger, building on the trends observed in 2023. The gig economy is poised for further expansion, with a significant quarter of employees eagerly eyeing freelance opportunities, whether as a side hustle or a full-time venture. Let’s explore the evolving landscape of freelancing in 2024.

39. The AI Wave and New Opportunities.

The surge in AI usage is reshaping the freelance landscape, creating a demand for experts in areas like machine learning and data science. Tech freelancers predict that skills in data analysis (14.2%), data science (11.2%), and machine learning (10.3%) will be the power trio in 2024. Proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, and SQL will be the keys to unlock these burgeoning opportunities.

40. Embracing a Four-Day Workweek.

2024 is ushering in a new reality – the four-day workweek. During discussions with freelancers, almost one in five expressed excitement about the prospect of a three-day workweek. This shift is seen as a means to boost efficiency and a strategic move to achieve revenue goals while investing less time. For many, it’s a pursuit of a balanced work-life equation.

41. Time is the Ultimate Desire.

The heartbeat of freelancers resonates with a universal desire for more time. An overwhelming 96.5% express a longing for additional time, emphasizing the need for a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. A significant 88.9% wish to allocate more time to their families, highlighting the intrinsic value placed on personal connections.

42. Soft Skills Take Center Stage.

Communication skills, deemed paramount by 73% of freelancers, emerge as the crown jewel in a freelancer’s skill set. LinkedIn USA echoes this sentiment, noting a shift in employer priorities from hard skills to soft skills like effective communication and teamwork. Navigating the freelance landscape in 2024 requires technical prowess and the ability to connect and collaborate. In the evolving world of freelancing, 2024 beckons with new opportunities, a redefined workweek, a craving for time, and a spotlight on the soft skills that foster meaningful connections. 

43. Entering the 30s is a Game-changer for Freelancers as They Focus on the Serious Business of Savings and Retirement.

In the United States, many freelancers are unprepared for their financial future. Acknowledging this gap, the government has taken a step forward with initiatives like Secure 2.0, designed to help freelancers secure their savings. However, it’s important to note that the full impact of these measures is anticipated to kick in after 2027.

Looking ahead, freelancers in their 30s are gearing up for a positive shift. They’re consciously putting aside a significant chunk – around 15% of their earnings – each month. It’s a proactive move, a testament to the growing awareness among freelancers that planning for the future is not a luxury but a necessity. The 30s mark a turning point, not just in age but in the financial mindset of freelancers, as they stride purposefully towards a more secure tomorrow. 

Future Predictions on Freelancing

Future Predictions on Freelancing

44. In the realm of freelancing, 64% of freelancers resonate with a positive shift in their mental well-being since embracing the freelance journey. 

45. But that’s not all. The heartbeat of freelancers echoes even louder when it comes to quality of life. A substantial 68% share that their overall quality of life has experienced a positive transformation since stepping into the world of freelancing.

45. As we bid farewell to 2021, a bustling community of around 67.6 million freelancers was anticipated to paint the United States’ landscape.

46. Fast-forward to 2027, and freelancers are projected to account for over half of the US workforce, crossing the 50% mark.

47. Now, let’s go further—53.4% of freelancers believe that the demand for their services will soar post-pandemic. 

48. For the ride ahead, the growth rate of full-time freelance work is gearing up for a thrilling ascent. Over the next five years, a robust surge at an estimated rate of 65% is anticipated.

Wrapping Up

The stats shared in this article aren’t just mere numbers. They are insights compiled to illuminate your path should you embark on a freelancing adventure. If you are already stirring your course in the freelance realm, these stats can offer you a fresh perspective, serving as a compass aiding your ongoing journey. The transformative currents from the heat of the global pandemic in 2020 reshaped our perception of freelancing.

Many people are ditching the traditional 9-to-5 jobs and embracing the work-from-home model, and as a result, the gig economy is expanding. Within the confines of this article, we’ve skillfully woven together statistics and a rich tapestry of trends and facts to provide a glimpse into the dynamic evolution of freelancing.


How many people joined the global freelance tribe in 2021?

How many US citizens became freelancers in 2021?

How large can the freelance market get in the next three years?

What’s the number of successful freelancers in the world?

How big is the freelance world?


The post 45+ Freelance Statistics 2024 You Can’t Afford to Miss (Facts, Trends) appeared first on The Tech Report.

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70+ Fascinating Infosys Statistics and Facts 2024 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:28:08 +0000 Fascinating Infosys Statistics and Facts 2024

Individuals and businesses seek digital aids to amplify their presence and operations in the global space. Infosys offers a handy solution through its next-generation consulting and digital services. It’s an...

The post 70+ Fascinating Infosys Statistics and Facts 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Fascinating Infosys Statistics and Facts 2024

Individuals and businesses seek digital aids to amplify their presence and operations in the global space. Infosys offers a handy solution through its next-generation consulting and digital services. It’s an Indian multinational information technology company that has branches spread to several clients in over 50 countries.

Infosys employed almost 342 thousand people in the fiscal year 2022. Infosys brings digital transformation to people via information technology, outsourcing services, and business consulting. In more than 40 years, Infosys grew from a market valuation of $250 to over $74.87 billion. This article discloses interesting Infosys statistics and facts worth knowing.

Fascinating Infosys Statistics and Facts 2024

General Infosys Statistics

  1. America stands as Infosys’s largest market for IT and business services.
  2. The company was established in 1981 in India and is over 40 years old.
  3. It boasts over 335,000 employees and 1,872 active clients as of 2022.
  4. It’s the first Indian IT-based company listed on NASDAQ after hitting the $100 million mark in 1999.
  5. Infosys has hit a market cap of more than $74 billion from its starting capital of $250.
  6. The company’s revenue has grown to over $18.21 billion in the past 12 months. Also, its profits from earnings amounted to about $2.98 billion, with a 23% operating margin.
  7. Infosys recorded a 20% increase in revenue in 2021, the highest growth in eleven years. In the same year, it was estimated to be worth $12.78 billion.
  8. In 2021, Infosys’s rapid growth garnered recognition from Brand Finance, a renowned global brand evaluation organization. Consequently, it is among the ten swiftest developing IT service companies this year.
  9. Furthermore, more than sixty per cent of its earnings are derived from the North American market.

Infosys Customer and Usage Statistics

Infosys Customer and Usage Statistics

As a well-known corporation, Infosys assists companies in enhancing their online presence by utilizing cutting-edge technologies. The company provides outsourcing and consulting services in more than 50 countries to deliver solutions for upcoming business generation.

10. As of June 30, 2023, Infosys has gained an additional 105 active clients since last year’s count of 1,778, bringing its total number to an impressive 1,888.

11. Regarding value created from its work with clientele, approximately 38 customers make contributions exceeding $100 million, while there are upwards.

12. Up to 940 companies that are Infosys clients receive revenues totalling at least $1 million or more.

13. The top five clients account for only 13.4% of Infosys’s overall revenue. The other larger corporations ( the top 10 Infosys clients) bring about 20.4%, while the top 20 customers make up 35%.

14. Most significantly, a large portion –60.8%–of the company’s revenue comes from North America. Europe trails behind with 26.8%; India generates just under 6% (exactly 2.7%), leaving 9.7 % in different regions worldwide.

Facts and Statistics About Infosys Employee

Facts and Statistics About Infosys Employee

Infosys, a global IT company, employs many individuals worldwide. The information below will provide further insight into the scale of its global staff.

15. Infosys had 343,234 employees as of December 2023, representing a 2.34% increase from the 335,186 staff it had in 2022.

16. Women comprise about 39.5% of its workforce, showing that most Infosys employees are men. Also, the company’s board is 25% female.

17. Up to 317,611 Infosys employees are software experts, accounting for 92.5% of the company’s workforce.

18. The number of employees in the sales and support units amounts to more than 18,683.

19. In 2023, the firm’s revenue per employee was $53,060, and the average profit for each staff member was $8,685.

20. Regarding its financial efficiency, Infosys’s return on equity (ROE) is 31.20%.

21. The company recorded 27.16% as return on invested capital (ROIC) and 19.30% as return on assets (ROA).

Infosys Financial Statistics

Infosys Financial Statistics

In 1999, Infosys reached the $100 million landmark in its market capitalization. This accounted for its listing in NASDAQ, making it the first Indian IT firm to achieve the milestone. Also, Nasdaq noted that Infosys was one of the top 20 entities in terms of market cap in its books during the period.

22. Infosys’s enterprise value stood at $81.29 billion last year.

23. The company’s stock price has decreased by -1.04% in the last 52 weeks.

24. With the beta at 0.62, the firm’s price volatility sits below the market average.

25. Its 50-day Moving Average and 200-day Moving Average are 17.47 and 16.73, respectively.

26. The stock’s EV/EBITDA ratio hit 15.71 in 2023, while the EV/FCF ratio is 20.31.

27. Infosys’s average volume for 30 days is over 6.69 million, while its Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 49.93.

28. Some stock experts predict Infosys’s average 12-month stock price will hit $17.67. This represents a -2.21% decrease, with the lowest and highest targets at $13 and $22, respectively.

29. The last stock split for the company occurred on September 12, 2018. It recorded a forward split with a ratio of 2:1.

Infosys Share Stats

Infosys Share Stats

30. About 11.83% of the shares are owned by institutions in 2023.

31. Infosys records a float of 3.5 billion.

32. According to Infosys’s valuation ratios, the company’s trailing PE ratio is 24.75, its forward PE ratio is 21.83, and its PEG ratio is 2.21.

33. At the end of 2023, 32.66 million company shares were short, representing 0.43% of the total short interest.

34. On the NYSE, Infosys had a share price of $19.97 in 2022, and its market cap value was $104 billion.

35. When estimates were made again at year-end 2019, Infosy’s market cap valuation substantially decreased to almost $75 billion, with its stock estimated at around $18:17.

36. Infosys’s revenue over the last twelve months amounted to $18.21 billion, resulting in net earnings valued at up to $2.98 billion. 

37. Earnings per share (EPS) fell, hitting an all-time low of $0.71 throughout this previous annual cycle.

38. Infosys grossed overhauled approximately $5.5 billion while operating revenues reached $3.83 in the 2023 fiscal year.

39. Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) reached around $4.68, while earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) alone stood at $4.16 billion.

40. Despite having a net debt of $1.01 billion, Infosys had a substantial net cash amounting to $2.32 billion, leading to a positive net cash position of around $1.31 billion.

41. Infosys has an impressive working capital of approximately $3.86 billion, and each share is valued at $0.32 in terms of its current standing on the stock exchange market. 

42. According to recent data, Infosys Equity/Book Value amounts to $9.17 billion.

Statistics on Infosys Dividends and Yield

Stats on Dividends and Yield 

43. Operating cash flows recorded by Infosys in the past 52 weeks amounted to $43.94 billion, and capital expenditure stood at -$319 million. Together, these values represent $3.62 billion in free cash flow

44. Over the past 12 months, Infosy’s tax payment expenditure reached $1.14 billion, accounting for an effective tax rate of 27.7%.

45. Infosys shareholders receive a dividend of $o.43 per share annually.

46. As of 2023, the annual dividend yield amounted to 2.38%.

47. The company saw a shareholder yield of 3.10%.

48. In 2023, earnings yield and FCF yield will be 3.97% and 4.83%, respectively.

49. Infosys recorded a dividend growth of 6.24% YoY.

50. The firm’s payout ratio is 60.44%, with a 0.73% buyback yield.

51. Regarding financial position, Infosys boasts a current ratio of 1.81. While its Debt/Equity ratio is 0.11, the total interest coverage is 118.80.

As of September 2023, Infosys maintains the following shareholding pattern among its shareholders.

52. The Promoters group holds 14.94% of the firm’s total shares.

53. Domestic institutional investors (DII) retain 34.86% of the shares.

54. About 33.44% of the shares are with foreign institutional investors (FII).

55. Up to 16.44% of the overall shares are with the public.

56. Other shareholder groups control 0.32% of the shares.

Infosys History Statistics

History Stats

57. In 1981, seven engineers founded Infosys in Pune, India. These are N. R Narayana Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, S. D. Shibulal, Kris Gopalakrishnan, N. S. Raghavan, K. Dinesh, and Ashok Arora.

58. It started with an initial capital of 10,000 rupees ($250), which Narayana Murthy borrowed from his wife.

59. The founding team registered the firm as Infosys Consultants Private Limited in July 1981. In 1983, it relocated to Bangalore, Karnataka, India, which became its headquarters.

60. Infosys operated without computers for two years due to inadequate funding. 1983, it purchased its first computer, a Data General 32-bit MV8000 system

61. The implosion of KSA in 1989 threw Infosys into a crisis. Subsequently, Ashok Arora departed. With Murthy maintaining a resilient spirit, other co-founders put in their support, building the company to its present height.

62. In April 1992, the firm was rebranded as Infosys Technologies Private Limited and later went public in June of the same year.

63. It conducted its initial public offering (IPO) in February 1993 at an equivalent price of 95 rupees per share. Though the offering was undersubscribed, Morgan Stanley, a US-based investment bank, bailed out with a 13% equity stake.

64. In 1999, Infosys crossed a $100 million market cap, and the Nasdaq stock exchange listed its shares as ADR (American depository receipts). During this period, Infosys rose among the 20 biggest entities by market cap on Nasdaq as the share’s price climbed to 8,100 rupees.

65. Shockingly, Narayan Murthy wasn’t Infosys’ first employee. Rather, N. S. Raghavan. Murthy spent almost a year completing his tasks at Patni before giving his full attention to Infosys.

Infosys Outstanding Acquisitions

Outstanding Acquisitions

Infosys completed the following acquisitions that aided in boosting its growth over time.

66. In December 2003, Infosys acquired Expert Information Services, an IT service provider based in Australia. It paid $23 million to complete the ownership.

67. The firm bought the US-based McCamish System, an insurance and financial service company, in December 2009. The cost of the acquisition was $38 million.

68. In January 2012, Infosys took over Portland Group, Australia’s strategic sourcing and category management firm. 

69. In September 2012, Infosys purchased Lodestone Holdings AG of Switzerland, focusing on management consultancy.

70. Infosys acquired Panaya, an automation technology firm from Israel, for $200 million in March 2015

71. In April of that same year, Infosys purchased Skava, a US-based digital experience solution, for $120 million

72. The company acquired Brilliant Basic in the United Kingdom for £7.5 million in August 2017 and Simplus, a salesforce partner, back in February 2020.

73. In September later that year ($42M), Kaleidoscope became part of Infosys as they duly took it over, followed closely with Oddity (*€50M). 

74. Remarkably, after taking ownership of BASE Life Science (₩110m) *July ’22 finally reached Denmark’s camp, which is widely focused on equally consulting and helpfully tackling biotech solutions.

75. The firm’s shares outstanding as of ending of 2023 amount to 4.15 billion.

Other Facts About Infosys

Other Facts

What is Infosys?

Infosys is an India-based multinational IT company that offers global next-generation digital operations, consulting, and outsourcing services. It was first established in 1981 in Pune and headquartered in Bangalore.

Following its growth, the company is now functional in over 56 countries worldwide. In 2020, it emerged as the second-largest.

The Global Top Employer 2023 Certification

Regarding employment conditions, Infosys bagged a Global Top Employer 2023 award, retaining the honour for three consecutive years from the Top Employers Institute. It was among more than 2,050 participating entities coming from 121 countries globally. The company’s recognition stands in 22 countries from different regions, as given below.

  • America – Canada, United States, Mexico.
  • Europe – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Romania.
  • Asia Pacific – Australia, China, India, Singapore, New Zealand.
  • Middle East – Bahrain, UAE, Oman.

Among The World’s Most Ethical Companies 2023

According to Ethisphere, Infosys emerged as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2023. Despite the tough grading criteria, it has received this award for three consecutive years.

Top 3 IT Services Brands

Brand Finance, a prominent brand valuation company, ranked Infosys as one of the top 3 Service Brands globally. The rating came through Brand Finance’s Global 500 2023 report.

Top 10 Best Companies for Women in India

Infosys was ranked among India’s Top 10 Best Companies for Women 2023. Notably, the firm receives the award for the fourth consecutive year from Avtar & Seramount.

Infosys Subsidiaries

Infosys boasts several subsidiaries and off-shots worldwide in its wide range of digital services. These include the following:

  • EdgeVerve System Limited.
  • Infosys Consulting Holding AG.
  • Infosys BPM Limited.
  • Infosys Consulting Ltda.
  • Infosys Technologies Co. Limited, China.
  • Infosys Public Services Inc.
  • Infosys Technologies Pty. Limited, Australia.
  • Infosys Technologies (Sweden) AB.
  • Infosys Technologies (Shanghai) Co. Limited.
  • Infosys Technologies S. de R. L. de C. V.
  • BASE life science.
  • Noah Consulting, LLC.
  • Panaya.

Final Thoughts

The page highlights how Infosys has grown into its current position as one of many prominent IT firms worldwide. It provides services like outsourcing, insurance, manufacturing endorsement, and freestanding validation, helping many businesses.

It has stayed home by helping with brand reviews. It has added value to life to overcome challenges. And, the firm has given great client satisfaction. It uses technology to do this. Studying its over forty years of history will help you — so will studying its around seventy-five billion dollars under admirable operations reflected in these statistics. They will help you appreciate its growth and impact on the global economy.


What does Infosys primarily do?

How does Infosys play a role in driving digital change?

How many staff does Infosys have?

What is Infosys’s biggest global market?


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60+ Data Entry Statistics 2024 – Every Fact You Need to Know Thu, 25 Apr 2024 01:23:27 +0000 Data Entry Statistics 2024 - Every Fact You Need to Know

Data has become the new currency in the fast-paced world of modern business. Organizations live and breathe on insights gleaned from vast troves of data for all good reasons. They...

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Data Entry Statistics 2024 - Every Fact You Need to Know

Data has become the new currency in the fast-paced world of modern business. Organizations live and breathe on insights gleaned from vast troves of data for all good reasons. They use it to steer decision-making, chart strategic courses, and streamline industry operations. Surprisingly, 38% of the US data entry workforce holds a bachelor’s degree. That underscores the value placed on formal education in this critical field.

In our data-obsessed era, data entry and processing efficiency and accuracy can make or break entire enterprises. $274 billion is the global market value of Big Data and Analytics.

Understanding data entry is now paramount. We must understand it as we navigate the ever-changing global business landscape. This thorough analysis digs into data entry. It uncovers key trends, insights, and analyses. They offer a wide view of this fast-changing field in 2024. The report covers the latest best practices, tools, and techniques. It will give you the knowledge they need to improve their data entry.

Data Entry Statistics 2024 - Every Fact You Need to Know

Key Data Entry Statistics

  1. Automated data entry ensures between 99.95% and 99.99% accuracy. This contrasts with the accuracy rate of human recording, which oscillates between 96% and 99%.
  2. In 2021, the US has more than 151,000 data entry employed clerks.
  3. The Federal Postal Service pays the highest for data entry specialists, and it has up to 800 workers, earning an average of $26.19 per hour and almost $54,470 annually.
  4. Up to 10% of data entry employees earn over $51,510 annually.
  5. White folks have the largest population of data entry specialists, taking up 54.4% of workers in the entire field. 
  6. Women are more dominant in data entry and have higher working capacities; they comprise 80.1% of the entire population of data entry workers.
  7. When computing about 10,000 data, automated systems will record minimal errors (1 to 4.1), but humans will make more, about 100 to 400 errors.
  8. Automation has reduced hand-recording processes by 80%.
  9. The average age of a data entry clerk is 44 years.
  10. 54% of data entry clerks prefer working at private firms to working for public entities.

Data Entry Job/Employment Statistics

Data Entry JobEmployment Statistics

Based on current trends, most businesses prefer to record their data and other details electronically, meaning the demand for data entry clerks will keep rising as the years go by. Here are some employment facts in the data entry sector:

11. The number of data entry employees in the United States reached over 165,000 in 2022, an increase of 8.4% from 151,000 the previous year. The increased use of modern computation has made more people and businesses seek data entry workers.

12. The projected growth for keyers is estimated at -2 % in 2032. Though the need for data entry is rising, some companies could resort to automated updates instead of human clerks, reducing the number of keyers in the future.

13. Atlanta, Georgia, is the city with the highest demand for data entry workers in the country. Besides Atlanta, New York is another city with a growing need for data entry keyers.

14. Up to 90% of data entry keyers are operators. Notably, analysts represent 10% of the total population of data entry clerks. They specialize in statistical analysis in computation.

15. Entities with over 10,000 employees hire 42% of data entry specialists. Companies with 1,000 to 10,000 workers have 23% of data entry keyers, and those with 100 to 500 have 15%. However, firms with less than 50 workers make up just 2% of the population of data entry specialists.

16. Data entry keyers in Seattle earn the highest US industry earnings.

17. Spanish is the top common foreign language among data entry clerks, accounting for 63.6%. French, at 7.4%, takes second place, while Russian, at 2.7%, comes third in popular foreign languages spoken by data entry specialists. German and Portuguese stand at 2.5% and 2.4% respectively.

Data Entry Clerk Demographic Statistics

Data Entry Clerk Demographic Statistics

Data Entry Workers’ Statistics Based on Gender

19. Women comprise the greater number of data entry clerks in the United States. The female gender accounts for 80.1% of the total data specialist population, while men represent just 19.9% of workers in the industry.

20. The number of males in the data entry industries has gradually risen. Their participation increased from 14.41% to 19.88% within a decade. However, the women saw a slight decline as the days rolled.

21. For every $1 the male data entry specialists earn, the female counterparts earn 99 cents. This shows that the total earnings of women in the field are 3% less than that of the men.

22. While the average annual salary of female data entry keyers is $32,003, male keyers earn an average of $32,477.

Data Entry Workers’ Stats by Race

23. White is the most common ethnicity of data entry workers, accounting for 54.4% of their population. Between 2011 and 2021, the number of white data entry keyers dropped by 6%. Over the years, the number decreased slightly, slowly impacting the total population status.

24. About 22.8% of data entry specialists are Hispanic or Latino.

25. Black or African Americans constitute up to 10.5% of the total population of data entry workers.

26. The ethnicity of 7.5% of data entry clerks is Asia.

27. While America, India, and Alaska Natives represent 0.6% of data entry workers, unknown ethnicity makes up 4.2%.

28. The Hispanic or Latino ethnicity in the profession has recorded consistent growth, with an increase of over 4% between 2010 and 2021.

Similarly, the other ethnic groups saw changes in their number of workers within the same period. Though there are fluctuations, the overall trend indicates significant progress in the field and a diverse workforce among the specialists.

Statistics of Data Entry Workers by Age

29. The average age of a data entry worker is 44 years.

30. An average male data entry keyer is about 32 years old.

31. The female data entry specialists have an average age of 32.

32. Up to 57% of workers in the field in the United States are older than 40.

33. Employees between 20 and 30 years old represent just 20% of the total population of data entry clerks in the US.

Data Entry Income Stats

34. Black or African American data entry professionals earn the highest average income of $31,991 annually.

35. The average income of White and Asian data entry keyers are $31,771 and $31,584 respectively.

36. Hispanic or Latino workers in the profession earn $31,711 yearly.

37. The annual income of data entry workers ranges between $31,500 and $32,000, irrespective of ethnicity.

Surprisingly, the difference in the average earnings of data entry workers according to ethnicity is minimal. The close range in the wages among the groups reflects a level of equity in the profession. However, other factors such as years of experience, educational level, and others affect the yearly earnings of workers.

38. The average salary of a data entry specialist in the United States is $36,562 each year.

39. Most workers in this profession earn an average of $28,961 annually in the United States. This wage amount shows keyers’ hourly pay is almost $15.80.

40. In the US, beginners in data entry earn about $24,000 annually.

41. About 10% of the best data entry keyers make a yearly income of over $33,000.

Education Statistics

42. About 38% of the total population of data entry clerks in the United States have a bachelor’s degree.

43. Just 21% of the workers in the US completed high school.

44. While 25% of data entry clerks have associate degrees, 7% have diplomas.

45. Specialists with a bachelor’s degree earn more income than those without, getting $33,846 every year.

46. The average salary of workers with a Master’s degree is about $33,993 annually.

Stats on Data Entry Error

Stats on Data Entry Error

Amid the new additions in systematic processes, there will still be certain levels of mistakes. Here are some details on data entry errors:

47. About 60% of entities don’t have complete confidence in their data quality.

48. Manual data entry is estimated to produce up to 1% error.

49. Data entries without any verification layer step have a 4% error level. This means that four errors will be found in every 100 entries.

50. The error rate in a human entry is 100 times compared of an automated system.

51. In the medical sector, mistakes in data entries lie between 0.04% and 0.67%.

52. Researchers record about 0.55% to 3.6% in data computation.

53. Just 16% of companies appreciate the quality of their marketing data.

54. Errors in automated systems range from 1 to 4.1 for 10,000 data entries, while a human will record about 100 to 400 errors. 

55. New York City has the largest number of data specialists in the United States, and most professionals live there. Houston, Texas, is another preferred destination for many data entry clerks.

Facts About Industries that Hire Data Entry Specialists

Facts About Industries that Hire Data Entry Specialists

56. More private companies hire data specialists, with over 54% of the workforce.

57. Government-based establishments and offices have 4% of data entry clerks.

58. Companies and institutions in the education sector employ just 2% of data specialists.

59. The main industry that hires data entry keyers is Staffing and Outsourcing, accounting for a 15% employment rate. Technology represents 10%, while banking and finance make up 9% of hiring data specialists.

60. The IT services industry takes on just 5% of data entry keyers.

61. Telecommunication, advertising and marketing, and real estate are among the industries with the lowest employment records of data specialists. Their hire rates are 2%, 1.5%, and 1.5%, respectively.

62. About 40% of data keyers are found in public entities.

Data Entry Skills

Data Entry Skills

All data entry specialists require basic skills to help them maintain an excellent output in the field. Some of the necessary skills are as follows:

  • Fast Typing: Speed is an essential part of data entry jobs. You must know how to type fast and promptly deliver your work to retain your position and grow in the field.
  • Attention to Details: It is one thing to type; it’s another to be efficient. Paying attention to details will prove that data entry work is worth it and will also impact your overall commitment.
  • Accuracy: Regardless of your typing speed, accuracy is a crucial indication of your competence. Many mistakes negatively reflect your personality and position as a data entry clerk.
  • Software Awareness: The world is advancing, and you must remain relevant. You must know related software in data entry jobs to prove your efficiency and knowledge.
  • Time Management and Good Organization: Good time management and organization will aid your deliveries. Organizing your data well will help you prioritize your tasks, effectively manage time, increase efficiency, and maintain a positive attitude at work.


There are no hidden tricks in being a data entry clerk. While the profession has no special qualification, you must have good typing skills and concentration to reduce the number of errors. Modern computing has offered more benefits in the field of record keeping. It helps to minimize the levels of errors and ensures faster entry time. Moreover, data entry is a good way of keeping information and facts for many years.


What is the average word per minute (wpm) expected of a data entry clerk?

What is the gender distribution in the data entry profession?

What is the most common race of data entry clerks?

How much can a US data entry clerk per hour?


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Digital Nomads Statistics and Figures in 2024 Thu, 18 Apr 2024 00:49:31 +0000 Digital nomads working remotely while traveling

We found the key digital nomad statistics that highlight emerging trends in the modern workforce, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more people seek fully remote or hybrid jobs,...

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Digital nomads working remotely while traveling
Digital nomads working remotely while traveling
Source: Lenny and Larrys

We found the key digital nomad statistics that highlight emerging trends in the modern workforce, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more people seek fully remote or hybrid jobs, and some sectors already stand out for their sizable share of remote employees.

This article discusses the jobs and sectors with the most remote opportunities, plus other key telework and digital nomad statistics. We dive into the average nomad income, the best and most popular remote working locations, as well as into the unique benefits and challenges of remote work.

Let’s get started.

Key Digital Nomads Statistics to Know In 2024

  • Throughout 2015–2023, the percentage of people working remotely around the world quadrupled, from 7% to 28%.
  • The share of home-based US workers went from 5.7% to 17.9% throughout 2019–2021.
  • In Q4 2023, remote and hybrid jobs made up under 25% of new openings on LinkedIn, compared to over 30% in European countries like France and Germany.
  • The tech sector has the largest share of remote workers – 68% as of 2023.
  • 2023 estimates showcase 40 million digital nomads around the world, and 17.3 million in the US alone.
  • Over 40% of digital nomads come from the US. Digital nomads are also likely to be men, under 40 years old, and have a higher education.
  • Freelancing is the most common work arrangement for digital nomads, followed by full time employment.
  • IT and creative services are the most popular careers for digital nomads, accounting for a third of nomads’ jobs combined.
  • Approximately 35% of digital nomads earn between $100k and $250k/year.
  • Attitudes to remote work are mostly positive – over 70% of survey respondents would like to work fully remote and 20% preferred hybrid arrangements; 52% would consider quitting for a remote position.
  • Freedom and flexibility are the most commonly cited benefits of remote work. The leading downsides to remote work include loneliness, inability to unplug, and time zone differences.
  • 80% of surveyed digital nomads report high job satisfaction (compared to 59% non-nomads).
  • In 2024, the most popular remote work hubs for digital nomads are London, Bangkok, New York, Berlin, Lisbon, and Paris.

An Overview of The Latest Teleworking Statistics

Although telework and digital nomadism aren’t the same, they both imply working remotely. A closer look at telework trends can tell us more about potential digital nomad statistics.

Telework is a type of work arrangement in which employees work outside a traditional office setting, typically from home or satellite offices. Digital nomads rely on telework, but they switch their working location regularly while traveling the world.

It’s likely that the wider adoption of remote arrangements could lead to more digital nomads thanks to the increase in teleworking jobs across industries, now available to employees from all over the world.

Remote Work Adoption Increased Since The Pandemic

While the concept of teleworking has been around since the 1970s, we’ve only seen a drastic shift in remote work statistics in the past few years. The COVID-19 restrictions fueled the adoption of remote and hybrid work across the board.

While estimates vary, the share of remote employees has been steadily increasing worldwide.

In the US alone, the share of home-based workers more than tripled throughout 2019–2021, going from 5.7% to 17.9% of the country’s working population as per data from the US Census Bureau.

This shift from on-site to remote work in the US has been going down since 2021, though. According to a recent online survey, the share of US respondents working remotely went from a peak of 70% in 2020 to under 30% in Q2 2022, likely because of more companies pushing for a return to the office.

The changing landscape of on-site and remote work in the US
Source: Statista

However, the percentage of remote workers stabilized at levels much higher than prior to the pandemic (27% in 2024 vs 8% in 2019). The share of people working hybrid jobs also hit an all-time high of 54% in 2024. Note, this was a smaller scale online survey.

According to recent data from Euronews, new remote and hybrid LinkedIn openings in the US made up less than 25% of jobs offered on the platform at the end of 2023.

In comparison, hybrid jobs made up over 30% of openings in France and Germany, and over 40% of those in the UK. With LinkedIn being among the biggest job search platforms worldwide, this finding tells us quite a bit about the regional job markets and the local adoption of remote work.

The Latest Global Stats on Remote Work

Throughout 2015–2023, the percentage of people working remotely went from 7% to 28%. These estimates come from a 2023 survey of 980 employers, but the trend is true across multiple surveys and reports.

The global rise in full-time or remote-first hybrid workers throughout 2015–2023
Source: Statista

The sharpest increase occurred between 2019–2022, with things seemingly leveling off in 2023. Prior to 2019, the share of remote workers grew at a modest rate of 1% per year.

An earlier 2022 survey of 1,200 chief information officers further supports this finding. The survey found that only 15% of global companies’ workforce worked remotely before COVID. That percentage rose to over 70% at the peak of the pandemic, but quickly went down to 45% in 2022.

Trends in remote work adoption during and post-pandemic
Source: Statista

Interestingly, a little over a third of the companies’ workers are expected to keep working in a hybrid model permanently, as of 2022. So, while the share of remote workers has been going down since the pandemic peak, it will likely remain higher than before 2020.

Of course, these figures are just averages, and the share of remote workers varies considerably across industries.

Remote Work Across Industries

Based on the same survey of 980 employers, the tech industry has the highest percentage of fully or mostly remote workers globally, followed by agencies and consultancies, finance and insurance, and engineering and science.

The share of remote workers worldwide, by industry, in 2023
Source: Statista

In 2023, nearly 68% of the workforce in tech worked remotely. At the opposite end, less than 15% of those in the healthcare, food, and hospitality industries partook in remote work.

Although not impossible to cook from home, you need a Health Department-approved kitchen to serve others, so remote work in the catering industry is understandably more challenging.

Previous data from the 2021 Business Response Survey had similar findings in the US, where information, financial activities, professional and business services, and education services had the largest share of jobs involving full-time or hybrid teleworking arrangements.

Over half of the US jobs in the information industry involved full-time telework, and an additional 15.8% involved some telework.

Other sectors like construction, manufacturing, retail trade, accommodations, and transportation aren’t compatible with remote work, so their lower shares are to be expected.

How Employees View Remote Work

The perception of remote work seems primarily positive. A 2021 survey of 3,900 employees worldwide found that 80% or more of respondents believe remote work is the future.

A vast majority of respondents also reported being able to accomplish all their tasks remotely, and 8 in 10 would recommend remote work to a friend.

Employees’ attitudes towards remote work throughout 2020–2021
Source: Statista

Although down by 10% since 2020, over half of respondents would still consider leaving their current company for a remote role.

A subsequent worldwide 2022 survey of 3,000 respondents also showed the majority of remote employees prefer to keep working remotely.

Over 70% of respondents said they’d like to be fully remote, and 20% preferred hybrid, remote-first work arrangements.

Also, 71% of respondents said their company was planning on permanently allowing some amount of remote work in the future.

As we highlight below, the increasing number of employees and businesses favoring remote work is likely because of telework’s compelling benefits. Some of these include lower operational costs for employers, and more freedom, flexibility for workers.

Employers’ Attitudes Towards Remote Work

Although many employees have returned to the office since 2023, we can see the long-lasting impact, with more employers and employees considering telework as a viable alternative to onsite work.

It seems some companies are already recognizing some of the benefits of remote work. Among the surveyed global employers who adopted remote work in 2023, 41% cited access to a broadened talent pool as the main reason.

The main reasons why companies adopted remote work in 2023
Source: Statista

Other frequently cited reasons included benefits for attracting and retaining talent, increased productivity, and reduced costs.

Surprisingly, 54% of employers surveyed in 2023 said they trusted the productivity of remote employees overall. Only 15% of employers were unsure or untrusting of their remote workers’ performance.

Another smaller-scale 2023 survey on 281 IT professionals found productivity decreasing was a consideration for 28% of organization leaders.

Although productivity was among the main concerns of hybrid work, the top priorities were organizational culture and effective collaboration, along with being able to tell when employees are demotivated.

As for employers who introduced return-to-office mandates in 2023, only 6% cited increasing productivity as a reason. Company culture or connection was the largest motivation for return-to-office mandates worldwide, followed by facilitating cooperation.

The main reasons for return-to-office mandates in 2023
Source: Statista

Crucially, these return to office decisions weren’t based on employees’ preferences.

Out of the employers who mandated returning to the office, 62% encountered resistance or unwillingness from employees, with 21% saying their employees’ response compelled them to review their return-to-office policies.

Digital Nomadism Is Slowly Picking Up

Overall, it seems more employees worldwide enjoy fully-remote job opportunities today, particularly in the tech, consulting, finance, and professional services sectors.

There were an estimated 40 million digital nomads worldwide in 2023.

Given that flexibility to choose where to live and work ranked among the top five benefits of remote work for global respondents in 2022, it’s likely that a sizable share of the new teleworking workforce could favor digital nomadism.

While we don’t know how many digital nomads there are, a WYSETC report estimated the number at over 40 million in 2023, with a projected growth to roughly 60 million by 2030.

Right now, most digital nomads come from the US. According to 2023 estimates, the number of digital nomads and aspiring digital nomads in the US has been going up year on year throughout 2019–2023.

The growing number of digital nomads in the US post-pandemic
These estimates are based on a 6,575 person online survey
Source: Statista

Based on these figures, the US already has the most digital nomads in the world, although this positive trend likely stands for other countries where remote work is becoming more accessible.

According to Google search trends, global interest in ‘digital nomad’ and other related queries has been going up since 2019. Interest hit an all-time peak beginning in Q2 2022, and has since remained higher than pre-pandemic.

Worldwide interest in 'digital nomad' from June 2019 to June 2024
Worldwide interest in ‘digital nomad’ from June 2019 to June 2024

In 2024, North America, Western Europe, and parts of the APAC show the highest interest based on search volume.

Remote vs Onsite Work – How Do They Compare?

Remote work brings many benefits to employees; many of them have to do with a better work-life balance or increased freedom and flexibility. Here are some of the perks of remote work, in practice:

  • Saving money and time on commuting
  • Better finances for those taking their remote jobs to lower income areas
  • Flexible schedules making it easier to spend more time with family
  • More freedom to pursue hobbies and set a consistent daily routine
  • Potentially reduced stress, which could support better mental and physical health.

Remote work could also benefit businesses, as it generally encourages tech adoption (like EoR, CRM, and project management software), it enables access to a wider pool of local and international talent, and it reduces maintenance and turnover costs.

However, remote work also has unique challenges, particularly for workers.

According to 2022 data from Statista, some of remote workers’ leading struggles include loneliness, inability to unplug, and being in a different timezone than their coworkers.

Most commonly reported struggles of remote workers
Source: Statista

Other problems cited that are unique to remote work include staying home too often and encountering distractions at home.

Additionally, 15% of survey respondents mentioned challenges in career advancement or growth, which could become even more of a concern in the future.

Since 2023, more employers have also been considering pay cuts for remote workers. A recent survey of 937 UK managers also suggested that remote workers are less likely to get promoted or receive a pay raise, compared to their onsite counterparts.

Other reports show remote workers have fewer opportunities for mentoring, connection, and feedback than their onsite colleagues, which could further limit their career path, especially as new employees.

Despite these potential downsides, more people would be willing to take a pay cut for the sake of the freedom and flexibility associated with remote work.

Even after the introduction of stringent return-to-office policies, remote workers, and digital nomads in particular, are still more likely to be highly satisfied with their job.

In 2023, for example, 80% of the surveyed digital nomads reported high job satisfaction, compared to 59% of non-nomads.

A Closer Look at Digital Nomads Demographics

Nomad List is one of the most popular online communities for digital nomads. Their periodic user surveys give us the most comprehensive data on nomad demographics, including digital nomads’ age, nationalities, income, and more. Let’s see their recent findings.

Which Countries Have The Most Digital Nomads?

A recent analysis of Digital Nomad List’s members shows us how many nomads in the USA and other countries use the platform, and which nationalities make up the largest share.

According to their findings, most digital nomads come from the US. Americans made up 46% of the respondents, surpassing all the other nationalities by a large margin.

Top nationalities of digital nomads in 2024
Source: Statista

Based on these numbers, Nomad List estimates the total number of US nomads at over 37 million, considerably higher than other sources.

The other top nationalities for digital nomads were British (7% of Nomad List members), Russian (5%), Canadian (5%), and German (4%).

Other countries in Europe and the APAC were even less represented, despite also providing remote or hybrid work opportunities at rates comparable to the US or higher.

Age and Gender of Digital Nomads

Digital nomads are more likely to be men. Another 2024 Nomad List survey shows men outnumber women on the site, as they made up 61% of the survey respondents.

The majority of digital nomads are also under 40 years old. As per a 2023 analysis on 1,200 respondents, 52.6% of digital nomads are aged 30–39, followed by those aged 18–29 at 22.4%.

The age breakdown of digital nomads in 2023
Source: Statista

These numbers suggest most US digital nomads are Millennials. In fact, Millennials make up 37% of the US digital nomad population, followed by Gen Xers (27%) and Gen Zers (21%).

Millennials also make up the largest share of the global workforce, so it seems like digital nomad age demographics reflect the wider market distribution of workers. This indicates a meaningful long-term trend forming.

Education, Income, and Occupation of Digital Nomads

Over 90% digital nomads have a higher education, with 54% of those having a Bachelor’s. The share of college-educated digital nomads goes hand in hand with their annual income and top career choices.

As per 2024 data from Nomad List, 35% of digital nomads on the site earn $100k–$250k/year. Another 34% make $50–$100k/year, which is equal or higher than the average US salary.

As for the most popular careers, 2023 data on US digital nomads shows 19% are working in IT, followed by 14% in creative services. Other popular professional fields included education and training, sales and marketing, finance, and consulting.

US digital nomads, stratified by the most common professions
Source: Statista

There’s some overlap among the leading digital nomad occupations for men and women, although male digital nomads are the most likely to work as software devs, web devs, and startup founders.

On the other hand, nomad women are more likely to work in creative and community fields, blogging, or coaching.

It’s worth noting the women’s sample size was over three times smaller, so it would be interesting to see if a larger sample or a sample from a different community would alter these findings.

Finally, over a third of digital nomads also work as freelancers, although another 31.5% are full-time employees. Entrepreneurship was the third most popular type of employment, reported by 13.6% of survey respondents.

So, it seems the average digital nomad is likely to be young, male, and have a higher education. Most digital nomads also work in IT and creative fields, often as freelancers or full-time employees.

Europe is the most popular destination for digital nomads traveling the world.
European countries like France, Spain, Italy and the UK already attract millions of tourists a year, so this isn’t that surprising.

Europe also offers the most digital nomad visas, which further contributes to its popularity among digital nomads in 2024.

Regions with the most digital nomad visas in 2024
Source: Statista

As of 2024, 18 European countries let nomads apply for visas, including the Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain. The Americas are close behind offering 16 visas, many throughout Latin America.

Regarding the most popular countries, the latest digital nomad statistics from Nomad List show most nomads travel to or within the US.

In march 2024, 14% of digital nomads’ trips were in the US, though it’s unclear how many of these nomads were foreign visitors and how many were US citizens relocating periodically.

Most popular locations for digital nomads in 2024
Source: Statista

Mexico was the second most popular destination in the Americas, accounting for 4% of trips reported by nomads in the survey. Most other top visited countries were in Europe, with Spain being the first choice and accounting for 5% of all trips.

The UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Portugal were also within the top 10 destinations. In Asia, the countries with the largest share of nomad visitors were Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam.

According to the same data, London is the most visited city, accounting for 2.3% of all reported trips. With a sample size of 322,140 trips, that means digital nomads have visited London 7,400+ times as of March 2024.

Other top cities with over 4,000 visits included Bangkok, New York, Berlin, Lisbon, Paris, Barcelona, and Amsterdam.

Some other remote work hubs have grown rapidly in the past five years, with Tbilisi, Madrid, Budapest, and Warsaw taking the lead.

Fastest growing destinations for digital nomads throughout 2019–2024
Source: Nomad List

It also seems most nomads change their location frequently. While the average time spent was 2 months per city and 6 months per country, the largest share of respondents in the same Nomad List survey said they spent less than a week in one city and 70–30 days in one country.

This could be due to legal requirements or reporting bias, as many countries have legal requirements for travelers to register with the local authorities if staying in the country for more than three months.

Prolonged stays also mean nomads will have to pay taxes, although the degree of legal enforcement varies from country to country.

The same factors that influenced remote work thus far will continue to fuel digital nomadism in the future. We can also expect new technological developments that will make it easier for companies and employees to effectively adopt hybrid or remote work arrangements.

Here are some key ongoing and future trends influencing digital nomadism:

Work Policy Changes

The increased adoption of hybrid and remote policies by companies worldwide is a major factor that could encourage the growth of digital nomadism. And with over 80% of workers globally preferring offsite work, the demand for policy changes is pretty clear.

An increasing number of companies are already adopting remote or hybrid arrangements to cut costs, so it seems company culture is slowly shifting globally (particularly in the IT sector).

Thanks to this, more employees will have the opportunity to work from anywhere, even while traveling.

More Digital Nomad Visas

The logistics of working while traveling used to be quite complicated before the introduction of digital nomad visas. Digital nomads are usually not eligible for work visas, and tourist visas could be too short for slow travelers relocating every few months.

Enter digital nomad visas – a flexible, affordable option allowing digital nomads to live and work legally in their destination country. With more countries introducing such visas in the past few years, being a digital nomad is becoming a lot easier.

Implementation of Business and Collaboration Software

Advancements in business and collaboration software are critical for the adoption of remote work policies, as hybrid and remote work environments face unique challenges relating to HR processes, company culture, and technology.

Some of the most commonly-cited hurdles include employee training, management procedures, onboarding, and collaboration.

However, the wide scale implementation of collaboration tools and business software (like EoR, project management, payroll, and onboarding solutions) will facilitate the switch to remote work by enabling seamless communication and collaboration regardless of location.

As these technologies continue to evolve and improve, they will make remote work more efficient and accessible for both companies and remote employees.

Digital Nomads and Remote Work Statistics Are Here to Stay

Based on the most recent digital nomad statistics, nomadism is on the rise. Although they still make up a very small share of the global population, we can see a sustained increase in the number of digital nomads over the past few years, particularly since the pandemic.

Telework and digital nomad statistics show a slowdown since the pandemic, but the number of remote or hybrid job openings and the interest for digital nomadism stabilized at a new high since 2022.

Moving forward, a combination of evolving remote work policies, the proliferation of digital nomad visas, and the ongoing development of business and collaboration tools creates a supportive environment for the digital nomad lifestyle, sustaining its recent and future growth.


What are digital nomads?

How much does the average digital nomad make?

Do digital nomads pay taxes?

Is digital nomadism growing?

What percentage of the world is nomadic?

What is the average age of a digital nomad?


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60+ Key Nonprofit Statistics: Essential Insights for 2024 Mon, 01 Apr 2024 01:22:16 +0000 Key Nonprofit Statistics for 2024

In This Guide Key Nonprofit Statistics for 2024 Fundraising Statistics of Nonprofit Entities Nonprofit Marketing Statistics 2024 Nonprofits Growth Statistics Nonprofit Digital Advertising Statistics Nonprofit Volunteers and Donors Conclusion FAQs...

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Key Nonprofit Statistics for 2024

Nonprofits are organizations dedicated to creating positive environmental changes without making a dime. With over 1.5 million such organizations registered in the United States alone, they play a major societal role.

They bring arts programs to underserved youth, fund medical research, and impact lives in countless ways. According to records, over 30% of Americans volunteer their time. Also, monetary donations have reached $500 billion on an annual scale. Nonprofits also create meaningful employment for 10% of the workforce and drive extensive economic ripple effects. They do this through volunteerism, charitable giving, and job creation.

The past two years have shown that nonprofits are agile and resilient. They faced new challenges. Over half adapted programs virtually when COVID-19 disrupted traditional fundraising and services.

This level of adaptation is why nonprofit growth continues surging. Robust expansion over 20 years confirms nonprofits’ vital role in tackling society’s most pressing issues. These statistics will help you understand how pivotal nonprofits are in the economy. There are many amazing records and facts about Nonprofits. But we’ll show you the most interesting and informative ones. Keep reading.

Key Nonprofit Statistics for 2024

Key Nonprofit Statistics for 2024

  1. Across the globe, there are many nonprofits and non-governmental organizations – over 10 million worldwide. 
  2. Around 1.3 million recognized charities and 501(c)(3) groups exist in the United States. 
  3. Around 10% of the American workforce finds employment within these nonprofit organizations, contributing to a 5-10% slice of the US GDP. 
  4. For every ten people working, one of them works for a nonprofit. 
  5. California has the greatest number of nonprofits of any state, followed by Texas and New York. 
  6. Regarding types of US nonprofits, foundations, schools, and religious institutions comprise around 40% combined
  7. Religious organizations lead as the most prevalent category among America’s nonprofits.
  8. Donations saw a 1.7% decline, marking the first contribution decrease since 2012.
  9. While individual monetary support decreased, alternative forms of giving gained traction.
  10. The United States hosts over 1.7 million charitable entities, which have experienced an annual growth rate of about 1.4% over the past two decades.
  11. Nonprofit entities encompass over one in ten companies in the United States and employ roughly 6% of the nation’s workforce.
  12. The collective revenue of these organizations surged from $1 trillion to nearly $3 trillion.
  13. There were reduced contributions and fewer volunteers across half of charity organizations due to the pandemic impacts.
  14. The delivery model of these entities changed because of COVID.
  15. Donations and contributions feed hungry individuals, protect animals, start racial equality, and run faith-based programs.
  16. Not less than forty percent of nonprofit entities work with educational, community, and religious foundations.
  17. The nonprofits in charge of enforcing enhanced password security are below 50%. Yet cyber challenges are increasing.
  18. Despite widespread online threats, regular employee coaching on the best practices of digital safety is lacking among 59% of nonprofit employees.

Fundraising Statistics of Nonprofit Entities

Fundraising Statistics of Nonprofit Entities

19. Almost ½ of the revenue of nonprofit entities comes from goods selling and rendering services. This negates the fact that donations sustain them.

20. For the record, nonprofits affiliated with schools make up to $1.5 billion every year through sales.

21. Only in 2019 did the charity groups based in the US accumulate up to 175 million contributions even though they highly needed more steadfast income streams.

22. The coronavirus interrupted humanitarian endeavors. However, the impact was not as severe as expected.

23. Donations to charity entities come from over ninety percent of wealthy homes. However, most of these entities’ inheritances come from members’ wills after passing.

24. While the COVID turmoil lingered, more than ½ of donors didn’t try to cut down on their contributions after the pandemic.

25. Fifty-three percent of such individuals made special requests during the pandemic to counterweight losses.

Recently, many charity entities have been actively working with online donors. Sources and methods of generating income vary from one nonprofit organization to another, but this doesn’t change the fact that fundraising and free-will gifts remain crucial to their operations each time crises arise.

So, they aim to enhance their revenue streams against potential rainy days. At the same time, they endeavor to support their past and potential givers via various tactical digital outreach methods. For these nonprofits, embracing versatile, donor-based funding techniques is a way to keep making huge differences amidst hardships.

Nonprofit Marketing Statistics 2024

Nonprofit Marketing Statistics

26. In nearly 79% of cases, online videos are crucial in convincing donors to contribute.

27. Up to two-thirds of nonprofits express concerns about underutilizing digital platforms and tools. 

28. In 2018, only one-third of these organizations invested in social media advertisements. 

29. Globally, 18% of charitable donations are made through Facebook. 

30. Open rates for nonprofit emails range from 15% to 17%. 

31. Volunteers within nonprofits tend to be twice as inclined to contribute financially compared to non-volunteers. 

32. Additionally, when nonprofits actively seek support through advertising and appeals, they secure monetary donations and attract more individuals willing to offer their assistance voluntarily. Most of the donations, about one-third, made through online platforms come from mobile phones.

33. Younger folks, those under 55, are much more likely, about 40% more, to volunteer their time.

34. In the UK, about two-thirds of the volunteers are women.

35. In the US, people around 64 are usually the highest donors and about a quarter prefer to gift assets like property or stocks instead of cash donations. 

36. Furthermore, approximately 25% continue giving for at least another year upon acquiring new donors.

Nonprofits Growth Statistics

Growth Stats

37. Charitable giving in the US reached a new high in 2022, with nonprofit entities receiving a whopping $520 billion in contributions and donations.

38. According to reports, at least 2/3 of these contributions come from daily contributors. Also, online donations keep climbing by 13% in the same year and are expected to continue climbing in the coming years.

39. Besides online giving, corporate donations are climbing, too. But that’s not all. The number of nonprofits in the United States also increased by roughly 20% in 2023, with more than 1.8 million entities present.

40. Corporate donations are also rising, making up 5% of nonprofits’ total support. From 2021 to 2022, their business donations went up 23%.

41. With many worthy causes, charities must creatively share their mission to stand out. Garnering donor awareness and dollars grows more competitive each year.  

42. Over 12.5 million jobs exist within the nonprofit sphere—a sizable segment of private-sector employment

43. Additionally, about 25% of nonprofit workers now telecommute, drastically higher than pre-COVID days.  

44. Large nonprofits expanded their follower base by 15% on social media on average. Their online presence proves as vital as traditional outreach these days.

45. Entering 2023, charitable organizations remain on an upward track—receiving funds from more sources, creating jobs, and harnessing digital channels to promote their meaningful work.

Nonprofit Digital Advertising Statistics

Digital Advertising Stats

46. Nonprofit organizations spent roughly 6 cents of every dollar donated digitally on web advertising in 2021. That’s a 19% jump in their digital ad budget from the previous year. 

47. Of the various online ad platforms, Google Ads generated the best return for them dollar-for-dollar—averaging $4.78 for each $1 spent. 

48. As the leading search provider, Google holds about 84% of the market share and processes over 3.7 billion daily searches. High visibility on Google is pivotal since 98% of search result clicks happen on page one.

49. While smaller, Microsoft Search (Bing, Yahoo) retains a solid 11.5% market share that is still significant.  

50. Google has supplied more than 115,000 charitable groups with over $10 billion in complimentary ad funds through its Ad Grants initiative.

51. On average, nonprofits pay around $1.43 per click on Google Ads. But visibility alone drives donations, too—35% of their online revenue comes from ad views without clicks.

52. Regarding return on ad spend in 2021, search ads performed best at $3.72. Display and social media trailed at $0.59 and $0.57, respectively.

53. The top causes Americans to donate to are food banks, churches, animals, and racial justice. Causes related to the pandemic were also popular in the last couple of years.  

54. Over half – 56% – of Americans give to charity each year. The average yearly amount people donate is around $700. 

55. Baby Boomers and Gen Z tie for the top spot, with 60% and 57% donating to nonprofits, respectively. Since Gen Z will be the biggest generation soon, their passion for social causes and organization stories matters.

Managing digital marketing takes expertise. Working with pros like Getting Attention helps nonprofits maximize programs like Google and Microsoft Ads.

Nonprofit Volunteers and Donors

Nonprofit Volunteers and Donors

56. Though only 11% of the population donates, 88% of seniors 78+ donate, giving almost $1400 yearly on average. Millennials tend to give more than Baby Boomers, and Gen Z donates more than Gen X on average.

57. 45% of donors are signed up for monthly recurring donations. Monthly givers donate 42% more overall than one-time givers.  

58. Online donations increased over 12% last year, powered by Millennial and Gen Z comfort with technology. 

59. A pretty big 30% of all Americans volunteered at some point over the past year. 

60. Around 67% of people who donate money to nonprofits also volunteer their time and talents. The two often go hand in hand.

61. For the first time during COVID, more Gen X and Millennial folks volunteered than Baby Boomers. The younger generations stepped up.

62. Most volunteers are married women with kids who went to college and are between 35 and 44.  

63. Food collection and handouts are the top volunteer activities across the US. 

64. When communicating with volunteers and donors, email is preferred by 70%. So newsletters and fundraising appeals do best in inboxes.

Many everyday Americans from all walks of life lend nonprofits a helping hand. Women lead the charge, but younger generations are pitching in more lately. And making sure email lists are up-to-date is critical since most supporters expect to be contacted digitally. Americans’ generosity knows no bounds, especially when the causes deeply resonate with them. With monthly contributions and online platforms now in the picture, lending a hand has never been more convenient.


Charitable groups across America do a world of good for local communities. Their work encompasses feeding the hungry, funding medical breakthroughs, sheltering people without homes, protecting animals – the list goes on. The significance of these charitable organizations continues to grow. At last count, roughly 1.5 million were registered in the US, accounting for 15% of charities worldwide. Additionally, these groups employ around 16 million people, making up about 10% of America’s workforce. Their contributions also factor heavily into national GDP at 5.7%.

While the number of charitable nonprofits has steadily grown at 1.4% yearly over the past two decades, their collective revenue has skyrocketed. In 2000, earnings totalled $1.15 trillion but had doubled to $2.62 trillion by 2016. Although current nationwide figures are unclear, their income has soared over recent years. Despite their commendable goals, these charities handle substantial sums to fund their work. Their operations may be well-intentioned, but the scale of financing involved is monumental.


What portion of the working population works for nonprofits?

What are the big trends for nonprofits in 2024?

Who’s the wealthiest nonprofit?

What’s the most crucial need for nonprofits?

Which country gives the most to charity?


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2024 Gig Economy Statistics: Unveiling 85+ Remarkable Insights Sat, 30 Mar 2024 02:09:03 +0000 Key Gig Economy Statistics 

In This Guide Key Gig Economy Statistics General Gig Economy Statistics 1. Over Two-thirds of Full-time Gig Workers Find it a More Secure Form of Employment Than a Regular Job....

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Key Gig Economy Statistics 
In This Guide

The gig economy allows people to enjoy flexible work hours. They can do so without the hassle of waking up early to beat the office start time. Technology has made it much easier to connect employers with workers. So, you don’t need to put up a “workers needed” sign at a location or rent an office to converge employees.

While gigs are a side hustle for some, they are a full-time job for most people. Whatever the case, one thing is certain: gigs, whether as side hustles or main employment, put food on people’s tables. For that reason, the gig economy has turned into a thriving economy. Experts expect the gig economy to reach $500 billion in gross revenue within five years, with a third of the world’s workforce currently participating in it.

Since the lockdown, more people and businesses have embraced this work model. Many now prefer to use the services of contract workers. Reviewing the highs and lows of gig economy statistics will help you fully understand it and appreciate its value. Let’s plunge in.

Key Gig Economy Statistics 

Key Gig Economy Statistics

  1. Over two-thirds of full-time gig workers find it a more secure form of employment than a regular job.
  2. Up to 31.63% of consultants in the last couple of years had a fall in service demands. 
  3. Freelancers yield as huge as $1.21 trillion into the coffers of the United States.
  4. Experts had high hopes that the gig economy would hit a gross volume of $455.2 billion at the close of 2023. 
  5. Up to 20% of people considered freelancing to support themselves in 2021. 
  6. As large as 40% of the United States workforce passed off as moonlighters at the end of 2020.

General Gig Economy Statistics

General Gig Economy Statistics

1. Over Two-thirds of Full-time Gig Workers Find it a More Secure Form of Employment Than a Regular Job.

More than two-thirds of people doing gigs full-time see it as more secure than regular employment. Working in the gig economy removes the twists and turns that come with regular work settings.

2. Up to 31.63% of Freelancers in the Last Couple of Years Had a Fall in Service Demands.

As much as 31.63% of freelancers complained of having a fall in the number of job contracts.

3. Freelancers Raised as Much as $1.21 Trillion into the Coffers of the United States.

A $1.2 trillion entered the United States economy during the pandemic. It resulted from the work done by over a third of freelancers while at home. It rose 22% from what it stood at the close of 2019 because of the entry of newbies. These were mostly young ones and skilled professionals in need of flexible jobs.

4. Experts had High Hopes That the Gig Economy Would Hit a Gross Volume of $455.2 Billion at the Close of 2023.

The gig economy was expected to reach a peak of $455.2 billion in gross volume at the end of 2023. According to experts, this stems from the fact that many new persons act as free agents.

5. Up to 20% of People Considered Freelancing to Support Themselves in 2021.

As much as 20% of persons in a 2021 survey said they were considering freelancing.

6. As Large as 40% of the United States Workforce Passed Off as Moonlighters at the end of 2020.

Just 40% of the United States workforce was made of gig workers by the close of 2020.

Gig Economy Statistics – Global

Gig Economy Global Statistics

7. As High as 97% of Indians and Mexicans Alike Love to Take Freelancing Jobs.

Many people, as large as 97% in Mexico and India, are part of the gig economy.

8. Up to 90 to 94% of People in Countries Like Italy and Spain are Open to Freelancing.

Gig work is the trend for most people in Italy, Spain, the UK, and Australia.

9. As Many as 93 Million Adults in the United States and Europe Participate in Side Hustles.

Many working age groups in the United States and Europe are gig workers.

10. Workers Shot up in the Gig Economy to Reach 4.7 Million at the Close of 2019.

The number of gig workers rose to 4.7 million in Britain alone in 3 years. This was no small feat as it meant I, in every working adult, was towing the path of a free agent.

11. The Size of Freelance Workers in the European Union Rose by 24% Between 2008 to the End of 2015.

There was a 24% rise in independent workers in the EU from 2008 to the end of 2015. This meant a hike in gig workers from 7.7 million to 9.6 million. It also meant, in the same vein, an average yearly growth rate of 3.42% over the past seven years.

12. Less Than 10% of Workers in Developed Countries Use Gig Platforms.

Just between 3% to not over 10% of working adults in advanced counties are on a gig platform. Over 30% of gig workers in developing regions use it as a source of income.

Gig Economy Statistics – Size

Gig Economy Size Statistics

13. Over a Third of People Working in the United States Participate in the Gig Economy.

More than a third of people in the United States support themselves as freelancers. It means 36% of the entire workforce, about 57 million Americans.

14. Women Comprise 63% of the Total Freelance Workers in the United States.

Female folks in the United States make up a large chunk of 63% of entire gig workers.

15. The Gross Volume of the Gig Economy was Expected to Rise in 2023 to Hit $455.2 Billion.

The gross volume of the global gig economy was expected to rise as high as $455.2 billion at the close of 2023.

16. Mastercard had High Hopes That the World Gig Economy Would Raise $204 Billion at the End of 2023.

A study by Mastercard in 2019 valued the world gig economy at $204 billion at the close of 2023.

17. Freelance Economy by Intuit was Expected to Rise as High as 43% at the End of 2020.

In a study, Intuit stated that the gig economy will most likely reach 43% by the close of 2020.

Gig Work Sectors Statistics

Gig Work Sectors Statistics

18. Therapist Earns More Than Any Other Gig Worker at $27.84 Every Hour.

Persons who are freelance therapists in the United States earn as much as $27.84 in just an hour.

19. Up to 40% of Free Agents Started With the Help of Online Platforms.

Many freelancers landed their first paying jobs using a talent hunt online marketplace or an online platform. Some of these platforms include Fiverr, Upwork, and many others.

20. Those Offering Consulting Services Take up as Much as 45% of the Total Number of Freelancers.

A large majority of gig workers worldwide use consulting services. Up to 45% of those in temporary work provide mentorship services.

21. The Construction Industry is One Area Favored by Many Freelancers.

The construction industry today is benefiting a whole lot from the services of freelancers. This industry has fared better in these past years with the input of gig workers.

22. The Demand for Free Agents in the Production and Field Services was Expected to Hit 88% at the End of 2023.

The demand for freelance workers was expected to reach as high as 88% at the close of 2023. These workers were hoped to be in the production and field service sectors during the period.

23. Free Agents Cater to up to 72% of Work Done by Large Organizations and Professional Firms.

Large corporations are in the habit of giving out 72% of sensitive projects to free agents. Professional firms also take part in this operation trend with the same volume.

24. The Transport Sector is One Area Worldwide, Taking up 58% of the Gig Economy.

The transport sector accounts for 58% of the freelance economy, leaving the rest to other areas. Some other areas that strive in this regard are the legal, finance, account, advisory services, and IT sectors.

25. The Gig Economy is Home to Employment for a Large Number of People Worldwide.

This sector stands second in terms of work opportunities for people worldwide.

Gig Work in the Pandemic Statistics

Gig Work in the Pandemic Statistics

26. Up to 62% of the Entire Gig Economy Globally Lost Deals Due to the Pandemic.

The pandemic caused as many as 62% of gig economy workers to lose clients. It all boiled down to the rise in competition in the online market due to the entry of new people.

27. As Large as 26% of Persons in the Gig Economy had a Fall in Working Hours During the Pandemic.

During the stay-at-home period, up to 26% of the total gig workers said there was a fall in work contracts.

28. The Volume of Work was the Same Throughout the Covid for 27% of Free Agents.

The report differed for 27% of the global freelancers during the pandemic. These persons had the same amount of work before the covid 19 saga.

29. During the Pandemic, Furniture Removal had the Highest Hourly Rate, 54%.

Furniture removal was strived far above all other areas in the gig economy, with an hourly rate of 54%.

30. Just About 2.1 Million Workers Were Birthed into the Gig Economy by the End of 2020.

As many as 2.1 million people joined the gig economy in 2020 alone, a far cry from the number recorded in the past year. For many, the pandemic opened a new world of possibilities, including gig work.

31. The Number of Research and Survey Takers Went Uphill in the Spring of 2020.

The number of people joining research and survey works rose more than ever before the pandemic.

32. Around 50 Million Workers in the Gig Economy were Affected Due to the Pandemic.

Around 50% of the total number of gig workers worldwide lost their source of income. It means around 50 million freelancers lost deals due to the pandemic that occurred in 2020.

Gig Economy Statistics about Labor

Gig Labor Statistics

33. In the United States, Temporary Workers Rose to 24.57 Million at the End of August 2021.

The United States stated that it had 24.57 million freelancers when August 2021 ended.

34. Florida had the Largest Number of Free Agents in the United States, With a 22% Share.

Texas and California were not left behind as they competed fairly in gig workers with Florida.

35. In States Like Massachusetts, Ohio, and Others, Gig Workers Stand at 16%.

Certain states in the United States, like Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New York, have 16% of gig workers.

36. Up to 57% of Temporary Workers Work Over 40 Hours Weekly.

Over 50% of the gig economy spends over 40 hours doing contract jobs weekly.

37. The Average Freelancer Gets Paid 58% Less Than a Full-time Worker in an Organization.

Gig workers earn an average of 58% less than those employed full-time staff in a company. They do not get benefits like welfare or health packages from the workplace.

38. Blockchain and Those Using AI are the Biggest Earners in the Gig Economy World.

Freelancers in artificial technology and blockchain are the highest earners in this industry today.

39. The United States Public Sector is the Highest Employer of Gig Workers, With as high as 14%.

The United States public sector employs up to 14% of freelancers, the largest.

40. In the United States alone, there are around 170 Companies That Hire Gig Workers.

About 170 companies scattered all around the United States have their doors open to the services of gig workers.

41. AnswerConnect, Toptal, and Two Others are the Biggest Virtual Companies in the United States.

The four biggest companies that have made a name for themselves in the virtual world are InVision, AnswerConnect, Toptal, and Automatic.

Gig Worker’s Belief Statistics

Gig Worker's Belief Statistics

42. A 99% of Those in Remote Jobs will Most Likely Keep Working for a While.

Up to 99% of gig workers said they will continue working remotely until the end of their careers.

43. Just 2% of Freelance Workers do not see it as Something That Can be Done in the Long Haul.

A mere 2% of freelancers consider their job just a fling to sustain them for a short time.

44. Up to 64% of Gig Workers Will Choose to Work Free From the Strain of a Boss.

As large as 64% of the gig economy enjoy working as free agents since it gives relief from a boss.

45. As Many as 70% Choose the Career Path of Remote Work to Get a Better Life.

Securing a better life is the will behind 70% of remote workers today.

46. Security and Health Coverage are the Major Concerns for 86% of Gig Workers Worldwide.

Up to 86% of freelancers see security and medical cover as something companies should consider.

47. Over 50% of Freelancers say They will not Relinquish Their Freedom to Work in a Regular Job Again.

More than 50% of independent workers said they will never return to working a 9 to 5 pm job again.

48. As high as 84% of Gig Workers Love the Life They are Now Living.

Up to 84% of gig workers are satisfied with their lives, while just 54% of regular employees share this opinion.

49. Up to 78% of Remote Workers Said they are More at Peace Than Conventional Workers.

As many as 78% of those in the gig economy feel happier than regular workers.

50. 68% of Freelancers Feel Way Healthier Than Those in Permanent Jobs.

The freedom of time involved in the job gives the needed healthy life that 68% of freelancers take pride in.

Gig Demographics Statistics

Demographics Stats

51. Women in the United States Comprise 63% of the Contract Labor Force.

Women make up as large as 63% of the contract labour force in the United States.

52. Up to Two-thirds of Remote Workers’ Customer Service Officers Speak Various Languages.

Two-thirds of customer service representatives can speak more than one language.

53. Up to 72% of Contract Customer Service Workers Have a College Degree.

As large as 72% of remote customer service representatives worldwide are college graduates.

54. 50% of Gig Workers are Generation Z, Leaving Millennials With Only 44%.

Generation Z is the largest group in the gig economy, with 50%, trailed by millennials, with 44%.

55. Not Up to a Quarter of Baby Boomers Work in the Gig Economy.

Baby boomers are the least interested in participating in the gig economy, with less than a quarter working as freelancers.

56. Postgraduates Make up as high as 41% of Freelancers Worldwide.

Postgraduates are very much caught in the web of the gig economy, with 41% participation.

57. Millennials Comprise a Third of the Total Number of Freelancers Across all Countries.

The young generation is helping in no small way to grow the gig economy worldwide.

58. Whites Comprise 76% of the Gig Economy in the United States.

Whites play a large part in the growth seen today in the gig economy, with a 76% contribution.

59. Just 17.1% of Remote Workers in the United States are of the Black American Race.

Black Americans comprise a small fraction of 17.1% of the total remote workers in the United States.

60. Those Hispanic and of Asian Descent Make up 22.2% of the United States.

In the United States, Asians make up 5.8% of gig workers, leaving 16.4% to the Hispanic people.

61. Up to 53% of Permanent Staff Participate in the Day’s Politics, While Just 34% of Contract Workers do the Same.

A smaller percentage of contract workers participate in their country’s political running. Just 34% of freelancers are involved in the political arena, while as high as 53% of permanent staff do the same.

Gig Job Satisfaction Statistics

Job Satisfaction Stats

62. About 60% of Gig Workers say Their Work is Flexible for Them.

Up to 60% of gig workers believe the job allows them to work at their own pace.

63. One Major Reason Many People go Into Freelancing is to Have a Better Life.

Many people in the gig economy go into it to get a better life for themselves and family.

64. 1 Out of Every Six People in a Regular Job Would Like to Go Into a Personal Business Soon.

One in every six traditional workers has the dream of one day being the owner of a business.

65. Over 50% of Freelancers Also Work as Employees in a Regular 9 am to 5 pm Job.

Over half of gig economy workers are gainfully reemployed on a regular paying job.

66. Only 19% of Contract Workers Said That Doing Gigs Takes Care of Their Daily Needs.

Just 19% of the gig economy own up to having their daily needs cared for by simply doing gigs.

67. Just 50% of University Graduates Say That Training Repeatedly is Vital to Any Career.

Up to 54% of college graduates say that the high cost of training fees is why they have not improved their skills. However, the high cost of training is not a reason for 50% of gig workers to stop getting more knowledge.

68. About 79% of Freelancers Feel Very Happy With Their Job.

Up to 79% of free agents say they are very happy with their work.

69. As Great as 45% of People Who Depend Only on Doing Gigs Have Anxiety Issues.

Anxiety about when the next contract job will come is a constant issue for 45% of gig workers.

70. Up to 56% of Those on Contract Jobs say they are More Stable Money-wise.

56% of gig workers feel more stable financially than if they were to be placed on a monthly paying job.

Gig Financial Statistics

Gig Financial Statistics

71. A Delivery Driver on an App in New York Gets up to $7.87 Every Hour.

You get paid $7.87 for an hour’s drive as a delivery driver on an app anywhere in New York.

72. About Half of the Earnings Made by Courier Service Workers in New York is Through Tips.

Courier service workers in New York make about 50% of their income from tips.

73. Up to 27% of Those in the Gig Economy have no Savings for Retirement.

27% of people who freelance on the full scale do not have any retirement savings.

74. Just 12% of Remote Workers with a Regular Paying Job can be Said to have Money Set Aside for Their Retirement Days.

As low as 12% of workers doing gigs and a regular job are wise enough to set money for ageing days.

Gig Economy and Technology Statistics

Gig Economy and Technology

75. Up to Two-thirds of Human Resource Managers Plan to Increase the Number of Remote Tech Hires.

Two-thirds of HR managers feel the need to increase the number of remote tech experts hired. This means there will be a fall in the number of permanent staff in the years to come.

76. Over 70% of Gig Workers Find Jobs Using Online Marketplaces.

Over 70% of remote workers across the globe land gigs using online market sites.

77. Some of the Greatest Freelance Websites Used Worldwide are Upwork and Fiverr.

First on the list of online work sites is Upwork, with 15 million users, trailed by Fiverr and then Toptal.

78. About 77% of Gig Workers Feel Technology has Made Getting Jobs Easier.

About 77% of remote workers say that the entry of new inventions has made getting a job far easier.

79. Up to 53% of Millennials in the United States Use Smartphones to Search for Jobs.

Searching for a job has been easier in the United States and worldwide. A smartphone is used by 53% of young people who need a job in the United States.

80. Facebook has Become a Tool for Skill Promotion to 34% of Contract Workers Today.

As much as 34% of remote workers now use Facebook to showcase their skills to the world.

81. Over 30% of Fortune 500 Businesses Use Upwork to Hire Freelance Experts.

Over 30% of Fortune 500 companies favour Upwork as a platform for sourcing freelance expertise. This statistic underscores its significance as a go-to resource for businesses seeking specialized skills on a project basis.

Economy Trends

82. As much as 36% of United States Workers Got to do Gigs Through Their Daily Paying Jobs.

A daily paying job is how 36% of workers in the United States get gigs works.

83. Gigs Work Varies from Graphic Designs to Creative Writing and More on Contract Basics.

Many gigs are online, from Uber driving to food deliveries, graphic design, and more.

84. Up to 44% of Freelancers Take Their Gig Jobs as the Main Source of Money.

The money from gig work is the main source of income for as many as 44% of free agents.

85. As high as 80% of Freelancers are Used to Working From the Comfort of Their Homes.

Working from home comes naturally for 80% of gig workers, while 9% enjoy working from the office. Another 7% love sharing a working space outside the office, and 3% enjoy working at a coffee shop. The last on this list are 0.5% that enjoy working in the quietness of a library.

The Future of Gig

The Future of Gig

86. The Gig Economy Will Most Likely Hit 86.5 Million Workers by the Close of 2027.

The gig economy is projected to swell to approximately 86.5 million workers by the end of 2027, indicating a significant shift towards flexible employment arrangements.

87. Hopes are High that in 10 Years, up to 40% of Americans will Become Freelancers.

Optimism prevails regarding the prospect that within a decade, as many as 40% of Americans will transition to freelance work, reflecting evolving attitudes toward traditional employment models.

88. Customer Service Remote Workers will Likely Stand Between 20 and 50% at the End of 2025.

Anticipated growth suggests that remote customer service personnel could comprise between 20% and 50% of the workforce by 2025, reflecting the increasing prevalence of remote work arrangements.

89. In the Coming Years, 80% of Big Companies will Hire More Flexible Workers.

Future trends indicate that a substantial 80% of large corporations will increase their recruitment of flexible workers, signalling a strategic pivot towards agile workforce management strategies.


The flexibility of work keeps people in their millions in the gig economy. More people have joined this work model over the past couple of years. Many realized the gold mine online when the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the world.

Online gigs brought cool cash into the pockets of some and even became mainstream income for many. The numbers keep growing yearly as more young ones tap into this gold mine. So, the numbers will most likely keep adding up. Gig work has come to stay and will only improve in the coming years.


How much has the gig economy grown over the years?

How many women take part in freelancing worldwide?

What is the future of the gig economy in the coming years?

Why is gig work so attractive to many people?

What are the most likely places to get gigs today?


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Telstra Statistics 2024: You Won’t Believe #13 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 01:53:49 +0000 Key Telstra Statistics

In This Guide Key Telstra Statistics General Telstra Statistics 1. As an Australian Telecommunication Giant, it Not Only Builds But Also has Great Control Over the Sector. 2. Telstra has...

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Key Telstra Statistics
In This Guide

Telstra has done well as a telecommunications company with booming revenue. This giant has strived to rise in the last couple of years against the tide in the private sector. It has been competing favorably with other telecommunication networks in providing related services, ranging from mobile retail services to retail bundles and data services.

Telstra’s broadband Internet product has created a great spot in the industry. This does not in any way downplay the part NBN, 5G, Mobile Phone Service, and TV have on its growth. The industry in Australia cannot be spoken about today without Telstra. Knowing its scope of services and growth over these years will give you a better picture of Telstra. Let’s dive into the must-know Telstra statistics for 2024!

Key Telstra Statistics

Key Telstra Statistics

  1. As an Australian telecommunication giant, it not only builds but has great control over the sector.
  2. Telstra has risen in recent years to be the leading wireless provider in the country.
  3. The founding of Telstra dates far back as the kickoff of the Australian telecommunication postal and network service.
  4. Telstra came into full glare to public use in July 1975.
  5. It has around 150 subsidiaries with 35% Foxtel ownership, 30% in Sensus, and 51% in Amplitel stakes.
  6. Optus, a major competitor of Telstra since the 90s, is the second-largest mobile network.
  7. Optus owns the Singapore telecommunication company called Singtel.
  8. Telstra network in Australia now covers as large as 1 million square kilometers.
  9. It installs an average of 12,000 telecom services every day of the week.
  10. The company decided to take on the name Telstra right before the close of 1993.
  11. Telstra was placed in 596 on the Forbes Global 2000 ranking in 2022.

General Telstra Statistics

General Telstra Statistics

1. As an Australian Telecommunication Giant, it Not Only Builds But Also has Great Control Over the Sector.

Telstra competes fairly well in the Australian telecommunications market. It is built so that anyone can use it without strain. This is because customers’ needs are focused while dishing out digital content and connection. 

2. Telstra has Risen in Recent Years as the Leading Wireless Provider in the Country.

Providing as large as about 22.5 million mobile retail services, data services, and 3.4 million retail bundles has set it on top. The radar on telecommunications all points out that Telstra is the leader in Australia today. 

3. The Founding of Telstra Dates Far Back to the Kickoff of Australian Telecommunication Postal and Network Services.

The company comes from the Australian Postmaster Department’s long history, founded in 1901. It was later turned over to the States before being sold out in 2011. This journey, for many, is the reason for the success story we have now in Telstra.

4. Telstra Came Into Full Glare to Public Use in July 1975.

The industry was originally in the hands of the postmaster department in 1901 before the switch. A separate commission was raised in July 1975 to replace the PMG. These events brought the Australian Telecommunication Commission into the domestic market. 

5. It Has Around 150 Subsidiaries and Owns 35% of Foxtel’s Ownership, 30% of Sensus, and 51% of Amplitel.

Amplitel of Telstra takes the place in Australia as the highest mobile tower facility provider with a 51% stake.

6. Optus is the Second-largest Mobile Network in Australia and Has Been One of Telstra’s Major Competitors Since the 90s.

Optus is a die-hard Telstra rival. It covers 98.5% of Australia, a close call to Telstra, which covers 99.5% of Australia’s landscape.

Telstra Market Share

Telstra Market Share

7. Telstra’s Market Share Leapt in 2020, Earning the Firm Revenue of A$26.2 Billion at the Year’s Close.

2020 was quite an eventful year for Telstra, so much so that its market share rose to $26.2 billion at the end of the year. This was a huge blow of defeat to its rival, Optus, which recorded just $9 billion in that same year.

8. In 2021, Telstra Raked as Large as 44% of Australia’s Market Share.

Its vast control was seen in no small way by its 44% market share in mobile retail. This company has repeatedly shown that it rules the Australian mobile market.

9. The Largest Share of the Market has Been Going to Telstra Since the Break of 2010.

Being in control over the Australian mobile market has been the lot of Telstra since 2010.

10. Revenue of Telstra in 2023 Stood Tall With as High as $14.80 Billion.

This is quite a great feat as it made a little less the past year, with $14.39 billion.

11. It Maintained a 45% Market Share From 2014 to the Close of 2016.

Earnings were great for the Telstra group, which had a large 45% Australian market share.

12. Expectations Were Quite High in 2021 But Unable to be Met as Telstra Fell to 44%.

Its high hopes for 2021 were dampened when it closed with a 44% market share.

13. The Revenue of Telstra Hit $15.77 Billion at the End of 2021.

2021 is one year that will be in the minds of the Telstra group for a long time to come. Making a revenue of $15.77 billion did set Telstra at 0.84% more than it did in 2020. The company ended 2020 on a sad note as its revenue went downhill, with 8.29% on a scale of $15.64 in revenue.

Telstra Usage Statistics 

Telstra Usage Statistics 

14. Up to 18.8 Million People Use Services Provided by Telstra as of 2020.

Telstra can be said to be the biggest fan for most mobile users in Australia. Little wonder it could gather as many as 18.8 million subscribers in 2020.

15. More Than 9 Million Lines Were Fixed and Run by the Telstra Group in 2008.

Services totaling over 9 million were made available to the people of Australia in 2008 alone.

16. Telstra Users Can Now Have up to 30 Minutes of International Calls From Their Homes in Australia.

The new Telstra upfront plan allows subscribers 30 minutes of international calls. This means that anyone in Australia can connect with others around the globe. However, this does not erase the boundless regular international SMS and MMS plans.

17. International Calls on Telstra Cut Across up to 230 World’s Boundaries.

The company’s journey has been exciting; users can connect with people in 230 countries. This is a big break for the Australian telecommunication industry, as barriers are a thing of the past.

18. It Fared Well as a Web Host Service Provider, With Live Websites Amounting to 17,089 at the Close of 2022.

Having live websites totaling 17,089 in just a year was a great deal for Telstra. That same year, 32,298 websites came through, with 83 of them in the United Kingdom.

19. Telstra Takes 6th Place on Australia’s List of the Best 1 Million Users Website.

Getting the 6th spot shows that the company has a spot in the hearts of most mobile users.

20. It Ranks as the 15th Most-used Hosting Website in the United States.

The presence of Telstra is like a breath of fresh air not only in Australia but also in other places. Being at the 15th spot shows how much all appreciate its hosting service.

Telstra Salary Statistics

Telstra Salary Statistics 

21. Just About 32,000 People Were Placed Under Telstra Payroll in 2018.

The numbers were on the high side, with 32,000 when the curtain of 2018 closed. This could not be continued, as staff slashed to around 27,000 at the close of 2021. 

22. Communication Consultants Get a Salary of About $110,000 a Year.

You earn a whopping sum of $110,000 yearly working as a communication expert in Telstra.

23. The One Holding the Head of Operations Post Receives as Much as $200,000 Annually.

Being a sensitive position places the head of operations on a payroll of about $200,000 yearly.

24. Warehouse Associates are Placed on an Hourly Paycheck Totaling $11.75 in Telstra.

A warehouse assistant has the right to receive up to $11.75 as a paycheck every single hour.

25. Office Clerks Will Earn as Much as $12.96 in Just an Hour at Telstra.

Every office clerk on Telstra payroll receives an hourly check of $12.96 daily.

26. Telstra Customer Service Officers Get Paid as Much as $17.08 for an Hour’s Work.

Customer service officers receive better pay than others; they earn $17.08 per hour.

27. Telstra Covers Many Areas, Such as Mobile Networks, Data, and Internet Services.

Certain services, such as Pay TV, mobile networks, and many more, reach users through Telstra. In recent years, the company has expanded its scope of operation to include mobile pay TV.

28. It Opened More Than 350 Direct Sales Stores in Australia for Mobile Phones and Accessories in May 2016.

The company opened over 350 direct sales stores all over Australia in just May 2016.

Telstra Revenue Statistics

Revenue Stats

29. Telstra Makes the List of Australia’s Best Companies With a Bright Future.

The group has gathered faithful users over the years to make the list of the best ten companies in Australia

30. It Has Been Able to Make the Fortune 500 List of Global Companies.

A high user base helps a company qualify for the Fortune 500 list.

31. Telstra’s Profit has Kept Falling After a Height of $26.01 Billion at the Close of 2017.

After the close of 2017 with an all-high revenue of $26.01, there has been a fall in its profit.

32. The Year 2021 Was Not Quite Different, as Revenue Stood at About $21.56 Billion in Telstra.

There has been a fall in the company revenue for two years in a row. This turn of events can be dated as far back as 2017.

33. Telstra Raked $23.2 Billion in Total Income at the Close of 2023.

Profit motivates people to do business, and it is no different for Telstra, which made $2.1 billion in profit in 2023 alone. Revenue during this period stands at $23.2 billion, a fall from the past year.

Telstra Stock Statistics

Stock Stats

34. Telstra First Appeared on the Australian Stock Exchange Market in 1997, Listed at $3.30.

The company first gained entry into the Australian stock market in November 1997, and it sold its 4.29 billion shares to retail stockholders at $3.30.

35. This Company has as many as a Million Shareholders in Australia.

Achieving a feat of a million shareholders has made Telstra the most traded company in the stock market.  

36. Some of Telstra’s Major Stocks have Spread to Other Countries, Such as Japan.

Over the years, the company has spread its tentacles of stocks to certain countries. Some of these nations are Singapore, Indonesia, the United States, China, New Zealand, Europe, and Hong Kong.

37. Just One Share of Telstra Costs as Much as $3.90 as of July 2022.

The cost price for a share of this company stood at 3.90 by the end of July 2022. Telstra stock was priced between $12.63 and $15.79 from 2021 to the close of 2022.

More On Telstra

More Stats

38. The state once owned the company before it made a sales bid in 1997.

39. The company completed the whole process of selling out by the end of 2011.

40. It made the news in 2014 when they called it the most valued company in Australia.

42. They placed the company’s mobile services on a scale of 73.9% at the close of 2018.

43. The government made profits of $14 billion in Telstra’s 1997 sales session. 

44. Telstra has a great customer service rating with 74% on internet service in just 2018

45. Website visits skyrocketed to approximately 19.8 million at the end of May 2022.


Telstra has come a long way in growth in all technology areas, especially in mobile internet services. Over the years, it has wielded so much power in Australia’s telecommunication industry. Nothing much can be said about the telecom sector without mentioning Telstra. Many of the changes we see today in telecommunication are largely due to Telstra’s efforts. While these past years have been quite challenging, with revenue falling and profits, it will not still downplay Telstra’s impact over the years. Telstra has favored spreading its wings to cover other countries, and more of this is expected in the coming years.


Does the Australian government participate in Telstra’s daily running?

How many people in Australia still use Telstra services today?

Has the company been growing in the past years?

What has been Telstra’s main source of income over the years?

What makes Telstra’s mobile network stand out over Vodafone?


The post Telstra Statistics 2024: You Won’t Believe #13 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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2024 Payroll Statistics: A Look at the Most Recent Trends Wed, 20 Mar 2024 16:53:19 +0000 Accountang compiling payroll statistics

Our payroll statistics discuss recent payroll trends, payroll implementation challenges, and tech innovations in the US. We explore the most recent developments on the US job market, the changing legal...

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Accountang compiling payroll statistics

Our payroll statistics discuss recent payroll trends, payroll implementation challenges, and tech innovations in the US.

We explore the most recent developments on the US job market, the changing legal landscape of employee tax regulations, and several unexpected findings about payroll mistakes.

Keep reading to learn how the latest payroll statistics could apply to you as an employee or business owner.

Accountang compiling payroll statistics


Key Payroll Statistics and Facts to Know In 2024

  • There was an average monthly addition of 247.8k payroll employees across 440,000 US worksites throughout Q1–Q2 2024.
  • Two US sectors had over 1 million new hires in April 2024. Trade, transportation, and utilities were first, followed by professional and business services.
  • The average US monthly earnings have reached a peak of $34.91/month in May 2024.
  • Revenue collected from payroll taxes in the US is projected to reach $1.66 trillion by the end of 2024.
  • Small businesses pay over a third of the private sector payroll, although the average small firm has 1–19 employees.
  • The American Payroll Association found nearly 60% of US respondents were very confident their payroll calculations are always correct.
  • Roughly 80% of full-time US employees in the private sector receive benefits like health insurance and paid time off.
  • Over 30% of small business owners in a SurePayroll survey admitted to having made at least one payroll mistake, like underpaying an employee; 42% claimed to use DIY payroll solutions.
  • The IRS identified over 4 million cases of civil penalties for employment taxes in 2023. Nationwide IRS penalties for failure to pay amounted to over $1.5 billion.
  • The HR payroll software market is also estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% until 2030.
  • 2022 statistics show payroll solutions like Gusto, Paychex, and Paycom made up over a quarter of the shares on the global administrative software market.

A Look At Employment And Salary Statistics in The US


Before delving deeper into payroll statistics in the US, let’s look at the current job market trends for a broader context. The numbers of new job openings and hires, in particular, could tell us more about payroll additions across business sectors and US regions.

According to a recent Statista survey conducted throughout April 2022–2024, monthly job openings have been going down in the US. There was a peak of 11.76 million openings in Q2 2022, with the numbers fluctuating widely from June to December.

Trends in new monthly US job openings 2022-2024
Source: Statista

It’s also worth noting the data was also seasonally adjusted. Since 2022, the numbers have been on a linear downward trend, reaching the lowest value in Q2 2024, with 8.06 million openings recorded.

A 2024 BLS report shows nonfarm payroll employment figures mirror these peaks in job openings. However, the data in this report is based on monthly surveys of just 140,000 businesses.

Monthly additions to nonfarm payrolls in the US throughout 2022–2024
Source: Statista

Survey findings show an average monthly addition of 247.8k payroll employees across approximately 440,000 US worksites throughout Q1–Q2 2024.

The same 2024 BLS data shows the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed people didn’t change much since 2023. Last year, the unemployment rate was 3.7%; as of May 2024, the unemployment rate reached 4%.

The number of unemployed people went from 6.1 to 6.6 million over the same period – an 8.3% increase. The BLS survey also identified 4.4 million part-time employees.

Most of the 2024 job openings documented to date were in Southern US, which had over double the numbers of other regions. In fact, Florida and Texas had the highest net change in nonfarm employment rates recently.

This April, Florida and Texas gained approximately 45,300  and 42,600 new employees, respectively. At the opposite end, the number of nonfarm employees in New Jersey went down by nearly 11,000.

The majority of the new job hires in April 2024 came from four primary industries, though there’s no further stratification by region or state. These figures include both new hires and rehired employees.

US industries with the most monthly job hires in April, 2024
Source: Statista

The trade, transportation, and utilities sector had the most new payroll additions, with 1.124 million new hires. Professional and business services also had over 1 million new monthly job hires.

The leisure and hospitality sector hired 964k employees, but the seasonal nature of some hospitality jobs could mean many of them were rehired. Finally, the education and health services sector were the fourth largest creator of jobs, with over 900k monthly hires.

Subsequent data based on CES figures paints a slightly different picture, with private education and health services, government, and leisure and hospitality hiring the most employees in May. However, their classification of industries by sector was different, and the data was seasonally adjusted.

While the monthly job openings have been down, the average US monthly earnings (per hour) have increased slightly, from $32.06 in May 2022, to a peak of $34.91 in May 2024. This is for all full-time and part-time employees (aged 16+) on private, nonfarm payrolls.

As of May 2024, the utilities industry seems to have the highest average pay of $51.08/hour – 46% higher than the average pay for the private sector overall.

Average hourly pay in the US by industry as of May, 2024
Source: Statista

Utilities were followed by information ($49.41/hour), financial activities ($45.47/hour) and professional and business services ($42.01/hour).

Workers in the private education and health services earned $34.09/hour on average, slightly less than the overall private sector average. Retail trade and leisure and hospitality had the lowest average wages, at under $25/hour.

Revenue collected from payroll taxes has also been increasing linearly, going from $652.9 billion in 2000, to $1.61 trillion in 2023. Based on this trend, payroll tax revenues are projected to reach $1.66 trillion by the end of 2024.

Payroll Impacts on Small Business

The average wage has been slowly increasing, but small businesses are struggling to keep up.

In 2024, the SSA plans a 5.2% increase in the wage base, and an additional 5% increase in the wage cap for taxable income – two decisions which will influence small business payroll planning and decision-making.

Employee salaries greatly impact business budgets and, as per the most recent figures published by the NAWBO, 74% of small business owners said their costs have increased over the past year.

Additionally, 27.6% small businesses fail by their second year, with 37% citing financing issues as a threat to their operations.

We can already see the consequences. According to Reuters, private employers reached a four-month low in May 2024, with many small businesses reducing their staff.

While large and mid-sized companies hired the same number or slightly more employees than in April, small firms cut a collective average of 10,000 jobs across different sectors.

Small businesses make up the majority of US enterprises and hire over 45% of private sector employees, so these downward trends have a profound impact on overall payroll statistics.

In fact, small businesses pay over a third of the private sector payroll, although the average small firm has 1–19 employees (not counting the majority of small businesses without any employees).

Payroll Statistics Regarding US Employees

According to B2B Reviews, over 95% of US employees receive their pay via direct deposit, and the most common payroll timeframe is once every two weeks. Over 40% of US businesses pay their employees biweekly, and only 10% provide monthly payrolls.

Payroll schedule by business size
Source: B2B Reviews

Interestingly, according to a CES survey covered by B2B Reviews, small businesses are more likely to pay their employees weekly. Slightly over a third of businesses with 10–19 employees have a weekly payroll, compared to 26.3% of businesses with 1,000+ workers.

The second most common payroll method was the paper paycheck, used by only 2.85% of businesses. Payroll cards, online payment platforms, and other methods accounted for less than 1% each.

The efficiency and simplicity of direct deposit payments likely contribute to its widespread use. As of a 2022 survey by the American Payroll Association, over 90% of the 27,000+ respondents said they always receive their paycheck on time.

According to the same survey, nearly 60% of people claimed to be very certain their payroll calculations are correct each payday.

A Majority of US Workers Enjoy Employee Benefits

Benefits can also impact business payroll, but they are crucial for employee retention rates. It seems the majority of employers aim to balance business spending with employee satisfaction, as most businesses provide some form of employee benefits.

Slightly over 4 in 5 US employees have paid time off, according to USA Today. This makes PTO the most common employee benefit, followed by sponsored health insurance, provided by nearly 80% of employers.

However, only 25% of part-time private-industry workers have health insurance provided by their employers, compared to 87% of full-time employees.

Unionized workers in private industries also receive better benefits on average; 96% had healthcare coverage, with a 79% premium for family plans (compared to 69% coverage with 65% premiums for non-union workers).

Still, USA Today also reported that over a third (39%) of employers offered medical plans with no deductibles or low deductibles.

On the flip side, 77% of employers provide 401(k) or other retirement programs as an employee benefit. However, these US payroll benefits might change soon, following new laws and regulations.

The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 will be effective after December 31st, 2024, and some of its provisions mention that:

  • The age of required minimum distributions will rise from 73 to 75 years old.
  • Businesses with more than 10 workers must enroll their employees in a 401(k) plan at a rate of 10%.
  • Contributions made by high earners (>$145,000/year) will be treated as Roth contributions.
  • Part-time employees will be eligible to contribute to a 401(k) plan after two years of part-time work.

Payroll Mistakes Statistics

Older figures from a SurePayroll compliance survey showed that 32% of business owners admitted to having made at least one payroll mistake in 2020.

Underpaying employees was the most commonly cited error. The majority of surveyed owners also claimed it took them over 24 hours to fix a payroll mistake.

In addition, 42% of the small business owners in the survey claimed to use DIY payroll solutions and 45% claimed to be familiar with regulations that don’t actually exist.

Shockingly, according to B2B Reviews, misclassifying employees was also quite common. Up to 30% of employers classify their workers as independent contractors, according to figures provided by the Economic Policy Institute.

We don’t know if this is done to cut spending on taxes, or if it is accidental. Regardless, this type of mistake could lead to serious legal issues. Payroll service providers and software could play a big role in mitigating such risks.

This is all the more important for cutting unnecessary business spending. As the SurePayroll survey highlights, 31% of the respondents that were fined for compliance failure said they had to fire an employee to make up for the fine costs.

At a national level, businesses pay billions of dollars in fines annually. According to 2023 figures from the IRS, companies have amassed over 4 million cases of civil penalties for employment taxes, which amounted to over $8.5 billion.

Failure to pay was the most commonly-assessed penalty, and the collective fine was over $1.5 billion. Fines for employment tax delinquency also made up over $1.7 billion.

Biggest providers on the BMS market in 2022
Source: Statista

Payroll Services and Technology Adoption in The US

According to B2B Reviews, the U.S. has approximately 5,700 payroll service providers.

Throughout 2017–2022, payroll and bookkeeping services have been increasing steadily, recording an average growth of 1.7% per year. This suggests companies are slowly starting to outsource their payroll work, driving the demand for such services.

In fact, payroll providers are expected to grow 5.8% globally until 2027, with North America fueling much of this growth.

The HR payroll software market is also estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% until 2030, while cloud-based payroll solutions are expected to reach a market value of $15.73 billion by 2033.

Statista estimates from 2022 show that payroll solutions like Gusto, Paychex, Paycom, and Paylocity made up over a quarter of the shares on the global administrative software market.

The adoption of digital payroll solutions is also increasing among small and medium-sized businesses looking to increase efficiency and reduce administrative costs. Considering recent and upcoming developments in the payroll solutions segment, we can expect this positive trend to continue.

It’s likely that more medium and even small businesses will switch to digital payroll solutions, thanks to the many benefits of payroll management systems, like:

  • AI-powered task automation for payroll analysis and compliance checks
  • Simplified implementation of on-demand pay options for employees
  • Enhanced data security and CCPA compliance
  • Adaptable payroll systems suitable for mixed teams (employees and contractors)
  • Simplified payroll and local tax compliance for international teams
  • Ease of scalability and cross-platform integration with other BMS solutions

Payroll Challenges and Risks Are Far From Over

These recent payroll statistics highlight significant trends and challenges shaping the US job market. Since 2023, the employment rate has stayed constant, although the number of new job openings in 2024 is down from the 2022 peak.

In addition to this, these 2024 payroll statistics and facts revealed changes in the average US wages and new employee tax regulations. These further add to the challenges faced by small businesses, which already cover over a third of the US payroll taxes.

Besides financing issues, small businesses face unique hurdles in compliance and cost management, with many business owners admitting to making potentially costly payroll mistakes. However, the growing popularity of payroll solutions could make tax compliance and payroll accuracy easy and accessible for more business owners.


What future does payroll hold?

What causes the greatest challenge to payroll processes?

What is the main objective of payroll operations?

What risks are associated with payroll procedures?

Which are the leading payroll service providers?


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80+ Alarming Workplace Accident Statistics 2024 Thu, 14 Mar 2024 21:33:01 +0000 Workplace Accident Statistics

In This Guide Workplace Injury Statistics (Editor’s Pick) Statistics on Workplace Injuries According to Industry OSHA Statistics 2024 Workplace Injury Cost Statistics Workplace Injury Statistics by Demographics Stats of the...

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Workplace Accident Statistics

Despite the numerous technological advancements, employees regretfully sustain injuries. Machine-related injuries in companies have the potential to be fatal. Some of the most frequent injuries reported by employees include overexertion, falls, and burns, and, of course, no one ever sees them coming. Since they occasionally occur, safety measures are the only way to avoid such regrettable occurrences. The International Labour Organization estimates that around 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million illnesses are caused by work every year.

Although the rate at which these harms occur has decreased, no one can predict future occurrences, and not all businesses measure employee safety. Therefore, these workplace accident statistics are here to show us just how bad the numbers are so we can learn how to prevent such occurrences. Let’s dig in.

Workplace Accident Statistics

Workplace Injury Statistics (Editor’s Pick)

  1. Fishing, farming, forestry, and hunting industries make up most of the workplace deaths we see today.
  2. The ratio of workplace fatalities per 100,000 workers in the United States of America as of April 2023 is 1.3, showing an increase compared to previous years.
  3. Since men take up most of the riskier and more physically demanding jobs, they are 17.3% more likely to sustain injuries at work than women.
  4. The average length of time that employees aged 55 to 64 fell sick at work was 14 days. 
  5. Georgia, Delaware, and Arkansas rank first among the states in the US with the fewest workplace risks.
  6. Data from workplace injury statistics shows that men are more likely to sustain injuries in the private sector than women.

Statistics on Workplace Injuries According to Industry

Workplace Injuries According to Industry

1. Transportation issues were the cause of 40% of occupational accidents in 2019. 

2. Illnesses in the workplace were the cause of the high levels of deaths among workers.

3. The highest reports of workplace injuries came from fishing firms, agricultural organizations, forestry, and hunting firms.

4. The youth and the elder group were more susceptible to workplace harm. 

5. According to the report on BLS’s data in 2019, half of the workers’ non-attendance records were male.

6. Workers who are between 55 and 64 years old fall victim to illnesses at the workplace. 

7. The standard figure for injury and sick leave for workers between 16 and 24 years was five (5) days.

8. Women are vulnerable to harms like road accidents and hurtful exposures

9. More men die at work due to contact with equipment, falls, and items in workplaces.

10. The toughest country with greater workplace harm is the USA in 2023.

11. New York City, California, and Texas are the parts of the United States of America where workers’ lives were at risk.

12. 17.3% of men are most vulnerable to work-related injuries in contrast to women.

OSHA Statistics 2024

OSHA Statistics 2024

13. In the 2020 accounting year, the OSHA’s amount was $5.

14. In 2020, 18% of shocking injuries (1,176,340) needed the employee to go on leave. They were shocked due to falls, trips, and slips.

15. In 2020, 196,140 injuries from contact with objects and machinery were severe enough to warrant time off work.

16. In 2020, 11,038 Americans lost their lives in work-related car accidents, accounting for 22% of all fatalities.

17. In the emergency wards, employees younger than 25 were the top patients undergoing treatment for job-related damages.

18. 1.8 million Folks received treatment inside the emergency wards for job-related wounds in 2020.

19. The approximate figure of victims of job-connected injuries undergoing treatment in emergency wards was 127 in 2020, out of every 10,000 male employees on full-time.

Workplace Injury Cost Statistics

Workplace Injury Cost Statistics

20. The overall cost of workplace harm in the USA was $163 billion. 

21. Employers squander $120,000 per workplace issue.

22. Workplace issues and accidents cost the USA nearly $250 billion annually. 

23. The number of deaths due to harm in workplaces in the United States has decreased by 60%.

24. Fishers’ 2019 death record was higher than other industrial data. 

25. There has been a substantial decrease in harm reports for 50 years.

26. In April 2023, America’s (USA) death ratio was nearly 1.3 per 100,000 workforces.

27. This ratio shows a rise from past years.

28. The state records show that 20% of workplace accidents occur in non-governmental firms. 

29. Nearly 650,000 records of death in the States are due to the use of unsafe materials.

30. Delivery and truck drivers, carriage movers, staff in trailing tractor units, and auxiliary nurses are likely to fall into dangerous situations in their units.

31. The trade with the largest job-related-casualties is agriculture, forestry, hunting, and fishing.

32. In 2023, the global count of individuals affected by workplace fatalities is 160 million.

33. The total figure of incidents at work is over 3.

Workplace Injury Statistics by Demographics

Statistics by Demographics

34. Youngsters and adults are the groups listed as highly susceptible.

35. Regrettably, the mean time of complaint between workforces at their job places was 14 days

36. The ages of these workers range from 55 to 64

37. Five days were normal for workers to keep off from work due to injuries. The age range for such a period is between 16 and 24. 

38. Women often fall victim to abuse and other sorts of harm from men at their workplaces. 

39. The records of death from machines or falling objects were higher in the masculine wards.

40. These places (New York, California, and Texas) are the regions of high risk for workers in 2023.

41. Elder and younger folks are highly susceptible to workplace injuries.

42. The workers’ absenteeism data showed that men were the most susceptible to harm or wounds and were treated for 14 days before resuming work.

43. In 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration deployed 1,850 inspectors with $5.82 billion and fixed them on 8 million sites.

Stats of the Most Costly Workplace Injuries

Most Costly Workplace Injuries

44. The federal costs were 33,393, and the State’s budget was 42,063 in 2019.

45. The cost plan for diseases through an employee’s occupation and decline/deterioration was $16,696 per injury.

46. For concussion, the capital outlays were $33,151 per damage.

47. The standard outlay for scratches, piercings, and breaks is $33,348 per injury.

48. The cost for carpal tunnel condition was $33,477 per harm.

49. The capital outlay for a twist or nervous tension was $33,589 per case.

50. The normal fare for contamination or irritation issues was $37,498 per condition.

51. the employee will receive $48,671 per situation for cases like destruction by fire.

52. Other forms of disturbances could attract $60,228 per condition.

53. For break or disorder, the capital outlay is $60,934.

54. In cases of elimination of any body part, the cost is $118,837.

What Employers Pay for Injuries at the Place of Work

What Employers Pay for Injuries

55. An average employer pays the injured $120,000, part of the $163.9 billion non-direct costs for harm in the USA in 2020.

56. The highest level of job accidents in the USA was $52.93 billion in 2020.

57. The yearly cost of poor health and damage in the workplace within the USA is $250 billion.

58. In the US, falls are ($10.26 billion).

59. Overexertion involving external sources ($12.63 billion).

60. Being struck by an object or equipment ($12.63 billion).

61. The USA has recorded a 75% decrease in the place harm ratio since 1972.

62. The number of workplace victims has lessened by at least 60% in the United States of America.

63. The usual number of workplace deaths reduced from 38 in 1970 to 15 in 2019 per day, upsetting all firms.

Health & Safety Executive-HSE Injury FactsHealth & Safety Executive-HSE Injury Facts

64. Two million++ employees in Great Britain had health cases at their duty posts. 

65. November 2023 HSE stats on illnesses at workplaces were 1.8 million.

66. ½ of sicknesses were out of worries, fear, and uneasiness. 

67. After COVID-19, workplace illness reports went uphill, rising above the 2018/2019 figures

68. More than 875,000 folks were reporting conditions of anxiety, stress, and depression in 2022 and 2023

69. Many workers who had mental health issues at workplaces got 35.2 million work days off in 2022 and 2023. 

70. HSE CEO Sarah Albon thinks employers will benefit from quickly handling stress issues at job sites. When workers are fit, there will be a high yield and a shorter period away from work.  

71. Employees will have great job time and experience total well-being. 

72. HSE illustrates the impact of workplace injuries on the British economy.  

73. Between 2021 and 2022, yearly expenditure for job-connected workplace issues was £20.7 billion+.

Ways of Eliminating Job Place Harm

Ways of Eliminating Job Place Harm

74. Employers should continuously check what constitutes a risk in workplaces.

75. Every company should train their staff on the basic safety rules. 

76. Firms should ensure they provide workers with the right safety tools for a safe workplace.

77. There should be smooth communication in the workplace so that reporting a case will be fast. 

78. Every company must examine the workers to know if they fit the work.

79. Cities safe to work in:

80. Common categories for workplace injuries (collision and crashes at work):

  • Being victim to falling objects.
  • Collisions with vehicles.
  • Bumping into vehicles.
  • Being cut by sharp tools.
  • Hurts from malfunctioning equipment.
  • Muscle strains and overexertion.

81. Causes of workplace accidents:

  • Non-safety precautions at work.
  • Supplementary efforts or physiological reaction ($4.01 billion, or 6.91% once a year).
  • Strike by equipment or an item ($1.87 billion, or 3.22% of Gross domestic product).
  • Internally occurring occurrences ($1.39 billion, or 2.39% annually).
  • There are cases of an object or machine compressing an employer ($2.19 billion, or 3.77% every twelve months).
  • Tripping and falling, or tripping without falling ($2.52 billion, or 4.34% per annum).
  • Falls that are not fatal to the worker ($5.07 billion, or 8.73%).
  • External occurrences on the road were power-driven land, passengers, vehicles, drivers, and persons on foot ($3.59 billion, or 6.18% yearly).

82. Top professions with the highest number of fatalities at work:

  • The construction profession
  • Material movement sector
  • Transportation 
  • Building sectors
  • Grounds cleaning and maintenance 
  • Management installation

83. Top 8 safest careers:

  • Computer Industries
  • Mathematics
  • Law sector
  • Teaching
  • Library services
  • Tech
  • Humanity
  • Finance sectors


The recent figure on workplace harm is 60% lower than in previous years. Note that workplace damages can’t become extinct completely, but carefulness, vigilance, and checks may lessen the occurrences. Additionally, establishing safety measures, rules, and regulations for employers and workers could lead to a safe workplace.


What is an injury sustained at work?

Can accidents at the workplace cause harm?

When does an accident occur in the workplace?

How prompt should the employer report workplace injuries?

What is the purpose of reporting workplace harms?

Is there a career choice with a top risk for workplace injuries?

What is the estimated number of annual harm in workplaces?

How many people suffer from workplace accidents each year?

What are the most common workplace harms?

What can you classify as a workplace hazard?

How much is the workers’ damages settlement reimbursement?


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The 35+ Most Insightful Business Networking Statistics of 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:39:57 +0000 Informative Business Networking Statistics

In This Guide General Business Networking Statistics 1. Online Networking Saves Time, which is a Notable Benefit. 2. 70% of Scientists in 2021 Stated That Digital Conferences Lacked Proper Networking...

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Informative Business Networking Statistics
In This Guide

Networking remains pivotal, with 80% of professionals considering business relationships key to their careers. Yet only 38% report comfort mingling at media events. Fortunately, digitization and remote workflows expand networking avenues as 95% leverage LinkedIn for connections. In-person still reigns supreme — about 90% of executives rank conferences among their top lead sources, and 65% of closed deals stem from in-person meetings.

Mastering networking in an increasingly hybrid environment means keeping pace with vital shifts. For example, referrals drive 32% of company revenue, yet only 29% of employees are properly equipped. Meanwhile, 12% of networks use metaverse spaces as emerging technologies intertwine business relationships. Ultimately, the value persists, but modern nuances alter traditional approaches.

So, no business thrives without proper networking. Therefore, understanding the various networking trends is essential for professionals and individuals to survive and thrive in business. This article provides useful insights into Business Networking Statistics. Let’s get to the interesting facts and figures.

Informative Business Networking Statistics

General Business Networking Statistics

1. Online Networking Saves Time, which is a Notable Benefit.

 Networking online through Skype, Zoom, and Google Meets is time-saving. Also, with the rapid growth of social media, online networking is easy and faster.

2. 70% of Scientists in 2021 Stated That Digital Conferences Lacked Proper Networking Opportunities.

While online networking could be productive, some scientists stated in 2021 that it cannot be compared to physical meetings.

3. Face-to-face Meetings Provide Much Better Opportunities for Building Lasting Business Relationships.

95% of people in a survey share this sentiment. They believe that meeting in person yields better results than online meetings.

4. Small Meetings Are Better Than Meetings With Over 10 People.

There is always a tendency to get lost in the crowd. So, meetings in smaller groups leave impressions that last longer.

5. The Chances of Men Getting a Job Through Networking is 26%, While Women Have a 25% Chance.

Men have slightly better chances of getting a job opportunity through networking events. However, women are not far behind, with a 1% lesser chance of gaining employment from such events.

6. 72% of People Participating in Physical Meetings Consider Body Language Critical For First Impressions.

Body language is the unspoken side of our interactions, which is critical and easily noticed. It plays a critical role in making quality first impressions.

7. If An Employee is Hired Through Referrals or Connections, They Often Last Longer and Become Critical to the Company’s Progress.

According to statistics, these employees, from connections or referrals, become vital players in their company. Also, they have job longevity.

8. 84% of People Rely on LinkedIn to Strengthen Their Professional Network.

LinkedIn is a reliable tool for professional connections. Arguably, it is the most preferred medium of professional connection among business people. Most individuals have LinkedIn profiles that clearly define their areas of interest.

9. 5-20% of New Customers Are Captured From Trading Shows.

These shows bring together individuals from a common sector to share ideas on products or services. This sharing of common ideas helps to create networking opportunities.

10. Business Cards Are Critical Since They Create the First Impression For 72% of People.

Most people decide whether to interact with a business when viewing their business cards. These cards often carry vital business details such as services rendered and contact information. 

How to Network Statistics 2024

How to Network Statistics

11. 35% of Survey Participants Found a New Opportunity From a Casual Conversation on LinkedIn.

According to a LinkedIn study in 2017, 35% of participants found valuable opportunities through a casual chat on the platform.

12. 25% of Survey Participants Said LinkedIn Helped Them Develop New Business Partnerships.

LinkedIn continues to be a leading light in networking connections. 25% of survey respondents confirm they forged new partnerships by interacting on LinkedIn.

13. 61% of the Survey Participants Believe Frequent Online Interactions Can Create Potential Job Opportunities.

Interacting with other users online can boost your chances of landing a job. These interactions help to form quality connections that sometimes translate to job opportunities.

14. Business Cards Create First Impressions For 72% of Individuals.

Business cards are vital to the corporate image of any brand. Also, digital business cards are now available and used by many individuals. These individuals vary from top-ranking CEOs to sales representatives. These cards contain vital information, such as links to social websites, accounts, and more. 

Challenges of Business Networking Statistics 2024

Challenges of Business Networking

15. 79% of Professionals Consider Networking to be Vital to Career Progress.

While this figure seems encouraging, only 48% of these professionals connect to their networks constantly. This is a true opportunity missed and will yield less results than those actively engaged in networking.

16. The Time Factor is the Biggest Challenge For Business Networking.

Most individuals view insufficient time as a stumbling block to proper business networking. This could result from differences in schedules among the meeting parties.

17. 49% of People Surveyed Claimed There is Not Enough Time For Networking.

Most people still complain about time and how it is insufficient to carry out networking activities. The fast-paced nature of the modern world makes time a rare commodity.

18. Millennials Are Worse Off in Maintaining Connections.

Among the millennials, only 43% struggle to keep in touch with their network. The rest let networking opportunities slip away, widening the gap between potential connections. 

The Effects of COVID-19 on Business Networking Statistics

Effects of COVID-19 on Business Networking

19. Business Networking Went Downhill During the Recently Arrested COVID-19 Pandemic. As Such, Only 42% of Professionals Contacted Their Connections For Job Opportunities.

Professionals saw their fair share of challenges during COVID-19 as it limited people’s freedom of movement. As a result, connections for job opportunities also decreased, and only 42% of professionals maintained contact with one another.

20. In 2021, the Rate of Conversations on LinkedIn Went Up By 55%.

Conversation on LinkedIn grew by 55% in 2021 alone as job-seekers worldwide looked to reenter employment after the global catastrophe (COVID). This reflects the centrality of LinkedIn as an online business network.

21. Up to 70% of Small Business Owners Do Their Networking Activities Online.

Small business owners have a lot to benefit from online networking. Economic constraints and other factors may hasten the establishment of online networking, which is also likely to be the most popular approach.

22. By March 2020, the Events and Exhibitions Industry Recorded $ 16.5 Billion in Revenue Losses.

These losses were mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

23. But 93% of Organizers and Other Event Planners Have Expressed An Interest in Virtual Events.

This shows that virtual events have come into their own since the era of COVID. In addition, 93% of organizers include virtual events.

24. However, 80.2% of Event Planners Feel That Virtual Events Are More Effective At Attracting Attendees.

However, event planners and organizers feel virtual events are useful for networking.

Top Business Networking Statistics

Top Networking Trends

25. Restaurants and Bars Are the Best Locations For Networking.

At least 38% of professionals believe restaurants and bars are ideal for networking.

26. Over 26,000 Co-Working Locations Were Created In 2020.

This shows the importance of networking

27. 70% of Millennials Hate Working From the Office.

This group prefers remote work over office work.

28. There Are 500 Million Daily Users on Google Translate.

Google Translate helps almost a billion people in networking activities daily.

29. The Top Social Media Site in January 2023 Was Facebook.

Facebook had over 3 billion active users in January 2023, which confirms its importance.

30. People Spent An Average of Almost 20 Hours Networking on Facebook in January 2023.

Users spent nearly 20 hours networking and participating in other activities on Facebook in January. 

Vital LinkedIn Statistics

Vital LinkedIn Stats

31. In 2023, More Than 950 Million LinkedIn Members will be Worldwide.

For Networking activities, LinkedIn continues to lead the pack. In Europe, there are 249 million users, and in North America, 228 million. Moreover, there are 151 million users in South America and another 56 million across the Middle East-Africa region.

32. At LinkedIn, 117 People Apply For Jobs Each Second, and Eight Are Hired Each Minute.

This is because the platform has many categories of jobs so that anyone can put out a recruitment.

Vital X (Twitter) Statistics

Vital X (Twitter) Stats

Yet, X is not included in a general breakdown of networking platforms. By contrast, there is a thriving community of people happy to get into the same trends and social networks for other motives.

33. X Recorded 556 Million Active Users, According to January Statistics.

Given this miraculous viral enthusiasm, X has become a major social media site for networking activities.

34. The Average Monthly Time Spent on the App By X Users is Now 5.5 Hours.

X’s always has excellent content, providing hot topics for people. Moreover, nearly all leading businessmen now have official X accounts. This makes it an essential network and conduit for information.

Facts About the Clubhouse Networking Platform

Clubhouse Networking Platform

A lot of people love using Clubhouse as their networking venue. Here are some interesting things you should know about the Clubhouse that you may not already know.

35. Clubhouse, Which is a Voice-Based Platform, Has 1 Million Users Flocking in to Connect Every Week in 2023.

The Clubhouse has become more and more popular among many people around the world for networking activities.

  • Did you know the 45+ Startup Club, a club for older people interested in business, has over 940,000 members
  • The Startup Club, specifically for startups, has over 939,900 members.
  • The Human Behavior Club, which helps people interact and network, doesn’t in any way fall behind in this growth trend as it boasts more than 766,000 members.

Clubhouse’s Most Followed Accounts:

  • Rohan Seth (7.4 million followers): He co-founded Clubhouse.
  • Paul Davidson (6.4 million followers): The co-founder of Clubhouse.
  • Katie Stanton (3.7 million followers) and Erik Torenberg (3.7 million followers) are tech and startup mentors.
  • Andrew Chen (4.5 million followers): Investing mentor with deep knowledge.

The Future of Networking

The Future of Networking

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the rules of networking as more people embrace technology. 

36. 52% of Planners Are Willing to Embrace Technology.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (ML), and other technological advancements are an added advantage for some planners.  Nevertheless, 39% are uncertain about these updates. Also, 9% of planners believe technology will fail since it does not have a human touch. 

37. Planners Hope For Proper Training to Handle AI Tools.

Some planners believe participants will resist the technology-focused models despite the AI revolution. They believe that people tend to favor a hospitable approach over technology. Nevertheless, there is a need for proper training to understand how these tools operate. 


The importance of networking to business is quite obvious. With more businesses embracing technology and a digital approach, networking is the vehicle to realize lasting success. Also, a strong network creates great job and business opportunities and lasting relationships. However, there are challenges to effective networking, such as resistance to new technology. Nevertheless, evolution in business networking remains constant, with more modifications occurring daily. So, a successful business must have a dependable network to achieve success. 


What are the top five professional networking sites in the modern era?

Why is networking vital in this digital age?

How does networking help my business or career?

What are some networking challenges, and how can I avoid them?

What percentage of jobs are gotten through business networking statistics?


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Super Bowl Cities: Economic Impact and Tourism Statistics Wed, 21 Feb 2024 10:16:51 +0000 Super Bowl LVII stadium

The biggest sporting event of the year in the US is bound to have a significant economic impact. Over the last few years, Super Bowl cities have seen a lot...

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Super Bowl LVII stadium

The biggest sporting event of the year in the US is bound to have a significant economic impact. Over the last few years, Super Bowl cities have seen a lot of money inflow, as a result of increased economic activity around the big game.

With an influx of thousands of tourists who spent a lot on the Super Bowl tickets and will be spending big bucks on hotels, food, souvenirs, and other things, it’s a lucrative time to be a Super Bowl hosting city.

But is there another side to the story? Just how beneficial is hosting the Super Bowl to the hosting city and its community and workforce?

That’s what we’re here to find out. In this guide, we dive into the economic and infrastructure impact and tourism statistics of the Super Bowl hosting cities – both the positives and the negatives. We also explore some of the controversies associated with certain Super Bowl hosting cities. Off we go!

Key Statistics for Economic Impact and Tourism in Super Bowl Cities

  • The Super Bowl consumer spending has been on the rise since 2021, when it reached almost $14 billion, and in 2024, it surpassed $17.3 billion.
  • Super Bowl 2023 generated $1.3 billion for its host city of Glendale, AZ.
  • This year’s Super Bowl, held in Las Vegas, was forecast to bring the host city $600 million
  • Super Bowl 2024 was the most expensive one yet, with the hotel prices surging 140%, and the average rate per room being $573.
  • The stadium in Glendale, AZ, which was home to three Super Bowls, cost $455 million to built, 68% of which came out of public money.

Economic Impact of Super Bowls on Host Cities

Super Bowl consumer spending 2018 to 2024
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Typically, a Super Bowl hosting city gets a huge surge in tourism, leading to more people spending more money.

As you can see in our graph, the Super Bowl consumer spending has been on the rise since 2021, when it reached almost $14 billion, and in 2024, it surpassed $17.3 billion. 80% of the above figure is estimated to have been spent on beverages.

In the next section, we take a look at the revenue of host cities and financial benefits gained as a result of Super Bowls throughout the years, the created jobs, and the media exposure.

Revenue & Financial Benefits to Host Cities

It’s simple math – the high consumer spending during the Super Bowl in the host city translates into high revenues for the said city. The minimum impact each year is estimated to be $300 million, and can reach up to $1.3 billion.

For example, Super Bowl 2023 generated $1.3 billion for its host city of Glendale, AZ. These figures represent a 40% increase since the last time Glendale hosted the tournament in 2015 ($720 million).

In previous years, the impact was similarly high – e.g., Super Bowl XLI made the hosting city of Phoenix $500.6 million in 2008.

Other cities and states also saw huge growth in revenue during the big game. For example, Super Bowl LVI held in 2022 was expected to produce economic benefits of up to $477 million to its host city of Inglewood.

And this year’s Super Bowl held in Las Vegas was forecast to bring the host city $600 million. We don’t have the post-game figures yet, but preliminary reports tell us that this figure was a rather conservative estimate.

However, some studies suggest that the figures outlined above don’t necessity reflect the reality of the championship’s economic contribution to the host city.

For example, a report from a West Virginia University expert says that in many cases, the Super Bowl host city is a popular tourist destination anyway. For instance, the game was held in Las Vegas this year, which is one of the biggest destinations in the US, and the expert argues that it would’ve received a huge amount of visitors and their cash irrespective of the Super Bowl.

Hospitality Prices Increase

Regular vs Super Bowl weekend hotel room rates
Image Credit: Statista

It’s common for the hotels in Super Bowl hosting cities to increase prices around the time of the event by as much as 300-400%. As you can see from the statistic above, in 2012, Indianapolis hotels multiplied their regular rates by 5x (Quality Inn) or 10x (Best Western).

If a hosting city doesn’t have enough hotels to accommodate every Super Bowl fan, it’s also bound to impact the city’s infrastructure and economy.

For instance, in 2005, the Super Bowl committee had to arrange for several cruise ships in Jacksonville because the city lacked the infrastructure to host over 7,000 guests. There was no revenue sharing between the city of Jacksonville and the cruise companies.

The tendency to increase hospitality prices during the Super Bowl continues even today. The New York Times reported that Super Bowl 2024 was the most expensive one yet. The hotel prices surged 140%, with the average rate per room being $573.

Job Creation

Top ten Super Bowl jobs by annual salary
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The economic boom of the Super Bowl results not only in high revenue figures, but also in increased employment. For example, in 2020, the Miami authorities reported that Super Bowl LIV brought to the area over 4,500 new jobs.

That number increased to 4,700 in 2022, when the game came to LA, and more than doubled in 2023 in Glendale, Arizona, creating 10,459 jobs.

These jobs range from catering to event coordination to security, with the bulk of them in the hospitality industry. However, it’s important to remember that many of these jobs are of a temporary nature and are tied to the event specifically.

So, while they can significantly boost the economy of a hosting city for a short time, it should be kept in mind that the boost figures don’t necessarily reflect the long-term economic situation.

Local Infrastructure Impact

Hosting the big game requires significant investments in infrastructure and security. Given that thousands of people flock to the host city every year, millions of dollars must be spent on security and new transport links – costs that come out of the city’s pocket as they’re not covered by the NFL.

For instance, it costs an average of $250 million of taxpayers’ money to build a Super Bowl stadium.

Since Super Bowl hosting cities are decided several years in advance, the cities have a window of a few years to make the infrastructure improvements and even build the stadiums.

A significant long-term impact of the Super Bowl is that these improvements will stay in the city after the game, improving the experience of residents and visitors alike, and drawing more tourists and investments.

For example, Inglewood, which was the host city of Super Bowl LVI, had a negative reputation before the LA Rams got a stake in it in 2014. With the SoFi stadium (home to Super Bowl LVI) being built in 2020 for the 2022 championship game, the city gained a lot of real estate invesmtnets, and a lot of work was done to build other sporting venues.

Media Exposure

In addition to infrastructure improvements, hosting a Super Bowl can also put relatively unknown cities, such as Inglewood, on the map.

With thousands of visitors and millions of TV viewers tuning in, the social media engagement is off the charts, providing the host city with significant media exposure. For instance, Super Bowl LV was the second-most-tweeted sporting event in 2021, after the Tokyo Summer Olympics.

Of course, cities like Miami, which hosted the Super Bowl 11 times, and New Orleans (10 Super Bowls) don’t need extra media exposure as they’re already popular tourist destinations.

However, hosting it in a well-known city like Las Vegas can easily bring in brand-new audiences to the city, like the 2024 championship game is expected to do. Moreover, it’s a point of pride for many cities.

Host Cities With Highest Impact of Super Bowl

Super Bowl host cities since 1967
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As we said above, Miami hosted the most Super Bowls (11) to date. As of 2025, New Orleans will have the same number of Super Bowls under her belt. Several other cities hosted the Super Bowl more than once, but some only once.

So far, Las Vegas only hosted one Super Bowl, which was a week ago. However, according to the preliminary estimates, the Nevada city saw a huge impact, as it was the most expensive Super Bowl ever. It was also the most-watched TV programme since the Moon Landing.

At the moment, it’s hard to quantify the precise benefits of the Super Bowl. However, these statistics, coupled with the Taylor Swift effect, provide a very compelling argument that Super Bowl LVIII’s host city will see the most impact out of all host cities throughout history.

Super Bowl Cities Controversies

Not all impact of the Super Bowls on the hosting cities has been positive. Many of host cities paid a lot of money for the privilege to host the event, and not all of them received a good ROI.

For instance, the stadium in Glendale, AZ, which was home to three Super Bowls, cost $455 million to built, 68% of which came out of public money. These expenses put the city in debt and made it lose $1 million in the 2008 Super Bowl.

Another host city that paid a lot for the privilege to host the Super Bowl – more than any other city, as of 2016 – is Indianapolis. The Lucas Oil Stadium cost almost $720 million to build, with $620 million of that being financed by the public money.

It was home to only one Super Bowl, and the state of Indiana didn’t pay off the debt until 2021.

Another Super Bowl host city controversy encompasses several cities, and it has to do with cold weather. For example, when the game was hosted in New Jersey in an outdoor stadium in February, it was an experiment which wasn’t well-received as snow and cold weather can easily impact the infrastructure of a host city.

Moreover, the measures taken to combat the cold were even considered excessive by some fans, as they complained the lamps were too hot.

Next Super Bowls’ Hosting Cities

Upcoming Super Bowls 2025 to 2027
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We know that the next Super Bowl will be held in New Orleans – the host city’s 11th championship game. The 2026 one, or Super Bowl 60, will be the second Super Bowl to be held in Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara (SF).

We don’t have the official confirmation of the host cities beyond 2027. According to the NFL, the 2027 Super Bowl will be held once more in the SoFi stadium in Inglewood, on Valentine’s Day.

Final Thoughts

As you’ve seen from this guide, Super Bowl can have a tremendous financial impact on its host city, ranging from thousands of new jobs to millions in revenue. Moreover, the media exposure and infrastructure investments can impact the city for years to come.

However, many argue that not all Super Bowl impacts are positive. For instance, many infrastructure investments don’t always pay off, and some financial impacts are only temporary.

For that reason, when quantifying the impacts of the championship game, it’s important to counter-weigh the positive and the negative factors and consider other surrounding circumstances.


Click to expand all sources
  1. Number of Super Bowls hosted by city from 1967 to 2024 (Statista)
  2. Estimated Super Bowl consumer spending in the United States from 2007 to 2024 (Statista)
  3. Regular / Super Bowl weekend hotel room rates in Indianapolis in 2012 (in U.S. dollars) (Statista)
  4. Most tweeted about sporting events worldwide in 2021 (Statista)
  5. Report: 2023 Super Bowl generated $1.3 billion in economic activity for Valley (Cronkite News)
  6. Las Vegas hopes to hit the jackpot with the Super Bowl (CNN)
  7. Touchdown! Super Bowl brings big economic victory to Las Vegas (Las Vegas Review Journal)
  8. Exposure associated with Super Bowl only enhances Las Vegas’ image (Las Vegas Sun)
  9. Super Bowl 2024 Drives Most Expensive Hotel Rates in Game History (Skift)
  10. A Last-Minute Trip to What May Be the Priciest Super Bowl Ever: Around $9,859 Per Person (The New York Times)
  11. Super Bowl: A Money Machine, But for Whom? (NC State University)
  13. Super Bowl’s economic impact exceeds US$ 600 million. An analysis far beyond the most expensive 30 seconds on TV (LinkedIn)
  14. Fast Facts: How the Super Bowl Is Brought to You by American Business (US Chamber of Commerce)
  15. The Business Side of the Super Bowl (University of Delaware)
  17. WVU professor says Super Bowl is rarely a win for host cities (WVU Today)
  18. Does Hosting a Super Bowl Create More Jobs? (LinkUp)
  19. The Superbowl Effect: Unpack the Economic & Employment Upsurge (SkillsetGroup)
  20. Economics of the Super Bowl (ResearchGate)
  21. Padding Required: Assessing the Economic Impact of the Super Bowl (ResearchGate)
  22. The Super Bowl’s Economic Impact on its Host City (Assumption University)
  23. How Much Do Non-Host Cities Benefit from the Super Bowl? (US Chamber of Commerce)
  24. The Economic Benefits of Hosting the Super Bowl (Groco)
  25. With all eyes on Inglewood, Super Bowl could drive more business and investments in city (Spectrum News 1)
  26. Are Super Bowls all that super for the cities hosting them? (The Prospector)
  27. Super Bowl Jobs: Earn Money With The NFL (Jobs in Sports)
  28. SoFi Stadium approved to host Super Bowl LXI in 2027 (NFL)
  29. 5 Cities That Paid Dearly for Their Super Bowl (The Street)
  31. Roger Goodell hints at no more cold-weather Super Bowls, says no tanking in NFL (CBS)
  32. Super Bowl 2014: American media complain about being too hot at first cold weather Super Bowl (The Independent)
  33. Taylor Swift effect hits the Super Bowl as FIVE MILLION more female viewers tuned in for the big game in Las Vegas than last year’s… despite the popstar only being shown for 54 seconds (DailyMail)
  34. Super Bowl 2024 was most watched US TV broadcast since 1969 Moon landing (BBC)

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30 Interesting Cleaning Industry Statistics for 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:19:13 +0000 Cool Cleaning Industry Statistics

In This Guide Top Cleaning Industry Statistics General Cleaning Industry Statistics 1. North America has Grown to Have the World’s Largest Standing Cleaning Industry Market Over the Years. 2. Asia...

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Cool Cleaning Industry Statistics
In This Guide

We cannot overlook the growth trend that is currently taking place in the cleaning industry. This growth is a reflection of the disease control measures countries have implemented.

Every year, more people become part of the cleaning business at both the personal and commercial levels. It is fast becoming a means of survival for many who would have been left dead on the streets. In 2022, nearly 10% of all U.S. households hired a professional cleaner. By 2029, the employment of housekeepers and maids will grow by 6.08 percent.

Cleaning a house takes more than just a brush and soap; it requires some tricks and turns to keep a place sparkling. Using sanitizers has added a new look to this trade and has made it more noble for anyone to take on. Knowing about the cleaning industry will give you a better idea of how profitable it is and how much it has grown in the last years. Let’s plunge in.

Cool Cleaning Industry Statistics

Top Cleaning Industry Statistics

  1. North America has become the world’s largest standing cleaning industry market.
  2. Asia comes in second place on the world stage in the industry market.
  3. Janitorial services had a field day in 2018, taking over 3.24 million persons on board.
  4. Up to 1,159,598 janitor businesses were opened in the United States by the end of 2022.
  5. Over 70 million people have taken up the role of domestic workers across the globe.
  6. You will most likely see a rise to about $46.9 billion in the market value of household cleaners.
  7. Global residence cleaning products are expected to hit a market value of $15.7 million by 2024.
  8. Cleaning products will most likely keep a market growth of 5% year in and year out till 2024. 
  9. The cleaning industry is moving toward a 10% rise in revenue when 2026 comes to a close. 

General Cleaning Industry Statistics

General Cleaning Industry StatisticsGeneral Cleaning Industry Statistics

1. North America has Grown to Have the World’s Largest Standing Cleaning Industry Market Over the Years.

This is coined from the fact that most people find it tiring and are unable to complete the simplest cleaning task at home. They have no choice but to hire others to get the job done. The market’s growth rate may reach $29.41 billion close to 2033. This is because the sector CAGR is expected to hit an all 3.78% within the years.

2. Asia Comes in Second Place On the World Stage of the Industry Market.

Studies show that the Asia Pacific region of the world is the second-largest cleaning industry in the world. It has been doing a whole lot to improve its cleaning services at the commercial level. Revenue from household cleaners will rise to $12.96 billion at the end of 2023, and this will mean having a growth rate of 5.73% for the next couple of years. 

3. Janitorial Services Had a Field Day in 2018, Taking Over 3.24 Million Persons on Board.

Do you know that janitors make the most money in the cleaning industry? Yes, they earned as much as $34,000 in 2022 alone, which helped to raise the size of the market to 90 million that same year.

4. Up to 1,159,598 Janitor Businesses Were Opened in the United States By the End of 2022.

New cleaning services keep popping up in the United States, and 2021 was no exception as 1,159,598 new ones arose.

5. Over 70 Million People Have Taken Up the Role of Domestic Workers Across the Globe.

The number of domestic workers keeps on increasing as more and more people enter into the sphere. Women comprise the largest number, with as much as 76.2%, which puts men in the background. 

Cleaning Industry Demographics Statistics 

Demographics Stat

6. The Average Age of Most Persons in the Cleaning Industry is 47 Years of Age.

Most cleaners, housekeepers, and cooks are up to 47 years of age. It can, therefore, be said that the sectors mostly attract those in their midyears. 

7. Women Take Up the Largest Share of the Cleaning Industry Workforce.

Women comprise the largest chunk of the labor force, with 76%, while males comprise just 24% of the industry.

8. Many United States Building Cleaners and Janitors Were Males in 2020.

Women made up about 40% of the janitors and building cleaners lawfully hired in the United States. This goes to show that men were more engaged than women in 2020. 

9. White-Colored Housekeepers Had the Highest Share of Workers, Standing At 61.5%.

Housekeepers who are white have the largest chunk in the number, with 61.5%, followed by Hispanics, with 19.6%. The blacks also have a cut in the number of United States housekeepers with 10%.

10. Only 31% of Housekeepers can Possess a Higher Diploma Certificate.

Only 31% of housekeepers in the United States hold a higher diploma. 

Industry Statistics for Commercial Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning stats

11. The Commercial Cleaning Sector was Able to Create More Than 2.3 Million Jobs For the Teeming Populace in 2016.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 2.3 million people were hired into commercial cleaning services.

12. More Than a Million People Were Cleansers and Janitors As of May 2020.

The number of estimated cleaners and janitors in the United States reached 1,990,510 at the close of 2020.

13. The Average Janitor Had a Take-Home Annual Pay of $29,080 in May 2020.

People who worked as janitors in the United States as of May 2020 took home an annual paycheck of $29,080.

14. Places Like Washington in the United States Pay Much Better Than Other Places.

Janitors working in Washington earned an average yearly take-home pay of $28,447 as far back as 2021. This was great news: the national average wage across all jobs was $59,596.

15. The Number of Employed Cleaners and Janitors Rose By 2.57% in Just a Year.

There was a rise in the rate at which people were hired as janitors and building cleaners in the United States. This occurred between 2017 and 2018 when more persons rushed into the industry.

16. Over Half of the Cleaning Industry is Made Up of Commercial Cleaning.

As much as 55% of the cleaning industry has a stake in commercial cleaning. This becomes the case as more and more businesses hire hands to take up the task of proper cleaning service.

17. The Commercial Cleaning Service Will Most Likely Grow At a CAGR of 6.6%.

This sector has recorded great success for some years and will likely rise with a CAGR of 6.6% from 2023 to the end of 2030. 

Residential Industry Cleaning Statistics 

Residential Industry Cleaning Statistics 

18. Housemaids and Keepers Got Paid An Average Salary of $28,780.

The average housekeeper in the United States took home at the end of 2021 a tidy sum of $28,780. Despite this being the average paycheck, another 25% of housemaids had a take-home pay of $30,960 that same time. Some others were lowly paid, getting just $23,470 that same period. 

19. Columbia District Pays Housekeepers More Than Every Other State in the United States.

The District of Columbia has better value for its housekeepers, giving them a paycheck of almost $40,000 yearly. 

20. The Number of Persons Hired As Housemaids Will Likely Increase By 6%.

Experts have high hopes that the rate at which people are hired as housemaids or housekeepers will increase by 6% by 2029.

21. Up to 795,590 Persons Were Hired As Domestic Workers in Just May 2020 in the United States.

May 2020 was a great year, as 795,590 persons were taken on board as domestic workers in the United States.

22. In 2022, the Number of Hired Housemaids Stood At About 900,000 in the United States.

Around 900,000 maids were hired by people living in the United States.

23. Most Maids in the United States Are Employed By People Living in the Cool City of California.

The state of California has quite the largest number of maids in the United States. This is closely followed by Florida, with 80,900, and the next stop is the city of Texas, with 47,920 jobs. New York comes right up in fourth place with 48,460 jobs, and lastly, in fifth place is the city of Illinois with 32,50 jobs.

24. The Residential Sector Covers Up To 15% of the Cleaning Industry.

The residential sector is a great part of the cleaning industry as it has a 15% stake.

25. The Residential Cleaning Sector is Likely to Grow 4.17%.

A lot will happen in the residential cleaning area in a few years. We will likely see the CAGR rising at 4.17% in no-distance time

Cleaning Industry Revenue Statistics

Revenue Stats

26. The Industry Hoped Its Revenue Would Strike $74 Billion At the Close of 2022.

Like others, the cleaning industry had high hopes for revenue for the year ending 2022. Experts expected it to reach $74 billion due to the industry’s rise in hired hands.

27. The Global Household Cleaning Industry Reached a Market Value of About $37,85 At the End of 2022.

It was an amazing year in the household cleaning industry as its market cap climbed to $37.85 billion when 2022 came to a close.

28. The United Kingdom Has Also Had Its Fair Share of Growth, Making About $30 Billion Annually.

Every year, the United Kingdom has managed to maintain its cleaning industry market value to the point of raising $30 billion from the activities of housekeepers, year after year.

29. Carpet Cleaning in the United States Recorded a Market Value of About 6.5 Billion At the End of 2022.

There was a rise in the market size during the period, causing an addition of about $1.3 billion from 2012 to the end of 2022.

30. Dry Cleaning Service Has Been Faring Quite Well At the Global Level, With An 8.5% Rise in Its CAGR.

This industry has risen above its status quo to get an 8.5% raise in CAGR from 2018 to the close of 2022. 


People’s awareness of maintaining a clean environment has helped to improve the revenue of the cleaning industry. More and more people are now involved with housekeeping in the United States and across the earth. Secondly, recent cases of diseases have opened the eyes of many to the need for clean surroundings. Some might say that this is simply because of the growing need for jobs by many. Whatever the case, this has a good effect on the cleaning industry. As such, one can conclude that the future is very bright for this amazing industry, as there will always be those who need the service of others to get what their environment needs.


How great has the cleaning industry grown over these years?

What is the state of the home cleaning market today?

How large is the global market size of the cleaning industry?

What should we expect to happen in the industry in the coming years?

What areas will the cleaning industry likely work on in 2024?


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19 Intriguing EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics for 2024 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 05:29:29 +0000 Key EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics

In This Guide Key EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics General EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics 1. The Idea of EPAM was Birthed by Arkadiy Dobkin and Leo Lozner in 1993. 2. The...

The post 19 Intriguing EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics
In This Guide

This great software firm that has endured throughout the years deserves much praise. It has broken quite a good number of records for itself, even beyond what many had thought.

The company is known far and wide for dishing out software services to several businesses and brands. It would only be right to state that EPAM has helped businesses save costs and easily carry out their everyday tasks. EPAM has over 280 clients on the Forbes Global 2000 Companies list as per the August 2022 data.

The world of software programs has never remained the same since EPAM came into the picture. Over the years, it has bought many companies and helped grow it to an enviable height. The few things we highlighted in this article are facts you should know about EPAM in this article. These EPAM Systems Inc. statistics will give you a deeper insight into how well it has fared over the years and its future. Let’s dig in.

Key EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics

Key EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics

  1. EPAM’s business valuation stood at $13.2 billion in September, with a market cap of $14.73 in November
  2. It has been doing well globally, standing at 1116, among others.
  3. November 2023 was great for EPAM as its market value hit the $225.41 mark
  4. Traffic fared well in October, having 3.1 million in just a month. 
  5. Ukrainians brought in the highest traffic visits within the same month, with 15.38%.
  6. Operating expenses all through September 2023 went up to $4.21 billion.
  7. The rate of return was great all through the third quarter of the year 2023, as it reached $1.152 billion.

General EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics

General EPAM Systems Inc. Statistics

1. The Idea of EPAM was Birthed by Arkadiy Dobkin and Leo Lozner in 1993.

These two young men, in 1993, set on a journey of bringing EPAM to the world. It all began with Mink in Belarus and then was taken to New Jersey in the United States. The idea behind this creation called EPAM is to give customers a better experience when fixing computer programs. These men saw the gap in software programming and set themselves not just to fill the void but also to make a name for themselves. 

2. The City of Newtown, Pennsylvania, Hosts the Headquarters of the EPAM Systems At 202.

The well-known Mach Alliance would never have seen the light of the day without the efforts of EPAM. This company has spread its wings to over 22 offices in the United States alone. Arkadiy Dobkin has been tasked to take up the CEO role, leaving the CFO position in the hands of Jason Peterson. Elaina Shekher has not been left out of the loop as she holds the company’s chief marketing officer position. 

3. It Made the List of Forbes Global Companies During the Awards of 2021.

EPAM was able to stir up high to be placed at 1804 on the Forbes global list, which took place in May 2021. The company bought a consultant specialist company in the Netherlands in the same period. This firm called Just BI is well grounded in enterprise data and analytics program management.

4. EPAM’s Growth Has Not Slowed Down, As it Made the Forbes List of 25 Fastest Tech Companies From 2013 to 2017.

Forbes’s recognition shows that EPAM is a force to reckon with in the software world. The company was given the accolades it deserves by Forbes from 2013 to 2017, with an excerpt from 2014.

5. S&P 500, Popularly Called Standard and Poor, Got EPAM on Its Spotlight List At the Close of 2021.

The company joined the S&P 500 American market index. The company leverages industry standards in our focus on innovation and scale of software solutions, together with an ever-increasing mix of advanced capabilities. The fact that the S&P 500 American market index listed EPAM in the last month of 2021 is a testament to the milestones it has covered over the years. Most of the credit goes to the new mind-blowing software programs EPAM has conceived and birthed.

6. Deloitte & Touche Took It Upon Themselves in 2002 to Announce EPAM As One of the Fastest-Growing Companies Around.

The company had a field day in 2002 when it took the place of 292 on the list of tech firms in North America. Its recognition did not end there; it became the foremost Belarus company on the London stock market

EPAM Systems Inc. Market Share Statistics

Market Share Stats

7. Taking the Place of 1072 on the List of Most Valued Companies in the World Has Taken EPAM to a Whole New Level.

History will bear witness to EPAM as a group having its best year in 2021. 2023 was a big hit for the EPAM group, as its market cap reached $16.13 billion on December 13, 2023. This feat earned it the 1072nd place on the list of most prized companies worldwide. 

8. More Than 280 Customers of EPAM Made It to the List of Forbes Global 200 Companies.

Many companies want to get EPAM to partner with them. It would be wrong not to state that 50% of companies that make it to the Fortune 500 have EPAM to thank for it. Quite a good number of offices have been opened and are operating worldwide. More than 280 businesses on the Forbes 2000 customers list use services from EPAM. This shows that 23% of its clients are on the global stage.

9. The Company Has Been Able to Grow Its Number of Customers Over the Years.

Brands like BT, Burberry, Bacardi, Aer Lingus, Epic Games, and many more that have made a name for themselves are part of EPAM clients. These companies have used EPAM’s services and created a niche over the years.

EPAM Systems Inc. Usage Statistics

EPAM Systems Inc. Usage Statistics

10. It Had More Than 61,600 Customers On its Service Spread Over 45 Countries of the World.

The number of businesses that find utility in EPAM software services has seen a meteorological rise over the years and will reach 61,600 by the end of 2022.

11. The Impact of EPAMs Has Been Felt By up to 127 Technology-Based Businesses Across the Globe.

Up to 80 businesses are now in partnership with EPAM. It has also gathered over one hundred (>100) channel partners. This shows how much it has grown over these years. These companies with EPAM include Adobe, SAP, Salesforce, Google, and more.

EPAM Systems Inc. Employee Statistics

Employee Stats

12. About 61,600 People Were on EPAM’s Payroll As of 2022.

The success story of EPAM in software technology has slowly and steadily rubbed on the size of its workforce. The popular adage that fruit is an offshoot of a root best describes the staff strength of EPAM. These workers put in all the effort to ensure the company meets its mantra and gets what it rightly deserves. Its workforce rose to as high as 61,600 at the end of 2022. This was way higher than the 41,168 workers it had in 2018. Year after year, the number of people working at EPAM keeps rising as it improves its services.

13. Quite a Large Number of Persons Working At EPAM Are White in Skin Color.

Whites have the largest share of hires, with 62% at EPAM Systems. The Latinos closely follow this with 15%, and next right up are the blacks with just a mere 12%. Many would, therefore, say that the whites have a larger claim to the success of EPAM.

14. Workers At EPAM Systems Get to Work An Average of Around 4.7 Years.

The average staff will likely work for about five years at EPAM systems. Most of these workers earn an average salary of $100,200 in a twelve calendar month. This stems from the fact that EPAM is not just a working space but one that puts in the time for its workers. 

15. The Workforce Has Been Swept Over by Men, with An All-Out of 79%.

Women make up a mere 21%, leaving the remaining 79% to be taken by the male folks. This, to many experts, shows the company’s bias towards females.

EPAM Systems Inc. Revenue Statistics

Revenue Stats

16. Revenue of EPAM Rose to Hit $3.758 Billion When 2021 Came to a Close.

The company was all smiles in 2020 when its revenue rose by 15.94%, reaching as high as $2.659 billion. The next year, it had a similar experience when its revenue rose by a billion to hit $ 3.758 billion at the end of 2021. This meant that it increased 41.31% within the time frame.

17. The Stock Price Did Quite Well When it Got Listed on the 2012 Stock Exchange Market.

Being listed on the stock exchange market in 2012 was a milestone success for EPAM. It rose in just a short space of time to be the first ever Belarusian company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange market.

18. In 2018, EPAM Made a Name Once More for Itself When it Made the List of Top 10 Travel Hospitality Providers.

The company has continued to trend on the part of success since 2013. It climbed up to the top 10 THLS providers in 2018.

19. Snowflakes Award to the EPAM Group Became Another Round of Success.

An award from the data cloud company called Snowflakes into the Elite partner tier status was a great feat once more for the EPAM company.


Once a small startup scratching for Eastern European clients, EPAM Systems hawked software skills. Their ascendance seemed inevitable due to their sharp skills. And ascend they have – right to the glittering heights of the global digital economy.

In the fast-paced world of software engineering, this team delivers unmatched creative power. One can scarcely name an industry whose technological wizardry hasn’t revolutionized. EPAM engineers smarter trading platforms on capital markets. They also optimize online retail supply chains and build next-gen payment engines. The company brings ruthless innovation to every business equation.

Little wonder elite Fortune 500 leaders like Google, Barclays, and Coca-Cola prize EPAM’s outsourced expertise to sharpen their competitive edges. Or why EPAM themselves joined the prestigious NYSE years back, ringing the bell on a new era of visionary tech consulting.

Yet the most compelling aspect of this software sensei may be their hunger for ever greater challenges. EPAM swells its corporate coffers and overflows its industry awards cabinet. Beyond that, it chases the deeper fulfillment of raising human livelihoods through technology. Observers struggling to keep pace with EPAM’s rapid growth may label the firm indefatigable. However, insiders likely prefer the term insatiable. No height seems out of reach because of this soaring eastern star of the software cosmos.


Does the EPAM group offer consulting services?

How much has the EPAM workforce grown in 2023?

Is investing in EPAM a good move to make?

What is the number of firms that EPAM is running?

How much will EPAM have as its earnings in 2023?


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80+ Amazing Twilio Statistics and Facts (2024 Data) Tue, 13 Feb 2024 00:40:57 +0000 Key Twilio Statistics 

In This Guide Key Twilio Statistics  Statistics on Twilio Clients Twilio Usage Statistics Twilio Communication Statistics Statistics on Twilio Workspace Business Adoption Statistics Twilio Revenue Statistics Twilio Stock Price Statistics...

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Key Twilio Statistics 

In today’s modern world, we can find many services to foster seamless communications at the workplace and with customers. Twilio is out to make dramatic changes to our communication patterns. Twilio had 350,000 active users in 2021, a 32% increase from the previous year.

As the world started to develop in every aspect, technologies followed suit, and now we have thousands of tools and services that have taken communication to the next level. Twilio is one of the firms making this possible, and it has achieved a lot with its cloud-programmable telecom tools. These tools streamline how we interact in our workplaces or with customers. There are numerous facts and Twilio stats you probably didn’t know about the firm. We’ll unfold them below, so keep reading.

Key Twilio Statistics 

Key Twilio Statistics 

Twilio keeps climbing to the top as the cloud communication environment evolves speedily. This is due to its ability to offer trustworthy services and financial constancy.

  1. Twilio was introduced to the world in 2007.
  2. Currently, Twilio platforms function across 180 countries.
  3. A co-founder, Jeff Lawson, helped build Amazon Web Services.
  4. Jeff Lawson ensured that there was a strong tie between Twilio and Amazon.
  5. Twilio utilizes AWS, while Amazon uses Twilio for Chatbots, Chime enterprise communication service, Connect cloud-based contact center and SMS notifications.
  6. The Twilio Fund was initiated in 2010 and was managed by 500 Startups. It distributes $250,000 for startups employing Twilio APIs.
  7. Based on the Fast Company research, Twilio ranks 8th among the most creative companies around the globe.
  8. Moreover, Twilio has created a history of achievements for itself. Its leading Segment has an average rate of $3.2 billion.
  9. Its smallest acquisition, called Tikal Technologies, is at $8.5 million.
  10. The company is often vague regarding the cost of its acquisitions.
  11. However, its Market Cap is at $15.551 billion.
  12. Every year, the platform releases its Customer Engagement Report (CER). 
  13. Twilio hires developers for custom API development through platforms such as Upwork.
  14. Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, and other major brands trust Twilio to deliver the best services that cater to their needs.
  15. The number of employees at Twilio reached 6,000 in 2023, showing a 20% improvement from what it was in 2022.
  16. Twilio’s CAGR (compound annual growth rate) has developed (over 30%) strikingly since 2018.
  17. It has shown a 99.95% uptime for its services, which has much to do with its level of devotion. 

Statistics on Twilio Clients

Statistics on Twilio Clients

1. In the last two years, the company has done well for itself with its 350,000 active user accounts. According to them, it was a 32% upturn from the past year.

2. Twilio could only boost it by having 14,000 active user accounts at the end of 2014. 

3. Around 5.85% of Twilio’s customers operate within the Computer and Technology sector, its major industry segment.

4. Roughly 1.88% of its clients are in the government circle, while the second largest is the customer group.

5. People in the United States comprise over 30% of Twilio users.

6. The Indians make up 20% of its user base. 

7. WordPress is not left out of the loop as it uses Twilo as its website plugin.

8. Using Twilio’s skills can greatly engage audiences and lead to an amazing 70% rise in income

9. About 64% of Twilio clients use it to increase customer satisfaction.

10. Only 45% aim to increase customer loyalty using Twilio. 

11. Only 39% of businesses combine Twilio APIs with online platforms.

12. Every user is valued and given a top-notch experience, rated 4 out of 5 by clients. 

13. The company can proudly boast a large user base of over 10 million developers worldwide.

14. Twilio’s learning game called TwilioQuest has been able to gather to itself over 100,000 developers. This shows its loyalty to raising developer expertise.

Twilio Usage Statistics

Usage Stats

15. A global financial institution of ditch origin, ING completely renovated its software and hardware with Twilio’s cloud-based systems.

16. Sniffies has earned a top Twilio user badge. It boasts an estimated 11.8 million monthly users

17. Almost 2,000 websites across the world use Twilio.

18. The platform uses more than 1,800 working domains

19. Twilio apps have, over the years, been able to control more than one trillion interfaces

20. More than 10 million developers have gotten the chance to create apps and connections on Twilio.

21. Twilio, like every other company in communication, sends billions of messages across the globe.

22. The wide use of Twilio’s Narrowband IoT platform by devices globally shows the growing importance of the Internet of Things.

23. Buying out SendGrid has placed it on the level of a leading email provider. It now sends up to 70 billion emails every single month of the year. 

24. Over 500k doctors now use Twilio’s programmed video to do their job. It helps healthcare providers provide great telehealth services.

25. Twilio’s programmable video has aided over 500,000 health sessions, helping healthcare providers deliver effective telehealth services.

26. Millions of users rely on Authy, Twilio’s 2-factor authentication app that safeguards over 12,000 applications from any security breach.

Twilio Communication Statistics

Twilio Communication Statistics 

27. Quite a good number of businesses have gained from the programmable chat of Twilo. One great thing about this tool is its ability to handle real-time chat monthly.

28. Over 6,000 nonprofits have been sent out by an act of kindness of Twilio. This does not in any way downplay the more than 1 billion messages spread for noble causes.

29. Twilio’s Voice Insights looks at over 100 million calls monthly. This has helped to increase call quality and customer satisfaction in businesses. 

30. With its Super Network boasting over 3,000 carrier connections globally, Twilio showcases a large span of control.

31. Twilio’s Programmable Fax service has been able to post over 10 million each year, even with the fall of the traditional fax. This tells you that its ability to support various communication methods. 

32. Usage-based pricing offers the Twilio platform 90% of its revenue. This shows that it has a well-laid-out consumption business idea. 

33. More than 90% of Twilio’s revenue stems from usage-based pricing, which shows how well its business model on consumption is cut out.

34. Twilio has been offering a rise in the level of IoT service in 2023. Over a million active SIMs came through, which means that it rose by 40% from what it was in 2022.

35. Handling over 50 million text messages has placed it in good standing in the SMS business world. 

36. The site takes time each day to work on around 1.5 million emails daily. This has placed Twilio as a vital tool in the world of business.  

Statistics on Twilio Workspace

Workspace stats

37. Twilio handles 60 billion communications monthly, including calls, texts, and emails.

38. These communication interactions comprise 40% voice calls, 45% text messages, and 15% emails.

39. Twilio has been able to show all how well it can adapt. Every day, it takes up the task of going through 700,000 video interactionsIts services geared towards businesses spanning over countries have firmly planted it on the sands of communication. 

40. Studies show that Twilio has on its payroll list 8,510 employees spread all over the world.

41. Persons who are working at Twilio are most often referred to as “Twilio.” 

42. More than 1,000 engineers were brought into the Twilio work system from July 2021 to August 2022. 

43. Those in the engineering section are tasked with creating apps for Twilio.

44. Many workers enroll in coding boot camps to improve their skills.

45. Jeffrey Lawson, the CEO of Twilio, takes home a paycheck of $698,000 income every single year.

46. Khozema Z. Shipchandler, who occupies the COO post, receives an annual paycheck of $751,000. 

47. Twilio has witnessed tremendous growth, so much so that it now has 26 offices in 17 countries. 

48. The company’s sales team has increased steadily and contributed immensely to Twilio’s growth. 

49. Increasing the number of staff members is a trend that has helped Twilio increase and enhance its service delivery.

50. Twilio lost a lot of workers in June 2022, when the number of employees who left was way higher than those who came on board. 

51. Every Twilio staff member in the United States is entitled to an average income of $117,000 in a year. 

52. Workers in the United Kingdom do not earn that much; they get an average salary of £86,000 yearly.

Business Adoption Statistics

Business Adoption Stats

Twilio has, in no small way, helped to reshape communication in the corporate world. It has given businesses a whole new idea of what the workplace should be like. Here, we will be looking at how well Twilio has been able to leave its footprint in the business arena.

53. The steady growth of Twilio shares shows investors’ confidence in it. It also signals that the company will be in business long term.

54. More than 50 new products and services have been sent out since Twilio emerged. This shows its commitment to giving its users the best offerings in the industry.

55. For years, it has proven itself as a communication provider that users can rely on. The success we now see in Twilio would never have been without a partnership with over 190,000 businesses. 

56. Twilio’s Autopilot has catered to more than 1 million tasks, showing its role in making things way easier for businesses. 

57. Segment, which Twilio pilots, gives service to over 20,000 companies. Major names like Levi’s and FOX are a part of the mix that has helped to fortify its stance in the market. 

58. The company has witnessed remarkable growth to the extent of acquiring nine assets, including Send Grid and Segment. 

59. The Twilio Flex platform has proven that it can cater to businesses of any size and support 50,000 agents

60. Major stakeholders hold an 84.9% stake in Twilio, showing investors’ confidence.

61. The success of Twilio has, over time, spiked the interest of many people to invest in its operations. 

Twilio Revenue Statistics

Twilio Revenue Statistics

62. Institutional ownership rose to 84.9% at the close of 2022.

63. The company’s partnerships spread to over 190 countries, showing its global market presence.

64. Since its IPO in 2016, Twilio’s stock (TWLO) has kept rising, and as of Q1 2023, it raked an impressive 30% increase in price.

65. Twilio’s active customer accounts swelled to over 300,000 in 2023 alone. This is a far cry from 64,286 some years back in 2018.

66. Handling more than 100,000 business calls every minute is one of its many strengths. 

67. The coming Twilio has helped improve business and customer relationships. We now have more than 100 billion relations taken care of by the company.

68. eBay relies on Twilio to send over 15 million SMS, making transactions far easier.

69. Netflix uses Twilio to send out a large number of text messages to users every day. These messages are sent to persons living in 45 countries of the world.

70. Trulias, a real estate platform, rose by 50% and birthed a lead conversion after Twilio solved its communication needs. 

71. Businesses that use Twilio for their customer service have had a 20% fall in ticket time, making the whole process much easier.

72. Through Twilio SendGrid, businesses can get up to 97% fast email delivery. This is just around the best in the industry we have today.

73. Quite a good number of businesses have adopted Twilio as their model for best communication. 

74. The company performed so well in 2022 as its revenue rose 48% from January to the end of March.

Twilio Stock Price Statistics

Stock Price Stats

75. Twilio’s earnings also increased 41% in the second quarter of 2022.

76. Twilio could profit as much as $1.76 billion at the close of 2021.

77. The company’s first sum was $245.5 million in 2015. 

78. Almost 15% of Twilio payments are created from WhatsApp

79. The stock price of Twilio is not parallel as it keeps rising and falling.

80. In October 2021, shares were valued at 351, and this fell to 85 in August of the next year.

81. The average stock price for Twilio during 2021 and 2022 stands at 209.87

82. After it announced its revenue in the second quarter of 2022, the share price fell by 18%.


Getting the best of communication is no longer a problem today. Taking on the service of Twilio is now the smart move for anyone who wants the best relations with customers. The company’s stock price fall has not stopped investors from pulling loads of cash into the Twilio system. This stems from the fact that it is fertile soil for any wise businessman to invest in. What’s more! Their products and user base are still robust. The smart move is to get on board with Twilio and get the best communication experience. 


What is the number of businesses that use Twilio services today?

What is Twilio’s sales volume in a year?

How much does an average salary earner get for work done in Twilio?


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40 Amazing IBM Statistics and Facts for 2024 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 18:22:45 +0000 IBM Statistics and Facts

In This Guide Quick IBM Statistics and Facts IBM Statistics – Market Share IBM Users Statistics IBM Workforce Statistics Important Facts About Big Blue SPSS IBM Statistics – Revenue IBM...

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IBM Statistics and Facts

When people hear the word IBM, what comes to mind is their grandpa’s big blue computer company. As many call IBM, Big Blue is more than just an old company; it has brought us mainframes, ATMs, hard drives, and much more. And quite frankly, it makes lots of money doing so.

Guess what? International Business Machine goes home every year with $57 billion. They make this much by offering advanced solutions in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing solutions. Due to IBM’s long years of experience, Fortune 500 companies like Bank of America and Boeing still approach it for complex tasks.

But how well do you know this computing heavyweight is over 100 years old? We are about to serve you with top eye-opening IBM statistics and facts. Know that this article will focus on revenue, employees, and locations of IBM, including its usage. So, grab some coffee and join us on this journey.

IBM Statistics and Facts

Quick IBM Statistics and Facts

  1. IBM didn’t just appear overnight, folks. This tech legend started operating in 1911 and was founded by Charles Ranlett Flint.
  2. Flint first named it Computing Tabulating Recording. This name sounds catchy. Well, 13 years later, the name was rebranded to “International Business Machines,” and that’s what we know today.
  3. The road hasn’t always been smooth for this company. Big Blue had some tough times when It decided to drop less profitable things. But the company still bounced back because it offered customers cutting-edge cloud, AI, and quantum computing solutions.
  4. IBM is known for selling out less profitable things to other companies. This will make them concentrate more on making money with much better products.
  5. Big Blue spends more on innovation every year. We’re talking about an investment of a whopping $6.3 billion in research in 2020 alone.
  6. Those smart guys with PhDs are truly doing something amazing. No wonder the company developed over 9,000 new patents two years ago. This act alone makes sci-if look very simple.

IBM Statistics – Market Share

IBM Statistics - Market Share

1. 9 out of 10 credit card swipes worldwide touch IBM mainframes during transactions. This means that when buying anything from anywhere, odds are Big Blue made it happen. And the same thing goes for 80% of airline reservations made. This shows how companies rely on IBM for secured transactions.

2. Surprisingly, banks also rely upon IBM. This is because 97 percent lean on IBM for a top-notch job.

3. IBM’s part of the cloud market is less than 2 percent. Some people underestimate these company’s share. But unknowingly to them, this company is making billions in revenue each year.

4. IBM has done a lot lately in the Healthcare sector. It manages 100 million health records and processes 200 million insurance claims annually. This shows how good the company is at keeping records.

5. It’s too bad this company was sold in 2022 to an investment firm known as Fransico Partners. The new owners in the house rebranded the company to a standalone body called Merative. All this happened after 12 years of a smooth ride.

6. IBM isn’t just into making high-tech stuff; they also handle cyber-attacks. Know this – IBM deals with 70 billion security events every day. That means their cyber-attack fighters stop 8.18 million hacking attempts from doing damage every single second. IBM is most likely among the reasons the internet is still standing tall.

IBM Users Statistics

Users Stats

People have used IBM a lot recently for stuff like cloud computing. However, depending on the company’s plans, how much people still use it will change. If it advances with the changing tides of society, its relevance will be preserved. But now, users are highly expectant, anticipating more from the Big Blue, alias IBM.

7. IBM has been leading in tech trends since the 90s. Maybe that is why a report says over 27 million people check out the company’s site. So, even though the nickname “Big Blue” sounds old, the company isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

8. Not everyone stays long on IBM’s website, but more than half of them click five and a half pages each time.

9. Surprisingly, the average person hangs around the website for almost seven minutes. The company is grabbing the attention of tech-savvy readers across the globe.

10. IBM gets a lot of traffic, and more than one out of five comes from America. This is because Americans hold technology in high regard. India is also big on tech, with 12% of visitors. The country is gradually becoming a tech leader nowadays. Even Japan, the land of Sony and Nintendo, provides almost 5% of visitors.

11. More than 70% of visitors are males. Many of them are aged between 25 and 34 years old. However, less than 4% are considered senior citizens.

12. Not every folks stays on IBM’s website forever, but many people still become interested in key demographics. The average time of seven minutes tells us IBM still draws people into cool stuff like quantum computing and AI.

IBM Workforce Statistics

IBM Workforce Statistics

IBM holds the title of being the largest employer globally. This is in the field of technology and consulting. This means that IBM has more workforce than all companies in this industry.

13. The company has around 130,000 team members in India alone. And they even house 3000 top research scientists across a dozen development labs.

14. That’s not even all. About 12,000 regular individuals use the IBM security suite. This will enable them to block threats. Plus, more than 400 blockchain companies enjoy using their product.

15. In 2021, Big Blue went all out with getting new hands on the job. The company boasted 3,5000 job openings. That’s like 1% of the total number of people working at the company.

16. getting people to apply for jobs is one thing, but most people compete hard for those positions. It turns out that about 108 people were fighting for each available spot. That’s some serious competition for the positions.

17. Big Blue is working hard to have a diverse team even though people are rushing to fill different spots. About 1 out of 3 of their team members and almost 30% of the top workers are women. Moreover, 1 in 4 leaders come from ethnic minority groups across IBM’s global footprint. This shows that the executive boardroom also looks way more representative these days.

18. IBM employed over 345,000 people across 170 countries two years ago. We mentioned that it’s the world’s largest tech and consulting employer. But they scaled down slightly from their 2013 peak hire of 413,000 folks worldwide.

Important Facts About Big Blue SPSS

Important Facts About Big Blue SPSS

19. Most often, people who used to work at IBM become famous tech guys and business owners. That is why the company takes its time before hiring anyone. They always want the best. For example, Tim Cook was IBM’s worker but is now the CEO of Apple.

20. IBM SPSS is a strong tool that helps individuals uncover data insights. It was first made by SPSS in 1968 before IBM bought it.

21. So, IBM SPSS has been around helping people since 1968. That’s over 50 years of crunching data. We’re talking about detecting Healthcare treatment impacts and predicting economic trends.

22. After IBM added it to their collection, they made it more accessible for average folks. Big Blue gives its users a free 14-day test drive. This allows people to check it out for a couple of weeks. Interestingly, if you activate a paid yearly subscription, IBM will give you a 10% discount.

23. Due to how efficient IBM SPSS is, more than 40,000 companies are using it. This shows how efficient the software is in providing useful stats for users.

24. If we break it down, the higher education sector is the biggest user of these tools. About 3,600 businesses in this sector use IBM SPSS. That is a whopping 9 percent of IBM SPSS customers.

25. A report shows that the United States is the highest consumer of this tool. This means that over half of its customers are in the United States.

26. Too bad for the company; expansion has its limits. In 2020, Big Blue had to let go of 1 in 10 employees.

IBM Statistics – Revenue

IBM Statistics - Revenue

Guess what? In 2020, Big Blue made $73 billion from its global sales. Unfortunately, the next year, things got a bit tough for them. They lost almost a quarter of that sweet money. That is because of a spinoff. Still, half of their incomes flow in from North America.

27. Talking about the usage of this tool, it seems only companies with 50-200 staff use IBM SPSS. That means only mid-sized businesses find SPSS very useful for data analytics. Maybe small startups probably can’t afford the licenses.

28. Regarding the money angle, 42% of SPSS users are from small companies with less than $50 million.

29. Did you know that IBM has more than 200,000 patents? These patients look at all the awesome thoughts their team comes up with every day. The number of patents this company had as of 2014 was over 7,000. That indicates that nonstop creativity keeps driving this tech legend forward.

30. Big Blue has made a name for itself in business. They make a cool $24 billion from cloud business every year. Making money from ideas is always a smart move for clever giants.

31. The profit was only about 12 percent of all the money they got. Over the years, it has grown in leaps and bounds to a 45% return on investment. This has shown its smart business understanding, as it was operating at 6% in the past.

32. The United Kingdom, which holds the second position, has over 2,600 people who use IBM SPSS.

IBM Stock Statistics

IBM Stock Statistics

33. Even now, the company is still rolling among the bigwigs in the industry. This old hand, valued at $127 billion in 2021, still captures the heart of investors. This owes to the new kinds of stuff it keeps bearing into the market.

34. From the look of things, not many regular people buy IBM stock monthly. This is because its stock price tends to bounce between $114 to $146 in a normal year. That is way more stable than the crazy cryptocurrency market. But if you put money in IBM 60 years ago, your retirement would be pretty awesome by now.

35. Smart folks have been watching IBM shares since 1962. But know this: the best moment for IBM in the stock market occurred just ten years ago. On March 17, 2013, Big Blue had a closing stock value of 143.42 per share.

Other IBM Statistics

Other IBM Statistics

36. Regarding spending, IBM isn’t afraid to pour in money. They casually handed over a whopping $33 billion just to become the owners of Red Hat. This company has bought more than 180 companies in total over the years. Now, that’s how you stay on top of the game.

37. This company seems to be everywhere, not just in tech. Did you know IBM made its special song, which Thomas Watson Sr commissioned? The song “Ever Onward” carries the company’s big vision.

38. Whether you call them the Colossus of Armonk or Big Blue, IBM has taken a huge environmentally friendly turn. They slashed CO2 emissions by over half in just five years. This has saved the planet a great deal. And, of course, that’s a blend of heart and smart for you.

39. But wait, there’s more. Japan even has a cheerlead-backed American football team that proudly rocks the IBM logo in their X league. This company is indeed full of surprises.

40. Big Blue has always been serious about mind-blowing tech. They invest over $6 billion yearly in research and development. This is not just research; we’re discussing next-level AI and hybrid cloud tools. This will make every Silicon Valley startup wish they had invented them first.


For the past 100 years, IBM has been at the forefront of innovation. This company has been helping the tech industry and society as a whole. Right now, Big Blue is doing some super interesting stuff. They’re exploring the latest in AI and quantum physics. They’re even making sure both small and big businesses run smoothly. Imagine 350,000 people around the world working together on things like blockchain. This shows how much IBM has grown to meet our needs.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How old is this company now?

Does Big Blue have a theme song, too?

Is IBM or Big Blue for big companies alone, or can small businesses benefit too?

How big is IBM?

How many people are working at IBM?


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60+ Eye-opening HP Statistics and Facts for 2024 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 19:33:06 +0000 Impressive HP Statistics and Facts

In This Guide Must Know HP Statistics 2024 HP Statistics About Market Share HP Statistics – Employees HP Statistics – Products HP Statistics – Earnings Additional HP Statistics 49. HP...

The post 60+ Eye-opening HP Statistics and Facts for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Impressive HP Statistics and Facts
In This Guide

Hewlett-Packard, or HP, holds strong as a titan in the computer industry, capturing roughly 20% of the total market share. This American tech powerhouse emerged in 2015 following the split of the Hewlett-Packard company. Today, HP competes neck-and-neck alongside Lenovo, Dell, and other leaders.

Yet HP’s origins stem back to 1935 in a humble garage, thanks to its founders William Hewlett and David Packard. What started as an electronic testing tool business eventually gained steam in the budding PC space. HP’s innovations extend beyond personal computing and into servers, storage devices, networking equipment, and more.

Now, HP offers products and services spanning individual consumers to major enterprise corporations. HP’s diverse technological capabilities cement its Silicon Valley staple. This gives HP a competitive edge over endless innovations emerging from old and new tech giants. The forthcoming explores some eye-opening HP statistics and lesser-known history behind one of tech’s most prolific trailblazers – HP. Let’s dive deeper.

Impressive HP Statistics and Facts

Must Know HP Statistics 2024

1. Hewlett-Packard started as an idea conceived in 1939 by two ambitious individuals, Bill and David. They started the now-giant tech company in a tiny garage in Palo Alto, California. 

2. Their first big break came when they scored a contract to create tech gear for Disney’s Fantasia movie. With this, HP is a serious player in creating IT hardware.

3. Fast forward to November 2015. HP made a big move by splitting into two entities, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc.

4. One of the entities was to focus on storage, servers, and tech services. At the same time, the other entity keeps on creating top-notch and top hardware and software. Despite this split, both branches have stayed incredibly successful, remaining multi-billion-dollar giants. Surprisingly, both companies grew!

5. By 2019, HP had launched 104 other companies, incorporating them into its impressive legacy. Within its 100-year journey, this company has grown from a one-car garage platform to a true heavyweight in tech.

6. According to Volza’s Global Import data, the world brought in a staggering 451.4K shipments of HP laptops. These were brought in by 7,718 importers from 6,433 suppliers.

7. Most HP laptops were imported from China, the United States, and Singapore. The country that imports the highest number of HP laptops is India, bringing in 390,108 shipments. Closely tailing behind India is Peru, with 15,849. Vietnam comes third with 10,298 loads.

8. The top three product categories for HP products imports have the HSN codes 84713010, 8471300000, & 84713020.

These figures were last updated on November 9, 2023, based on Volza’s comprehensive global import-export data from 70 countries.

HP Statistics About Market Share

HP Market Share Statistics

9. Unarguably, HP is a giant among PC producers. It earned the world’s best PC creator title in 2007. But it relinquished the title to Lenovo, another PC king.

10. By committing to producing high-class products, Lenovo outshined HP in 2013. It didn’t end there, as Lenovo also won the best PC manufacturer in the world.

11. Not long after Lenovo‘s remarkable success, Dell came into the picture and started competing with HP and Lenovo. HP and DELL also became prime rivals in 2022.

12. HP’s kingship remains incontestable Regarding hardcopy equipment, such as the printing machines market. Users have attested that HP produces the best printers. It even ranked no.1 in 2021.

13. HP successfully claimed about 18.8% share of the personal computer market worldwide in 2022.

14. Without a break, the tech firm has continued to increase its market share since 2012.

15. The best PC manufacturers, including Dell, HP, and Lenovo, totaled 60% of the global PC market share in 2022.

16. Hewlett-Packard (HP) is the highest PC supplier in the United States. It delivers up to 22.7% of personal computers to individuals and organizations. This highlights HP’s stronghold in the American computer market.

17. Hewlett-Packard is a web hosting provider; however, it’s 0.1% less than other websites.

18. Surprisingly, the company renders services to websites with heavy traffic compared to other big hosts like Shopify and Amazon.

19. When it comes to gadgets, PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc., people expect to spend more than $810 billion on them in 2022. That’s a serious chunk of change flying into the tech world!

HP Statistics – Employees

Employees Stats

20. In 2014, before splitting into two founders did the big slit on the companies, HP had a staggering 300,000 people working for them worldwide.

21. Last year, HP PC company had roughly 51,000 employees all across the globe.

22. more than 66% of the team in an HP office are men, while only 34% are women.

23. Regarding diversity, over 55% of HP’s team is White, with smaller percentages (17% and 13%) of Latinx and Asian workers, respectively.

24. An HP employee has worked at HP for about 6.6 years.

25. A typical HP worker also takes home an annual paycheck of around $78,427.

26. In 2017, the company held the spot as the 12th largest employer in the US. That’s a considerable number of folks working together to keep things running!

27. The garage where Bill Hewlett and David Packard first started HP is now an official California Landmark. 

28. It’s known as the ‘Birthplace of Silicon Valley.’ However, in 2014, HP faced legal issues, being found guilty of three separate instances of bribery involving top government officials in Poland, Mexico, and Russia. 

29. These payments were aimed at securing significant contracts. On a different note, 2007 Hewlett-Packard achieved a milestone by surpassing $100 billion in sales revenue for a financial year, becoming the first technology company to reach this mark.”

HP Statistics – Products

Products Stats

30. As a company, HP keeps making more money with the continual decrease in computer parts. The company profits are at the top of the tech radar, and it doesn’t look like they’ll decline soon.

31. In 2021, HP invested significantly in its future by channeling over $1.9 billion into research and development.

32. The computer hardware category of HP Ground generates a large amount of revenue every year.

33. HP printers are one of the top revenue generators in the hardware category. The printers are usually reliable and have established a firm relationship with the business community.

34. In 2017, 3D printing and virtual reality were presented as new additions to HP, boosting the ego of its users.

35. The HP group publicly announced that large quantities of PCs were sold per quarter at a summit in 2022.

36. HP’s eco-friendliness was clearly shown in 2020 after the company refined and recycled millions of plastics into other products. This move boosted HP’s presence in the market and attracted more followers and, subsequently, investors.

37. Over the years, HP has made no less than 60 billion dollars, showing a significant and consistent rise in its annual revenues.

38. It branched into different units that bring in revenue. One part oversees personal computer and printer sales, while another oversees enterprise software, servers, and storage. Both units make billions of dollars from massive product sales every year.

39. HP accommodates 58,000 employees from around the world under its umbrella. This massive workforce consists of creative minds and people with diverse talents. They all work tirelessly to maintain HP’s giant position in the tech industry.

HP Statistics – Earnings

HP Earnings Statistics

40. The tech giant has had its fair share of ups and downs. This often translates into its income, which increases or decreases depending on market conditions. No wonder HP got 3.2 billion dollars as its annual income in 2022, less than in 2021.

41. HP had approximately $64 billion as its total earnings in 2021, showing an increasingly favorable market for the brand.

42. The Personal Systems section in the HP group accrued over $43 billion in income in 2021.

43. In the same year, 2021, HP printing machines made outstanding progress, raising over $20 billion in sales profit. This massive number tells us that printing machines occupy a significant market position.

44. Supply and allocation as a sector under the HP group had their gross income close at $13.5 million as of August 2022. The sector is still moving forward and may even outpace this level in years to come.

45. HP amassed a revenue of over $20 between 2016 and 2021, as confirmed by the company’s official website.

46. HP doesn’t joke with advertising. It makes it a top priority to ensure that people in every region and walks of life know about its product. Unsurprisingly, HP spent over $829 million in 2021 to attract more customers.

47. HP’s share prices went downhill last year, dropping by nearly 50% from $41.47 in 2021 to $26.11 in 2022. Although this is a major blow, things could eventually shape up once market conditions improve.

48. The group attained an earning lineup of 9.61% in 2022; to date, they still have up to 9.71% return on assets (ROA).

Additional HP Statistics

HP Company Statistics

49. HP Boasts an Extensive Collection of Products.

Interestingly, HP produces everything from personal computers to printers and other accessories. They offer various top-notch products perfect for individuals and business utility. HP always provides something to its users every year, irrespective of their budget.

50. HP Focuses Solely on Sustainability.

The firm is very serious about its corporate responsibility, aiming to decrease its ecological trail. HP cuts down conservatory gas emissions. They encourage recycling efforts and produce energy-efficient products as part of their creativities.

51. HP Products Help Educate Their Users.

The company knows that education is essential for improving invention and improvement. For this reason, they put more effort and investment into providing tech solutions. Most of the tech solutions are intended for schools and educational institutes. Also, HP’s products and services support the needs of modern learning settings.

52. HP Provides its Users With Extensive Support.

Customers needing help can contact HP’s comprehensive customer support via their official website, call centers, and approved service providers. It is also straightforward for users to find troubleshooting guides, drivers, and software updates. HP ensures that its help services are hassle-free and reliable.

53. HP Ranks High as One of the Companies that Produces Durable and Long-lasting Products.

Users celebrate HP products for their quality and durability. HP thoroughly tests and ensures that its products are top-notch before distributing them. And this has earned them a loyal consumer base across the globe.

54. The PC Company HP Focuses on Security.

Due to the evolving cyber threats in today’s tech world, HP prioritized Security. They offer their users numerous advanced security features, which include encryption, secure boot, and biometric authentication. These fantastic features help safeguard their users’ data and confidentiality. 

55. HP has Various Team Members.

The HP company solely values diversity and inclusion among its employees. They believe that with diverse team members, different perspectives and fresh ideas will be obtained. Novel thoughts turn to fuels of inventions and creativity. The company also promotes equal chances and strives to create a helpful and inclusive work environment for everybody.

56. HP Contributes Energetically to the Social and Environmental Causes.

HP company strives to create a positive effect on society. With many benevolent activities, the firm has supported the community. These activities include supporting education, relieving the world from disaster, and running environmental conservation projects. These initiatives show that HP is strongly devoted to giving back to the community.

57. HP Stands Out Among All Companies That Offer Printing Technology.

The PC company has a rich history in printing and continues to innovate in this area. They supply printers, including everyday inkjet and heavy-duty ones built for commercial use. HP printing solutions are famous for delivering exclusive results and dependability.

58. HP is Actively Helping the Business World.

The HP company offers excellent solutions to businesses all over the world (whether big or small). With their top-tier servers and networking tools to software and services, HP provides companies with comprehensive solutions to improve their productivity and effectiveness.

59. HP Solely Invests in the Invention.

Hewlett-Packard devoted a vital part of its revenues to research and development. The company joined forces with top universities and research institutions to improve artificial intelligence, 3D printing, cybersecurity, and more.

60. Hewlett-Packard has Gotten a Heavenly Status.

The company recently earned a reputation because it delivers trustworthy and top-quality products. They are also actively committed to invention, Sustainability, Security, and customer satisfaction. This has gotten them prevalent acknowledgment and trust among customers and organizations.

61. HP Means Hewlett-Packard.

HP, or Hewlett-Packard, is an American multinational information technology firm. Its headquarters is located in Palo Alto, California. The firm was launched in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. The founders merged their surnames to form the company’s name. Within the past years, Hewlett-Packard has become one of the best suppliers of personal computers (PCs), printers, and numerous tech-related products and services.

62. HP has an Outstanding Innovation Record.

The company was devoted to research and development. This has caused them to become one of the front liners in technological progress over the years. HP has developed various exclusive products and technologies, which include the first desktop laser printer, the initial handheld scientific calculator, and the pioneering thermal inkjet printer.

63. HP has Made a Vital Mark as One of the World’s Largest Technology Companies.

The company has reached people globally with its vast collection of products and services. With this, they have firmly established a vital mark as one of the key players in the tech industry. HP extends its tentacles to over 170 countries, with thousands of employees worldwide.


HP, or Hewlett-Packard, is one of the leading technology giants. It’s recognized for its innovative products and services. Across its wide-ranging history spanning many decades, HP has become a rampant name in the tech world. The company has become the people’s choice with its high-performance and reliable laptops, desktops, and printers, unceasingly producing cutting-edge tech that attends to developing customers’ and business needs.

Despite its excellent hardware products, HP still emphasizes Sustainability and social responsibility. The company stays loyal and devoted to ecological creativities and community engagement. They strongly aim to have a positive effect on society. With a remarkable track record of technological advancements and a dedicated focus on customer satisfaction, HP maintains its position at the forefront of the industry. Whether you’re an avid tech enthusiast or a business professional, HP offers diverse products and services to elevate your digital experience.


How reliable are HP products?

Are HP inventions eco-friendly?

What is HP’s highest-selling product?

Where is the majority of HP income generated?

How much does HP make annually?

Is HP printing tech compatible with other products?


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60 Fascinating Intel Statistics [2024 Updated Figures] Fri, 26 Jan 2024 17:41:53 +0000 Major Intel Statistics

In This Guide Major Intel Statistics Market Share Statistics 1. Intel has Quite a Great Market Share, Up to 78.3%, Compared to AMD. 2. Samsung had All Course to Celebrate...

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Major Intel Statistics
In This Guide

Intel is a well-known semiconductor industry name. The company knows the importance of high-quality chips at a reasonable price. Intel always assures consumers. The tech giant is relentlessly committed to advancing technology. Their vision and hard work brought in a staggering $63 billion in revenue in 2022. Reaching such heights is remarkable. This is especially so with rivals like AMD competing for market share, which currently has 31% of the segment.

But here are the facts. Intel is still the semiconductor leader. The company stays dominant in the industry through smart marketing. It also dedicates itself to improving iconic computer chips. They engineer pioneering processors. Many know that. Processors do more than just operate devices. They undoubtedly propel innovation across the globe.

Many people are curious about the elements that drive Intel’s lasting success. A wealth of clear data is ready for review. One can study the key breakthroughs. Having calculated their moves, they left the stumbles behind. They shaped Intel’s story. This elevates them to an enduring player that withstands time. This Intel statistics and facts write-up unpacks the narrative behind this worldwide semiconductor force and promises valuable insights. So, get yourself your favorite snack. Let’s unravel the key factors that put Intel at the top of chip engineering.

Major Intel Statistics

Major Intel Statistics

  1. Intel’s journey began with two young men, Robert Noyce, and his cofounder Gordon Moore, in 1968. 
  2. Intel has its headquarters in the city of Santa Clara, California.
  3. The company was once called NM Electronics before it was changed to Intel 
  4. Moore Noyse came to mind while thinking of a suitable name, but this was soon put aside as it sounded more like saying Moor Noise.
  5. The name NM Electronics was pushed aside for Intel just a few days after it was put to use. 
  6. Robert Swan serves as the CEO of Intel.
  7. Intel paid $15,000 to get its name. 
  8. Printing a single transistor costs far less than a single printed newspaper character. 
  9. Intel has been able to get to the status of the 14th most valued trademark worldwide. 
  10. It is one of the businesses that will be taking part in funding the 2024 Olympic Games.

Market Share Statistics

Market Share Statistics

1. Intel has Quite a Great Market Share, Up to 78.3%, Compared to AMD.

Intel is making more waves in the single-core processors market than any other company. It is way better than AMD when it comes to multi-core CPU systems

2. Samsung had All Course to Celebrate When it Sold Out Far More Semiconductors Between 2017 and the End of 2018.

Samsung led the semiconductor market in first place with a revenue of $61,158 million and, after that, had $73,649 million at the end of 2018. Intel was a bit down in revenue in 2017, with a total of $58,725 million, and closed with $66,290 million the next year

3. Intel Fared Far Better Than Samsung in Semiconductor Sales at the Close of 2020.

The year 2020 was different for Intel regarding the number of semiconductor sales, as it sold more chips than Samsung. This success could be tied to the large volume of memory chips sent to the market. Sales ended with $76,240 million for Intel at the close of 2020. This was not the case for the former industry leader, Samsung, which ended the year in second place with 56,912.

4. Intel Yields Far More Revenue Than AMD or the Tech Firm Nvidia.

There is a clear difference between Intel’s revenue and AMD’s and Nvidia’s tech firms. Only 17% of the industry market share is held by AMD, as Intel has claimed 82%. Intel is doing way better with $54 billion in LTM revenue, leaving Nvidia at $26 billion.

5. Over the Years, Intel has Gathered Around 77% of the Consumer Computing Market.

It’s not wrong to say that Intel controls the consumer computing sector since it has about a 77% stake in the market.

Intel Diversity and Employee Statistics

Diversity and Employee Stat

6. Workers Totaling 132,000 are on Intel Company’s Payroll.

Having workers to cover its vast customers has never been an issue for the tech giant. In 2022, the company decided to employ more hands to ensure the smooth running of its affairs. It had 132,000 workers on its monthly payroll at the year’s close. This means the number of people working in Intel rose by 8.92%. 

7. Women Also Have a Spot in the Affairs of Intel and Occupy 27.7% of the Company’s Staff Strength.

Intel embraces people from all races and genders. To its credit, 27.7% of its staff will be females in 2021. This marked a 0.1% drop in the number it had in 2022. These women get an equal chance to work up the career ladder at the corporation

8. Asian Women Got a Working Chance of 36.3% in 2021.

The rate at which Asians were given work opportunities at Intel in 2021 was quite low from the last year by 1.3%. Only 36.3% of the employees at Intel in 2021 were Asians.

9. Native Americans Have a Cut of 0.8% of the Total Intel Workers.

Persons who are Native Americans make up a minor 0.8% of the total workforce of Intel

10. Male Workers Make Up the Largest Chunk of the Workforce in Intel, With 73%.

Most of the workers in Intel are males, accounting for 73% of the workforce. These men take up most of the positions in Intel company, like several others in the industry. It is necessary to state that many of these males are white, accounting for as many as 52% of the total employees at Intel.

11. Setting up an Office With a Cubicle Design Started With Intel.

Intel was the first company to start designing office settings in the form of a nice cubicle. Many other companies are now towing this same part in their office settings today

12. Intel Stopped Designing its Offices With the Booth Style in 2007.

The company in 2007 saw the need to change its style of office design in the year 2007. It always looks for better ways to improve services and products.

13. Costa Rica was Able to Add 4.6% to its GDP Due to the Activities of the Intel Group.

The company has a nice spot in Costa Rica’s economy. The country’s economy is profiting in no small way from Intel’s activities in its territory. As high as 4.9% of the total GDP that came within the shores of Costa Rica was from Intel

14. Most of the Intel Staff Favor the Democrats.

Quite a large number of Intel staff said they are of the democratic party. Staff like Curtis Engelhard have given the democratic party large sums of money, up to $111,700. Employees who take sides with the democratic party are as high as 75%. This shouldn’t surprise you; most people will go with the tide any day. Those who do not favor the democratic party are just a slice of 23.9% of workers at Intel. 

15. You Can Earn an Average of $99,300 and Even More as an Employee of Intel.

Most of the workers at Intel love their jobs. Employees working at Intel are placed on an average salary scale of about $99,300. A cleaner at Intel takes home between $44,720 and just around $57,819 for an entire year. As many as 73% of employees at Intel are pleased to a large degree with the work conditions. 

16. Up to 47% of Intel Employees are From a Minority Race.

Intel is doing all it can to build a work environment that takes in talented persons from any race or tongue. This new move is why it has included 47% of minority races on its payroll

17. Most of the Employees at Intel Can Speak Spanish Very Well.

Itel has hired quite a good number of people from different regions. A large number of workers in Intel fluently speak Spanish

18. Chinese is the Means of Communication for 10% of People.

Communicating with the Chinese language is a daily routine for 10% of people who work at Intel. This shows that language is not a reason not to apply for a job at Intel

19. Over 50% of Intel Employees Must Have a Bachelor’s Degree.

Higher education got more than half of Intel employees their jobs at the company. A bachelor’s degree is held by 60% of people who are working in Intel

20. Persons Between the Ages of 20 to 30 Years Make Up 39% of Intel’s Workforce.

Up to 39% of young people between 20 and 30 are part of the workforce that drives Intel. From the statistics, one may infer that Intel believes young ones can contribute immensely to its progress. This age group has the largest number among all the employees at Intel

21. Individuals Above 40 Make up Just 20% of Employees.

Persons who are over 40 years of age make up just a low 20% of Intel staff strength. 

22. As Low as 2% of Intel Workers Fall on 18 Years and Below.

Only 2% of the staff at Intel are 18 years of age and below.

23. It is One of the Most Common Courses, With 29% of Intel Workers in Electrical Engineering.

Persons with electrical engineering degrees comprise just 29% of Intel’s staff strength. Many people who work at Intel hold a degree in electrical engineering.

24. Up to 14% of Persons Working at Intel Group Schooled at the University of Arizona.

Quite a sizeable number of Intel staff, up to 14%, once studied at the University of Arizona. 

25. A Master’s Degree is Tied to the Names of 16% of Intel Employees.

Intel strives for excellence and seeks the best hands for the job. Little wonder that 16% of its employees have master’s degrees in their chosen field of study. 

26. One in Every Five Employees is More Than 40 Years of Age in Intel.

Taking note of talents and retaining them has brought Intel into its present state of success in the industry. People 40 years and above are just a fifth of the total staff on its payroll

27. One Out of Every 50 Intel Employees is 18 or Below.

People 18 make up just a small portion of Intel’s staff strength. You can only find one person who is 18 years or less in a row in a call of 50 Intel employees. 

28. Only 9% of Intel Workers Work Outside the Office. 

Working from home or any desired location is the dream of so many, but this chance is given to just 9% of Intel staff.

Intel User Statistics

Intel User Statistics

29. You Cannot Deal Directly With Intel Company Alone as a User.

Intel is not in the habit of conducting business dealings openly with the users. 

30. Some Firms in the Technology Industry Have Partnership Deals with Intel.

Intel has to its credit great firms moving the technology industry as its partners. Examples of these firms are Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

31. In the Hardware Gaming Market, Over 75% of its Systems are Serviced by Intel.

Intel has risen to become a household name in the world of hardware gaming. It services more than 75% of hard wares in the gaming market with its processing units

32. Intel Ensures it Sets Aside $15 Billion for Research Work Annually.

Research work is very dear to Intel as a corporation. Every year, it puts aside up to $15 billion for research and product development.

33. It Got the MobileEye With a Tidy Sum of $15.3 Million.

Intel spent a whole $15.3 million in acquiring the MobileEye. 

34. Products That Intel Makes are Used for Both Personal and Corporate Uses.

Intel is well known for offering services that can also serve personal and corporate uses.

Intel Sales Statistics

Sales Statistics

35. Intel’s Largest Sales Market has Been China From as Far Back as 2016.

The spot of highest sales market has been taken by China year after year since 2016. This has put the country in the spotlight of revenue for Intel. Intel got $17.125 billion from just China out of its $63.054 billion revenue in 2022.

36. The United States Stands as the Third-biggest Intel Sales Market.

Intel’s sales have been faring well in the United States market for a while. 

37. Intel Landed With an Earning of Just $2,672 in its First Trading Year.

The first trading year was quite eventful for Intel, ending at $2,672. This amount was valued at $51,000 at the close of 2022.

38. Trades From Consumer Products Comprise 52% of Intel’s Grand Sales.

Consumer products make up over 50% of the entire sales record of the famous Intel company. 

39. Up to 42% of the Profit Made by Intel Comes From the Countries of Taiwan and China.

Taiwan and China bring in nearly 50% (42%) of the company’s profit. This is not far from the truth, as the Asian continent has a large market for Intel to soar.

Intel Revenue Statistics

Intel Revenue Statistics 

40. Intel Gathered $52.86 Billion for Itself in September 2023.

Revenue from last year September to that of 2023 was not in any way great. The company experienced a drop in revenue of 23.98% from what it had in the past. In September, which marked Q3 2023, Intel got a revenue of $14.16 billion. This was not a good note for the company as it marked a fall of 7.69%. 

41. The Year 2021 Decorated Intel’s Purse With Revenue Totaling $79.02 Billion.

Intel closed on a good note in 2021, recording a revenue of $79.02 billion. This was a great report for the company as its growth rose 1.49%

42. 2020 Was no Different as Intel Soared Higher, Recording a Revenue Increase of 8.20%.

Expectations were high, and the company tried to deliver a rise in revenue of 8.20% from the previous year. As a result, Intel ended 2020 with a revenue of $77.87 billion.

43. Intel Got $71.97 Billion in Revenue When the 2019 Curtain Ended.

The year 2019 was a great year for Intel, as it did not bow to a loss in revenue. Instead, the company revenue rose to $71.97 billion, a growth of 1.58% when the year ended.

Statistics on Intel Stock Price

Stock Price Stats

44. The Stock Market Opened its Arms for All to Trade on the Last Day of November, With Intel Stock Selling at 44.65 USD.

The last day of November 2023 was eventful, as Intel had a market cap of 188.56 billion. The market opened that same day with a stock price of $44.65 to be brought to a close at $44.70.

45. Intel Stocks Rose by Just 6% All Through the Entire Year 2019.

Stocks did not do so well; they grew by just 6% at the end of 2019. This was not the same with AMD, which had up to 86% increase in its stock the same year.

More Intel Statistics

More Stats

46. The company started up Intel Capital in 1991 and began its journey of investing $11.8 billion in newbie businesses. 

47. More than 1,400 startup firms have benefited from Intel Capital after it was launched.

48. Up to 57 countries so far have gained from the goodwill of Intel Capital over these years.

49. About 50% of business funding by Intel Capital goes to firms outside the United States

50. A third of Intel’s budget in 2020 was spent on adverts for its products and services, just like in 2005.

51. Intel went all out to get McAfee for a tidy sum of $7.68 billion in 2010. 

52. Intel’s energy usage has risen by 50% for up to five years.

53. Discharges of greenhouse gases have risen in no small way, as they stood at 34% for five years

54. A maker of watches was bought out in 1972, but this did not last for long, as the business was sold in 1978.

55. Intel has a fully stocked museum where you can pay visits any time of leisure

56. More than 90,000 people flock to the Intel museum yearly. 

57. The company has taken into its fold 27 firms since it started operating. 

58. Intel paid $1.25 billion to stop a lawsuit filed against it by AMD in 2009. 

59. One thing that anyone can easily recognize is the Intel sound. 

60. European courts made Intel pay a large amount of money, summing to $1.3 billion, for a case on antitrust.


Refining talents is one strong point that makes the Intel corporation a great place to work for anyone. There are a whole lot of reports from past and present staff that attest to this fact. Intel’s name is written in the sands of time for its impact on the semiconductor chips industry. It has risen over the years to take a large spot in the computing community. The facts are clear with the records that Intel always seeks ways to keep customers returning. Taking charge of the market can be linked to the research it puts in every year.

This chip giant has to its belt of success some companies that partner with it at the passing of each year. Countries like Costa Rica have every reason to thank Intel for the good turnout of its GDP in recent years. Revenue keeps growing for Intel year after year, with its tentacles spreading in several countries. More and more companies are getting funds to continue through Intel Capital, which may not end soon.


How well have Intel sales been faring?

What makes Intel stand out in the market?

What clients bring in the largest of Intel revenue?


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35 Amazing Cisco Systems Statistics [Essential Facts] 2024 Wed, 17 Jan 2024 17:42:06 +0000 Key Cisco Statistics

Longstanding tech giant Cisco began with a simple yet revolutionary idea. In the early 1980s, students and staff at Stanford University developed the world’s first multiprotocol router known as the...

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Key Cisco Statistics

Cisco logo graphics

Longstanding tech giant Cisco began with a simple yet revolutionary idea. In the early 1980s, students and staff at Stanford University developed the world’s first multiprotocol router known as the “Blue Box” to connect campus computer systems.

This reliable and scalable communication system would soon turn Cisco into a key provider on the global market. Even decades later, Cisco systems stand out for their top-notch security, speed, and reliability. In 2023 alone, the company brought in over $50 billion in revenue.

Despite growing competition, Cisco continues to service a record number of enterprises seeking a robust infrastructure. We scoured the most recent reports to find the most insightful Cisco statistics that show just how important the company remains even today.

Let’s take a look at the wider picture!

Key Cisco Statistics To Know in 2024

  • Cisco reached a market cap of $224 million within five years after its first product launch.
  • In 2000, Cisco became the first Silicon Valley company to reach a market cap over $500 billion before the dot com crash.
  • Cisco’s been slowly recovering from the dot com bubble burst, reaching a record revenue of $57 billion in 2023.
  • In 2023, Cisco Systems ranked #74 in the Fortune 500, eight spots higher than the previous year.
  • Since the pandemic, roughly 50% of Cisco’s revenue has been coming from its ‘Secure, Agile Networks’ product.
  • By 2023, Cisco had bought around 200 companies. In 2023, Cisco acquired 9 companies to expand its offer into cloud and AI-powered cybersecurity solutions.
  • Cisco makes up over 40% of the global enterprise network infrastructure market.
  • Cisco holds nearly half of the global Ethernet switch market share.

Statistics on Cisco’s Market Share

Cisco set a Silicon Valley record in 2000, when it briefly became the most valuable company in the world and the first to reach a market cap surpassing $500 billion

This was in part thanks to the prolonged growth of the World Wide Web since the early 90s and the dot com bubble, which saw most tech companies’ valuation skyrocket.

However, the company took a big hit when the dot com bubble burst. Twenty years later, Cisco fiscal year reports showed a 9% decrease in revenue and a 4% decrease in non-GAAP EPS year over year in 2020.

It’s worth noting Cisco’s yearly revenue has been slowly going up over the past few years, especially since the pandemic. To drive this recent growth, the company has been investing in various cloud, security, and AI-powered solutions.

Despite slow growth throughout the 2010s, Cisco continues to dominate the US, as well as the global market for enterprise network infrastructure.

As of 2013, over 95% of Fortune 500 companies used Cisco’s Collaboration solution, which suggests Cisco is by far the biggest service provider for American businesses.

Market share of the worldwide enterprise network infrastructure providers
Source: Statista

And in 2022, Cisco still made up 41% of the global enterprise network infrastructure market share, followed by Huawei at a distant 10%.

In addition, Cisco held a nearly 50% share of the global Ethernet switch market in 2020 Q4. Although this share has been slowly going down year after year, Cisco still clearly dominates the global scene as a go-to solution.

Cisco vs. its main competitors on the ethernet switch market
Source: Statista

It also appears Cisco’s seen a shift in its most lucrative segments over the past decade. Switching and NGN routing were among the leading segments by revenue share between 2013–2017.

Throughout 2019–2023, though, the secure, agile networks segment blew up to generate 40-50% of the revenue. Since 2019, Cisco has also been generating more revenue from the end-to-end security segment.

The company’s investment in new software solutions and services is seemingly paying off. According to Cisco’s 2023 financial highlights, last year was a ‘milestone for Cisco.’ The company hit a revenue record of $57 billion, up 11% year over year – the highest growth rate the company has seen in over a decade.

Cisco Systems Products Revenue Statistics

We cannot overstate how much Cisco’s revenue stream has been shifting over the past decade.

In the early 2010s, Cisco’s main source of revenue came from switching ($14.7 billion/year), followed by NGN routing (over $8 billion), service provider video ($4.8 billion), and collaboration solutions ($4 billion).

In 2018, Cisco registered a massive revenue increase from infrastructure platforms, which brought in a whopping $29.27 billion that year, followed by services at $12.6 billion. Since 2018, the company’s yearly revenue has stabilized at a new high of $50 billion/year.

Cisco revenue by product category from 2013 to 2023
Source: Statista

More notably, since the pandemic and until 2023 included, Cisco’s ‘secure, agile networks’ generated most of the revenue ($22.7–29.1 billion/year), followed by services (roughly $13 billion/year).

Cisco’s ‘Secure, Agile Networks’ solution helps businesses connect users to applications efficiently and securely. It virtualizes the network edge and automates network functions for quick scaling, flexibility, better performance, and increased security.

Throughout 2019–2021, Cisco’s ‘hybrid work’ products also brought in an average of $4.9 billion a year. Other emerging Cisco products like their end-to-end security and ‘internet for the future’ have also been slowly going up over the past five years.

As per 2023 fiscal reports, over 50% of the company’s revenue came from the ‘secure, agile networks,’ followed by 24% from services and 9% from ‘internet for the future’.

The Latest Figures on Cisco System’s Internal Resources

Cisco remains a global leader thanks to its extensive and efficient products, services, and solutions, including networking, security, and collaboration and data center SaaS.

Few other companies can ensure a similar level of security for hybrid work settings, alongside a comprehensive product stack for on onsite operation. And Cisco is still expanding its offer.

Cisco Systems has spent over $70 billion to buy more than 200 companies throughout its corporate history, expanding its activity into other segments like security, cloud solutions, and machine learning.

Cisco’s latest acquisitions further prove a shift towards software solutions. In 2023 alone, Cisco bought 9 companies, more notably:

  • Valitcs (a cloud network security company)
  • Smartlook (specialized in real user monitoring)
  • Armorblox (a pioneer in the use of large language models in cybersecurity)
  • Oort Inc. (pioneer in identity threat detection and response technology)

Cisco has also been slowly increasing its spending on research and development over the past few years. According to 2021 figures, the company spent under $5.95 billion per year throughout 2011–2013. And in 2021, they reached $6.5 billion in development expenses

Cisco’s annual research spending figures

As for human resources, Cisco boasts a workforce of over 80,000 employees in a total of 96 countries. In 2022, Cisco surpassed 80,000 employees and over 43,000 international workers for the first time, which points at the company’s slow but continued expansion.

Cisco’s employee statistics throughout 2010–2022
Source: Statista

Not only that, but Cisco has ranked #1 on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in the US for three years in a row. Most recently in 2023, Cisco was named the best workplace in the US once again.

On the same note, according to Glassdoor figures, the US employee salary at Cisco goes up to 67k/year for a warehouse worker, and up to $234k/year for a software engineer.

Overall, it seems Cisco pays its employees competitive salaries and maintains a positive company culture (and a happy workforce to boot). Not only that, but they still manage to scale their business model well and ensure growth for shareholders. 

Concluding Thoughts

Starting in the early 80s, Cisco quickly grew to become a worldwide networking and telecommunications giant. Despite fluctuating market conditions, Cisco remains resilient even decades later thanks to its robust and comprehensive products and services.

The company’s strategic investments in cloud, security, and AI-powered solutions have further fueled Cisco’s recent growth, culminating in a record $57 billion revenue in 2023.  

And with a growing number of local and international employees in close to 100 countries, plus a growing list of competitive products that help other businesses be more secure and productive, it seems Cisco will continue to enjoy market dominance and stability.


Which product brings in the highest revenue to Cisco Systems?

What are some of the services that Cisco offers?

Who are Cisco’s biggest competitors?


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Car Sharing Market Statistics: Industry Growth Forecast for 2027 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:29:50 +0000 Person using car sharing app on smartphhone

One of the signs of an advancing sharing economy is the impressive car sharing market statistics. The car sharing market has permeated most regions, as more and more of the...

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Person using car sharing app on smartphhone

One of the signs of an advancing sharing economy is the impressive car sharing market statistics. The car sharing market has permeated most regions, as more and more of the world embraces sustainable mobility and people are looking to reduce the ownership costs of their cars.

The car sharing market emerged as a result of these changing preferences, and has been growing for the last few years.

For that reason, car sharing is something both marketers and car owners should be paying close attention to. To help you get the most out of your current and future car, we put together this guide to the latest car sharing statistics and trends and how it’s changed across the years.

Let’s dive in.

Key Car Sharing Market Statistics & Figures

  • 🌎 By 2028, the global car sharing market is expected to reach $15.4 billion, with a CAGR of 14.04%
  • 🇺🇸 By 2027, the American revenue in the car sharing market is projected to reach $3.23 billion, while revenue on the Canadian side is forecast at $0.6 billion.
  • 🇩🇪 The Continental European country with the largest car sharing market by revenue in 2023 is Germany, which saw $0.80 billion in revenue, and has 4.4 million car sharing users.
  • 🇬🇧 The UK’s car sharing market is the biggest one in Europe in terms of revenue, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 3.51% from $0.8 billion in 2023 to $0.93 billion in 2027.
  • 📈 By 2028, the number of car sharing users worldwide is expected to rise to almost 65 million.
  • 🇨🇭 70% of German and 80% of Swiss car sharers are men, who use free-floating car sharing services.
  • 🇨🇦 In Canada, the majority of free-floating car sharing users (74%) are aged 25-44, and Canadian station-based car sharing users are mostly aged 25-49 (71%).

Car Sharing Market Size

Car sharing involves individuals renting vehicles for a short period of time (as short as an hour). They can either rent from a company or a private individual – a phenomenon known as “peer-to-peer” car sharing. 

To kick off our exploration of one of the largest shared mobility markets, we take a look at the global car-sharing market size and the key players.

Global Market Figures

According to Business Wire, the global car-sharing market cashed in a total of $7 billion in 2022. By 2028, this figure is expected to grow to $15.4 billion, with a projected a CAGR of 14.04%

As you might have expected, different providers disproportionately contribute to this total total revenue. Below, we examine the top car sharing providers worldwide.

Top Car Sharing Providers – Shares & Statistics

Biggest car sharing companies in 2022 by market share
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As of 2022, the largest car sharing provider in the world is Zipcar, with a 13% market share. Other companies with a significant share are Getaround (10%) and SHARE NOW (8%), which owns car2go and DriveNow.

Compared to the above, other brands don’t have a significant market share.

However, as you’ll see in the next section, some brands are more predominant than others in certain regions.

Car Sharing Market – Sales & Revenue Statistics

Let’s take a closer look at the current global state, as well as at predicted figures for sales and revenue of the car sharing market. These statistics don’t include peer-to-peer car sharing – rather, they focus on car sharing companies.

North America Car Sharing

North America car sharing revenue stats and forecast 2022-2027
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In the US, which is the one of biggest car share markets by revenue, car sharing is on track to reach $2.89 billion. That’s over six times more than the Canada’s $0.44 billion.

By 2027, the American revenue is projected to reach $3.23 billion, and the Canadian car sharing revenue is forecast at $0.6 billion. The average revenue per user (ARPU) in 2023 is the same in both countries – $520, which is predicted to increase to $540 by 2027.

As for Mexico, given its smaller size and population, the car sharing market is much smaller than that of its Northern neighbors. In 2023, it amounted to $20.65 million, and is projected to reach $26.36 million by 2027.

EMEA Car Sharing

Car sharing revenue EMEA forecast 2027
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In Europe, Middle East, and Africa, the car sharing market is also booming. For example, the European revenue of the car-sharing market in 2023 was $4.89 billion. However, the ARPU in Europe is lower than that in Canada or the US – $272, compared to North America’s $520.

The Continental European country with the largest car sharing market by revenue in 2023 is Germany, which cashed $0.80 billion in revenue for the industry. Germany also expects the largest growth of the market by 2027, as it’s forecast to surpass the $1 billion mark.

With over 4.4 million car sharing users in Germany in 2023, such an increase wouldn’t be much of a surprise. Spain, which boasts $0.78 billion in revenue, is in second place.

Despite leaving the EU and limiting travel possibilities, the UK is the de facto leader of the European car sharing market, with $0.81 billion in revenue in 2023. Below, we take a closer look at it.

SHARE NOW is the largest car sharing provider in Europe, with a market share of 16%. It’s closely followed by Zipcar at 11%.

As for Africa and the Middle East, Saudi Arabia takes first place for 2023 car sharing revenue, as the industry generate $111 million throughout the year.

It’s also forecast to earn $149 million in 2027.

Israel is in second place, with a 2023 car sharing revenue of $83 million and predicted 2027 revenue of $123 million (CAGR of 10.35%)

United Kingdom

Most used car sharing brands UK 2023
Source: Statista

The UK’s car sharing market is the biggest one in Europe in terms of revenue, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 3.51% from $0.8 billion in 2023 to $0.93 billion in 2027. The UK ARPU is $400, almost double of the European average.

The demand for car sharing services grew by 22% in the UK from 2019 to 2023, indicating that Britons have a significant need for this service.

The most popular car sharing brands in the UK are Enterprise CarClub and Zipcar, which have a 36% and a 28% market share, respectively. According to a report by Zipcar, 87% of UK car sharing users were based in London as of 2020.


APAC car sharing market revenue forecast 2027
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When it comes to the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, Mainland China is the clear winner in terms of the car sharing market revenue. Its 2023 revenue amounted to $2 billion, an increase of over $200 million from 2022.

By 2027, it’s predicted to surpass $3.2 billion. To compare, Hong Kong’s 2023 car sharing revenue was just under $170 million, and India’s was $72 million.

That’s not to say that other APAC countries aren’t looking promising. Japan and South Korea’s forecast 2027 growth of the car sharing market is very close to $0.8 billion.

Australia and New Zealand are admittedly lagging behind, with Australia’s 2027 revenue forecast set at $0.32 billion, and New Zealand’s at just $0.15 million.


Finally, the Latin America (LATAM) region. Statistics indicate that it’s the smallest car sharing market in terms of revenue. 

Here’s a breakdown of LATAM countries’ car sharing market revenue in 2023, as well as their respective predicted revenue by 2027.

Country Revenue 2023, USD Projected revenue 2023, USD
Argentina $14.1 million $14.4 million
Brazil $13.3 million $17.9 million
Chile $25.4 million $34.5 million
Colombia $11 million $14.8 million
Uruguay $1.7 million $2.4 million

Car Sharing User & Demographic Statistics

Car sharing users in Europe 2022
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In this section, we’ll explore the user statistics for the car sharing market and take a look at the service’s main demographics.

Number of Car Sharing Service Users

Forecast of car sharing users worldwide 2027
Source: Statista

Economists expect the car sharing market bring more revenue around the world. And as you might expect, a significant reason for that is the growth in the number of users.

By 2028, the number of car sharing users worldwide is expected to reach almost 65 million, almost as much as the entire population of the UK!

To put things in context, this is almost double the number of car sharing users in 2017 (36 million). Since then, the number has been growing consistently, with around 3 million new users coming on board each year. Some of the key reasons behind this growth are:

  • Reduction in fuel and parking costs – a significant motivation for many who struggle with inflation and cost-of-living crises.
  • Reduction in car costs for owners who share their vehicle.
  • Reduced carbon emissions and pollution due to lower overall number of purchased cars.
  • Opportunities to try out electric cars at a very affordable cost.

Key Car Sharing Market Demographics

In terms of car sharing user breakdown by gender, a 2022 study by the Polytechnic University of Turin suggests that men account for a larger proportion of car sharers than women, and are more likely to switch to that mode of transport. 

However, the study stipulates that the gender breakdown in different regions largely depends on socioeconomic conditions. For instance, 70% of German and 80% of Swiss car sharers are men.

On the other hand, 63% of free-floating car sharing users in Canada are women. And women in North America are generally more likely to choose car sharing services than women in Europe.

In terms of age differences, the study makes clear links between younger people and increased use of car sharing services. For instance, in Turin, 93% of members of free-floating car sharing services are aged 18-34.

At the same time, the majority of free-floating car sharing users in Canada (74%) are aged 25-44, and Canadian station-based car sharing users are mostly aged 25-49 (71%).

Car sharing is emerging as an increasingly disruptive force, thanks to the changing habits of consumers and the increased urbanization. As a result, the automotive market is experiencing a shift through shared mobility becoming more prominent.

In this section, we take a look at what the future might hold for the car sharing market and the key emerging trends that could shape it.

Urbanization & Sustainability

As the levels of urbanization grow, so does the demand for sustainable travel. Car sharing offers an attractive alternative to traditional car ownership.

With car sharing, those living in an urbanized area can access cars on a short-term basis without the extra costs of maintenance, parking, and insurance.

With limited parking space in urban developments, car sharing services can provide the answer that’s less costly and more sustainable.

Shifting Mobility Patterns

The shift to remote and hybrid work induced by the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many areas of our lives forever, and mobility is no exception. With many people no longer needing to commute to work every day, the need for car ownership decreases, and that’s where car sharing comes in.

For those who live in suburban areas and don’t need to go to the office every day, but do need to run errands that require a vehicle, car sharing is becoming the solution. We expect that trend to continue in the future.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) represent another significant shift in the automotive industry, given their sustainability offering, but they’re expensive to own and their purchase requires significant decision-making. Car sharing offers a chance for consumers to test out the EVs before buying while also reducing their carbon emissions.

Subscription Economy

The subscription trend is unfortunately permeating many industries today, and it’s only a matter of time until it reaches the automotive industry.

Certain car manufacturers are, in fact, already using this model to break into the car sharing market.

The flexibility and customization offered by the subscription-based car sharing service allows customers to choose packages tailored to their specific needs. This shift towards subscription-based car sharing is a reflection of a broader consumer trend, where they’re increasingly interested in personalized and on-demand services.

Driving the Point Home

Car sharing is an exciting market that emerged as a result of significant changes in our environment and preferences.

The increased interest in sustainable living and traveling, urbanization, and increased remote work have all contributed to the growth of the car sharing market, forecast to reach $15.4 billion by 2028.

These trends and statistics are a strong indicator of the increasing dominance of shared mobility and focus on sustainability. As governments around the world introduce more incentives for the latter, we predict car sharing to gain even stronger ground in the next few years.


The post Car Sharing Market Statistics: Industry Growth Forecast for 2027 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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40+ Mind-blowing Cognizant Statistics and Facts for 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 23:01:48 +0000 Key Cognizant Statistics

In This Guide Key Cognizant Statistics General Cognizant Statistics 2024 1. Cognizant is a Global Professional IT Servicing Company. 2. Cognizant is Headquartered in Teaneck, USA. 3. Cognizant was Founded...

The post 40+ Mind-blowing Cognizant Statistics and Facts for 2024 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Cognizant Statistics
In This Guide

Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey, global information technology powerhouse Cognizant began humbly in 1994 as an in-house team serving parent company Dun and Bradstreet out of Chennai, India. Co-founders Kumar Mahadeva and Francisco D’Souza steadily grew their specialized consulting outfit focused on emerging digital transformation needs. Their vision to deliver innovative, custom-tailored solutions for clients worldwide soon morphed Cognizant into a veritable one-stop shop IT partner.

Under current CEO Brian Humphries, Cognizant now rakes in nearly $20 billion annually. Their services extend beyond consulting to include digital strategy, cloud implementation, data analytics, AI solutions, and more. But despite swelling to a workforce of more than 350,000 across 87 global offices, Cognizant continues to promote its people-first foundation.

Cognizant’s investment in understanding each customer’s unique needs while supporting employees to excel has fueled its meteoric rise as a global IT leader. But the numbers reveal even bolder ambitions to dominate as a digital transformation trailblazer. According to IDC, global digital transformation spending is projected to reach over $7 trillion by 2025. And Cognizant aims to continue growing along with it if the past three decades have shown anything.

Intrigued by the company’s origins and its exponential growth? Read on as we unpack key statistics documenting Cognizant’s impressive journey. Upcoming sections will spotlight financials, customers, offerings, and workforce metrics that showcase this IT giant’s global influence.

Key Cognizant Statistics

Key Cognizant Statistics

  1. Born in 1994, Cognizant kicked off as an in-house unit of Dun & Bradstreet.
  2. Cognizant had its first Initial Public Offering in 1998.
  3. Cognizant stock price had been relatively stable throughout 2023, mostly trading at $65.28.
  4. Cognizant ranks #7 among the most valuable IT companies.
  5. The most valuable conferencing platform is Cognizant.
  6. The average working period for Cognizant staff is 6.5 years.
  7. Approximately 6,000 consultants work at Cognizant.
  8. As of last year, Cognizant’s revenue was about $19.4 billion.
  9. Cognizant staff are entitled to benefits such as Visa and green card sponsorship, flexible work-from-home opportunities, and annual performance bonuses.

General Cognizant Statistics 2024

General Cognizant Statistics 2023

1. Cognizant is a Global Professional IT Servicing Company.

Cognizant was first established in India and is a professional IT service and consulting company currently in the USA. It is now a household name in business process services, software product engineering, digital strategy, application services, and infrastructure services.

2. Cognizant is Headquartered in Teaneck, USA.

Cognizant has its headquarters in Teaneck, New Jersey, USA. It started in Chennai, India, as a division of Dun & Bradstreet in 1994. In 1998, Cognizant Corporation split into two companies, IMS Health and Nielson Media Research, to enhance growth. It later moved its headquarters to the US in March 1998, with Kumar Mahadeva as the CEO. Cognizant Corporation conducted an initial public offering (IPO) of the subsidiary’s stock, raising $34 million. This amount raised was less than IMS Health’s expectation. The firm wanted to use the funds raised to clear debt payments and to upgrade company offices. Afterward, the company sold its stake and acquisition.

3. Cognizant was Founded in 1994 as a Technological Unit of Dun & Bradstreet.

Cognizant started as Dun & Bradstreet Software (DBSS) on January 26, 1994. The company Cognizant was established as an in-house unit of Dun & Bradstreet for IT projects. In 1996, the company rebranded as Cognizant Corporation and to Cognizant Technology Solutions in 1997. Cognizant was co-founded by Kumar Mahadeva and Fransisco D’Souza and led by Brian Humphries, Karen McLoughlin, and Malcolm Frank.

4. Cognizant Began to Render Services to Customers in 1996.

Cognizant was established in 1994 to institute IT projects and to make organizational processes less complex. However, Cognizant (then DBBS), though stable in operation, began offering services to clients in 1996.

5. Cognizant Conducted its First IPO in 1998, Accompanied by Years of Rapid Growth in the Early 2000s.

After Cognizant Corporation split into separate units and spun off some assets, IMS, a sub-unit of Cognizant Corporation, conducted an IPO. The sole aim of Cognizant’s completion of an IPO was to pay debt and upgrade its offices in India. Cognizant registered under a ticker and had their stock opened at $10 in June 1998. Cognizant could only raise a net of $34 million from sales of shares at $10 instead of the $11-$13 the company wished to sell at. It experienced super-fast growth in the 2000s, recognizing the company as a Fortune 500 Company in 2011.

6. Cognizant has Made 78 Competitor Acquisitions Across the Globe in its Years of Existence.

According to Wikipedia, Kyndryl and Mustache bought a Cognizant acquisition (Oy Samlink) in 2022. The acquisition above was, in turn, sold to DJE Holdings. Cognizant acquisitions in record are estimated to be 78 and spread across 18 countries. Cognizant acquired these companies between June 2002 and January 2023.

7. Cognizant Technology Solutions Rebranded from Dun & Bradstreet Satyam Software in 1997.

After Dun and Bradstreet spun off some subsidiaries in 1996, the company rebranded as Cognizant Technology Solutions in 1997. Cognizant bought about 24% stake at $3.4 million and moved its headquarters to the US.

8. Besides Being Facebook’s Monitor, Cognizant is a Hosting Provider for Healthcare Providers and Financial Services.

The Healthcare industry is broad. Therefore, digitalization is necessary to optimize and improve healthcare solutions. This is why most Healthcare providers utilize Cognizant for payers, providers, and other services. Aside from being a host to healthcare providers, Cognizant moderates Facebook content as a tech company. Cognizant came into the spotlight after being Facebook’s monitor, watching out for violating content.

9. Poison Pill Issued Shortly After Cognizant Purchased 56% of IMS’ Stake in 2003.

The rationale for selling IMS’s stake was to raise enough money to clear debts and invest in other businesses. In 2003, Cognizant possessed 54% of the IMS’s stake. Upon the legal purchase of IMS’s stake, Cognizant implemented a poison pill shareholders’ rights plan. The issuance of poison pills prevents hostile takeover attempts by intruders.

Cognizant Market Share Statistics

Market Share Statistics

10. Cognizant will Make Up 3.81% of the Market Share in the Second Quarter of 2022.

Statistics reveal that Cognizant dominates 3.81% of the world’s market share as of the second quarter of last year.

11. Cognizant Saw a 0.41% Decline in its Market Share 2024.

Cognizant’s share price fell by 0.41%, losing its market share estimated to 3.78% in the second quarter of this year.

12. Market Observers Estimated Cognizant Market Stock Will Reach $63.28 This Year.

Market observers set the stock price for Cognizant at $69.01 as of August last year, but by November this year, the figure is already at $63.28.

13. Cognizant’s Stock Surged to $66.53 Between Last Year and This Year.

The stock of Cognizant reached a year’s high of $93.47 and a year’s low of $63.26 between 2021 and 2022. Data from the Financial Times revealed that these figures dropped to $66.53 and $59.62 between last year and this year.

14. In 2023, Cognizant Attained the Same Profit Margin and Operating Margin at 14.25%.

Statistics show that Cognizant’s profit margin as of 2022 hit 11.74%, with an operating margin of 15.32%. However, the case was different for Cognizant in July 2023, as the profit and operating margin marked the same margin at 14.25%.

15. Cognizant Emerges Among the Industry’s First Three Most Valuable IT Services Companies.

By its brand value of $8.63 billion and its outstanding efforts, Cognizant ranked the third most valuable IT company in 2023. The IT firm is set to deliver the best healthcare financial services and provide IT support solutions to businesses in need.

Usage Statistics of Cognizant

Usage Stats

16. The Top 5 Internet Companies Utilize Cognizant Platform.

The ability to service diverse areas besides CRM services is a plus for Cognizant. The globally recognized CRM software company renders quality IT support, maintenance, and cloud computing services. The top 5 internet companies that depend on Cognizant IT services include Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Cisco.

17. 30 of the Largest Pharmaceutical Companies in the World Use Cognizant IT Services.

Around 30 leading players in the pharmaceutical industry deploy the services of the Cognizant platform. As a leading provider in the Healthcare industry, Cognizant is committed to managing pharmaceutical infrastructure for enhanced business efficiency. Some pharmaceutical companies served by Cognizant include:

  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Pfizer
  • Roche
  • Novartis
  • Merck & Co.
  • AbbVie

The number of pharmaceutical companies using Cognizant’s IT services is vast and not limited to the list above.

18. 90% of Banks in Europe Utilize Cognizant Platforms and Services.

As we all know, Cognizant services different industries, including the banking and financial sectors. Cognizant services cut across data analytics, application development, IT consultation, and more. In the list below, you’ll find some of the largest European banks that utilize Cognizant’s platforms and services:

  • Barclays (UK)
  • BNP Paribas (France)
  • Deutsche Bank (Germany)
  • HSBC (UK)
  • Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy)
  • Lloyds Banking Group (UK)
  • Santander Group (Spain)
  • Société Générale (France)
  • UBS Group (Switzerland)
  • UniCredit (Italy)

Cognizant serves 9 in every 10 banks and financial institutions in Europe. 

19. Cognizant Creates a Significant Impact in the Healthcare Industry by Rendering 23 Out of 25 Healthcare Plans.

It drives better health outcomes by helping the Healthcare industry make informed decisions on Analytics strategy and process innovations. Cognizant offers IT support services such as ERP and CRM systems, E-health, and portal development services. Research shows Cognizant renders as much as 23 of 25 healthcare plans.

Cognizant Employees and Customers Statistics

Employees and Customers Statistics

20. India Makes Up 45% of Cognizant’s Global Employees.

India is supposedly the country with the largest number of Cognizant employees. Out of the 355,300 Cognizant employees across the globe, its former headquarters, India, records the greater percentage of its staff. Indian employees who work with Cognizant in India number about 150,000 and makeup 45% of the global employees. Cognizant’s large employee count has contributed to the company’s growth in the IT industry.

21. Gender Disparity Amongst Cognizant Employees, Men (65%) and Women (35%).

Reports show that the disparity in gender at Cognizant is about 30%. The men make up 65% of Cognizant employee count, while the women make up 35%. A factor that could influence gender disparity at Cognizant is that males dominate the Information Technology industry. Cognizant is making progress toward gender equality in its employee roll-list. The number of female employees at Cognizant dropped from 30% to 35% between 2017 and 2020. During this time frame, statistics show that the women’s participation at Cognizant was 36% to 38%, respectively. Furthermore, the number of female employees in Senior Management grew from 11.8% to 13.1% from 2020 to 2021.

22. Cognizant’s Major Employees’ Ethnicity Comprises 42% of Asians, 36% of Whites, and 10% of Latin Americans.

Statistics reveal the Asian race in the Cognizant workforce is 42%, and the Whites make up 36%. The Latino Cognizant staff are approximately 10%, and the remaining percentage is an unidentified race. In addition to Asian being the most common ethnicity at Cognizant at 42%, it has the most common minority employees in the company.

23. Staff at Cognizant Work for at Least 6.5 Years on Average.

Around 29% of Cognizant staff stay employed for at least one to two years. 25% of employees work for 11 years or more, and only 8% work for eight to ten years. Employees are most likely to work with Cognizant for 6.5 years on average. Most Cognizant employees stay in the company for only 1-2 years.

24. Cognizant Employees Earn $84,545 on Average Yearly.

The department and varying geographic locations can influence the salary of a Cognizant staff member. For instance, Cognizant staff in the marketing department earns around $88,091 on average, and software engineers earn as much as $105,000. The IT service company pays its staff $84,545 annually annually and is generally well-paid. Statistics show that employees at Cognizant based in Los Angeles, CA, and Bellevue are the highest earners.

25. Minorities Make up the Greater Percentage of Cognizant Employees at 64%, and Minority Executive Staff are About 49%.

Notably, Cognizant executive minorities make up 49%, but generally, all minority employees are about 64%. These figures represent the diversity in Cognizant’s employees. Minority diversity awareness fosters career growth for minorities to create a safe and open environment.

26. According to its Employee Count, Cognizant had Approximately 6,000 Consultants in 2018.

Cognizant recorded around 6,000 global consultants from vertical and horizontal units in 2018. These units together comprise the Consulting team across all the company’s sections. In addition, the consultants contribute to the number of employees at Cognizant globally.

Cognizant Revenue Statistics

Cognizant Revenue Statistics

27. Cognizant’s 2021 Revenue was $18.5 Billion, Marking its Highest Profit Ever After Eight Consecutive Years of Growth.

Cognizant’s annual report shows the company hit $18.5 billion in revenue in 2021. This figure pointed to a growth of 11.1% over the previous year. In the IT service business, 2021 recorded the highest profit in revenue for Cognizant, following eight years of consecutive growth.

28. Cognizant’s Revenue Grew to $8.8 Billion in 2013.

In terms of growth, Cognizant has gone green, maintaining a steady revenue increase over the years, specifically between 2012 and 2013. During this period, Cognizant’s revenue moved from $7.3 billion to $8.8 billion, reflecting a 20.4% rise.

29. Cognizant’s Revenue Increased Consistently, Surpassing the $19.25 Billion Mark Predicted for 2022.

All through 2022, Cognizant witnessed substantial revenue growth. As reported in its 2022 annual report, its revenue in 2022 hit $19.4 billion, showing a 5% increase compared to 2021. This surpassed the $19.25 billion mark predicted for 2022.

30. Cognizant Recorded Growth in its Gross Profit, Which Amounted to $6.98 Billion Last Year.

According to statistical data, Cognizant earned a gross profit of 6.98 billion dollars in the 2022 financial year. From 2021, this represents an increase of 1.12%For the second quarter of 2023, gross profits amounted to $6.78 billion, representing a 3.85% decrease from last year.

31. Cognizant Recorded a Notable Annual Revenue Increase to $16.6 During the 2020 Financial Year.

Cognizant’s total revenue held at $16.6 billion. This achievement occurred in the 2020 financial year, coinciding with the significant effect of the global pandemic.

Cognizant Benefit Statistics

Benefit Stats

32. Cognizant Gives its Employees Several Health Benefits, Such as Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Accident Insurance, and More.

According to data from a survey, Cognizant employees admitted they are beneficiaries of health insurance as the organization’s staff. Reports show that 100% have access to health insurance, and 84% of the employees enjoy life insurance. 64% of Cognizant staff enjoy mental health well-being benefits, and 55% enjoy gym membership. Other health benefits include dental, accident, vision, and eye care insurance.

33. Cognizant Staff Enjoy Maternity and Paternal Leave Benefits, Stock Options, Employee Discounts, 401(k) Plans, and Ten Days of Paid Vacation.

Besides the health benefits, an AmbitionBox survey reveals that 100% of people working at Cognizant said they have access to maternity and paternity leave. 100% of the company’s staff also said they enjoy other time off, such as annual leaves, while 27% enjoy career breaks or sabbatical leaves. Employees of Cognizant also get financial benefits. About 42% of Cognizant staff said they benefit from stock options (42%) and stock purchase plans, while 60% are 401(k) plan beneficiaries. Additionally, time-off bonuses of up to ten and employee discount days are added advantages that Cognizant employees enjoy.

34. Cognizant’s Green Card Statistics Show That its Employees Can Receive Visa and Green Card Sponsorship, Flexible Work-from-home Opportunities, and Annual Performance Bonuses.

Cognizant offers numerous benefits to its employees. They often get flexible work hours, some working-from-home days, and annual performance bonuses. Also, sponsorship on green and Visa cards are some other benefits enjoyed by employees at Cognizant. Although Cognizant provides its staff with Visa sponsorship, this benefit is not for people in all roles. Only qualified staff can secure an H-1B visa from Cognizant.

35. Cognizant Runs Assistance Programs and Employee Coaching Programs as Benefits for its Employees.

Working at Cognizant surely has several accrue benefits. Cognizant supports its staff through employee assistance programs, mentoring schemes, annual performance bonuses, and health and insurance benefits.

36. Cognizant Raised $34 Million in its First IPO, Less Than Expected by the IMS Health Underwriters.

Cognizant made around $34 million on the first attempt at an initial public offering in 1998. Unfortunately, the amount was below the expectations of the underwriters of the initial public offering of IMS. The IPO occurred after the parent organization spun off and moved its headquarters to the US in March 1998.

37. Cognizant is Comprised of Several Different Horizontal and Vertical Business Units.

The company is categorized into horizontal and vertical units comprising business consultants. These consultants make up the Consulting team across all branches of Cognizant. The vertical unit is involved in:

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Banking and Finance
  • Insurance

The horizontal unit is specialized in:

  • Analytics
  • Mobile Computing
  • BPO
  • Testing

38. Over the years, Cognizant has Been Prosecuted Worldwide for Countless Incredible Numbers of Illegal Acts.

A few years back, Cognizant and two of its former executives faced a lawsuit for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The “SEC” charged the organization for violating anti-bribery, books and records, and internal accounting provisions in the Securities Exchange Act 1934. Investigation into the illegal acts was conducted, and Cognizant agreed to pay $25 million to settle violation charges. On the other hand, the former executives were accused of influencing the payment of bribes to an Indian government official. Some of the illegalities Cognizant was charged with included poor working conditions, corporate violations, tax evasion, bribery, corruption, and wage theft.

Cognizant Ranking in Fortune

Ranking in Fortune

39. Cognizant was Named to the Fortune 500 List in 2011.

The IT firm debuted on the Fortune 500 list of largest companies 17 years after its inception. As of 2011, Cognizant ranked 484 on Fortune’s list of companies based on its revenue in 2010, which was worth $4.59 billion. Enlisted below is Cognizant’s ranking on the Fortune 500’s list since it was named:

Year Fortune 500 Rank
2011 484
2012 398
2013 352
2014 308
2015 288
2016 230
2017 205
2018 195
2019 193
2020 194
2021 185
2022 194
2023 208

40. As of 2021, Cognizant is Ranked 185th on the Fortune 500 List.

Companies are ranked by the respective revenues for their financial years on the Fortune 500’s list. The 2020 fiscal year revenue of $16.7 billion impacted Cognizant’s rank on the Fortune 500’s list in 2021. By the end of 2020, the revenue moved the company’s ranking from 194 to 185 on Fortune’s list.

41. Cognizant’s 2021 Fortune 500 ranking of No. 185 is its Highest Ranking Since it First Appeared on the Fortune 500 Company Rankings in 2011.

Since appearing on the Fortune 500’s list, Cognizant has grown significantly, rising from its initial position of 484 to 185 in 2021. This marks the highest point the company has attained since it secured a place on the list.

42. The Fortune Magazine Ranked Cognizant as the World’s 5th Most Admired IT Service Provider in 2022.

In 2022, Fortune 500 magazine recognized Cognizant as the world’s fifth most admired IT Services Company. But this represents a slight shift from the position it held in 2015. Cognizant was named the 4th most admired IT Company in Fortune’s 2015 list. According to Fortune’s criteria, Cognizant was rated as follows:

Fortune’s Attributes of Reputation Scores
Innovation 4
People management 4
Use of corporate assets 4
Social responsibility 5
Quality of management 4
Financial soundness 4
Long-term investment value 4
Quality of products/services 4
Global competitiveness 4

To be listed on Fortune’s list implies that Cognizant’s score ranked in the top half of the IT services industry. Interestingly, Cognizant appeared on Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies for eleven consecutive years.

43. In 2017, Cognizant was Named to Fortune Magazine’s List of  Future 50 Companies.

An outstanding IT firm was ranked in 2017 on Fortune’s seventeenth Future 50 list of companies. Fortune’s Future 50 list evaluates companies in terms of long-term growth and best prospects. The methodology for this ranking was leveraged on non-financial data to give insights into the future view.

44. From 2003 to 2012, Cognizant Surfaced on Fortune’s List of the “100 Fastest Growing Companies.”

Due to the fast-paced growth of the IT firm experienced in the 2000s, Cognizant emerged on Fortune’s 100 Fastest Growing Companies list. Since the company first appeared in 2003, the firm has been on the list for ten consecutive years.

45. In 2023, Cognizant Ranked 208 on the Fortune 500 List of Large Companies.

With an annual revenue of $19.4 billion in 2023, the Information Technology servicing company is positioned at 208 on Fortune 500’s companies list. However, this figure represents depreciation from the previous year’s ranking at 194.

Wrapping Up

Cognizant offers IT and consulting expertise on IoT, AI, digital engineering, cloud computing, and key digital technologies to unlock business value. Its services are for clients in healthcare, life sciences, insurance, banking and finance, engineering, technology, retail, and modern enterprise competitors. These statistics provide a sneak peek into Cognizant’s global presence, operations in over 40 countries, and numerous delivery centers. Also, they give insights into the history, employee data, and achievements of the IT firm since its inception till date. 

Cognizant keeps making waves in the IT industry, experiencing revenue growth without being affected by many illegal acts recorded. Also, Cognizant has massively taken many unemployed individuals off the streets and has given more beauty to the IT industry. Cognizant’s modules, interface, and diverse services it offers have helped in the management of different businesses. It’ll be interesting to see this company continue on this upward trajectory.


What makes Cognizant special?

Does Cognizant have acquisitions?

What is Cognizant’s ranking in Fortune?


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The Most Mind-Blowing Infor Statistics for 2023 You Must Know Mon, 01 Jan 2024 01:03:08 +0000 Key Infor Statistics

In This Guide Key Infor Statistics General Facts and Statistics on Infor in 2023 1. In 2002, Infor was Founded by Acquiring Other Companies Providing Similar Business Software Services as...

The post The Most Mind-Blowing Infor Statistics for 2023 You Must Know appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Infor Statistics
In This Guide

Unless you’re in the enterprise software game, chances are Infor doesn’t ring too many bells. But behind the scenes, this company born out of Koch Industries has been pushing hard to bring old-school business applications into the modern age.

Rather than just churning out software that gets the job done, Infor infuses next-gen technology like data science and top-notch user experience into the mix. The result? Efficient, easy-to-use products across everything from finance to HR that digitize cumbersome systems and provide real-time insights to inform better decisions.

And their aggressive shift to the cloud and focus on specific industries seems to be clicking with customers. Infor boasts impressive stats like:

  • 68,000 global customers dependent on their solutions
  • Cloud revenue shooting up over 25%
  • 90 of the top 100 aerospace companies leverage their software

Intrigued yet? Well, buckle up, buttercup; we’re just getting started highlighting all the numbers that showcase Infor’s experience-driven approach paying dividends. Read on for more fascinating stats and trends revealing this unsung software disruptor making seismic moves in the shadows.

Key Infor Statistics

Key Infor Statistics

  1. Infor was founded in June 2002 upon acquiring homogenous software services.
  2. In 2004, Infor Global Solutions rebranded from Agilisys.
  3. Infor recruited ex-Oracle executives in 2010.
  4. Infor started with just 1,300 customers and grew through other acquisitions.
  5. In July 2016, Infor recorded over 68 million cloud users.
  6. A vast majority of industries use Infor’s platform and services.
  7. Infor has customers spread across 175 countries in the world.
  8. Since 2014, Infor has been using AWS product (CloudSuite) as a SaaS.
  9. Microsoft and Infor own about half of SAP and Oracle’s share of the ERP market.
  10. Infor workforce estimates to be 180,000.
  11. An Infor employee earns $91,357 on average yearly.
  12. Infor generated $3.2 billion in revenue in 2021.

General Facts and Statistics on Infor in 2023

General Facts and Statistics on Infor

1. In 2002, Infor was Founded by Acquiring Other Companies Providing Similar Business Software Services as Agilisys in Malvern, Pennsylvania.

Infor was spun off from Systems & Computer Technology Corporation of Malvern, Pennsylvania, in June 2002. The company was renamed Agilisys when it had 1,300 clients in the Process of manufacturing ERP software.

2. New York, NY, is the Home of Infor Global Solutions Today.

Upon acquiring Infor Business Solutions AG in 2004, Agilisys moved its headquarters from Alpharetta, Georgia, to New York in 2012. Currently, New York is Infor’s headquarters.

3. In February 2004, Agilisys Acquired the German Company Infor Business Solutions and Changed its Name to Infor Global Solutions at the Same Time.

Infor Business Solutions was acquired by Agilisys in 2004 and rebranded to Infor Global Solutions. This measure was intended to strengthen the company’s ambitions following two years of sustained growth in several markets.

4. Infor Applied a Cloud Computing Strategy to Merge the Old and Software to Compete With Other Leading ERP Vendors.

After the change of leadership in 2010, Infor launched a cloud computing strategy, bringing its portfolio of older software to the modern era. The modernization of the software seeks to challenge the largest number of Enterprise Resource Planning vendors.

5. Recruiting Former Oracle Officials was Part of a Management Change 2010 at Infor.

As earlier established, the change in management at Infor was to grow the company and compete in the global market. This is why Infor saw hiring some former officials from Oracle in 2010 as a strategic move.

6. Infor Designs its ERP Software and Offers Services From an Extensive Library of Software Obtained via Business Acquisitions.

Infor designed multiple software products on its own, such as 10X. The company also created an ERP cloud platform in 2013 and a collaborative tool intending to work across other Infor products. In addition to its ERP software development, Infor sold other products for specific manufacturers.

Statistics on Infor Users in 2023

Statistics on Infor Users in 2023

7. With Only 1300 Customers, Infor Started and Expanded Significantly With the Continued Acquisition of Other Competitor Firms and Their Clients.

Infor began in June 2002 with around 1,300 customers of process manufacturing Enterprise and Resource Planning software. Infor grew through Golden Gate Capital and Summit Partners acquisition backing. Through the continuous acquisition of similar ERP companies and clients in the industry, Infor experienced significant growth.

8. By the Summer of 2006, Infor’s Client Base had Grown to 17,500 Just Four Years After its Inception.

Infor’s rapid growth in its early years proves the company focuses on presenting businesses with trustworthy and innovative ERP solutions. As of 2006, the company had around 17,500 customers for whom it rendered services.

9. Infor has Over 68 Million Cloud Users in Over 170 Countries, With Over 14,000 Cloud Customers as of July 2016.

According to research data, the number of Infor’s cloud users was estimated to be 68 million in 2016. The active Infor cloud users are all over 170 countries in the world. Additionally, Infor’s total number of cloud customers as of July 2016 amounted to 140,000. Infor is more than just an ERP company; it is a business that spans HCM, SCM, and even WFM. However, Infor confirms that it has over 15,000 customers on its cloud.

10. The Internal Software Research and Development Lab of Infor is Hook and Loop.

Hook and Loop’s primary focus is UX, which tailors the software developed for individual customers. In 2012, Infor established an internal software research and development laboratory, Hook and Loop. This R&D, which focuses on software User Experience (UX), was developed for individual customers and the Infor product line.

11. Enterprises Use Infor Across a Variety of Industries.

Infor is well known for multiple product lines and strong offerings in IT, Aviation, Defence, and Healthcare industries. Infor offers services to Manufacturing and Distribution, Retail and Fashion, Finance and Banking, Food and Drink, Hotel and Resorts, Electricity, and Gambling industries.

Statistics on Infor Usage in 2023

Statistics on Infor Usage

12. Over 65,000 Organizations Worldwide use Infor to Transform Their Business and Overcome Market Disruptions on a Digital Basis.

Over 65,000 organizations rely on Infor for digital transformation. These organizations also depend on Infor’s deep industry expertise to help overcome market disruptions and achieve business-wide goals.

13. Infor Customers are in Over 175 Countries and Territories Worldwide.

In more than 175 countries, Infor is focused on serving its customers in multiple regions and industries. Infor’s fundamentals are changing its system of publishing information within the company. Infor ERP was designed to establish a sustainable operating advantage regarding security and time to value.

14. The Incredible Value of the ERP System Showed in Just 1% of Today’s Firms Having No Cloud Infrastructure.

Statistics show that 48% claim that their digitization projects are complete. Of these, only 1% of businesses can be said to have no form of cloud infrastructure at all. Infor ERP has helped improve business operations, enhanced reporting and visibility, and increased growth and competitiveness. This is to show the importance of the ERP system in businesses.

15. Infor has Been Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Public Cloud Platform for its SaaS Products Since 2014.

In 2014, Infor introduced CloudSuite, an Amazon Web Services-powered product. The purpose of Infor’s partnership with Amazon Web Services as infrastructure to Infor CloudSuite was to grow over 60 million customers.

16. Infor and Microsoft are Tied for Third Place in the Top ERP Vendors.

Most analysts put Infor in a tie for 3rd position with Microsoft ERP. Statistics show that Infor is recommended for large industrial organizations and Microsoft for Windows users. Other data in 2023 indicates that Infor is ranked at eighth position and best for complex supply chains, while Microsoft is best for integrations.

17. Half of the Share of ERP Market Leaders (SAP and Oracle) is Dominated by Microsoft and Infor.

As of 2017, Infor and Microsoft had around half the share of SAP and Oracle combined in the ERP market. In the same year, Infor significantly changed its workforce and customers.

Infor Workforce Statistics 2023

Workforce Stats

18. Infor has Over 18,000 Employees.

According to recent statistics, over 18,000 employees work at Infor. Other data show that some Infor employees are likely to be members of the Democratic Party.

19. Infor’s Support Team Comprises More than 1,700 Experts Helping to Transform Business Processes.

Infor’s support specialists assist in transforming businesses through the integration of business processes and document management. The support experts’ count at Infor is estimated at 1,700, and they ensure that customers have a wonderful experience when using the platform.

20. Infor has Other Partners from More Than 110 Offices Spread Across 45 Countries Globally, Estimated to be 2,000.

Since Infor focuses on providing efficient cloud software services, it partners with 2000+ partners worldwide. You will find these business partners in 110 office locations scattered all over 45 countries across the globe. Nashua, New York, Saint Paul, and Alpharetta have the most Infor offices.

21. In 2021, the Revenue-per-employee at Infor Reached $177,778.

Revenue per employee is calculated as a company’s total revenue divided by the number of employees. This helps to measure how much each employee generates for the company. With over 180,000 employees and a revenue of $3.2 billion, Infor boasts a revenue per employee of approximately $177,778.

22. An Employee at Infor Makes at Least an Average of $91,357 Annually.

In the US, an Infor employee earns an average yearly income of $91,357. In addition, the annual salary for the 10th percentile stands at $66,000, while the 90th percentile holds at $125,000.

23. The Average Time an Employee Works at Infor is 5.8 Years.

Infor continually evolves and takes proper care of its staff. Statistics reveal this could contribute to why most of their staff stay with Infor for an average of 5.8 years. Additionally, statistics show that, on average, 14% of Infor employees stay with Infor for 5.8 years.

24. The Percentage Ratio of Female Employees to Male Employees at Infor is 60%:40%.

In most work environments, gender disparity is the order of the day, especially at Infor. At Infor, the population of males compared to females is higher, which means the company is male-dominated. According to statistics, Infor comprises 60% male and 40% female employees. A major factor could be that Infor isn’t doing enough for its female employees.

25. About 57% of Infor Employees are Whites, Asians Make up 13% of the Workforce, and Latinx 13%.

The most common ethnicity at Infor is Whites, making up 57% of the total workforce. The Asians and the Latin Americans constitute about 26% of Infor’s employees.

Infor Revenue Statistics

Revenue Stats

26. 2017 will Continue to Echo in Infor as Koch Equity Pulled in More Than $2.2 Billion.

This move wasn’t the end, as another $1.5 billion was invested again in 2019. Much later, in 2020, the company rose to the height of a self-sufficient part of Koch Industries.

27. We Expect the ERP Software World Market to be Better Positioned by 2026.

It will reach $78.4 billion by the end of 2026, bringing a positive outlook for Infor Company. 

28. Infor Made a Progress of $3.2 Billion Just Within 2021. 

Revenue peaked for Infor Company in 2021 with an amazing $3.2 billion. It was a year that Infor as a company will not forget for a long time.

29. One of The Greatest Achievements Infor has Ever Made was its Purchase of Lawson Software for $2 Billion in 2011.

Before buying the Lawson software, it bought GEAC ERP in 2006 for $1 billion. It acquired the GT Nexus in 2015 for a tidy sum of $675 million in year 2015.

Infor introduced machine learning and AI applications in 2018 to avoid being left out in the open. This became an excellent move added to the company roster of enterprise resource planning services.


Undoubtedly, the ERP industry continues evolving to meet the rapidly changing business environment and future trends. The key to successful business operation lies greatly in understanding the value of ERP in today’s businesses. Infor has been listed among the leading ERP and cloud computing vendors since 2010. Cloud-based ERP like Infor has a greater advantage over on-premise products as they are innovative, flexible, and scalable. 

Due to Infor’s massive revenue growth in 2021, especially in SaaS orders, its industry depth is to accelerate cloud migration. The statistics show the functionality of cloud infrastructure, client base, general facts, and history of Infor. The statistics also address all the important information you need to know about the Infor.


How much revenue did Infor make in 2023?

What numbers of people are Infor employees?

What are the services that Infor provides?


The post The Most Mind-Blowing Infor Statistics for 2023 You Must Know appeared first on The Tech Report.

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Key Akamai Technologies Statistics in 2023 (and Facts) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:58:53 +0000 Key Akamai Technology Statistics 2023

In This Guide Key Akamai Technology Statistics 2023 General Akamai Technologies Statistics and Facts for 2023 Akamai Technologies Market Share Facts and Statistics 2023 Akamai Usage Statistics and Facts 2023...

The post Key Akamai Technologies Statistics in 2023 (and Facts) appeared first on The Tech Report.

Key Akamai Technology Statistics 2023

Akamai is no ordinary tech company. This digital solutions powerhouse is on a mission to fast-track businesses into the future. And with over 1 million websites relying on them for cloud computing, cybersecurity, and other cutting-edge offerings, it’s safe to say Akamai is leading the charge. But the real measure of this trailblazer lies in the numbers. Akamai’s net worth sits well over $10 billion. 800,000+ US websites alone leverage Akamai’s special sauce to accelerate performance. And revenues? We’re talking billions per quarter – with growth riding high.

Yet revenue is only part of Akamai’s value proposition. Each day, the company fine-tunes and future-proofs its solutions, working tirelessly so customers can work effortlessly. No wonder titans like Microsoft and Apple amplify their tech with Akamai. But as impressive as these stats are, Akamai’s true impact is how it propels enterprise efficiency. With Akamai, businesses save millions in IT costs, defend against cyber threats, and deliver next-gen digital experiences – the kind that delight customers and drive revenue.

So, while the numbers speak volumes about Akamai’s leadership today, it’s the value they provide that spells success for their customers tomorrow. And with innovation in Akamai’s DNA, one thing is certain – the best is yet to come.

Key Akamai Technology Statistics 2023

Key Akamai Technology Statistics 2023

  1. Akamai Technologies made $936 million in revenue in the second quarter of 2023.
  2. Again, the cyber-security company saw an encouraging net income of $523 million in 2022.
  3. Akamai servers hold up to 31,837 live websites, according to statistical data.
  4. Impressively, in October 2023, Akamai’s website received 1.6 million web visitors.
  5. Based on reports, Akamai Technologies is worth $16.45 billion as of November 7, 2023.
  6. The cloud computing company recorded $8.303 billion as the worth of its total assets in 2022.

General Akamai Technologies Statistics and Facts for 2023

Akamai Technologies Statistics

7. Daniel Lewin, Randall Kaplan, Jonathan Seelig, F. Thomson Leighton, and Preetish Nijhawan founded Akamai Technologies Inc. in 1998.

8. Akamai Technologies participated in the MIT $50 thousand competition organized in 1998. During the competition, the founders presented a business proposal on consistent hashing.

9. The company’s headquarters is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America.

10. In August 1998, the founders of Akamai Technologies created an effective prototype and incorporated the American company on August 20.

11. From statistics, we found that Akamai Technologies was listed on the stock market in October 1999. We also learned that the founders commenced the company’s commercial service that year.

12. In July 2001, Akamai Technologies Inc. joined the Russell 2000 Index and Russell 3000 Index lists.

13. In July 2005, the American company made $1.37 billion in yearly revenue.

14. In 2007, Akamai Technologies entered the S&P 500 Index list.

Akamai Technologies Market Share Facts and Statistics 2023

Market Share Facts and Statistics

15. Reports share that 55% of Akamai customers are among the best companies in the Fortune 500 list.

16. Other reports show that Akamai Technologies Inc. holds a 1.11% share of the market for content delivery networks.

17. Statistics show that the top 10 biggest online merchants use Akamai’s products and services.

18. From statistics, we saw that 10 leading fintech companies also use the Akamai products and services.

19. Interestingly, Akamai Technologies occupies the fourth position of the most famous content delivery network firm in the U.S. Moreover, statistics disclose that the firm is the world’s fourteenth most renowned content delivery network company.

20. According to statistics, 7 out of 10 leading international banks use Akamai services.

21. From shared reports, we saw that Akamai’s historical customers’ website amounted to over 9.78 million.

22. Akamai Services is a friend to all businesses; even the military uses it for digital operations. Statistics say that the 6 branches of the United States military use the company’s services.

23. Research discoveries have revealed that 7 out of 10 top healthcare companies use Akamai Technologies services.

24. From reports, we discovered that 2,383,451 websites are live on Akamai’s server. However, data showed that 7,398,406 websites have used the Akamai server in recent years.

25. Statistics reveal that 10 leading video streaming networks use the services of Akamai Technologies.

Akamai Usage Statistics and Facts 2023

Akamai Usage Statistics

26. Statisticians shared that Akamai has made an average of 3 trillion online transactions daily.

27. From statistics, we learned that Akamai Technologies has been Apple’s principal content delivery network provider since 1999.

28. According to reports, Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform has 360,000 internet servers in over 135 countries.

29. The company’s Edge Platform has 31,837 live websites on its internet server.

30. The Edge Platform internet servers collected real-time information from 1,350 global networks.

31. The cyber-security company revealed that it had over 9,800 employees in 2022.

32. According to statistics, Akamai’s employees comprise 64% men and 36% women

33. We also discovered that the employees at Akamai Technologies work for an average of 3 years and 3 months before resigning.

34. The common races seen among Akamai’s workers are White (55%), Asian (20%), and Latino (13%).

35. Akamai Technologies Inc. pays its employees an average yearly salary of $110,629.

Akamai Revenue and Stock Value Statistics and Facts 2023

Revenue and Stock Value Statistics

36. Akamai’s report shares that it recorded $936 million in revenue in the second quarter of 2023. The revenue is up by 4% above the $903 million recorded in the second quarter of 2022.

37. Akamai generated $433 million from security revenue in the 2nd quarter of 2023, which is 14% higher than 2022.

38. The company received $380 million from the delivery revenue in Q2 of 2023, a disappointing scenario because it shows a drop of 9% from 2022.

39. Again, Compute revenue gave Akamai Technologies $123 million in the Q2 of 2023. This was encouraging, given that the value rose by 16% from what it was in 2022

40. Remarkably, Akamai’s report for the Q2 of 2023 says that $480 million in revenue was generated from the United States. This value is only 1% bigger than what it got in the same year period from the same country.

41. The report states that Akamai had $456 million from international revenue, which increased by 7% from last year’s figure.

42. Akamai Technologies obtained $3.6 billion in yearly revenue, and the amazing thing is that the value is 8% higher than what it got in 2021.

43. Based on reports, Akamai made an annual gain of $557 million in 2020.

44. In 2021, Akamai Technologies realized $3.5 million in annual net income.

45. In 1999, Apple Inc. got $12.5 million in Akamai Technologies Inc., statistical data reveals.

46. Meanwhile, data from Google Finance revealed that Akamai’s stock was worth $108.47, holding a trading volume of $1.4 million on November 8.

47. Akamai had a market cap of $16.44 billion and a business valuation of $16.45 billion on November 7, 2023.

Fiscal Year Net Income and Operating Income Statistics on Akamai Technologies 2023

Fiscal Year Net Income and Operating Income Statistics

48. Statistics share that Akamai got $523,672 net income in the 2022 fiscal year, a fall of 19.64% from 2021. 

49. Stock analysis shows that the American company realized a net income of $651,642 in the 2021 fiscal year. Also, we observed that the recorded value was a 16.98% rise from the value in 2020.

50. Akamai Technologies had $557,054 in its 2020 fiscal year net income, marking a 16.53% increase from the value in 2019.

51. It gradually grew well in 2022 and got $676,274 in operating income for that fiscal year.

52. The Stock Analysis report discovered that Akamai had an operating income of $783,148 in its 2021 fiscal year.

53. The nice company said it spent $391,434 on the Research and Development Unit in the 2022 fiscal year.

54. Stock Analysis shares that Akamai recorded $78,512 as money spent on other operating expenses in the 2022 fiscal year.

55. Akamai Technologies spent $1,086,615 Selling General and Admin Units in the 2022 fiscal year.

56. Statistics show it spent $1,556,561 on operating expenses in the 2022 fiscal year.

57. Statistics say that Akamai recorded $335,372 as expenses spent on the Research and Development Unit in the 2021 fiscal year.

58. Akamai Technologies spent $1,406,943 on operating expenses for the 2020 fiscal year.

59. Stock analysis showed that the company made $2,232,835 gross profit for its 2022 fiscal year.

60. Statistics said Akamai Technologies realized a gross profit of $2,192,267 in the 2021 fiscal year. 

61. For the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years, it made a gross profit of $1,905,993 and $2,065,477, respectively.

Akamai Yearly and Quarterly Asset Statistics

Akamai Yearly and Quarterly Asset Statistics

62. According to data from Macrotrends, Akamai’s total asset value was $8.18 billion in the first quarter of January this year.

63. In the second quarter of the same year, we found out that Akamai’s total assets were worth $8.34 billion, reflecting a 1.95% increase from the previous value.

64. Furthermore, the firm’s total assets in the fourth quarter of last year were worth $8,303 billion.

65. But, in the second quarter of that same year, Akamai Technologies made total assets worth $8,211 billion.

66. In the remaining part of last year, the American firm’s total assets rose to $8.3 billion, reflecting a 2.02% rise from its figure in the preceding year.

67. For the value in 2021, Macrotrends disclosed that it was worth $8.13 billion, a 4.82% growth from the previous year.

68. It still made a remarkable stride in 2020, with its total assets totaling $7.76 billion, indicating a 10.81% growth from the previous year.

69. As of October this year, the Akamai website ranks #28,092.

70. Akamai’s website got 1.6 million web visitors and 9.43 viewed pages from each visit in the same month. It also had a 40.62% bounce rate.

71. Still, in October, we noticed that 28.28% of Akamai’s web visitors came from the United States and 23.82% from India.

72. Similarweb stated that the company’s website received 29.84% of its traffic from women and 70.16% from men in October this year. 

73. In October this year, the company’s website grabbed the attention of web visitors, and traffic rose from people between the ages of 25 and 34.

74. Still, in October, it got 89.46% of its web visits from organic traffic, 10.54% from paid traffic, and nine thousand keywords sent to it.

Akamai’s Yearly Net Income Statistics

Yearly Net Income Statistics

75. Similarweb said the keyword Akamai sent over thirty-one thousand web visitors to the company’s site in the same month.

76. In the last quarter of 2023, we noticed that Akamai’s website received some web visitors from eleven social networks. Some of these social networks include YouTube, LinkedIn, and Reddit.

77. Akamai recorded a net income of $523 million in 2022. This value was $128 million less than what it got in 2021.

78. From statistics, we saw that the company made an annual net income of $651 million in 2021. Remarkably, this value represented a 16.88% increase from what it had in 2020.

79. In 2019, Akamai Technologies had a yearly net income of $478 million. This year, it recorded an interesting figure, 60.49%, a rise from what it had in 2018.

80. The company has 345,000 internet servers in 135 countries. 

81. And now, it’s in the top 5 content delivery networks alongside Google and Fastly Inc.

82. In 2022, Akamai’s website presented about 340,000 internet servers in over 130 countries. It also disclosed that the company has more than 1,200 networks worldwide.

83. Also, the Technologies revealed that 6 out of 10 leading automotive firms use its services and products, and 45 out of 50 top brokerages patronize them.

84. Statistics say that Akamai’s services are used by 14 out of 15 United States federal civilian agencies.


Akamai Technologies Inc. has proven its claims as one of the top-notch content delivery networks worldwide via its efficient services. With its internet servers seeming to be highly valued, when considering the number of sites associated with it, would anyone doubt this giant? Regarding the company’s pace in digital innovations, Akamai expects a troupe of users in the coming years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Akamai Technologies known for?

What companies patronize Akamai Technologies?

What are Akamai’s rival companies?


The post Key Akamai Technologies Statistics in 2023 (and Facts) appeared first on The Tech Report.

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Women Entrepreneurs Statistics 2023: The Rise of Sheconomy Tue, 26 Dec 2023 16:32:52 +0000 Women Entrepreneurs Statistics

In This Guide Major Women Entrepreneurs Statistics Top Statistics on Women Entrepreneurs 1. There are 12.3 Million Women-Owned Businesses Today, Compared to 402,000 in 1972.  2. 43% of the Total...

The post Women Entrepreneurs Statistics 2023: The Rise of Sheconomy appeared first on The Tech Report.

Women Entrepreneurs Statistics
In This Guide

Remember when starting a business wearing a skirt seemed unlikely? Not anymore. From small shops to bold startups, women are trailblazing into entrepreneurship and making things happen on their own terms. But the playing field isn’t quite equal yet. Behind the breakthroughs, female founders still see more doors closed than opened regarding funding and fair chances. The percentage of women who started a business in the last year was 47%, compared to 44% for men.

But sisters do it for themselves, nevertheless. Woman-run startups create ripple effects, change mindsets, and empower the next generation to dream big. The GEM report found that almost 80% of American women consider entrepreneurship a “good career choice.” It’s evident there’s room for that ripple effect to become a wave.

The number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. stands at 12.3 million. As the numbers will show, women are willing and able to excel given the opportunity. So, while the barriers are real, each woman who jumps over one joins the collective force toward making entrepreneurship more inclusive. Our groundbreakers today clear the way for future founders to build exactly what they imagine.

Major Women Entrepreneurs Statistics

Women Entrepreneurs Statistics

  • There are currently 12.3 million women-owned businesses today, compared to 402,000 in 1972.
  • 43% of the total number of entrepreneurs worldwide is made of women.
  • Women between 40 and 59 comprise the highest percentage of female business owners.
  • Ten women-owned businesses became unicorns in the first six months of 2019.
  • The issue of gender predisposition has affected over 35% of female entrepreneurs.
  • In 2021, women in the United States owned and operated about 31% of startups.
  • Over 50% of female entrepreneurs solely rely on their firms to cater to their needs.
  • Just a quarter of female entrepreneurs request business financing at the inception of their business.
  • 88% of businesses owned by women produce below $100,000 revenue yearly.
  • Barely 13% of firms in the construction, administration support, industrial, and waste management sectors are owned and operated by women.

Top Statistics on Women Entrepreneurs

Top Statistics on Women Entrepreneurs

1. There are 12.3 Million Women-Owned Businesses Today, Compared to 402,000 in 1972. 

There is a great difference between the number of businesses owned by women today and 50 years ago. As the years go by, the number of female startups increases globally. In 1972, only 402,000 women-owned companies existed, but this has grown to 12.3 million businesses in the United States today. However, the figure is still rising and isn’t expected to dwindle soon.

2. 43% of the Total Number of Entrepreneurs Worldwide is Made of Women.

Women entrepreneurs make up 43% of total business owners globally in 2021. Though women are making great efforts in the business cycle, they are still far from taking dominance in the business world.

3. Women Between 40 to 59 Years of Age Make Up the Highest Percentage of Female Business Owners.

Women between 40 to 59 years of age make up 62% of the total population of female entrepreneurs. 80% of women within the age bracket have a college degree, while just 30% of businesses are owned by women less than 40 years of age. The high number of older women in business can be attributed to the fact that growing a successful business requires experience, diligence, determination, and commitment. Also, the entrepreneur needs to build a formidable business network and maintain working capital.

4. 10 Women-Owned Businesses Became Unicorns in the First Six Months of 2019.

Ten women-owned businesses in 2019 achieved a unicorn status during the first half of 2019. At the end of 2019, 11 more companies were added to the list of women-owned businesses that made over $1 billion.

5. The issue of gender predisposition has affected over 35% of female entrepreneurs.

Getting a conventional loan from the bank is still a cumbersome task for many women intending to start a business. Over a third of female loan applicants have faced rejections or biased behaviors from financial institutions. Successful female loan applicants receive 5% less of the funding offered to men for business.

6. As of 2021, About 31% of Startups in the United States were Owned and Operated by Women.

A survey by Small Business Trends showed that 27% of women owned small businesses in 2020, which increased to 30% in 202130% of women-owned striving companies have succeeded for over 10 years. Meanwhile, 17% of women-owned businesses were opened to be financially independent.

7. Over 50% of Female Entrepreneurs Rely on Their Firms to Cater to Their Needs.

A report by SCORE states that 62% of women entrepreneurs depend on their businesses to cater to all their needs. Women entrepreneurs receive support as low as 8% from investors because they tend to invest more in male-owned firms. Female entrepreneurs charge 7% extra on their business credit card than their male counterparts. This credit card can help the business keep afloat in times of insufficient capital.

8. A Quarter of Female Entrepreneurs Request Business Financing At its Inception.

A negligible fraction of women (25%) request startup capital. One out of four applications for startup business financing to venture capitalists and finance houses comes from women. On average, women request for financing $35,000 lower than their male counterparts. Also, women in the corporate work environment ask for smaller salary raises when compared to men.

9. 88% of Women-Owned Businesses Make Below $100,000 in Revenue Yearly.

The Women Business Enterprise National Council stated that 88% of women entrepreneurs do not earn up to $100,000 as revenue yearly. Just 1.7% of female entrepreneurs exceed a revenue base of $1 million yearly. There is also a high influx of women into leadership positions globally.

10. Barely 13% of Firms in the Construction, Administration Support Services, Industrial, and Waste Management Sectors Are Owned and Operated by Women.

Industries like the construction, waste management, admin support services, and manufacturing sectors have seen more participation of women in recent years. Women are diving into opening new firms in these industries, and many have been successful in business in the first year of operation.

11. 1 in Every 3 Businesses has a Woman as Principal Owner.

Women are achieving quite a good feat in the business world, with one-third of principal owners of businesses comprising females. 1 of every 4 firms in an underdeveloped nation is owned by a woman. Meanwhile, 37% of companies in developed countries are held by women.

Statistics of Male vs Female Entrepreneurs

Male vs Female Entrepreneurs

12. Both Genders have a 32% Likelihood of Starting and Running a Business.

There is no difference in the level of entrepreneurial spirit in men and women. At 32% in both genders, it can be said that both genders have the same zeal for operating a business.

13. Crowdsourcing has a Success Rate of 69.5% in Women Compared to 61.4% in Male Counterparts.

Crowdsourcing has helped 69.5% of women in establishing a business. It is known as a viable way for women to get access to business financing.

14. An Average of $39,000 and $44,000 in Business Loans Was Obtained by Men and Women in 2020.

Statistics reveal that men are more at an advantage in loan procurement. On average, women needing venture capital received $39,000 compared to their male counterparts’ $44,000. Male entrepreneurs tend to have more access to business funding even when women are known to strive to achieve more profits in business than men. Women entrepreneurs’ revenue in 5 years of business activities is 10% more than the males in the same industry.

15. Women Entrepreneurs Appear More Stressed Out than Business Men.

About 26% of female entrepreneurs reported being more stressed out after starting their own business. This also includes a third of them having sleepless nights over the likelihood of their business failing. Statistics show that women, unlike men, are a bit pessimistic about their business sales growth, profit, and revenue earnings. This has reduced considerably over the years as more women start their businesses.

16. Investors Get 63% More Returns on Investment From Women Entrepreneurs Than From Male Startups.

Women entrepreneurs are known to give higher investment returns than their male counterparts. This has become one of the major reasons investors provide funding to women entrepreneurs.

Colored Women Entrepreneurs Statistics

Colored Women Entrepreneur Statistics

17. Women Entrepreneurs Have the Fastest-Growing Businesses in the United States.

Businesses owned and operated by black females in the United States between 2014 and 2019 increased by 50%. About 2.7 million enterprises in the United States are owned and managed by black women.

18. The United States Census Bureau of Statistics Revealed That the Minority-Owned 18.3% of Businesses Nationwide.

Besides the ownership of 18.3% of businesses by the minority, 19.9% of firms across all industries in the United States are owned by women. Yearly, more black women open small businesses, and Hispanic women closely follow this.

19. African-American Women Own Over 2.5 Million Companies in the United States.

African-American women are far ahead of men of the same race regarding business ownership. They are the only racial group whose business ownership rate surpasses their male counterparts. Black women’s business ownership has continued to increase steadily in recent years.

20. Minority Women’s Participation in Side Hustle Jobs Rises by 65%.

There has been an increase in women engaging in side hustles from 32% to 65%, which is not expected to slow down soon. Women’s side hustles include bookkeeping, customer service, animal care, consultation, beauty salons, and legal services.

The Impact of Covid 19 on Women Entrepreneurs

Impact of Covid 19 on Women Entrepreneurs

The COVID-19 pandemic affected financial well-being, reduced consumer demands, and disrupted women entrepreneurs’ supply chain and employee support system.

21. 70% of Female Entrepreneurs Are Worried About the Survival of Their Businesses Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The SME firms owned by the feminine gender of the society experienced financial crises. Thus, about 70% of these women entrepreneurs are unsure of what the future holds for their firms.

22. The Canadian Administration Provided $15 Million to Support Female Entrepreneurs Whose Firms Were Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The subsidy was to boost the goals of (WES), also known as the ‘Women Entrepreneurship Strategy.’ The government aims to assist female entrepreneurs in remaining in business during the epidemics.

23. Of 100% of Firms Running in Saudi Arabia, 33% Were Initiated by Arabian Women.

The Saudi Arabian women make up 33% of the businesses operating in the state. That is nearly one-third of the firms in operation.

24. Women Are Anticipated to Bring About $18 Trillion in Revenue Out of Everything Attributable to Income in Saudi.

From all indications, the women’s fold is soaring to raise more than what was obtainable, that’s $13 million. Their prediction is to grab a revenue of $18 million within the next years. This deal is anticipated to come from women entrepreneurs within China and India.

25. The COVID-19 Pandemic Crushed the Stance of Company Owners, Especially Organizations Erected by the Feminine Gender, to 13%.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce report, lady inventors foresee a 60% drop in management to 47% all because of COVID-19. The case differs from their male colleagues, who experience only a 5% drop in functionalities.

Women Entrepreneurs Employment Statistics

Women Entrepreneurs Employment Statistics 

26. Female Entrepreneurs have Employed Over 9 Million Workers.

Female entrepreneurs have contributed significantly to the labor market. Over 9 million people have been employed by female entrepreneurs, making up about 8% of private sector employment. Combined with their male counterparts’ contribution, it adds up to 14% of private sector employment. This shows that women are contributing significantly to employment.

27. Colored Skin Women Entrepreneurs Provide 2,230,600 Jobs.

Colored women entrepreneurs have been able to provide over 2 million jobs. Female entrepreneurs generated $386.6 billion in revenue from their business. Meanwhile, African and Hispanic American women run the fastest-growing companies in the United States.

28. 22% of Female Entrepreneurs Seek Financing to Expand and Engage New Workers.

Most women will rather seek funding when they need to start a new line of business or expand their existing business. This is, however, not the case with men, as they are more likely to seek funding to implement a business idea. Female entrepreneurs often use these finances to employ more workers, refinance loans, and purchase work equipment.


The adage that says men solely control the business world is gradually changing with the increased presence of women in business. Many women have been successful in business due to their tenacity and drive for success. Women in China, black America, Hispanics, India, and other parts of the world are rising above the challenges in the business world. They have helped many people find employment and are generating income for families. The future is bright as more women undertake the journey of entrepreneurship globally. 


How many businesses do women entrepreneurs own?

What country has the highest number of successful female entrepreneurs?

What challenges do women entrepreneurs face?


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65+ Inspiring Singtel Statistics and Facts in 2023 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 15:13:44 +0000 Key Singtel Facts and Statistics

In This Guide Key Singtel Statistics and Facts for 2023 Singtel 2023 Market Share Statistics 2023 Singtel Usage, Revenue, and Employment Statistics Statistics of Singtel Net Profit in the 2023...

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Key Singtel Facts and Statistics

Singtel has connected Singaporeans for over 140 years, evolving from the island’s first telephone exchange to a global telecom leader. As one of Singapore’s homegrown success stories, Singtel powers the digital lives of millions across Asia and Australia. The Singapore Telecom Company owns 32.15% of Bharti Airtel, the second-largest mobile operator in India. Singtel enables possibilities beyond mobile networks and broadband through technologies like AI, IoT, and more. Singtel’s innovation and passion drive the telecommunication giant today.

From pioneering nationwide 4G coverage to partnering with Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative, Singtel has made communication accessible and reliable for individuals and enterprises alike.

As communication advances to the next frontier, like 5G, one thing remains constant – Singtel’s commitment to enabling a brighter, more inclusive digital future. Singtel and the broader telecom landscape always have exciting developments. Join us as we explore fascinating Singtel statistics, facts, and trends shaping the world of tomorrow.

Singtel Statistics

Key Singtel Statistics and Facts for 2023

1. Singtel had a former name that people knew it for. That name was Telecommunications Equipment until 1995, when it changed.

2. After it emerged in 1879, it became Singapore’s leading national telecommunications company.

3. Singtel offers many other products and services besides the regular phone networks. They include Internet Service Provider (ISP) services and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). 

4. Singtel TV was the section in charge of the IPTV services.

5. The price at which Singtel got Optus in March 2001 was nearly $8 billion.

6. The predominant owner of Singtel is Temasek Holdings. This connection shows the extensive investment arm of the Singapore government. Also, it projects a partly nationalized status.

7. Singtel sold sixty percent of its majority stake in Singapore Post (SingPost) in 2003. It took place via an IPO to redirect its focus towards telecommunications.

8. Telstra statistics show that Singtel owns 100% of Optus, even though it poses a rival.

9. The telecom company invested $321 million in the mobile ad company Amobee. This record dates back to March 2012.

10. In November 2011, Singtel introduced the first eBook provider in Singapore. This tool was Skoob and lasted only three years (2011 – 2013).

11. Singtel’s overseas operations rewarded it with a massive 70% profit in 2021.

12. The Singtel Group grew significantly in 2021, recording an operating revenue of $15.644 billion in the same year.

13. Singapore is reported to have a very high data usage, with an average of 71.38 petabytes used monthly, according to a report for quarter one of 2022.

Singtel 2023 Market Share Statistics

Singtel 2023 Market Share Statistics

14. Singtel owns a substantial stake (32.15%) in India’s second-largest mobile network carrier, Bharti Airtel.

15. Singtel has been pulling massive weight in Australia and Singapore, owning an 82% fixed-line market share and a 47% mobile market share. 

16. Singtel also completely owns Australia’s second-largest telecom operator, Optus.

17. Its market share in Singapore’s broadband services sector is 43%. 

18. On the Singapore Exchange, Singtel is the second-largest company by market capitalization

19. Singtel previously tried to expand into Pakistan by acquiring a 30% stake in Warid Telecom in 2008, but due to significant losses, they decided to sell their shares in 2013.

2023 Singtel Usage, Revenue, and Employment Statistics

Usage, Revenue, and Employment Stats

20. Singtel had 4.1 million subscribers as of 2017, and through its subsidiaries, the number of Singtel subscribers is over 744 million in 21 countries.

21. The company’s total 5G customer base reached over 760 thousand users in the financial year 2023.

22. On average, Singapore consumes 71.39 petabytes of data monthly, as recorded in Q1 of 2022.

23. Singtel’s mobile business is boosting its market share through superior 5G experience in quality and coverage and value-based differentiation of partnership.

24. The firm’s Revenue comes from quality acquisition and expanded 5G adoption and coverage.

25. Singtel increased its revenue by expanding service coverage and potential growth in broadband penetration and home pass rate.

26. Its Group Consumer is the highest earner, accounting for 61.3% of Singtel’s Revenue, and oversees mobile, broadband, voice data, paid TV, and more.

27. In 2021, it recorded an operating Revenue of $15.644 billion.

28. Singtel’s underlying net profit was up 7% to S$2.05 billion in the 2023 fiscal year.

29. The company’s prepaid numbers grew 2.7% to 1.4 million, and ARPU fell 1.5% to SGD13. Monthly data consumption rose 19.2% to 10GB.

30. Singtel’s post-paid subscribers increased by 2.5% to 2.9 million, with ARPU rising 12.6% to SGD33.

31. Its enterprise operating revenue rose 1.6% to SGD1.3 billion, with notable gains in cybersecurity offset and managed services by weakness in data, internet, and voice.

32. In 2022, Singtel had 22,000 employees, with about 12,000 working in Singapore, 7,200 in Australia, and a few hundred in various other international locations. 

33. The company’s workforce consists of an average of 33.5% women and the remaining 66.5% men, with women making up 32% of top executives and 28% of all executives within the Singtel Group.

Statistics of Singtel Net Profit in the 2023 Financial Year

Net Profit in the 2023 Financial Year

34. According to Singtel’s latest financial reports, the net profit for the full year of FY23 was $2.23 billion, up 14% from the previous year.

35. The net profit for the first half of FY23 was S$1.17 billion, a 23% increase from the previous year.

36. However, the net profit for the third quarter of FY23 dropped by 28% to S$532 million.

37. Despite this, Singtel maintains a robust financial standing, with net debt reducing from $10.1 billion in 2022 to S$8.3 billion. It uses the cash generated from capital recycling to reduce gearing.

38. Singtel is committed to increasing its capital to enable expansion through investments and maintain financial flexibility with investment-grade credit ratings.

Singtel Stock Statistics

Singtel Stock Statistics

39. Singtel is currently projected to have an average price target of S$2.97, with a high estimate of S$3.20 and a low estimate of S$2.68. 

40. In the fiscal year 2023, Singtel’s net profit increased by 14% to reach S$2.23 billion

41. During the fiscal year 2021, there were 16.5 billion shares outstanding for Singtel. 

42. Earnings per share for Singtel stock in 2021 stood at 10.59 Singaporean cents

43. Most Singtel shares, amounting to 51.8%, are owned by Temasek Holdings

44. The number of Singtel shareholders has remained relatively constant at around 338,610 from 2015 to 2021.

45. Regarding financial performance, Singtel demonstrated a return on assets (ROA) of 4.01% in 2022 and a return on equity (ROE) of 7.28% in the same year. 

46. Over the fiscal year spanning 2021-2022, Singtel’s stock prices reached a high of S$2.88 and a low of S$2.31. 

47. Singtel was first listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) on November 1, 1993, with the initial public offering (IPO) involving 11% of Singtel shares, while Temasek Holdings, the investment arm of the Singaporean government, held the remainder.

Important Facts You Should Know About Singtel

Important Facts You Should Know

48. Singtel offers various telecommunications services, including mobile networks, VoIP, ISP, and IPTV. It was established in 1879.

49. Singtel holds a 32.15% stake in India’s second-largest mobile network carrier, Bharti Airtel.

50. Singtel has a significant presence in Australia and Singapore. It controls approximately 82% of the fixed-line market in both countries.

51. The company has a subsidiary called Singtel Innov8, which invests in innovative companies worldwide. 

52. As of 2022, Singtel Innov8 had invested in 28 companies.

53. Singtel led a covert negative social media campaign against its two major competitors, M1 and Starhub.

54. The company owns a 100% stake in Optus, the second-largest telecommunications company in Australia. It has a 31% stake in Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecom company. 

55. It has partnered with several Asian firms, including Telkomsel in Indonesia, Globe in the Philippines, AIS in Thailand, and Citycell in Bangladesh.

56. While Singtel had many successful offshore investors, it did not succeed in Pakistan. It recorded a massive loss when it acquired a 30% stake in Warid Telecom, Pakistan’s fourth-largest mobile operator, in 2008. But in 2013, Singtel exited the investment.

57. Most of Singtel’s profits are from its international operations. As of 2022, at least 70% of its revenue will be generated outside Singapore.

58. Singtel offers IT solutions through its Group Digital Life business unit, which offers video streaming, digital marketing, and data analytics.

59. Singtel has received several accolades, one being voted Best Mobile Operator. It also won the Best Provider of Mobile and Fibre Broadband Services.

60. Singtel has a long history dating back over 140 years. It played a significant role in the growth of Singapore’s telecommunications services. It celebrated the centennial of telephone services in Singapore in 1979.

Some Notable Singtel Acquisitions

Some Notable Singtel Acquisitions

61. Singtel went global in the 1990s and became a regional multinational corporation. Its growth was driven by the deregulation of the global telecom market in the 1980s.

62. Despite its many challenges, including various allegations and lawsuits, Singtel continues to record notable growth. The company has continuously recorded massive profits and aggressively expanded its international market presence.

63. Trustwave: In 2015, Singtel made a significant acquisition move. It acquired Trustwave, a US-based cybersecurity firm, for $810 million. This marked Singtel’s largest offshore investment outside the telecoms sector.

64. Hivint: In 2018, Singtel acquired the Australian cybersecurity consulting firm Hivint for $16.5 million, further strengthening its presence in the cybersecurity domain.

65. Amobee: In 2012, Singtel ventured into the mobile advertising sector by acquiring Amobee for $321 million, expanding its portfolio of services.

66. Optus: Optus, the second-largest telecommunications company in Australia, is 100% owned by Singtel. This acquisition has contributed substantially to Singtel’s international presence.

67. Singtel has a 31% ownership stake in Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecommunications company. This marks one of its strategic investments in key global markets.

68. Its investments in other firms: Singtel has many investments in other companies, including Bank Fama and Mapped, and it has a joint venture with AIS and SK Telecom. These are part of the company’s broader strategy to engage with and support innovative companies.

69. Singtel Innov8: This company is a subsidiary of Singtel and is at the forefront of identifying and investing in innovative companies worldwide. 

70. This subsidiary focuses on identifying and supporting cutting-edge technologies and startups to enhance Singtel’s offerings and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


Singtel has maintained a steady growth since the onset. Despite the extreme global economic conditions, its stock price in 2023 has remained relatively stable. It has acquired a modest increase in net profit and maintains a significant ownership stake under Temasek Holdings.

Singtel offers many other products and services besides the regular phone networks. These include Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services. Millions of data and statistics about Singtel are interesting to explore. However, the above statistics should give you a comprehensive insight into Singtel and its impact on Singapore’s economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Singtel?

What services does Singtel offer?

Where was Singtel first listed on?

How long has Singtel been in business?

What is Singtel OnePass?

What percentage of people use Singtel?

What is Singtel’s presence in other countries?


The post 65+ Inspiring Singtel Statistics and Facts in 2023 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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80+ Stunning Oracle Statistics and Facts in 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:30:03 +0000 Oracle Corporation Key Statistics for 2023

In This Guide Oracle Corporation Key Statistics for 2023 What You Ought to Know About Oracle; 2023 Facts and Stats Oracle Stock Price Statistics Oracle Corporation Market Share Statistics for...

The post 80+ Stunning Oracle Statistics and Facts in 2023 appeared first on The Tech Report.

Oracle Corporation Key Statistics for 2023

Think fast – name a software company that shapes the technologies we use every day. Microsoft comes to mind first. But what about Oracle? Even if the name doesn’t autofill for you like Excel formulas, this database giant’s imprint touches countless cogs driving the tech revolution.

Did you know Oracle alone brings over $40 billion in yearly revenues? Or that they snag more than half of the entire database pie out there, hungry to gobble up more? Few can imagine impressive stats for a brand without that iconic red logo. But their reach stretches farther as they power everything from convenience store checkouts to major cloud infrastructure projects.

Intrigued yet? Well, buckle up for more mind-blowing Oracle facts as we unravel their story. Accessible explanations will show how and why this behind-the-scenes titan dominates. You’ll also see their big bets for 2023 as they continue evolving to subsist in the digital future they fuel.

Oracle Corporation Key Statistics for 2023

Oracle Corporation Key Statistics for 2023

  • In 2023, Oracle recorded $8.503 billion as its net income, with a fiscal year gross profit of $36.39 billion.
  • The Corporation recorded $1.3 million as value for its 2023 annual total assets and $1.36 million for the third quarter of 2023.
  • In 2023, the firm disbursed $8.746 billion for expenses on Research and Development.
  • On November 3, 2023, Oracle reported a market cap of $292.758 billion and ranked No. 28 in the NYSE stock market.
  • And in September 2023, their site hit 40.37 million visitors, which signifies a 54.24% bounce rate.

What You Ought to Know About Oracle; 2023 Facts and Stats

2023 Facts and Stats

1. Oracle Corporation is an establishment surfaced through these co-founders, Bob Miner, Ed Oates, and Larry Ellison, in Santa Clara, California, on June 16, 1977.

2. Its current headquarters is in Austin, Texas, United States.

3. The firm started as a Software Laboratories (SDL), but in 1979, it rebranded to Relational Software, Inc. (RSI). The innovators later changed the firm’s identity to Oracle Systems Corporation in 1983, and in 1995, it became Oracle Corporation.

4. 2014 experienced another dimension as Larry Ellison, former CEO, stepped down for Safra Catz.

5. Larry Ellison became the firm’s Chief tech officer (CTO) and Board Chairman.

6. 2002, 2005, and 2006 brought another novel phase as the firm acquired NetForce Inc., Siebel, and PeopleSoft. Then, it enlarged its coast by taking ownership of BEA Systems & Sun Microsystems in 2008 and 2010, respectively.

7. From all indications and global stats, 2018 marked the company’s highest publicity level, featuring 25,000 global partners!

Oracle Stock Price Statistics

Oracle Stock Price Statistics

8. One core fact is that Oracle took a good position in the NASDAQ stock listing and later kicked off on the NYSE stock exchange on July 15, 2013.

9. On November 03, 2023, this firm reported a $292.758 billion market cap with $10 million as its mean trade volume. This positioned it at No. 28 of the trusted firms worldwide.

10. Scholars working on the company’s stock price on November 3, 2023, marveled at seeing an alarming worth of $106.87.

11. Oracle Corporation has not rested as it has been incessantly recording market cap spikes precisely from 2012, 2013, and 2014. The figures were $157.74 billion, $172.07 billion, and $197.47 billion, respectively. 

12. Notably, on November 02, 2023, the rise brought the firm worth to $369.62 billion. According to Yahoo Finance, its profit margin was 18.40%, while its operating margin was 27.63%.

Oracle Corporation Market Share Statistics for 2023

Market Share Statistics

13. Between 1980 and 1987, Oracle observed 2 times in profit growth each year.

14. In 2018, the group had about 430,000 users and had a total number of 17,000 patents. In the same year, the company discovered that its customers come from 175 countries

15. Statistics show that Intel, IBM, Google, and Microsoft are the strong rival companies to Oracle Corporation.

16. In the second quarter of 2021, Oracle Corporation had a 3.6% market share of the entire global cloud computing industry.

Oracle Usage Statistics and Facts for 2023

Oracle Usage Statistics

17. One of Oracle’s cloud services, Supply Chain Management, is used by over 10,000 organizations.

18. It was observed that the company’s users surpassed 70 million.

19. Oracle Corporation has 100 cloud computing infrastructure services in 45 world regions. This is a noteworthy growth as it once had 80 cloud computing infrastructure services in 34 world regions.

20. It discovered that over 1000 of its customers are government organizations.

21. According to statistics, Oracle’s services are accessed using over 54,000 devices.

22. Researchers discovered that the number of students using Oracle Academy globally exceeded 8 million.

23. The company has recorded over 33 billion processed daily transactions.

24. In 2023, Oracle Corporation had 400 thousands of customers worldwide.

25. From the company’s record, it had obtained data worth over 700 petabytes.

26. The cloud computing software company discovered that it had up to 150 customers from the Utility Industry. Again, Oracle Corporation has about 1000 customers from the hospitality industry, and up to 2,500 customers come from the professional service industry. Moreover, it also noticed that it has about 200 customers from the Pharmaceutical industry.

27. In 2023, statistics reveal that up to 1.5 million developers used Oracle’s cloud-based services.

28. Oracle Corporation is ranked second among the most outstanding software companies.

Oracle Corporation Employees Statistics for 2023

Employees Statistics

29. As of 2021, Oracle had more than 132,000 employees, which will increase to 164,000 in 2023.

30. The company has 32% female and 68% male workers.

31. Out of the entire number of employees at Oracle Corporation, 51% are from the white race. Further, statistics show that 21% of employees at Oracle are Asians, and about 14% of the company’s workforce are Latino or Hispanic.

32. The corporation has 20% of its workers who studied computer sciences as a major in college or university.

33. Oracle Corporation found that 49% of its workforce is minorities, meaning that 51% are from the majority communities.

34. Researchers discovered that about 69% of Oracle’s employees have at least a Bachelor’s degree, which is the most common degree its employees have.

35. Statistics reveal that the corporation provided over 7,000 remote jobs globally.

36. Reports reveal that many employees working with Oracle are Democrats in the United States.

37. The average of employees working at the company receive $110,650 as salary in a year.

38. Data shows that Oracle’s employees work for an average of  5 years before planning to quit.

Oracle’s Product Statistics for 2023

Oracle’s Product Statistics

39. In 2021, the cloud product at Oracle Corporation doubled its former adoption level among enterprises.

40. The products Oracle Corporation offers its customers serve several sectors, including retail, communications, utilities, and healthcare.

41. The cloud computing infrastructure at Oracle Corporation can be used for machine learning, data science, blockchain, and MySQL programming.

42. Some of the company’s enterprise applications are Siebel, Ebusiness Suite, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft.

43. In 2006, the American-based software corporation developed a free open-sourced operating system called “Oracle Linux.” 

Oracle Database Security Facts and Statistics for 2023

Database Security Facts

44. According to statistics, Oracle Corporation scored a 4.5/ 5 rating as the corporation with the highest cloud security for database systems.

45. The company developed its Autonomous Database Cloud System to feature a self-patching ability.

Oracle’s 2023 Facts and Statistics on Revenue and Expenses

Oracle’s 2023 Facts and Statistics on Revenue and Expenses 

46. In 2023, Oracle Corporation had a yearly revenue of $49.954 billion, 17.7% up from what it recorded in 2022.

47. Also, in 2022, it had an increase in its annual revenues by generating $42.44 billion, which represents a 4.874% growth from 2022. Moreover, in 2021, the corporation also grew 3.61% from what it recorded in 2020 as its yearly generated revenue. 

48. In the third quarter of 2023, the company realized that 51% of its revenue came from Oracle Cloud service.

49. Oracle’s 12-month year-over-year revenue, which ended in August 2023, was close to $12.6 billion, marking an 8.8% rise from 2022.

50. In 1989, 9 years after the company was established, the founders conducted an initial public offering (IPO) and raised $55 million.

51. In the past 10 years, the company’s fiscal year annual revenue has grown significantly from 22 billion to 49.95 billion in 2023.

52. However, in 2023, Oracle Corporation recorded $8.6 billion spent on Research and Development Units. This value is a slight increment from the $6.5 billion it spent in 2021 on the same course.

53. Notably, the corporation’s outstanding business units, the licensing, and the cloud services prompted Oracle to spend $8.746 billion on Research and development in 2023.

54. The company recorded more than $110 billion in total expenses on over 150 acquisitions since its inception.

55. According to reports, Oracle Corporation has spent over $72 billion on its Research and Development Unit since the 2012 fiscal year.

Oracle’s Net Income Statistics for 2023 

Net Income Stats for 2023 

56. In 2023, the American-based enterprise software company realized $8.503 billion in net income, marking a rise of 26.59% from the value in 2022.

57. The company’s yearly net income in 2022 was $6.717 billion. This was a drop of 51.13% from what it had in 2021.

58. In 2021, Oracle Corporation recorded $13.746 billion in annual net income. This was an increase of 35.63% from 2020. 

59. In August 2023, the company recorded $2.420 billion as its net income in its year-over-year quarter ending, marking a growth of 56.33% from 2022.

60. Still, in 2023, the enterprise cloud computing company had a net income of $9.375 billion for its 12-month year-over-year period. The value represented an increase of 61.42% above what it recorded in 2022.

Fiscal Year Gross Profit and Net Income Statistics on Oracle Corporation

Fiscal Year Gross Profit and Net Income Stats61. According to Stock Analysis, the company recorded $36.39 billion gross profit in the 2023 fiscal year, marking an 8% increase from 2022.

62. Moreover, Oracle Corporation also rose in its gross profit, recording $33.56 billion in 2022 against the value it realized in 2021.

63. Oracle Corporation had $8.5 billion net income for the 2023 fiscal year and $6.72 billion for the 2022 fiscal year. The net income for this current fiscal year is higher than that recorded in 2022 by 26.59%.

64. The company had a net income of $13.75 billion in 2021, above the $10.14 billion net income it recorded in the 2020 fiscal year. With this positive change in value, Oracle Corporation recorded a 35.63% growth in its net income for the 2021 fiscal year.

Oracle Annual and Quarterly Total Assets Statistics

Oracle Annual and Quarterly Total Assets

65. According to Macrotrends, Oracle has annual total assets worth $1.3 million in 2023 and $1.09 million in 2022.

66. In 2021, the company’s yearly total assets had a value of $1.31 million, surpassing the $1.15 million it had in 2020.

67. From Statistics, we noticed that the value of Oracle’s total assets reached $1 million for the first time in 2015.

68. Oracle has recorded growth in the value of its quarterly total assets from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the third quarter of 2023.

69. In the first quarter of 2023, the company’s total assets were worth $1.31 million, above the $1.28 million it had in the fourth quarter of 2022.

70. For the second quarter of 2023, Oracle’s total assets value was $1.34 million, resulting in a 2.3% increase above its worth in the first quarter.

71. Moreover, in the third quarter of 2023, the company had $1.36 million as the value of its total assets against the $1.34 million it recorded in the second quarter of 2023.

Oracle’s Website Facts and Statistics for 2023

Website Facts and Stats

72. Oracle’s website had a global ranking of No. 2,606 in September 2023.

73. The company’s website also ranked No. 1,357 among all websites in the U.S. in the same month.

74. According to Semrush, a web traffic analytical tool, Oracle’s website had 40.37 million visits in September 2023.

75. In the same period, the company’s website had an average of 16 minutes and 3 seconds visit duration, 54.24% bounce rate, and 2.83 pages viewed per visit.

76. Semrush also shows that total traffic to Oracle’s website for July and August 2023 was 43.37 million and 30.09 million, respectively.

77. As of September 2023, Oracle’s website got the highest traffic from the United States of America. Oracle’s web traffic from the U.S. amounted to 37.64% of that month’s web visitors. Again, 56.91% of the total web visits from the U.S. Oracle’s website came from desktop devices, and the remaining 43.09% came from smartphones.

78. Semrush said Oracle’s website received 14.82 million web visitors from organic search and 161.55 thousand from paid traffic in September 2023.

Additional Statistics and Facts on Oracle Corporation

Additional Stats and Facts

79. Oracle Corporation has 20,000 partners in most parts of the world.

80. The company’s employees working as customer service specialists and those working as customer support attendants amounted to 18,000. Remarkably, data showed that these workers speak up to 29 languages.

81. Oracle Corporation has 30,000 of its employees working as implementation consultants

82. Statistics show that Oracle incorporated grid computing into its systems in 2003.

83. Oracle Corporation almost failed, reaching bankruptcy due to lawsuits and its legal decision against Google in 2010.


Despite several challenges, Oracle Corporation has proven resilience in the computer software and cloud computing market. Remarkably, the company’s efforts helped it to occupy the second position in the global list of most outstanding companies. The company recorded gross profits and net income growth in the 2023 fiscal year. If Oracle Corporation continues to improve its services and products, it could attract more customers and investors in the coming year.


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The post 80+ Stunning Oracle Statistics and Facts in 2023 appeared first on The Tech Report.

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